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Computershare Sydney
6 Hope St Ermington NSW 2115
Tel : +61 (0)3 9415 4000 or 1300 850 505 (within Australia)
Fax : +61 2 8235 8150
RegistryWebsite RegistryEmail

Company details
Address: C/- Barringer Leather Lawyers , Level 5 , 210 Clarence Street , SYDNEY , NSW, AUSTRALIA, 2000
Tel:  (02) 9264 9792 Fax: (02) 9264 9253

Date first listed: 23/05/1997

Sector: Media
Industry Group: XDJ
Activities: Film production and distribution

name changed to Media Group International Limited


at a General Meeting of Shareholders of Harvest Living Limited held today, the Shareholders unanimously approved all of the Resolutions


administrators give Notice of a General Meeting to be held on 27 May 2009 at 9.00am (EST) at Nicols and Brien, Level 2, 350 Kent Street, Sydney, New South Wales - the meeting is to consider the restructuring and recapitalisation of the Company, including the settlement of creditor claims


the company has been unable to secure funding to ensure its ongoing viability and has accordingly been placed into voluntary administration - Stephen Longley, David McEvoy and Timothy Cuming of PriceWaterhouseCoopers have been appointed voluntary administrators of the company


company says it will put up for sale its Roxburgh Park retirement village assets


announces that it has received an unsolicited approach from a well established retirement village operator to explore the possibility of acquiring its Bridgewater Lake Retirement Village assets, in particular the substantial land bank


company announces that it has agreed to acquire an operating nursing home business and 30 pre-1997 bed licences based in Melbourne for up to $1.95 million


advises of Top 20 securityholders


Harvest Living Limited (HLE) today advised that pursuant to a Placement of Securities Agreement between HLE and Araise Group Pty Ltd (Araise), Araise has subscribed to a further 1,000,000 ordinary shares at 0.25 cents per share to raise $250,000


company advised today that HLE has settled the purchase of all the issued shares in Vitality Care Commissioning Pty Ltd (VCC)


company advises that negotiations have recommenced with Vitality Care Group (VCG) for the purchase by HLE of the shares of Vitality Care Commissioning Pty Limited (VCC) and Vitality Care Operations Pty Limited (VCO). VCC and VCO manage and operate the Bridgewater Aged Care Facility, and VCC is the holder of Approved Provider Status accreditation from the Department of Health and Ageing


the Resolutions put to the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company, held in Sydney today were all passed


an Extraordinary General Meeting of the company will be held at the offices of Barringer Leather Lawyers at Level 5, 210 Clarence Street, Sydney at 10.30 am on 28 September, 2007


the company says it is now in the final stages of preparing its prospectus to launch the capital raising that is the final outstanding requirement for the "relisting" of its shares on ASX - the company is taking legal action against Vitality over the Heads of Agreement signed in January to acquire all of the shares in Vitality Care Pty Limited and its sister company, Vitality Care Operations Pty Limited - in response, Vitality Care Operations Pty Limited has commenced an action against Harvest in respect of a debt due to it by Harvest


the Company issues and allots 1,200,000 fully paid ordinary shares (Securities) in the Company at an issue price of $0.25 per share to satisfy the terms of the acquisition agreement with the shareholders of CPA (see below) - the new shares rank equally with existing shares on issue


company announces that it has today acquired all the issued shares in seniors' living company, Care Properties Australia Pty Limited (CPA) - the purchase price paid for CPA is $300,000 in a 100% scrip offer of 1,200,000 HLE ordinary shares valued at $0.25 each


re negotiations for the sale of its major film library - HLE advises that it has exchanged contracts with New York-based film distributor, Screen Media Ventures - the final Asset Purchase Price for this sale was increased to US$390,000, against the original negotiated price of US$375,000 - settlement is expected to take place shortly, with the first installment of 80% to be remitted, followed by the balance of 20% three months thereafter


the resolution put to the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company, held in Sydney yesterday was passed


company provides an updated list of Top 20 shareholders


releases Half Year Report & Half Year Accounts


company advises of a $250,000 private share placement


an extraordinary general meeting of members will be held at the Company's registered office at Level 5, 210 Clarence Street, Sydney, NSW, on Tuesday 15 May 2007 at 11.00 a.m. - the business of the meeting is to authorise a capital raising


the company has signed a binding letter of agreement to enter into formal negotiations for the sale of its library of 28 films to a New York-based buyer for US$375,000


the resolutions put to the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company, held in Sydney today were passed


the company advises that it has received four offers to purchase its film library - the offers have come from companies in the United States of America and Singapore and are in the range of US$200,000 to US$400,000 (AU$ 254,470 to AU$508,940), subject to terms of payment


an Independent Expert's Report regarding the acquisition of the Vitality Care Group is released


company provides notice of an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders to be held at 10.30 am on 2 April 2007 at the offices of Barringer Leather Lawyers at Level 5, 210 Clarence Street, Sydney, New South Wales


company advises of a revised Heads of Agreement for the purchase from Vitality Care Group ("VCG") of a key aged care management business, namely the Bridgewater Aged Care Facility ("BACF") located at Roxburgh Park in Melbourne - as a consequence of the changed ownership of VCG, HLE has entered into a revised Heads of Agreement


releases Top 20 shareholders report


releases its Top 20 shareholders report and advises that resolutions considered at the AGM were passed


releases prospectus and Chairman's Address to Shareholders


provides an updated Top 20 shareholders report


lodges full year accounts and gives notice that the seventh annual general meeting of members will be held at Club Bridgewater, 9 Wedgewood Road, Roxburgh Park, Victoria 3064 on Wednesday 29th November 2006 at 11.00 a.m.


releases top 20 shareholders


company announces that HLE has received acceptances in respect of its takeover for Bridgewater Lake Estate Limited (BLEL) which takes its total interest in BLEL ordinary shares to 97.32% - the Directors are pleased to advise that HLE is entitled to, and will proceed to, compulsory acquisition of the remaining BLEL shareholders who have not accepted the offer


advises that it has settled the acquisition of the 3,000 square metre site adjacent to the Bridgewater Aged Care Facility (BACF) at Roxburgh Park, Victoria


the company has entered into a Deed of Option that gives it the irrevocable option to purchase convertible notes in its current takeover target, Bridgewater Lake Estate Limited (BLEL) - the option period is for 6 months from date of the Deed - the option may be exercised either fully or partially up to and including 21 February 2007


releases Preliminary Final Report & Profit Guidance for 2006/07


Harvest's voting power (as defined in the Corporations Act) in Bridgewater, including the votes attached to shares for which acceptances have been received, is currently 71.57%


cash flow for the month ended 30 July 2006 reflects a deficit at operating level of $145k


the offer (for Bridgewater) period in respect of the Offers has been extended to 7.00pm (Sydney time) on 19 September 2006


releases information about shareholder range and numbers


the offer (for Bridgewater) period in respect of the Offers has been extended to 7.00pm (Sydney time) on 22 August 2006


company announces that it has exchanged contracts to purchase the operating business of the Rowena Private Nursing Home for $1.56 million with settlement to take place on 1st December 2006 - HLE is in discussion with a major Australian bank in relation to fully debt funding the acquisition


the new principal place of business for HLE from the 27th July 2006 will be 6, Wedgewood Road, Roxburgh Park, Victoria 3064 - the registered office of the company remains at Level 5, 210 Clarence Street, Sydney, N.S.W. 2000


Mr Greg Leather, has announced his intention to resign as Chairman effective from Monday 31 July 2006 - Mr Leather will remain on the Board as a non- executive director - Mr Alan Whitehead will take up the role of non-executive Chairman of the Board of Directors, effective Monday 31 July 2006 - Mr Marko Andjelkovic has announced his intention to resign from the Board, effective Thursday, 27 July 2006


the Offer Period in respect of the Offers (for Bridgewater) has been extended to 7.00pm (Sydney time) on 8 August 2006


the offer (for Bridgewater) period is extended to 7pm on 25 July 2006


shares suspended from quotation following an announcement by the Company declaring that its takeover offer for all of the shares in Bridgewater Lake Estate Limited is unconditional


we understand that on or about this date the company consolidated its shares 1 for 7


shares reinstated to quotation


shares suspended from quotation


name changed from Motion Picture Company of Australia Limited

View ASX Announcements (courtesy of ASX)



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    Directors' on-market share transactions (last 5)


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    Directors & Executives (current)
    Greg LeatherChairman
    Jin CUINon Exec Director
    Marko AndjelkovicNon Exec Director
    Karen TripneyExecutive Director
    Alexandra MurphyInvestor Relations
    Bruce DarnellCompany Secretary

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.

    Directors & Executives (former)

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.