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Perpetual Corporate Trust Limited
123 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW Australia 2000

Company details

Date first listed: 23/01/2012

Sector: N/A

delisted from the close of trading on Thursday, 21 May 2020, at the request of IDJ under Listing Rule 17.11, following the redemption of all remaining notes of IDJ


we understand the trust was delisted following redemption of all remaining notes of the trust (ASX: IDJHA, IDJHC, IDJHD, IDJHE and IDJHF)


The Class A1 Mortgage Backed Pass Through Floating Rate Notes due 18 November 2042, the Class AB Mortgage Backed Pass Through Floating Rate Notes due 18 November 2042, the Class AC Mortgage Backed Pass Through Floating Rate Notes due 18 November 2042, the Class B Mortgage Backed Pass Through Floating Rate Notes due 18 November 2042 and the Class A2-R Mortgage Backed Pass Through Floating Rate Notes due 18 November 2042 (ASX: IDJHA, IDJHC, IDJHD, IDJHE and IDJHF) (the "˜Notes') of IDOL 2011-2 Trust will be suspended at the close of trading today Wednesday, 20 May 2020, in accordance with Listing Rule 17.2, following the redemption of the Notes on 18 May 2020.


The Class A2 Mortgage Backed Fixed Rate Notes maturing 18 November 2042 of IDOL 2011-2 Trust will be suspended from quotation at the close of business today, 11 November 2016, in accordance with listing rule 17.2 pending the maturity of the Notes on 18 November 2016. The Notes will be finally removed from official quotation with effect from Monday, 21 November 2016.


listed entity carried for record purposes only

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