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Date first listed: 30/10/2003

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delisted following the completion of compulsory acquisition by Coffey International Limited


we understand Coffey was successful with an offer of $2.63 cash plus 1 Coffey Share for every 19 Farsands shares and an offer of 6 cents cash per Farsands option (the Coffey shares issued to Farsands shareholders were also entitled to a final full year dividend of 7 cents per Coffey share and a special dividend of 2 cents per Coffey Share)


Coffey International Limited announces it has completed the acquisition of all shares in Farsands


Coffey International Limited (Coffey) announces that following the close of its takeover offer for the options in Farsands, it intends to compulsorily acquire all of the options - Coffey further announces that it had acquired 80.16% of Farsands options at the close of the offer


lodges 2005 annual report


Coffey International says it will not increase its offer for the options which is 6 cents per option - the offer is extended to 12 October - on Wednesday October 5th Farsands will be delisted from ASX and trading in the options will no longer be possible


securities to be suspended from quotation at close of business on 5 October


name changed from Farsands Corporation Limited

View ASX Announcements (courtesy of ASX)



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