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ASX, Legal & CGT Status
Former (or subsequent) names
ISIGNTHIS LTD25/02/201525/05/2022
OTIS ENERGY LIMITED10/06/201125/02/2015
Shareholder links
Our website ranking of ISX: rating 2
(2 out of 5)


Computershare Melbourne
Yarra Falls, 452 Johnston Street, Abbotsford VIC 3067
Tel : +61 (0)3 9415 4000 or 1300 850 505 (within Australia)
Fax : +61 3 9473 2500
RegistryWebsite RegistryEmail

Company details
ISIN: AU000000ISX0
Address: 456 Victoria Parade East Melbourne, Victoria, 3002
Tel:  +61 3 8640 0990 Fax: +61 3 8640 0953

Date first listed: 07/12/1998

Sector: Software & Services
Industry Group: XIJ
Activities: Oil and Gas Exploration

name changed to Southern Cross Payments Ltd


The company releases the results of its meeting.


The company releases its Corporate Governance Statement.


The company lodges its Quarterly Activities/Appendix 4C Cash Flow Report.


The company will hold its AGM at 4.00 pm AEST on 11 May 2022 through video conference.


The company releases its Corporate Governance Statement.


The company lodges its Annual Report to shareholders.


The company lodges its Appendix 4E and 2021 Financial Statements.


The company lodges its Quarterly Activities/Appendix 4C Cash Flow Report.


The company's subsidiary, iSignthis Australia Pty Ltd, has withdrawn its application for a Purchased Payment Facility from the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority. ISAU commenced the PPF licensing application process in 2018, since which time a number of factors have changed substantially. One such key factor is the civil litigation and damages case brought by ISAU's parent iSignthis Ltd against the publicly traded ASX Ltd. The $462m civil damages case has arisen from the suspension of iSignthis Ltd by the ASX.


The company releases a JobKeeper Payments Notification.


The company releases a notice of filing entitled iSignthis vs ASX Federal Court Claim, ASX Defence, Reply.


The company lodges its Quarterly Activities/Appendix 4C Cash Flow Report.


The demerger of ISX Financial EU Plc is complete. The demerger follows the 98.13% shareholder vote in favour, which excluded major shareholders Select All Enterprise Ltd and Red 5 Solutions Ltd. Shareholders of the Company as at 5pm AEST 18th October 2021 are now shareholders in ISXFEU, based upon 1 share in ISXFEU for every 10 shares held in the Company.


The company releases an Appendix 3A.5.


The company releases the results of its meeting.


Red 5 Solutions Ltd has been excluded from voting at the General Meeting Scheduled for 12th October 2021, and that any votes casts by it, or by an associate of it, in favour of the resolution, (except as otherwise specified in Listing Rule 14.11) will be disregarded.


The company releases a replacement prospectus for an offer to transfer up to 110,079,450 shares in ISX Financial EU to shareholders of iSignthis Limited pursuant to an in-specie distribution via a return of capital on the basis of One (1) ISXFEU Share to be distributed for every Ten (10) shares held in ISX to existing eligible shareholders of ISX,


The company will hold its AGM at at 456 Victoria Parade, East Melbourne VIC 3002 on Tuesday 12 October 2021 at 4.00pm (AEDT). Due to COVID-19 and restricted travel requirements that can be operating at any time, attendee registration will be by weblink below which will be available up to 4.00pm (AEDT) Sunday 10 October 2021. You will need your Security Holder Number (SRN/HIN), name and email address to register.


The company lodges its Half Year Accounts.


ISX to be effectively split into 2 separate entities, owned by same shareholders in same proportions / percentages. Current ISX shareholders would directly own the European operating businesses through ISX Financial EU Ltd (ISXFEU). ISXFEU is likely to seek listing on another securities exchange, to enable shareholders to trade their shares.


The company has amended its Statement of Claim in its Federal Court Proceedings against ASX Limited. ISX has also included additional facts to support its contention that ASX's decision to suspend was an unreasonable exercise of power and made for an improper purpose.


The company lodges its Appendix 4D.


The company releases an application for quotation of securities.


The company lodges its Quarterly Activities/Appendix 4C Cash Flow Report.


iSignthis will change its reporting currency from Australian dollars ($) to Euros (€), commencing with the 1H21 Appendix 4C and the 2021 interim result. The change is driven by the fact that more than 95% of iSignthis's revenue and assets are in Euros. Reporting in Euros will remove the volatility that occurs when European earnings and assets are translated into Australian dollars, which will enable easier comparison of financial performance between periods.


The company releases a notice of application for quotation of securities - ISX.


Consistent with the ISX Group's strategy outlined in the previous announcements of 28th May 2020 and 20th February 2020, the Company's subsidiary ISX Financial EU Ltd ("ISXEU") has taken up the option to participate in the NSX Limited (ASX: NSX) $3.5m capital raise. The ISXEU placement is subject to a successful NSXL shareholders vote. The placement amount applied for by ISXEU was for One Million Dollars (A$1m) at the placement price of $0.14/share, for 7,142,857 shares. At successful completion, the Group will hold approximately 20.018% of the NSXL. The Group can exceed the 20% takeover threshold under Corporations Act s611, item 9. Average acquisition price per share is $0.124 for the Group (inclusive of this placement). The Company also currently maintains its 59.0% interest in the Delivery versus Payment company, ClearPay Pty Ltd, with the NSXL holding 41% interest.


The company releases the results of its meeting.


The company releases the AGM- Managing Director & CFO Report.


The company lodges an Appendix 2A.


The company lodges its Appendix 4C - quarterly.


NSX Limited announces that the Board has appointed Professor Graeme Samuel, AC as a non-executive director effective 27th April 2021. Professor Samuels will also be appointed to the board of ClearPay Pty Ltd, the 41% NSX / 59% iSignthis Ltd (ASX ISX) owned entity, which has been established to bring competition to the Clearing and Settlement sector presently monopolised by the ASX Ltd.


Australian Financial Review has today published an apology of page 2 of its printed edition entitled, Apology to Nickolas John Karantzis. The apology arises from the settlement of Federal Court proceedings taken against the AFR and columnists Joe Aston and Miriam Robin by Mr Karantzis. The company regards the apology as extremely significant, because it has faced adverse public comment arising from the implication of money laundering. At no stage in the court proceedings prior to the settlement did the AFR, Aston or Robin contend that there was truth in an implication of money laundering.


The company will hold its AGM at 2:30 pm AEST on 14 May 2021 at Institute of Chartered Accountants Level 18, Bourke Place, 600 Bourke Street Melbourne VIC 3000.


The company releases an Appendix 3G.


The company releases an Appendix 2A.


The Company refers to its announcement on 7 December 2020 relating to the commencement of proceedings by ASIC. The Company and its Managing Director have filed defences, and ASIC has yesterday file its formal reply. The Company and its Managing Director are confident of their position as set out in their respective defences.


The company releases its Corporate Governance Statement.


The company lodges its Annual Report to shareholders.


ISX is now a Principal Member of Mastercard in three key regions. Licensing extended to include Issuing, Acquiring and MoneySend. Services further complement flykk and ISXPAY offerings in Australia, EEA and now the UK.


The company lodges its Appendix 4E and Financial Statements.


The company lodges its Appendix 2A.


The company lodges its Appendix 4C - quarterly.


The company releases an Appendix 2A.


The company releases an Appendix 3G.


iSignthis Ltd and its Managing Director have received a claim filed by the Australian Securities and Investment Commission in the Federal Court of Australia. The Company notes that the claim is focussed on its disclosures regarding integration agreements executed in the first half of 2018 and the suspension and termination of its commercial arrangement with Visa earlier this year.


ASIC has commenced civil penalty proceedings in the Federal Court against iSignthis Ltd and its managing director and chief executive officer Nickolas John Karantzis - the proceedings allege breaches by iSignthis of its continuous disclosure obligations and allege false and misleading representations under the Corporations Act. In addition, the proceedings also relate to Mr Karantzis' involvement in those alleged breaches by iSignthis, as well as breaches of directors' duties and his failure to take reasonable steps to ensure information that he gave to ASX was not false or misleading.


The company releases an Appendix 3G.


The company lodges an Appendix 4C - quarterly.


In ASX's view, and as advised to ISX, ISX has failed to properly respond to the July Query Letter, the August Query Letter and questions 3a) to d) of the September Query Letter, in each case in breach of Listing Rule 18.7. These breaches of Listing Rule 18.7 will operate as a further impediment to the reinstatement of ISX's securities to quotation on ASX. As a result of ISX's failure to properly respond to the Query Letters, ASX has not been able to satisfy itself that ISX has been complying with the Listing Rules in relation to ISX's disclosures to the market about its relationship with Visa, and in particular Visa's suspension and termination of ISX's participation in the Visa network.


The company lodges its Half Year Accounts.


The Company has applied and been granted by ASIC a further 30 day extension to the half year reporting deadline, subject to the half year report being released on or before 11th November 2020. The ASIC instrument number is 20-0946 dated 13th October 2020.


ASIC made a decision yesterday to administer the listing rules in place of the ASX.


The company's wholly owned UK subsidiary was approved as an Authorised Electronic Money Institution by the UK's Financial Conduct Authority under the Electronic Money Regulations 2011. AEMI provides ISX with full access and continuity to the key British market post BREXIT, and significantly extends the group's regulatory authorisations.


The company releases an independent expert review on continuous disclosure police and processes.


The company releases an Appendix 3G.


The company releases an Appendix 2A.


The company has now filed in the Federal Court of Australia further and better particulars of the damages which it claims against ASX Limited. ISX damages claim increases by $200.7m to over $464.7m.


The company lodges its Appendix 4D and Half Year Accounts.


Effective from today, BDO Audit has been appointed as auditor for the company. The company has received the resignation of Grant Thornton Audit and ASIC's consent to the resignation.


The requisition from a member, Select All Enterprise Ltd received on 23rd May 2020 has been withdrawn. As such the requested general meeting of shareholders will no longer be required.


The company refers to an incorrect and misleading article by gossip bloggist, Mr. Joe Aston, in the Australian Financial Review. The company referred to in Aston's blog is a Vanuatu FX or CFD dealer, and has no relationship to iSignthis or the iSignthis customer, which is an Estonian exchange. Mr Aston has again not fact checked his article / blog with the company.


The company has filed its amended statement of claim against the ASX Limited in the Federal Court of Australia.The amended statement of claim now also alleges misleading and deceptive conduct under section 1041H of the Corporations Act by the ASX, by publishing a "˜Statement of Reasons' that purported to explain the basis of the suspension of ISX securities since the 2nd October 2019. ISX is claiming damages now in excess of $264 million.


The company releases an Appendix 3G.


The company releases an Appendix 2A.


The company releases an Appendix 3G.


The company releases an Appendix 2A.


The company lodges its Appendix 4C - quarterly.


As at 23 July 2020, the company received a requisition from Select All Enterprise, holding more than 5% of voting rights, that calls for the following resolutions to put to a general meeting of shareholders: That, in order to remove any perceived conflict of interest and the possibility of a five (5) year renewal, Grant Thornton Audit Pty Ltd be removed as auditor of the company; That BDO Audit Pty Ltd be appointed as auditor of the company immediately upon Grant Thornton Audit Pty Ltd ceasing to be auditor; That shareholders commend Grant Thornton for its professionalism and work as auditor of the company in the developmental period of the company's business.


ASX provides updates in relation to ISX's compliance with the directions. On Friday 17 July 2020, ISX provided a copy of the Independent Expert's Report to ASX. ASX sought clarifications regarding the report, to which ISX provided responses on 20 July 2020. ASX has today asked a follow-on question of the Independent Expert in relation to the scope of their review, in particular, in relation to their review of ISX's disclosures in relation to Visa. On Monday 20 July 2020, ISX released to the market an announcement outlining the changes it proposes to make to its compliance policies and processes in response to the review. ASX considers that ISX has currently satisfied this component of Direction 2. Until outstanding matters are resolved, ASX is not satisfied that ISX has completely complied with direction 2. Also, ISX has not addressed the outstanding matters set out in the announcement in relation to the escrow proposal, and accordingly, ASX is unable to progress the escrow proposal. Without limitation, in considering whether it is appropriate to reinstate ISX's shares to quotation, ASX will have regard to the following further breaches of the listing rules which have not been rectified by ISX: ISX's breach of listing rule 18.7 for failing to provide a satisfactory response to ASX's query letter regarding ISX's disclosures in relation to its arrangements with Visa; and ISX's breach of listing rule 18.7 for failing to provide information requested by ASX in relation to certain shareholder requisitions.


The company releases a copy of the amendments made to its Continuous Disclosure Policy.


The company releases the Results of its Meeting.


The company releases its Managing Director's AGM Presentation.


ASX and Frankfurt Stock Exchange cross listed iSignthis advises the lapse of the following options and cancellation of performance rights: unlisted options: 3,000,000 at an exercise price of $0.30 with an expiration date of 10/07/20. Performance rights: 4,545 with an expiration date of 30/06/20.


The company has made an application to the Federal Court to: extend the Statement of Claim against the ASX to address the ASX's Statement of Reasons, and its veracity under s1041H of the Corporations Act; Introduce a damages claim for what ISX alleges is the misleading and deceptive conduct by the ASX under s1041H of the Corporations Act; Seek initial damages flowing from this specific issue in excess of $27 million. The matter is scheduled for 930am 17th July 2020 to be heard by Justice Davies of the Federal Court.


ASX provides clarification on ISX's statements regarding the escrow by founding shareholders in its letter to its shareholders. ASX has not "˜rejected' the escrow offer. Further, the information which ISX states in its letter to shareholders that ASX "˜now seeks' was in fact originally requested by ASX on 20 December 2019. It has been made clear to ISX throughout that ASX requires the provision of this information before ASX will engage with ISX on the escrow proposal. ASX considers that the information that it has sought from ISX since 20 December 2019 is relevant and reasonable and within the power of ISX and its directors to provide. Despite this, ISX and its directors have refused to provide the information to ASX.


ASX Limited releases a copy of ASX's letter to ISX dated 15 June 2020 requesting information under Listing Rule 18.7 in connection with shareholders' requisitions to be considered at the ISX annual general meeting to be held on 17 July 2020. ISX has declined to provide to ASX the information requested in ASX's letter, in breach of Listing Rule 18.7. This latest breach of the Listing Rules will act as a further impediment to the reinstatement of ISX's shares to quotation on ASX.


As at the 28th May 2020, the Company was in receipt of requisitions from members holding more than 5% of voting rights that called for the following resolutions to be put to a general meeting of shareholders: that the Company seek its removal from the official list of ASX as soon as possible, unless trading in the Company's shares on the ASX has not resumed by the end of May 2020 (unless the Directors consider that it is in the best interests of the Company to nonetheless remain listed), and; the Directors of the Company be authorised to do all things reasonably necessary to give effect to this decision. That the Company authorises the Directors to pursue a listing of the Company and/or its subsidiaries on another securities exchange to enable trading in shares in the Company, on the basis that all shareholders interests and rights are maintained. 55 shareholders representing 16.096% of member votes that may be cast have requisitioned that these resolutions to be put to shareholders.


The company releases an Annual General Meeting Letter to Shareholders.


The company will hold its AGM at 2:30 pm AEST on 17 July 2020 at iSignthis Limited's office 456 Victoria Parade East Melbourne VIC 3002.


S&P/ASX 300 Index "“ Effective at the Open on June 22, 2020 - removal - Isignthis Ltd.


ISXPay's SEPA Instant now certified for €100k transaction limit. Probanx® features SEPA-Instant Instant Notifications (SIIN) as an alternative to cards.


As foreshadowed in the announcement of 20th February 2020, the Company's subsidiary Probanx Holdings Ltd has taken up the option to participate in the NSX Limited capital raise. The placement amount applied for by the Company was for One Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($1.5m) at the placement price of $0.091/share for 16,483,517 shares. The Company currently maintains its 59.0% interest in the ClearPay JV with the NSX.


The company releases its responses to the ASX query letter.


The company releases a disclosure regarding the variation letter (2018).


The company releases a disclosure regarding Nona Agreement (2017). iSignthis Limited's Netherlands subsidiary, Authenticate BV, received a purchase order from Nona Marketing Ltd on the 29/1/2018, for a value of €250,000, based on the terms of an agreement negotiated in late 2017. The purchase order related to a trial which, if successful, was to extend to a more permanent basis by adoption of a formal agreement beyond the initial purchase order.


The Company has appointed Mr Michael Linehan, a Partner at Clayton Utz, to prepare the independent expert report regarding the Company's continuous disclosure policy.


The company lodges its updated Appendix 4C.


The company lodges an Appendix 4C with ASX Direction Included.


ASX Limited releases a copy of ASX's letter to ISX today regarding assertions that ISX has made in communications with its shareholders that "ASX has not allowed the Company to communicate with its shareholders via the ASX platform".


The company releases a letter to its shareholders in relation to the Federal Court of Australia's decision to not grant the company interlocutory relief in its legal case against the ASX.


The company releases an Appendix 2A.


The company releases a letter to its shareholders regarding the Federal Court Action. It acknowledges today's decision of the Federal Court of Australia to not grant the Company interlocutory relief in its legal case against the ASX. While disappointed to lose the injunction on a point of law, the company fully respects the decision of Her Honour Justice Davies and have made the decision not to appeal that ruling. The Company intends to continue prosecuting its case in the Federal Court of Australia and expects to vindicate its position at trial. In the interest of shareholders, the Company will comply with ASX's directions provided on the 16th February 2020. Further, the Company notes that each of the directors, officers and Red 5 Solutions who hold ordinary shares received on conversion of the milestone performance rights have previously offered on the 17th December 2019 to place those shares in voluntary escrow. They remain committed to do so for a total period of 12 months from today.


Earlier today, the Federal Court handed down its decision on ISX's application for an interim injunction. The court dismissed ISX's application for an injunction and ordered ISX to pay ASX's costs. Accordingly, ASX is now able to release its Statement of Reasons to the market


The company releases an Appendix 3G.


The company lodges its Appendix 4C - quarterly.


Due to the current restrictions in place due to COVID-19, the Company has elected to reschedule the General Meeting until 17th July 2020.


The company releases an Appendix 2A.


The company releases an Appendix 3G.


The company provides an update on the impact of COVID-19 on its operations. The operations generally remain unaffected directly. The company's existing pandemic procedures and business continuity plans were put into effect last week, ensuring that some of the staff are working remotely in our areas of operation including Australia, Cyprus, Lithuania, Netherlands, and the United Kingdom. March 2020 revenues have slowed appreciably, with processing volumes in key EU merchants having declined in GPTV. We are reviewing the situation in March and likely beyond, with January and February having been (unaudited) EBIT positive. The Australian dollar's decline against the EURO will benefit the company this quarter.


On 12 March 2020, ISX applied to the Federal Court for an injunction to prevent ASX from providing its Statement of Reasons to the market. The matter was before the Court on 13 March 2020 and the Court has made orders for the hearing of ISX's application for an injunction to be held on Thursday 9 April 2020. In view of this, and until ISX's injunction application has been determined, ASX is not in a position to provide its Statement of Reasons to the market. As previously noted in ASX's 30 January 2020 announcement, since this matter is now before the Court, ASX will not be responding individually to any further communications concerning ISX's suspension. If the need arises to update the market on any material developments regarding ISX's suspension, ASX will do so via a market announcement.


The company releases a letter to shareholders regarding the joint CEO of ISX and NSX.


The company releases a Revised Appendix 3G.


The company releases an Appendix 3G.


The company is the first Central Bank of Cyprus authorised institution to enable SEPA (Single Euro Payments Area) Instant payments processing for its customers, via its ISXPay payments network. Business and retail customers can now benefit from instant p2b, p2p, b2b and b2p payments, between any points within the European Economic Area. Customers are able to instantly transfer up to €15,000, which will arrive in a beneficiary's account within a maximum of 10 seconds.


The company releases an Appendix 4G & Corporate Governance Statement.


The company releases an Appendix 2A.


The company lodges its Appendix 4E and 2019 Annual Report.


The company releases a presentation in relation to the ClearPay, NSX, NSXA & Probanx Agreement.


iSignthis has taken a strategic investment in NSX Limited via a $4.2 million private placement, for a 12.96% interest in NSX at $0.145 per share. Subject to NSX shareholder approval, NSX will raise a further $3.8-$5.8 million at $0.145 per share, of which ISX has the option to subscribe to an additional amount, taking its shareholding to 19.9%. NSX to focus on becoming Australia's true digital and digitised asset exchange and an Australian Stock Exchange rival.


ClearPay JV will develop a Delivery versus Payment platform, which is planned to supersede the current (T+ various days delayed for the clearing and settlement) process offered by current incumbent domestic and global stock exchanges. The development will also incorporate an open blockchain-based subregistry system. NSX will initially invest $3.2 million for a 41% interest in ClearPay JV with ISX holding an initial 59% interest. ISX will contribute intellectual property with its subsidiary, Probanx Solutions Ltd, leading the design and development the Distributed Ledger Technology based platform. The intent is to provide multicurrency, real-time and same day clearing of share trades across multiple exchanges.


iSignthis Limited has taken a 12.96% strategic investment in NSX via a $4.2 million placement at $0.145 per share, based on the NSX three (3) month Volume Weighted Average Price.


The company releases an Appendix 2A.


The company releases a letter to its shareholders, the subject of which is: The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald (SMH) Articles 5th February 2020.


The company lodges an Appendix 4C - quarterly.


Having carefully reviewed ISX's responses to previously sent query letters, on 6 December 2019, ASX sent to ISX a draft of ASX's proposed findings and proposed actions. ASX gave ISX until the close of trading on Friday 10 January 2020 to provide any representations it wished to make on the draft findings. On 8 January 2020, at ISX's request, ASX granted ISX an extension to the close of business on Friday 24 January 2020 to provide its representations. ISX responded to ASX's draft findings on Friday 24 January 2020. ASX is currently considering ISX's response. Given this matter is now before the Court and the first case management hearing in the Proceedings is scheduled for Friday 7 February 2020, ASX has agreed not to publish any findings prior to that hearing.


The company releases a letter to its shareholders regarding the article in today's Age and Sydney Morning Herald claiming a "link" between iSignthis and Union Standard International Group which is currently under investigation by the ASIC. The company wishes to clarify that there is no link between the company and USGFX. They do not have any agreements with this group, nor have they provided any services. They have provided services as a customer to an authorised sub-entity, which has entirely separate directors and shareholders from USGFX. They have never done business with the USGFX entity. ASIC is the regulator for all Australian Financial Services License holding entities, not iSignthis. Any issues or concerns regarding the regulation of these entities should be addressed to them.


The company releases a letter to its shareholders in relation to requests for updates with regard to its court action against the ASX.


607,055 ordinary shares in the company will be released from escrow on Tuesday 31 December 2019. The shares were issued on 6 March 2019 as part consideration of the acquisition of UAB Baltic Banking Services.


The company is withdrawing the cleansing notice issued on 16th December 2019. The continuing suspension of trading in ISX shares imposed by the ASX renders ISX unable to activate this procedure. Accordingly, the shares will not be traded for 12 months.


The company releases a cleansing notice for the 250,000 shares issued on 17 December 2019 on the exercise of unlisted options without disclosure to investors.


The company's wholly owned technical services subsidiary, Probanx Solutions, has finalized licensing and support agreements with two new unrelated entities, Management Financial Group and Currency One SA. The MFG service is due to go progressively live from early April 2020 and contribute to revenues, with ongoing maintenance, support and operational fees. The Currency One SA services are due to go live from early February 2020 and will contribute to revenues next financial year (2020), with ongoing SaaS fees. Probanx licenses the CorePlus Core Banking platform comprising a setup/establishment fee in the range of €150,000 to 5,000,000 plus monthly Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) fees. ISO20022 based SEPA Core and Instant Credit Transfer transactional processing services are charged at between 0.05€ to 0.15€ per transaction.


The company corrects the 6 December 2019 announcement. The company received a cheque and request for exercise of 250,000 of the 300,000 unlisted options prior to the 1 December 2019 expiry date. Only 50,000 of the 300,000 unlisted options expired on 1 December 2019, and not 300,000 as sated on the said announcement. The company will release an Appendix 2A to cover the issue of 250,000 ordinary shares.


The company announces its revised guidance for the financial year ending 31st December 2019. FY2019 EBIT (excluding non-cash items) is forecast at AU$6.5m (vs EBIT $10.7m forecast 28Nov'18). Monthly EBIT (unaudited) is currently at AU$2.0m for October, consistent with the previously announced "˜actual annualised' GPTV and 125bps ecosystem Merchant Services Fee (MSF). Actual Tier 1 services commenced mid-February 2019, resulting in a shorter actual operating period for FY2019 of 10.5months, whereas 28 Nov18 EBIT guidance assumed full year operations. GPTV growth has been in excess of 425% since Tier 1 launch (Mid-February to end-October). ISX's cash at bank in excess of AU$14.5m. ISX is on track to deliver a maiden profit, joining the ranks of profitable Australian Securities Exchange listed entities. The Board is considering Company's dividend policy in context of potential M&A and further Growth opportunities. Client funds held in ISX issued IBAN/BBAN accounts exceeds AU$80m. ISX is unique as a growth stock that it generates positive cash flow, with a highly scalable platform that is not contingent on external funding sources to grow. Working capital positive business as cash receipts for services are T+1 (next business day) against payables which are T+7 (next seven business days) or longer. ISX is free of any form of debt capital, with the positive working capital cycle funding growth. EBIT growth is constrained due to factors primarily associated with the suspension by the ASX. GPTV is forecast to be flat for November and December due to the impact of the ASX suspension and the SWIFT operational changes announced on 6th December 2019. EBIT excludes expenses associated with the ASX suspension. All figures are unaudited and subject to EURO to Australian dollar exchange fluctuations.


ASX and Frankfurt Stock Exchange advise the lapse of the following options and cancellation of performance rights. Unlisted options - 300,000 - $0.30 - 1/12/19. Performance rights - 37,500 (1/3/20); 25,000 (10/12/19); 138,000 (1/9/20); 5,000 (1/8/20); and 5,000 (1/8/21).


Due to the various problems faced by Australian banks, including a number of AML failures, the company is no longer in a position to reliably conduct SWIFT transfers originating from Australia. ISX is currently in the process of putting in place its own Tier 1 arrangements via the European TARGET2 framework that will allow it to incorporate its Paydentity platform into incoming and outbound transactions and ensure that it is independent of 3rd party banks for SWIFT transfers. As a consequence of ISX temporarily suspending outbound SWIFT (but not inbound), there will be a softening in the growth of GPTV until end of February, with the FY2019 impact to be factored into the revised earnings guidance to be issued next week. ISX will still be able to receive monies from outside the EEA/EU and distribute within the EEA/EU via its own Tier 1 SEPA connectivity. The company's own independent SWIFT Tier 1 facilities are anticipated to be operational by end-February to mid-March 2020, utilising the EU's TARGET2 central-bank to credit institution (bank) infrastructure. As such, the temporary outage and transition to own facilities will ensure that the company does not suffer contagion from other banks.


The company releases an ASIC Licensing Brief.


The company releases a response to ASX Query Letter.


The company has commenced legal proceedings against ASX Limited in the Federal Court of Australia to challenge the decisions made by the Australian Securities Exchange to suspend, and not reinstate, the company's shares for quotation on the exchange. The company is seeking, among other things, orders which require the ASX Ltd to lift the suspension and reinstate ISX's shares for quotation on the exchange.


The company's actual (unaudited) annualised GPTV exceeds A$2.25bn in October 2019. ISX remains focused on operations that will continue to convert contracted customers to "˜actual' GPTV as soon as possible.


ISS ESG, the responsible investment arm of Institutional Shareholder Services, has given ISX a Prime rating following the completion of the rating process.


The company intends to merge its technical teams from iSignthis eMoney Ltd, Authenticate Pty Ltd and Probanx Solutions Ltd into a single technical team in the new year. This initiative will allow the technical teams to be unified, resulting in greater efficiencies and increased responsiveness for clients. The UAB Baltic Banking Service team will also merge into Probanx Solutions group at the conclusion of the earn-out period in February 2020. ISX has invested in new facilities in Cyprus to continue accommodating its growth, including €350,000 (~AUD$560,000) in investments, including new software tools and IT hardware, to bring its employees together in a single building and create an environment that will encourage the company's growth to continue.


The company issues a response to ASX Query Letter.


ASX has the power to suspend any security from trading where for any reason ASX considers that course to be appropriate. ASX was satisfied that the suspension of ISX's securities on 2 October 2019 was appropriate, without any need for a direction from ASIC. ASX's 2 October 2019 market announcement notes that ASX's decision to suspend trading in ISX securities was made in consultation with ASIC. This consultation was appropriate in the circumstances, as ASX was aware that ASIC was also conducting enquiries into matters concerning ISX. ASX understands that ASIC's enquiries are ongoing. ASX will continue to consult with ASIC in relation to matters concerning ISX, including in relation to any consideration ASX may give to reinstating ISX's securities to quotation. ASX considers it appropriate that trading in ISX's securities remains suspended until further notice.


ASIC has confirmed that it did not request the suspension of the company's securities and has referred ISX to ASX for an explanation as to why the company's shares were suspended on 2 October 2019. ASX has sent ISX a third round of questions with responses due on the 15 November 2019.


The company issues a response to ASX Query Letter.


The company releases its FY2019 Q3 investor update. This was presented at Goldman Sachs' 3rd Annual Tech Day.


The company lodges its Appendix 4C - 3Q FY19.


The company issues a response to ASX Query.


The reason the company was suspended was due to share price volatility over recent months. In relation to the consideration shares, these were issued to iSignthis to be held in escrow for a period of two years from 16 March 2015. iSignthis (BVI) acted as trustee for the consideration shares such that the escrow conditions of the prospectus could be managed via a single entity. No directors or their related parties have sold shares in ISX since its relisting on the ASX in March 2015. Performance rights were issued to a number of investors and staff who contributed to the performance of the company in its initial years. Red 5 acts as the entity that holds performance rights on behalf of a number of early-stage staff. Eight Angel invesots listed just one individual also has holdings in Red 5. That person is Mr. Andrew Karantzis, wo has also worked as an Chief Sales Officer of the company and has been issued performance rights. No individual who can be classified as a "related party" has a shareholding in Red 5 or any beneficial or pecuniary interest in shares held in Red 5. On the 2 separate year-end audits by the company's auditor on its accounts that cover the period pertaining to the issue of performance rights, no material concerns have arisen.


"iSignthis is currently responding to separate queries from the ASX and ASIC, which have been triggered by recent share price movements in the company. "The company welcomes any opportunity to address regulator queries, which are a normal part of operating in regulated markets and industries, and is fully co-operating with regulators. "In the last year the company has faced multiple audits without any material concerns arising. "iSignthis will report further to shareholders as soon as is practicable."


In consultation with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission and having regard to the recent volatility in its share price, ASX has determined that it is appropriate to suspend trading in the shares of iSignthis Ltd with immediate effect under Listing Rule 17.3, pending the outcome of enquiries to be made by ASIC and ASX into a number of issues concerning ISX. The securities will remain suspended until further notice.


The securities of iSignthis Ltd (previously Otis Energy Limited) (the "Company") will be reinstated to official quotation as from 10am EDST on Monday, 16 March 2015, following the Company's compliance with listing rule 11.1.3 and chapters 1 and 2 of the ASX Listing Rules. 263,040,038 ordinary shares fully paid 18,605,045 quoted options exercisable at $0.50 expiring on or before 31 December 2015 Security Code ISX ISXO


releases Half Year Accounts


name changed from Otis Energy Limited

View ASX Announcements (courtesy of ASX)



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I currently hold 279 ISXFEU shares.

Can I sell the above??

If so HOW??

David Morris

10/04/2023 17:40:10

How much can I get per share and who buys these? ISX

22/06/2021 12:41:36

How do I sell my isx shares ?

go here: and follow the steps

03/03/2021 08:26:08
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    Directors' on-market share transactions (last 5)

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    Purchases Sales

    06/12/2017Barnaby Egerton-Warburton6,443$0.160$1,031
    04/12/2017Barnaby Egerton-Warburton100,000$0.160$16,000
    03/02/2017Timothy Hart64,516$0.160$10,323
    15/06/2016Timothy HartOn market55,000$0.185$10,175
    03/03/2016Barnaby Egerton-WarburtonOn market85,000$0.230$19,550

    Click here for the last 20 transactions all companies

    Directors & Executives (current)
    Timothy HartExecutive Chairman22/12/2014
    Chris MuirCOO08/10/2015
    Elizabeth WarrellCFO, Company Secretary02/09/2019
    Scott MinehaneNon Exec Director22/12/2014
    Christakis TaoushanisNon Exec Director03/07/2018
    Winton WilleseeNon Exec Director18/01/2008
    Barnaby Egerton-WarburtonNon Exec Director01/04/2009

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.

    Directors & Executives (former)
    Nikolas KarantzisNon Exec Director22/12/201415/03/2022
    Todd RichardsCFO, Company Secretary02/09/2019
    Harry HillChairman17/06/200822/12/2014

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.