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Equiticorp Holdings Ltd was placed into statutory management by the New Zealand government in 1989, following the collapse of the Equiticorp International plc group of companies worldwide. If you held shares in Equiticorp International plc (we understand it previously took over Equiticorp Tasman), they have no value.


the Australian Stock Exchange has previously advised that it has received written confirmation from the Liquidator that a distribution to shareholders from this company is either unlikely or will not occur - on this basis and given the time that has elapsed since this company went into liquidation, we believe you may be entitled to realise a capital loss on the worthless shares in the company - but please seek professional advice and read our disclaimer - if you have any questions we suggest you send us a message


delisted due to failure to pay annual listing fee


taken over by Equiticorp International Plc


name changed from Johnson Corporation Limited

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