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the company is deregistered


receivers advise they have almost completed their administration - there will be no return to unsecured creditors or to shareholders - Bill Cotter of Knights Insolvency Administration has been appointed Liquidator


receivers are now in the final stages of their administration and retiring as receivers - control of the company will pass to the second secured creditor to whom the receivers have remitted surplus funds - the second secured creditor will incur a significant shortfall based on information available to the receivers and therefore it is highly unlikely that any funds will be available for unsecured creditors or shareholders


a loss declaration has been issued and the capital loss can therefore be claimed in the financial year the declaration is issued


there have been no changes re the status of the company - the receivers are moving to finalise their administration as quickly as possible following settlement of litigation - there will be a large shortfall to the second secured creditor and receivers do not know, at this point, what further action they will take ie. appoint a receiver or liquidator


seeking update


receivers advise the issues are being resolved - there will be no return to shareholders and we have asked the receivers to advise of the possible timing for the company to go into liquidation


receivers advise that all of the physical assets have been realised - the only known other potential recoveries are from debt recovery actions being taken against former clients of ICM - whilst these are potentially significant if successful, current indications are that any amounts recovered will not be sufficient to repay the claims of the secured creditors in full - consequently it is highly unlikely that any funds will be available for distribution to unsecured creditors or shareholders - given that the debt recoveries involve litigation no timetable can be provided for when the receiver will retire - it could be in excess of a further 12 months if the matters are not settled


receivers issue a letter saying there is not likely to be any return to shareholders - but as the outcomes depend on litigation it will be some time before the exact position is known


still realising assets for benefit of secured creditor


suggestion by receivers that control may be returned to directors when their job is completed


further litigation underway


company vacated leased premises in North Ryde


business unable to be sold as a going concern - remaining plant and stock sold by public auction


company delisted


delisted due to failure to pay annual listing fee


business effectively closed prior to appointment of receivers on 23 July 2001


directors request that secured creditor appoints a receiver


RA Ferguson and KW Skinner of Deloittes appointed receivers and managers on behalf of NAB


company's shares suspended from trading

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