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14 March 2025
Name: | EL CORPORATION LIMITED (EIM) | |||||||||||||||
Date of Listing: | 22 November 1984 | |||||||||||||||
Date of Delisting: | 29 August 2014 | |||||||||||||||
Former Names: |
Stock Exchange Status:
This entity was delisted from the Australian Securities Exchange on 29 August 2014.Legal Status:
ACN: 002 737 733ABN: 41 002 737 733
Registration Date: 28 March 1984
Deregistration Date: 25 August 2016
Capital Gains Tax (CGT) Status:
This entity was deregistered on 25 August 2016. Deregistration is a Capital Gains Tax Event. In our opinion you are entitled to crystallise any capital loss in the tax year that deregistration occurs providing you have not previously done so. If you did not crystallise your loss in the tax year the entity was deregistered, you may seek to re-open that year’s assessment but anyway should seek professional advice as to how best to proceed.
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Further information: deListed and InvestoGain are operated by Investogain Pty Limited which is licensed by ASIC as an Australian Financial Services Licensee (AFSL 334036). deListed acquires only securities that it deems to be of little or no value, in circumstances where the holder is unable to sell their securities on-market in the normal manner. This service has been provided online via the company’s website since 2004.
Getting advice: Information provided in this section is of a general nature and applicable only to Australian tax residents who hold their investments on capital account (ie for long-term investment purposes). It has been prepared without taking into account your financial needs or tax situation. Before acting on the information, deListed suggests that you consider whether it is appropriate for your circumstances and recommends that you seek independent legal, financial, or taxation advice.
Disclaimer: The information provided above is to the best of our knowledge accurate as of today. But you should bear in mind that it is of a general nature and does not constitute financial or tax advice. Investogain Pty Limited accepts no liability for any loss arising from reliance on this information, including reliance on information that is no longer current.
Company | FROM | TO |
DATAMATIC HOLDINGS LIMITED | 26/04/1990 | 18/01/2000 |
DATAMATIC NORTHROP LIMITED | 02/07/1987 | 26/04/1990 |
Boardroom Pty Ltd
Level 8, 210 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000
Tel : +61 2 9290 9600 or 1300 737 760
Fax : +61 2 9279 0664 or 1300 653 459
RegistryWebsite RegistryEmail
company deregistered today | 25/08/2016 |
delisted as it failed to pay its annual listing fees by close of business on Friday 22 August 2014 | 29/08/2014 |
we understand this failed company was delisted because it did not pay its annual listing fees | 29/08/2014 |
Under listing rule 17.6, any entity (if not already suspended) that had not paid its annual listing fees by close of business on Friday 22 August 2014 is to be suspended from official quotation before the commencement of trading on Monday 25 August 2014. The company has not paid its annual listing fees in respect of the year ending 30 June 2015 but is already suspended from official quotation. In accordance with listing rule 16.5, entities that pay their annual listing fees on or after 22 August 2014 must pay by bank cheque only. Under listing rule 17.15, any entity that has not paid its annual listing fees as required by listing rule 16.5 by 5.00 pm EST on Friday 29 August 2014 will be removed from the official list with effect from the close of trading on Friday 29 August 2014. | 25/08/2014 |
the Annual general meeting of the Shareholders will be held at 3.00pm (EST) on 30 May 2014 at: EL Corporation Limited Level 18 99 Mount Street NORTH SYDNEY NSW | 29/04/2014 |
releases Half Yearly Report and Accounts | 30/08/2013 |
On 14 March, the Company announced that under a settlement agreement Summit Light Ventures Ltd shall pay the sum of AUD$750,000 in cash to EL Corporation as full and final settlement of all claims and rights that EL Corporation or the Steven Shilkin, the Vendor, has or may have against each other arising out of the agreement to acquire the Birthday Mine. On the 28 May, the Company announced that Summit Light Ventures Ltd has experienced a delay in their settlement with the Vendor, and that the settlement was expected to take place by the end of April 2013. The Company understands that the Vendor has not been able to complete the agreement with Summit Light Ventures Ltd and as such, the settlement date has been further extended. Negotiations between the Vendor and Summit Light Ventures Ltd are in progress and the Company will announce any development in the situation and as soon as possible. | 06/05/2013 |
releases Full Year Statutory Accounts | 28/03/2013 |
The cash payment of $750,000 due to the Company by Summit Light Ventures Ltd in relation to the terminated acquisition of the Birthday Mine was due 20 March 2013. The Company advises that Summit Light Ventures Ltd has experienced a delay in their settlement with Steven Shilkin, the Vendor. The Company has been advised that the settlement is now expected to take place by the end April 2013. The payment of $750,000 to the Company shall then take place accordingly | 28/03/2013 |
On 26 February 2013, Summit Light Ventures Ltd, entered into a written Sale and Purchase Agreement with the Vendor to purchase the Birthday Mine, with a settlement date of 20 March 2013. Pursuant to the Sale and Purchase Agreement, Summit Light Ventures Ltd has procured a Settlement Agreement between EL Corporation and the Vendor. Under the Settlement Agreement, Summit Light Ventures Ltd shall pay the sum of AUD$750,000 in cash to EL Corporation on the Settlement Date (20 March 2013) as full and final settlement of all claims and rights that EL Corporation or the Vendor has or may have against each other arising out of the agreement to acquire the Birthday Mine | 14/03/2013 |
releases Preliminary Final Report | 27/02/2013 |
company responds to ASX queries | 05/11/2012 |
The board of directors of EL Corporation Limited (ASX:EIM) wishes to advise that the general offer of securities (made pursuant to a Prospectus dated 1 August 2012), will close undersubscribed at 5pm 21 September 2012. EL Corporation Limited has not raised the minimum subscription under the Prospectus and is therefore unable to meet the conditions required for re-admission of its securities to Official Quotation on ASX. In accordance with the requirements of the Corporations Act, EL Corporation Limited will not issue any securities and will repay all application monies received under the Prospectus, without interest - As a result of the capital raising under the Prospectus being unsuccessful, a key condition precedent for the acquisition of the Birthday Mine (namely, that EL Corporation Limited successfully re-complies with chapters 1 and 2 of the ASX Listing Rules) cannot be satisfied. The condition precedent is not capable of waiver by the parties. Accordingly, EL Corporation Limited will not proceed with the acquisition of the Birthday Mine and the acquisition agreement will terminate in accordance with its terms. EL Corporation Limited will seek to recover the deposits advanced to the vendor | 21/09/2012 |
EL Corporation (ASX:EIM) advises that in relation to the indicative timetable set out in section 3.6 of the Prospectus lodged with the ASX on 1 August 2012, the board of directors has resolved to extend the closing date of the offer to 21 September 2012 | 14/09/2012 |
we understand that on or about this date the company consolidated its shares 1 for 4 | 26/06/2012 |
eleven resolutions contained within the Notice of Meeting were put to shareholders today at the Company" AGM - all resolutions were carried. Resolutions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 11 via a show of hands and resolution 10 via a poll | 25/06/2012 |
The securities of EL Corporation Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from quotation immediately, following shareholders's approval under Listing Rule 11.1.2 to change the Company" activities to mineral exploration. The Company" securities will remain suspended pending its compliance with Chapters 1 and 2 of the Listing Rules in accordance with Listing Rule 11.1.3. Security Code: EIM | 22/06/2012 |
the suspension of trading in the securities of EL Corporation Limited (the "Company") will be lifted immediately, following the Company's announcement in relation to the proposed acquisition of a mining operation in Western Australia (the "Proposed Acquisition") | 31/10/2011 |
the securities of EL Corporation Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from quotation immediately, following the announcement that the Company has entered into a conditional heads of agreement proposing to acquire a mining operation in Western Australia | 21/09/2011 |
the suspension of trading in the securities of El Corporation Limited (the "Company") will be lifted from the commencement of trading on Thursday, 15 April 2010, in accordance with listing rule 17.8, following the lodgement of the Company's Full Year Accounts for the period ended 31 December 2009 | 14/04/2010 |
releases Annual Report - Year ended 31 December 2009 | 12/04/2010 |
securities suspended from quotation following failure to lodge financial reports | 01/04/2010 |
name changed from ACMA Engineering & Construction Group Limited | 23/12/2009 |
company deregistered today | 25/08/2016 |
delisted as it failed to pay its annual listing fees by close of business on Friday 22 August 2014 | 29/08/2014 |
we understand this failed company was delisted because it did not pay its annual listing fees | 29/08/2014 |
Under listing rule 17.6, any entity (if not already suspended) that had not paid its annual listing fees by close of business on Friday 22 August 2014 is to be suspended from official quotation before the commencement of trading on Monday 25 August 2014. The company has not paid its annual listing fees in respect of the year ending 30 June 2015 but is already suspended from official quotation. In accordance with listing rule 16.5, entities that pay their annual listing fees on or after 22 August 2014 must pay by bank cheque only. Under listing rule 17.15, any entity that has not paid its annual listing fees as required by listing rule 16.5 by 5.00 pm EST on Friday 29 August 2014 will be removed from the official list with effect from the close of trading on Friday 29 August 2014. | 25/08/2014 |
the Annual general meeting of the Shareholders will be held at 3.00pm (EST) on 30 May 2014 at: EL Corporation Limited Level 18 99 Mount Street NORTH SYDNEY NSW | 29/04/2014 |
releases Half Yearly Report and Accounts | 30/08/2013 |
On 14 March, the Company announced that under a settlement agreement Summit Light Ventures Ltd shall pay the sum of AUD$750,000 in cash to EL Corporation as full and final settlement of all claims and rights that EL Corporation or the Steven Shilkin, the Vendor, has or may have against each other arising out of the agreement to acquire the Birthday Mine. On the 28 May, the Company announced that Summit Light Ventures Ltd has experienced a delay in their settlement with the Vendor, and that the settlement was expected to take place by the end of April 2013. The Company understands that the Vendor has not been able to complete the agreement with Summit Light Ventures Ltd and as such, the settlement date has been further extended. Negotiations between the Vendor and Summit Light Ventures Ltd are in progress and the Company will announce any development in the situation and as soon as possible. | 06/05/2013 |
releases Full Year Statutory Accounts | 28/03/2013 |
The cash payment of $750,000 due to the Company by Summit Light Ventures Ltd in relation to the terminated acquisition of the Birthday Mine was due 20 March 2013. The Company advises that Summit Light Ventures Ltd has experienced a delay in their settlement with Steven Shilkin, the Vendor. The Company has been advised that the settlement is now expected to take place by the end April 2013. The payment of $750,000 to the Company shall then take place accordingly | 28/03/2013 |
On 26 February 2013, Summit Light Ventures Ltd, entered into a written Sale and Purchase Agreement with the Vendor to purchase the Birthday Mine, with a settlement date of 20 March 2013. Pursuant to the Sale and Purchase Agreement, Summit Light Ventures Ltd has procured a Settlement Agreement between EL Corporation and the Vendor. Under the Settlement Agreement, Summit Light Ventures Ltd shall pay the sum of AUD$750,000 in cash to EL Corporation on the Settlement Date (20 March 2013) as full and final settlement of all claims and rights that EL Corporation or the Vendor has or may have against each other arising out of the agreement to acquire the Birthday Mine | 14/03/2013 |
releases Preliminary Final Report | 27/02/2013 |
company responds to ASX queries | 05/11/2012 |
The board of directors of EL Corporation Limited (ASX:EIM) wishes to advise that the general offer of securities (made pursuant to a Prospectus dated 1 August 2012), will close undersubscribed at 5pm 21 September 2012. EL Corporation Limited has not raised the minimum subscription under the Prospectus and is therefore unable to meet the conditions required for re-admission of its securities to Official Quotation on ASX. In accordance with the requirements of the Corporations Act, EL Corporation Limited will not issue any securities and will repay all application monies received under the Prospectus, without interest - As a result of the capital raising under the Prospectus being unsuccessful, a key condition precedent for the acquisition of the Birthday Mine (namely, that EL Corporation Limited successfully re-complies with chapters 1 and 2 of the ASX Listing Rules) cannot be satisfied. The condition precedent is not capable of waiver by the parties. Accordingly, EL Corporation Limited will not proceed with the acquisition of the Birthday Mine and the acquisition agreement will terminate in accordance with its terms. EL Corporation Limited will seek to recover the deposits advanced to the vendor | 21/09/2012 |
EL Corporation (ASX:EIM) advises that in relation to the indicative timetable set out in section 3.6 of the Prospectus lodged with the ASX on 1 August 2012, the board of directors has resolved to extend the closing date of the offer to 21 September 2012 | 14/09/2012 |
we understand that on or about this date the company consolidated its shares 1 for 4 | 26/06/2012 |
eleven resolutions contained within the Notice of Meeting were put to shareholders today at the Company" AGM - all resolutions were carried. Resolutions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 11 via a show of hands and resolution 10 via a poll | 25/06/2012 |
The securities of EL Corporation Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from quotation immediately, following shareholders's approval under Listing Rule 11.1.2 to change the Company" activities to mineral exploration. The Company" securities will remain suspended pending its compliance with Chapters 1 and 2 of the Listing Rules in accordance with Listing Rule 11.1.3. Security Code: EIM | 22/06/2012 |
the suspension of trading in the securities of EL Corporation Limited (the "Company") will be lifted immediately, following the Company's announcement in relation to the proposed acquisition of a mining operation in Western Australia (the "Proposed Acquisition") | 31/10/2011 |
the securities of EL Corporation Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from quotation immediately, following the announcement that the Company has entered into a conditional heads of agreement proposing to acquire a mining operation in Western Australia | 21/09/2011 |
the suspension of trading in the securities of El Corporation Limited (the "Company") will be lifted from the commencement of trading on Thursday, 15 April 2010, in accordance with listing rule 17.8, following the lodgement of the Company's Full Year Accounts for the period ended 31 December 2009 | 14/04/2010 |
releases Annual Report - Year ended 31 December 2009 | 12/04/2010 |
securities suspended from quotation following failure to lodge financial reports | 01/04/2010 |
name changed from ACMA Engineering & Construction Group Limited | 23/12/2009 |
Your browser may reflect a date of printing in American format.
Why is the company still being allowed to operate if they are not in compliance? | 12/06/2019 01:50:51 |
I don’t know if this company has any connection with District Alpha but I Seoul day be interested in finding out | 12/09/2018 04:38:18 |
Sim Quek | Non Exec Chairman | 10/08/1990 |
Hee Chng | Independent Director | 14/02/2012 |
Isaac NG | Non Exec Director | 14/12/2007 |
Yong Wen Wei | Non Exec Director | 02/06/2014 |
Rajen Rai | Non Exec Director | 08/04/1999 |
Wong Kuan Kit | Executive Director, CEO | 02/06/2014 |
Mark Howard-Browne | Director, CFO | 29/11/2010 |
Tom Bloomfield | Company Secretary |
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
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