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26 March 2025
Date of Delisting: | 20 July 2004 |
Stock Exchange Status:
This entity was delisted from the Australian Securities Exchange on 20 July 2004.Legal Status:
ACN: 100 000 244ABN: 11 100 000 244
Registration Date: 09 April 2002
Deregistration Date: 23 October 2011
Capital Gains Tax (CGT) Status:
This entity was deregistered on 23 October 2011. Deregistration is a Capital Gains Tax Event. In our opinion you are entitled to crystallise any capital loss in the tax year that deregistration occurs providing you have not previously done so. If you did not crystallise your loss in the tax year the entity was deregistered, you may seek to re-open that year’s assessment but anyway should seek professional advice as to how best to proceed.
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Further information: deListed and InvestoGain are operated by Investogain Pty Limited which is licensed by ASIC as an Australian Financial Services Licensee (AFSL 334036). deListed acquires only securities that it deems to be of little or no value, in circumstances where the holder is unable to sell their securities on-market in the normal manner. This service has been provided online via the company’s website since 2004.
Getting advice: Information provided in this section is of a general nature and applicable only to Australian tax residents who hold their investments on capital account (ie for long-term investment purposes). It has been prepared without taking into account your financial needs or tax situation. Before acting on the information, deListed suggests that you consider whether it is appropriate for your circumstances and recommends that you seek independent legal, financial, or taxation advice.
Disclaimer: The information provided above is to the best of our knowledge accurate as of today. But you should bear in mind that it is of a general nature and does not constitute financial or tax advice. Investogain Pty Limited accepts no liability for any loss arising from reliance on this information, including reliance on information that is no longer current.
company deregistered | 23/10/2011 |
reports that another Jacobsen company, Arena Management, is now also in administration | 04/09/2009 |
this company has failed and is still in external administration and subject to a Deed of Company Arrangement - the company's shareholders are unfortunately last in line to recover their losses and have little, if any, recourse, particularly as the company is also delisted from ASX | 14/08/2007 |
in response to the question "has any thought been given to selling [the company] as a shell", the company responds "the directors have not at this time considered this action" | 08/03/2007 |
there have been no further developments since our note below of 14/03/06 - the company has not been trading and unless new funding sources are found the status quo will continue | 11/10/2006 |
in response to questions about what is being done to have the company removed from administration and its shares reinstated to quotation we are informed by the company that "this matter is in the hands of the directors and shareholders will be advised of any development" | 14/03/2006 |
we would be pleased to hear from shareholders ( if the company releases any news of its operations or plans | 23/01/2005 |
delisted at the request of the entity | 20/07/2004 |
at a shareholders meeting today a resolution was passed that will lead to the delisting of the company | 09/07/2004 |
directors now want to delist from ASX because third parties are "reluctant to participate or invest in JEL business ventures while it remains a listed entit" - a meeting is be held on 9 July 2004 to consider this - given the company's record of not keeping shareholders informed, delisting would be a disaster for small shareholders | 07/06/2004 |
almost a year after the event the company announces losses for the year ended 30 June 2003 of $12.7m - no wonder the company did not want to tell the market - and what about the last 11 months? | 04/06/2004 |
we asked the company for an update of developments since the last release to the market on 30 January and were advised they only speak to shareholders who provide an SRN | 21/05/2004 |
the company is operating under a Deed of Company Arrangement - there has been no release to the market since 30 January (and why not, given the immediate background) and the shares have not traded on the market since September of last year | 13/05/2004 |
administrators advise that pursuant to the Deed of Company Arrangement the company is in the hands of the directors | 07/04/2004 |
seeking update since 10 mar 04 | 26/03/2004 |
company announces that it has executed a Deed of Company Arrangement (DOCA) proposed by the Jacobsen family and as recommended by KordaMentha, the company's administrators - the family has waived its right to be paid out of the creditors' deed fund for the $3 million owed to it by JEL (which remains a JEL debt to the family) - the family will fund the payment to employees of 100% of their entitlement - the DOCA provides the potential for unsecured creditors to receive an ongoing return over the next two years | 08/01/2004 |
reports that administrators are considering a deed of company arrangement proposed by the Jacobsen family and will hold another creditors' meeting on 21 November | 10/11/2003 |
company appoints administrators (KordaMentha) as a "precautionary measure to assist the company to work through the current period, while protecting the company's value as restructure options are developed" - we understand creditors, made up mostly of trade contractors, were owed $2 million with the Jacobsen family owed another $4 million - JEL has about 900 shareholders with the Jacobsen family holding a 78 per cent stake | 29/09/2003 |
shares suspended from quotation following failure to lodge the Preliminary Final Report for the period ended 30 jun 03 | 15/09/2003 |
company deregistered | 23/10/2011 |
reports that another Jacobsen company, Arena Management, is now also in administration | 04/09/2009 |
this company has failed and is still in external administration and subject to a Deed of Company Arrangement - the company's shareholders are unfortunately last in line to recover their losses and have little, if any, recourse, particularly as the company is also delisted from ASX | 14/08/2007 |
in response to the question "has any thought been given to selling [the company] as a shell", the company responds "the directors have not at this time considered this action" | 08/03/2007 |
there have been no further developments since our note below of 14/03/06 - the company has not been trading and unless new funding sources are found the status quo will continue | 11/10/2006 |
in response to questions about what is being done to have the company removed from administration and its shares reinstated to quotation we are informed by the company that "this matter is in the hands of the directors and shareholders will be advised of any development" | 14/03/2006 |
we would be pleased to hear from shareholders ( if the company releases any news of its operations or plans | 23/01/2005 |
delisted at the request of the entity | 20/07/2004 |
at a shareholders meeting today a resolution was passed that will lead to the delisting of the company | 09/07/2004 |
directors now want to delist from ASX because third parties are "reluctant to participate or invest in JEL business ventures while it remains a listed entit" - a meeting is be held on 9 July 2004 to consider this - given the company's record of not keeping shareholders informed, delisting would be a disaster for small shareholders | 07/06/2004 |
almost a year after the event the company announces losses for the year ended 30 June 2003 of $12.7m - no wonder the company did not want to tell the market - and what about the last 11 months? | 04/06/2004 |
we asked the company for an update of developments since the last release to the market on 30 January and were advised they only speak to shareholders who provide an SRN | 21/05/2004 |
the company is operating under a Deed of Company Arrangement - there has been no release to the market since 30 January (and why not, given the immediate background) and the shares have not traded on the market since September of last year | 13/05/2004 |
administrators advise that pursuant to the Deed of Company Arrangement the company is in the hands of the directors | 07/04/2004 |
seeking update since 10 mar 04 | 26/03/2004 |
company announces that it has executed a Deed of Company Arrangement (DOCA) proposed by the Jacobsen family and as recommended by KordaMentha, the company's administrators - the family has waived its right to be paid out of the creditors' deed fund for the $3 million owed to it by JEL (which remains a JEL debt to the family) - the family will fund the payment to employees of 100% of their entitlement - the DOCA provides the potential for unsecured creditors to receive an ongoing return over the next two years | 08/01/2004 |
reports that administrators are considering a deed of company arrangement proposed by the Jacobsen family and will hold another creditors' meeting on 21 November | 10/11/2003 |
company appoints administrators (KordaMentha) as a "precautionary measure to assist the company to work through the current period, while protecting the company's value as restructure options are developed" - we understand creditors, made up mostly of trade contractors, were owed $2 million with the Jacobsen family owed another $4 million - JEL has about 900 shareholders with the Jacobsen family holding a 78 per cent stake | 29/09/2003 |
shares suspended from quotation following failure to lodge the Preliminary Final Report for the period ended 30 jun 03 | 15/09/2003 |
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Thanks. I was told by the ATO i needed proof the shares were worthless and the admistrator was the one to provide the declaration. Anyway I have found the Admistrator for JEL. Name: Raymond Tolcher
| 08/08/2019 21:25:50 |
you don\'t require a loss declaration - the company was deregistered in 2011 and the capital loss is therefore crystallised | 05/08/2019 19:04:06 |
Who was the Final Administrator / Liquidator of JEL? I need them to issue me a declaration that the shares are worthless. | 05/08/2019 16:51:14 |
Where do I get notification that JEL has no chance of returning funds to shareholders so that they can write this investment off, i.e. the company has been liquidated? | 25/07/2019 11:50:25 |
company deregistered in 2011 and ceased to exist then! that crystallised the loss for CGT purposes | 24/06/2019 06:58:36 |
Has JEL\'s Liquidator or Administrator lodged a loss declaration with the ATO IAW the INCOME TAX ASSESSMENT ACT 1997 - SECT 104.145 ?
| 21/06/2019 20:47:17 |
Amber Jacobsen | Director | |
Colin Jacobsen | Director |
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
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