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Date first listed: 26/03/2001

we have finally been advised by the company that existing shareholders who would have received a share certificate in July 2003 can lodge their certificate with the company share registry in Singapore (Barbinder & Co Pte Ltd, 8 Cross Street, #11-00 PWC Building, Singapore 048424 Attention : Miss Khor Yoke Kean Contact No : (65) 6236-3333) and have a new certificate issued


Electrotech Investments relists on the Singapore Stock Exchange


seeking update since 10 mar 04


so much for the Directors "commitment to continued disclosure through the web site ( and/or appropriate electronic means" after the removal of the company from ASX - absolutely nothing since features on the website - we would like to hear from any shareholder who has received a communication from the company


company is deregistered in Australia


company said that "after considerable deliberation and consultation with appropriate external consultants like accountants, bankers and brokers, your Board has come to the conclusion that it is no longer in the interest of the Company and its shareholders" to remain listed - it gave reasons as a) Negative market sentiment has contributed to very poor liquidity in share trading and the decline of its share price and b) The resulting poor market capitalisation has put undue constraints on the Company's financial capabilities to negotiate more favourable commercial terms and/or to attract better quality investors or partners - the delisting from ASX was approved by shareholders and the Directors made a "commitment to continued disclosure through the web site ( and/or appropriate electronic means" after the removal so that "shareholders are still appropriately kept informed"


delisted at entity's request


name changed from Electrotech Holdings Limited

View ASX Announcements (courtesy of ASX)



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