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delisted following the implementation of the scheme of arrangement with Aspect Huntley Pty Limited


we understand the company was delisted following a return of surplus capital and the sale of all shares to Aspect Huntley - shareholders received a return of capital of 3.35 cents and also consideration of 4.1 cents in cash for each share they owned - all of the shares were transferred to Aspect Huntley


Mark Cohen and John Caldon have resigned as directors effective from 21 December 2005


we understand that on or about this date the company undertook, proposed to undertake or was the subject of the following corporate action: - Scheme of arrangement by return of surplus cash to shareholders and the sale of all InvestorInfo shares to Aspect Huntley - this corporate event may appear elsewhere in this company record


shares suspended from official quotation following lodgement with ASIC of a court order approving the scheme of arrangement with Aspect Huntley

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