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company deregistered as of today


a loss declaration has been issued and the capital loss can therefore be claimed in the financial year the declaration is issued


delisted at the entity's request following termination of the Deed of Company Arrangement


creditors have resolved that the Deed of Company Arrangement be terminated and the company wound up - it will be removed from ASX listing on 23 August 2005


there are no developments (the shell of the company is not for sale)


administrators report there is no change from the situation covered by our note of 28 January 2005


administrators advise that the investor who is interested in recapitalising the company is having difficulties obtaining the necessary approvals to facilitate the re-listing - the administrators are working through the issues


administrators confirm, as previously advised, that they have entered into an agreement with a private investor to recapitalise the company - this investor is presently undertaking the necessary steps to facilitate the recapitalisation, and a meeting of shareholders will be held in due course


administrators confirm the shell is not for sale as they have already entered into an agreement with another party - they anticipate a meeting of creditors will be called over the coming week to consider some minor amendments to the DOCA which will allow the shell sale to proceed


administrators advise the Farnell & Thomas shell is "not presently available for sale"


administrators report no further developments at this stage - there is interest in the shell, however actually completing the transaction is proving difficult


there have been no further developments - the administrators are still working with someone with the potential to recapitalize the company, however it is proving to be a time consuming exercise


administrators report that they are still investigating the best method by which the company's capital can be restructured


seeking update


the company has not paid its annual listing fee - it will be removed from the official list on 1 September 2003 if it does not pay the fee by Friday Aug 29


administrators advise they are considering the sale of the shell to persons interested in backdoor listing the entity - they believe that this process will take several months before they know conclusively whether the shell is suitable and if indeed there are any potential candidates willing to proceed with it


prior to consideration of any proposal to regain quotation the administrators have some subsidiaries to liquidate, outstanding insurance claims to resolve and the sale of a parcel of land in Brisbane to be settled


administrator's intention is to facilitate the requotation of the company's shares using the present shell - this should take place early in 2003


business sale agreement completed with Metlcast Pty Ltd for the sale of the assets and the business of Southpac Metals Manufacturing Pty Ltd


creditors resolve to place Southpac Metals Manufacturing Pty Ltd into liquidation and F & T execute a Deed of Company Arrangement


administrator recommends company execute a Deed of Company Arrangement to facilitate the sale of the business and the assets including the listed shell


liquidator of the Australian Cutting Systems group of companies enters into heads of agreement to sell all of the businesses of Australian Cutting Systems


trading operations of the Australian Cutting Systems business in Brooklyn, Victoria closed today due to cash flow problems


company's shares suspended from quotation


M Mentha of Arthur Andersen appointed administrator


we understand that on or about this date the company consolidated its shares 1 for 4

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ASIC records show that Farnell & Thomas Limited was deregistered on 26 August 200723/01/2012 16:42:32
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