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ASX, Legal & CGT Status
Former (or subsequent) names
VPCL LTD01/10/201824/03/2021
VELPIC LIMITED02/10/201501/10/2018
Shareholder links
Our website ranking of HHI: rating 2
(2 out of 5)


Link Market Services Brisbane
Level 21, 10 Eagle Street Brisbane QLD 4000
Tel : +61 7 3320 2200 or 1300 554 474
Fax : +61 2 9287 0303
RegistryWebsite RegistryEmail

Company details
ISIN: AU000000VPC3
Address: Level 3 101 St Georges Terrace PERTH WA 6000
Tel:  08 6558 0886 Fax: 08 6316 3337

Date first listed: 28/07/2011

Sector: Energy
Industry Group: XEJ
Activities: e learning platform

delisted at entity's request under Listing Rule 17.11


we understand Creso Pharma Limited acquire all of the issued shares in HHI with HHI shareholders receiving 1 Creso Consideration Share and 0.25 Creso Consideration Options for every 2.9 HHI shares held by them


The company releases a notice of application for quotation of securities.


The company releases a notice of proposed issue of securities.


The securities of Health House International Limited will be suspended from quotation at the close of trading on Friday, 5 May 2023 under Listing Rule 17.2, following lodgement of the Supreme Court of Western Australia orders with ASIC approving the scheme of arrangement by which Creso Pharma Limited will acquire all of the issued shares in HHI.


The suspension of trading in the securities of Health House International Limited will be lifted from the commencement of trading on Monday, 13 March 2023 following lodgement of its half-year report and Appendix 4D.


The company lodges its Appendix 4D & FY23 Interim Financial Report.


The entity's securities will be suspended from quotation under Listing Rule 17.5 from the commencement of trading today, Wednesday, 1 March 2023, for not lodging the relevant periodic report by the due date. If the report is lodged between the closure of the market announcements office yesterday and the imposition of the suspension, the entity's securities will normally be reinstated to quotation on the next trading day after the suspension is imposed.


The suspension of trading in the securities of Health House International Limited will be lifted from the commencement of trading on Friday, 23 December 2022 following lodgement of its Annual Report to Shareholders and Appendix 4G.


The company lodges the following: Annual Report to shareholders and Appendix 4G.


The company lodges its Appendix 4C Cash Flow Report.


The company lodges its September 2022 Quarterly Report.


Integration of Health House continues with acquisition to considerably increase revenue. Creso Pharma and Health House International management continue to work towards integration. Funds transferred to relinquish HHI of Zelira debt ahead of acquisition. HHI expected to considerably increase Creso Pharma's revenue profile. Inclusion of HHI's revenue implies a pro forma Creso unaudited last quarter annualized gross revenue (based on 30-Sep-22 quarter) of approximately A$24m (based on Creso revenues and entire quarter of SSH and HHI revenues). Product registration in South Korea underpins international expansion.


Inclusion of HHI's revenue implies a pro forma Creso unaudited last quarter annualized gross revenue (based on 30-Sep-22 quarter) of approximately A$24m (based on Creso revenues and entire quarter of SSH and HHI revenues). Scheme Implementation Deed signed to acquire Health House International for total value of up to approximately $4.6m, based on a Creso share price of A$0.043 per share. Health House is an international pharmaceutical distributor, specialising in the sale and distribution of medicinal cannabis products across Australia and the UK. Provides Creso Pharma with another revenue generating operating division and considerably increases the Company's global footprint. HHI generated $15,644,524 in revenue during FY22 (ending 30-Jun-22) "“ an 85.1% increase on FY2021 (FY2021: $8,449,564) and a 161.6% rise on FY2020 (FY2020:$5,978,940). Cost reduction opportunities across HHI are apparent "“ Health House is expected to benefit from shared group services, allowing for steep reductions in corporate costs in HHI. HHI recently completed the sale of CanPharma, eliminating an underperforming asset and its associated liabilities "“ removes actual and contingent liabilities of ~€2,887,000 (A$4,456,000) from HHI's balance sheet. Additional cross-selling opportunities, including the import of Mernova Medicinal Inc.'s premium cannabis product to Australia to potentially assist in fast tracking cash flow breakeven. Acquisition reiterates Company strategy of assembling a strategic portfolio of businesses and brands that have complementary strengths across manufacturing, processing, formulation, sales and distribution. Management intends to review further M&A opportunities.


Zelira Therapeutics y has agreed with Health House Limited and Creso Pharma Limited for the repayment of the previous working capital facility loan that Zelira had provided to Health House as follows: Creso, on behalf of Health House will make an immediate cash payment of $550,000 to Zelira; and Subject to shareholder approval on or prior to 31 December 2022, Creso agrees to issue to Zelira (or its nominee) that number of Creso Shares equal to $800,000 divided by the closing price of Creso's ordinary shares as traded on ASX the day prior to the Shareholder Meeting. Zelira is pleased advise it has now received an amount of $550,000 under this agreement.


Health House has entered into a scheme implementation deed with Creso Pharma Limited. Creso loan facility increased to $3,400,000.


The company announces the completion of the sale of CanPharma GmbH to Ms Sabine Jacker following the satisfaction of all conditions precedent. The sale of CanPharma removes actual and contingent liabilities of approx. €2,887,000 (AUD$4,456,000) from the Health House group's balance sheet. The sale of CanPharma will have no impact on the arrangement agreed between Health House and Creso Pharma Limited.


The company has executed a binding terms sheet with Ms Sabine Jacker for the sale all of the outstanding common shares of wholly-owned German subsidiary CanPharma GmbH. The sale of CanPharma will have no impact on the arrangement agreed between Health House and Creso Pharma Limited.


The company intends to hold its AGM on 28 November 2022. Any nominations for directors must be received at the company's registered office no later than 5.00pm (Perth time) on 10 October 2022.


The securities of the company will be suspended from Official Quotation in accordance with Listing Rule 17.5 from the commencement of trading today, 3 October 2022, following their failure to lodge the relevant periodic report by the due date.


The suspension of trading in the securities of Health House International Limited will be lifted immediately following the release by HHI of an announcement.


Following execution of the Loan Facility Agreement with Creso Pharma Limited and the Convertible Note, announced on 5 September 2022, the Health House voluntary suspension will be lifted.


Zelira Therapeutics has agreed with Health House to extend the date for repayment of its short-term loan provided by ZLD in February 2022 to 31 October 2022, subject to Health House paying an amount of $400,000 immediately. Zelira has now received an amount of $400,000 from Health House. The balance of the loan, including calculated interest is now repayable by 31 October 2022, pursuant to the terms of the Zelira working capital facility loan agreement announced to the market on February 24, 2022.


The company releases an Appendix 3G.


Creso has significantly advanced its due diligence on the proposed acquisition of Health House. Work to date included an analysis of HHI's revenue base, following HHI's generation of A$15.2m of cash receipts for the 12 months ended 30 June 2022 as well as opportunities to restructure and reduce costs.


Creso has executed a Loan Facility Agreement with Health House, whereby Creso will provide a loan up to A$700,000 to Health House for general corporate purposes and working capital. A material use of proceeds from the Facility will be the drafting and completion of a Scheme Implementation Deed and Independent Expert's report. Creso has provided initial funding of A$500,000 to Health House under the terms of the Loan Facility Agreement.


The company lodges its Appendix 4E Preliminary Final Report.


The Company requests that the voluntary suspension remain in place until the Company makes an announcement to the market in relation to a material capital raising, which it expects to make pre-market on or before Friday, 9 September 2022.


Health House International´s German subsidiary, CanPharma, has signed a supply arrangement to access the cannabis extract, dronabinol. Dronabinol is a formulation of pure-THC, the active ingredient in cannabis, that is widely prescribed in Germany. CanPharma will be able to enter framework agreements with statutory health insurance funds on competitive terms.


The company releases a notice of application for quotation of securities.


The following securities will be release from ASX imposed escrow on 10 August 2022. The Company will apply for quotation of these securities on 11 August 2022. HHI: 5,562,900 fully paid ordinary shares.


The company lodges its June 2022 Quarterly Report.


The company lodges its Appendix 4C Cash Flow Report.


The Company requests that the voluntary suspension remain in place until the Company makes an announcement to the market in relation to a material capital, which it expects to make pre-market on or before Friday, 19 August 2022.


Creso Pharma Limited has signed a non-binding term sheet to acquire Health House International Ltd. The non-binding term sheet is conditional upon completion of satisfactory due diligence on Health House and the parties entering into a formal Scheme Implementation Deed, amongst other standard conditions. The acquisition is proposed to be undertaken by a Scheme of Arrangement pursuant to Part 5.1 of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth).


The company requests that the voluntary suspension of its securities remain in place until the company makes an announcement to the market in relation to a material capital raising, which it expects to make pre-market on or before 20 July 2022.


The company releases a notification regarding unquoted securities.


The company releases a notice of proposed issue of securities.


Health House International and Zelira Therapeutics have agreed to terminate the scheme of arrangement announced on 23 February 2022. Health House to update the market on alternative strategy in due course.


The securities of Health House International Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of HHI, pending the release of an announcement regarding a material capital raising.


The suspension of trading in the securities of Health House International Limited will be lifted from the commencement of trading on Friday, 16 April 2021, following its re-compliance with Chapters 1 and 2 of the ASX Listing Rules


The company releases the following: Health House Holdings - 2019 Accounts, Health House Holdings - 2020 Accounts, Health House Holdings - Interim Accounts 31 Dec 2020, Securities Trading Policy, Pro Forma Statement of Financial Position, Distribution Schedule, Top 20 Holders, Pre-Quotation Disclosure Notice and Copy of Application for Quotation (Appendix 1A).


The company releases a prospectus for the offer of up to 17.5 million shares at an issue price of $0.20 each to raise up to $3,500,000 (before costs).


The company releases the following its Appendix 1A and Information Form and Checklist and Constitution.


The securities of Health House International Limited are expected to be reinstated to Official Quotation at the commencement of trading at 10:04:30am AEST on Friday, 16 April 2021, following its re-compliance with Chapters 1 and 2 of the ASX Listing Rules. HHI raised $3,500,000 pursuant to the offer under its prospectus dated 21 January 2021 ("˜Prospectus') by the issue of 17,500,000 shares at an issue price of $0.20 per share.


The company lodges its Half Year Accounts.


name changed from VPCL Limited

View ASX Announcements (courtesy of ASX)



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    Directors' on-market share transactions (last 5)

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    Purchases Sales

    21/12/2016Russell Francis1,000,000$0.017$17,356
    18/03/2015John LesterOn market100,000$0.020$2,011
    18/03/2015John LesterOn market100,000$0.020$2,011
    22/12/2014John LesterOn market51,000$0.020$1,020
    17/12/2014Hugh DaiOn market340,000$0.021$7,300

    Click here for the last 20 transactions all companies

    Directors & Executives (current)
    David WheelerNon Exec Chairman02/04/2020
    Michael RannNon Exec Director19/03/2021
    Christopher MewsNon Exec Director13/07/2018
    Tim SlateCompany Secretary

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.

    Directors & Executives (former)
    David AttwoodCEO10/08/202119/03/2023
    Henrik SprengelExecutive Director10/08/202116/11/2022
    Leanne GrahamNon Exec Chairman10/10/201519/03/2021
    Justin KlintbergNon Exec Director03/04/201802/04/2020
    Rhonda RobatiExecutive01/01/201717/08/2018
    Russell FrancisCEO22/10/201513/07/2018
    Daniel RohrNon Exec Director10/12/201503/04/2018
    Harry KarelisNon Exec Director19/10/201403/04/2018
    Glen MooraExecutive Director22/10/201525/10/2016
    Patrick ConnellExecutive Director22/10/201525/10/2016
    John LesterNon Exec Chairman08/02/201130/10/2015
    Noel HalgreenNon Exec Director16/11/201222/10/2015
    Hugh DaiExecutive Director, CEO08/02/201122/10/2015
    Glenn SimpsonCEO16/01/201306/06/2014
    David RoundCFO21/11/201101/03/2013

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.