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26 March 2025
Date of Listing: | 18 December 2006 |
Date of Delisting: | 31 October 2016 |
Stock Exchange Status:
This entity was delisted from the Australian Securities Exchange on 31 October 2016.Legal Status:
ACN: 122 465 990
Registration Date: 10 November 2006
Deregistration Date: 24 September 2018
Capital Gains Tax (CGT) Status:
This entity was deregistered on 24 September 2018. Deregistration is a Capital Gains Tax Event. In our opinion you are entitled to crystallise any capital loss in the tax year that deregistration occurs providing you have not previously done so. If you did not crystallise your loss in the tax year the entity was deregistered, you may seek to re-open that year’s assessment but anyway should seek professional advice as to how best to proceed.
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The Responsible Entity provides the following update on the winding up of GJT. The final distribution paid to GJT unitholders on 31 October 2017 ($0.02 per unit) included the entirety of GJT's Distributable Income for the year ending 30 June 2018 and as such, there are no amounts of Distributable Income remaining in GJT following that final distribution; GJT was terminated on 24 May 2018 and a notice confirming this was issued to unitholders; All units in GJT were cancelled and taken to be redeemed from 24 May 2018; Unitholder statements for the month ended 31 May 2018 have been issued confirming this; A tax distribution statement for the year ended 30 June 2018 will be sent to all investors before the end of September 2018; Any unclaimed money relating to investor distributions has been lodged with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC); Any investor with queries regarding the cancellation of GJT units or any unpaid distributions should contact Link Market Services on the dedicated GJT phone line - 1800 709 446. | 06/06/2018 |
On 24 May 2018, GJT was terminated. Any investor with queries regarding the cancellation of GJT units or any unpaid distributions should contact Link Market Services on 1800 709 446. | 24/05/2018 |
delisted from the close of trading on Monday, 31 October 2016 pursuant to Listing rule 17.11. | 31/10/2016 |
we understand the trust is being wound up, a distribution of $2.61 was made on 28 October, unitholders are to be advised in November 2016 of any possible further distributions | 31/10/2016 |
Further to the announcement on 29 September 2016, Galileo Japan Funds Management Limited, as responsible entity of Galileo Japan Trust today confirmed the initial special distribution of $2.61 per unit has been paid and GJT will delist on 31 October 2016. | 28/10/2016 |
The securities of Galileo Japan Trust will be suspended from quotation at the close of trading today, 5 October 2016 at the request of the Trust, following the announcement of the completion of the sale of the Trust's beneficial interest in the Japanese property portfolio. | 05/10/2016 |
we understand that on or about this date the company consolidated its shares 1 for 50 | 01/02/2011 |
the suspension of trading in the securities of Galileo Japan Trust (the "Trust") will be lifted before the commencement of trading tomorrow, Wednesday 23 September 2009, following lodgement of the Trust's annual accounts for the financial year ended 30 June 2009, and of an announcement in relation to refinancing with its senior lender and a new mezzanine lender | 22/09/2009 |
confirms that a distribution of .025 cents per unit for the six months ended 30 June 2009 was paid today (that is one fortieth of a cent!!) | 31/08/2009 |
the securities of Galileo Japan Trust (the "Trust") will be suspended from quotation immediately, at the request of the Trust, pending an announcement in relation to the refinancing of term sheets with the Trust's senior lender in Japan and a new mezzanine lender, and the status of any amounts which may become due under its forward foreign exchange and cross currency swap obligations | 26/08/2009 |
the suspension of trading in the securities of Galileo Japan Trust (the "Trust") will be lifted immediately, following receipt of an announcement providing details of correspondence received from the Trust's Japenese lender | 02/03/2009 |
the securities of Galileo Japan Trust (the "Trust") will be suspended from quotation immediately, at the request of the Trust, pending an announcement regarding correspondence received from its Japanese lender | 27/02/2009 |
the suspension of trading in the securities of Galileo Japan Trust (the "Trust") will be lifted immediately, following an announcement by the Trust regarding the repayment of the loan amount due on 30 January 2009 from Galileo Japan to its Japanese Bank | 02/02/2009 |
the securities of Galileo Japan Trust (the "Trust") will be suspended from quotation immediately, at the request of the Trust, pending an announcement confirming repayment of the loan amount due on 30 January 2009 from Galileo Japan to its Japanese Bank | 29/01/2009 |
The Responsible Entity provides the following update on the winding up of GJT. The final distribution paid to GJT unitholders on 31 October 2017 ($0.02 per unit) included the entirety of GJT's Distributable Income for the year ending 30 June 2018 and as such, there are no amounts of Distributable Income remaining in GJT following that final distribution; GJT was terminated on 24 May 2018 and a notice confirming this was issued to unitholders; All units in GJT were cancelled and taken to be redeemed from 24 May 2018; Unitholder statements for the month ended 31 May 2018 have been issued confirming this; A tax distribution statement for the year ended 30 June 2018 will be sent to all investors before the end of September 2018; Any unclaimed money relating to investor distributions has been lodged with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC); Any investor with queries regarding the cancellation of GJT units or any unpaid distributions should contact Link Market Services on the dedicated GJT phone line - 1800 709 446. | 06/06/2018 |
On 24 May 2018, GJT was terminated. Any investor with queries regarding the cancellation of GJT units or any unpaid distributions should contact Link Market Services on 1800 709 446. | 24/05/2018 |
delisted from the close of trading on Monday, 31 October 2016 pursuant to Listing rule 17.11. | 31/10/2016 |
we understand the trust is being wound up, a distribution of $2.61 was made on 28 October, unitholders are to be advised in November 2016 of any possible further distributions | 31/10/2016 |
Further to the announcement on 29 September 2016, Galileo Japan Funds Management Limited, as responsible entity of Galileo Japan Trust today confirmed the initial special distribution of $2.61 per unit has been paid and GJT will delist on 31 October 2016. | 28/10/2016 |
The securities of Galileo Japan Trust will be suspended from quotation at the close of trading today, 5 October 2016 at the request of the Trust, following the announcement of the completion of the sale of the Trust's beneficial interest in the Japanese property portfolio. | 05/10/2016 |
we understand that on or about this date the company consolidated its shares 1 for 50 | 01/02/2011 |
the suspension of trading in the securities of Galileo Japan Trust (the "Trust") will be lifted before the commencement of trading tomorrow, Wednesday 23 September 2009, following lodgement of the Trust's annual accounts for the financial year ended 30 June 2009, and of an announcement in relation to refinancing with its senior lender and a new mezzanine lender | 22/09/2009 |
confirms that a distribution of .025 cents per unit for the six months ended 30 June 2009 was paid today (that is one fortieth of a cent!!) | 31/08/2009 |
the securities of Galileo Japan Trust (the "Trust") will be suspended from quotation immediately, at the request of the Trust, pending an announcement in relation to the refinancing of term sheets with the Trust's senior lender in Japan and a new mezzanine lender, and the status of any amounts which may become due under its forward foreign exchange and cross currency swap obligations | 26/08/2009 |
the suspension of trading in the securities of Galileo Japan Trust (the "Trust") will be lifted immediately, following receipt of an announcement providing details of correspondence received from the Trust's Japenese lender | 02/03/2009 |
the securities of Galileo Japan Trust (the "Trust") will be suspended from quotation immediately, at the request of the Trust, pending an announcement regarding correspondence received from its Japanese lender | 27/02/2009 |
the suspension of trading in the securities of Galileo Japan Trust (the "Trust") will be lifted immediately, following an announcement by the Trust regarding the repayment of the loan amount due on 30 January 2009 from Galileo Japan to its Japanese Bank | 02/02/2009 |
the securities of Galileo Japan Trust (the "Trust") will be suspended from quotation immediately, at the request of the Trust, pending an announcement confirming repayment of the loan amount due on 30 January 2009 from Galileo Japan to its Japanese Bank | 29/01/2009 |
Your browser may reflect a date of printing in American format.
28/08/2015 | Frank Zipfinger | On market | 5,000 | $1.700 | $8,500 |
05/11/2014 | Jack Ritch | On market | 11,460 | $1.695 | $19,425 |
29/10/2014 | Frank Zipfinger | On market | 9,000 | $1.680 | $15,120 |
21/11/2013 | Philip Redmond | On market | 4,700 | $1.485 | $6,980 |
18/11/2013 | Jack Ritch | On market | 6,711 | $1.500 | $10,067 |
Jack Ritch | Non Exec Chairman | 18/12/2006 |
Neil Werrett | Managing Director, CEO | 18/12/2006 |
Brett Bradley | CFO | |
Philip Redmond | Non Exec Director | 18/12/2006 |
Frank Zipfinger | Non Exec Director | 18/12/2006 |
Peter Murphy | Executive Director, COO | 18/12/2006 |
Donna Duggan | Company Secretary |
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
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