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delisted due to failure to pay annual listing fee

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My father has shares in Hastings Exploration N.L $1000. Is there any way I could sell them still. My email:

21/10/2019 14:01:17

I have three share certicates totalling 2000 shares for Hastings Exploration N L. Could you please advise if I can sell them 

07/10/2019 17:26:02

I have a certificate dated 24/04/1970 holding 1000 shares for Hastings Exploration NL could you please advise if I can sell these shares or reinvest.

16/08/2018 14:29:19

Hi can you tell me if the company Hastings Exploration NL is still in opperation

08/08/2017 19:30:33
Please advise if I can sell my shares for Hastings Exploration NL and how to do it. My email is albertlowkl@gmail.com09/03/2014 03:34:46
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