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Boardroom Pty Ltd
Level 8, 210 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000
Tel : +61 2 9290 9600 or 1300 737 760
Fax : +61 2 9279 0664 or 1300 653 459
RegistryWebsite RegistryEmail

Company details
Address: Level 32, 101 Collins St, MELBOURNE, VIC, AUSTRALIA, 3000

Date first listed: 20/07/2015

we understand the fund was removed from trading status following the termination of the fund


The K2 Global Equities Fund (KII) has requested to be removed from trading status on the ASX. The removal from trading status is sort following the wind-up of the Fund which commenced 4 November 2019. All units in the Fund have been redeemed, dated 29 November, and proceeds paid to unitholders. Any additional termination costs will be covered by K2 Asset Management.


The final NAV for KII, as at 29 November 2019, has been finalised being $2.5490 per unit. Based on current information, there will be no distribution of income included in the final NAV. For unitholders that have requested to receive redemption proceeds, payments will be processed on 5 December 2019. For unitholders that have elected to transfer their investment to an alternative K2 product, these transfers will be actioned effective 2 December 2019.


Monthly Redemptions and Units on Issue Monthly Redemptions and Units on Issue - Units on issue at the end of the month - 1,409,294 units; Net asset value per unit at the end of the month - $2.5490. The aggregate amount of daily net redemptions from the Fund during the month of November 2019 was nil.


The company lodges its Quarterly Portfolio Disclosure - 30 September 2019.


The company lodges its Monthly Report - October 2019.


K2 Global Equities Fund will be closing the listed KII on 29 November and wil operate only the unlisted version going forward. K2 has requested a voluntary suspension from quotation of KII to enable the fair and orderly wind up of the fund including liquidating its equity holdings. Upon winding up the fund a final distribution will be calculated, and all units will be redeemed with proceeds returned. Upon completion of the process, the fund will be removed from trading status on ASX. Any additional termination costs will be covered by K2 Asset Management.


The units in K2 Global Equities Fund issued by K2 Asset Management Ltd will be suspended from Trading Status immediately under ASX Operating Rule Schedule 10A.3.1(g) at the request of the Issuer, following the Issuer's decision to wind up the Fund.


The suspension of trading in the securities of K2 Global Equities Fund (Hedge Fund) (the "Fund") will be lifted immediately, following the Fund's announcement in relation to the provision of an intraday indicative NAV and market making function. Security Code: KII


The securities of K2 Global Equities Fund (Hedge Fund) (the "Fund") will be suspended from quotation from the commencement of trading today, at the request of the entity, due to the non-provision of an intraday indicative NAV and market making function for today. Security Code: KII


listed entity carried for record purposes only

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