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14 March 2025
Date of Listing: | 12 April 2000 | |||||||||
Date of Delisting: | 29 August 2013 | |||||||||
Former Names: |
Stock Exchange Status:
This entity was delisted from the Australian Securities Exchange on 29 August 2013.Legal Status:
To our knowledge this entity was the subject of a takeover or merger such that your securities were acquired for consideration in the form of cash or scrip. We have not therefore verified the current legal status of this entity. If you have questions about your shareholding, as we say elsewhere, they may be taken up here: Gains Tax (CGT) Status:
To our knowledge this entity was the subject of a takeover or merger such that your securities were acquired for consideration in the form of cash or scrip. You will need to seek independent tax advice in relation to Capital Gains Tax or other tax matters but any other enquiries relating to your shareholding in the company should be followed up via our online form here:
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Further information: deListed and InvestoGain are operated by Investogain Pty Limited which is licensed by ASIC as an Australian Financial Services Licensee (AFSL 334036). deListed acquires only securities that it deems to be of little or no value, in circumstances where the holder is unable to sell their securities on-market in the normal manner. This service has been provided online via the company’s website since 2004.
Getting advice: Information provided in this section is of a general nature and applicable only to Australian tax residents who hold their investments on capital account (ie for long-term investment purposes). It has been prepared without taking into account your financial needs or tax situation. Before acting on the information, deListed suggests that you consider whether it is appropriate for your circumstances and recommends that you seek independent legal, financial, or taxation advice.
Disclaimer: The information provided above is to the best of our knowledge accurate as of today. But you should bear in mind that it is of a general nature and does not constitute financial or tax advice. Investogain Pty Limited accepts no liability for any loss arising from reliance on this information, including reliance on information that is no longer current.
Company | FROM | TO |
US NICKEL LIMITED | 01/03/2010 | 23/05/2011 |
LUMACOM LIMITED | 01/03/2010 |
Computershare Perth
Level 17, 221 St Georges Terrace, Perth WA 6000
Tel : +61 (0)3 9415 4000 or 1300 850 505 (within Australia)
Fax : +61 3 9473 2500
RegistryWebsite RegistryEmail
many shareholders in this company have unclaimed money due to them - deListed provides a tracing service for a small administration fee that identifies where people can find unclaimed monies arising from compulsory acquisitions and also from dividend distributions, super contributions, inoperative bank, building society or credit union accounts, bequests and other sources - please click here for access to our Lost shares, Lost money service | 31/03/2022 |
delisted following the compulsory acquisition by Norton Gold Fields Limited | 28/08/2013 |
we understand Norton Gold Fields was successful with an offer of 0.054 Norton Shares and 0.054 Norton Options for every one (1) KMC Shares and 0.024 Norton Options for every one (1) KMC Listed Options | 28/08/2013 |
Under listing rule 17.6, any entity (if not already suspended) that had not paid its annual listing fees by close of business on Thursday 22 August 2013 is to be suspended from official quotation before the commencement of trading on Friday 23 August 2013. The company has failed to pay to ASX Limited their annual listing fees in respect of the year ending 30 June 2014 and consequently will be suspended from quotation immediately. | 23/08/2013 |
Kalgoorlie Mining Company Ltd (ASX: KMC) advises that, pursuant to ASX Listing Rule 17.6, its shares will be suspended from official quotation before the commencement of trading on Friday 23 August 2013, on the basis that, in light of the takeover by Norton Gold Fields Limited (ASX:NGF), it has elected not to pay its annual listing fee by close of business on Thursday 22 August 2013 | 21/08/2013 |
The securities of Kalgoorlie Mining Company Limited will be suspended from quotation at the close of trading on Friday 23 August 2013, in accordance with listing rule 17.4, following despatch of compulsory acquisition notices by Norton Gold Fields Limited. Security Code: KMC KMCO | 16/08/2013 |
securities reinstated | 26/06/2012 |
at the General Meeting of the Company held earlier today, the single resolution was passed unanimously on a show of hands | 14/05/2012 |
releases prospectus to raise $9.7m | 20/04/2012 |
releases a Notice of Meeting and Explanatory Memorandum (Notice of Meeting) for a meeting of Kalgoorlie Mining Company Limited (KMC) shareholders to be held at 10:00am (WST) on 14 May 2012 | 13/04/2012 |
Kalgoorlie Mining Company Ltd (KMC or the Company) is undertaking a 3 for 1 pro"rata nony"renounceable rights issue (Rights Issue or Offer) of approximately 975,984,189 fully paid ordinary shares in the capital of the Company (New Shares) to raise approximately A$9,759,842. The Company lodged a prospectus for the Offer (Prospectus) with ASIC and ASX on 5 April 2012. The Offer is conditionally underwritten by Roger S L Kwok and Catherine S C Tan as trustee for the Kwok Family Trust | 10/04/2012 |
The Company wishes to advise that the Appendix 3Y lodged on 30 March 2012 for Mr James Croser included an update to the indirect interest disclosing an additional 100,000 ordinary shares. This transaction occurred on the 29 September 2010 and has not previously been included in Appendix 3Y disclosures for Mr Croser as a result of an administrative oversight | 05/04/2012 |
Kalgoorlie Mining Company Limited ("KMC" or the "Company") advises that it has agreed to a proposal to recapitalise the Company from an investment syndicate represented by Perth based businessman Roger Kwok ("Recapitalisation Proposal"). KMC intends to work with the syndicate and to proceed to implement the Recapitalisation Proposal as expeditiously as possible. The key terms of the Recapitalisation Proposal include: (a) KMC undertaking a nony"renounceable rights issue to raise up to approximately $9.759 million, at an offer price of $0.01 per fully paid ordinary share in the capital of KMC ("Shares"), on a three"forone (3:1) basis ("Rights Issue"). (b) The Rights Issue will be fully underwritten by Roger Kwok and Catherine Tan ATF the Kwok Family Trust and SHL Pty Ltd ATF the S H Lee Family Trust. (c) KMC shall pay an underwriting fee to the underwriters, being an amount equivalent to 4% of the gross proceeds of the Rights Issue (approximately $390,360), upon successful completion of the Rights Issue. | 30/03/2012 |
releases Half Yearly Report And Accounts | 15/03/2012 |
company advises that it has agreed a capital raising framework in order to stabilise the Company" financial position. KMC is intending to raise a minimum of $6.5 million and up to $8.5 million by way of a renounceable entitlement issue ("Rights Issue"). It is intended that the Rights Issue will be underwritten at least to the minimum amount to be raised by Patersons Securities Limited ("Patersons's). Cornerstone support for the Rights Issue is in the process of being finalised and an announcement regarding terms will be made once an agreement has been finalised. | 09/03/2012 |
The Board of Kalgoorlie Mining Company Limited ("KMC" or "Company") is pleased to announce that it has appointed Patersons Securities Limited ("Patersons") as Corporate Adviser to advise KMC on its recapitalisation plans. Since initiating the placement of the Bullant Gold Project onto care and maintenance, the Board of KMC has determined that the various inputs required of the Board and its management team has changed. Reflecting these changes, the Company wishes to advise that Mr Chris Daws has voluntarily stepped down from his executive position but will remain on the Board as a non-executive director until such time as the Company has been stabilised. An internal working Committee comprising the Chairman and the Company" internal financial consultant are working with Patersons to assess fundraising options | 01/03/2012 |
securities suspended pending an announcement | 22/02/2012 |
securities reinstated to quotation | 10/11/2011 |
securities suspended pending an announcement | 04/11/2011 |
name changed from US Nickel Limited | 23/05/2011 |
many shareholders in this company have unclaimed money due to them - deListed provides a tracing service for a small administration fee that identifies where people can find unclaimed monies arising from compulsory acquisitions and also from dividend distributions, super contributions, inoperative bank, building society or credit union accounts, bequests and other sources - please click here for access to our Lost shares, Lost money service | 31/03/2022 |
delisted following the compulsory acquisition by Norton Gold Fields Limited | 28/08/2013 |
we understand Norton Gold Fields was successful with an offer of 0.054 Norton Shares and 0.054 Norton Options for every one (1) KMC Shares and 0.024 Norton Options for every one (1) KMC Listed Options | 28/08/2013 |
Under listing rule 17.6, any entity (if not already suspended) that had not paid its annual listing fees by close of business on Thursday 22 August 2013 is to be suspended from official quotation before the commencement of trading on Friday 23 August 2013. The company has failed to pay to ASX Limited their annual listing fees in respect of the year ending 30 June 2014 and consequently will be suspended from quotation immediately. | 23/08/2013 |
Kalgoorlie Mining Company Ltd (ASX: KMC) advises that, pursuant to ASX Listing Rule 17.6, its shares will be suspended from official quotation before the commencement of trading on Friday 23 August 2013, on the basis that, in light of the takeover by Norton Gold Fields Limited (ASX:NGF), it has elected not to pay its annual listing fee by close of business on Thursday 22 August 2013 | 21/08/2013 |
The securities of Kalgoorlie Mining Company Limited will be suspended from quotation at the close of trading on Friday 23 August 2013, in accordance with listing rule 17.4, following despatch of compulsory acquisition notices by Norton Gold Fields Limited. Security Code: KMC KMCO | 16/08/2013 |
securities reinstated | 26/06/2012 |
at the General Meeting of the Company held earlier today, the single resolution was passed unanimously on a show of hands | 14/05/2012 |
releases prospectus to raise $9.7m | 20/04/2012 |
releases a Notice of Meeting and Explanatory Memorandum (Notice of Meeting) for a meeting of Kalgoorlie Mining Company Limited (KMC) shareholders to be held at 10:00am (WST) on 14 May 2012 | 13/04/2012 |
Kalgoorlie Mining Company Ltd (KMC or the Company) is undertaking a 3 for 1 pro"rata nony"renounceable rights issue (Rights Issue or Offer) of approximately 975,984,189 fully paid ordinary shares in the capital of the Company (New Shares) to raise approximately A$9,759,842. The Company lodged a prospectus for the Offer (Prospectus) with ASIC and ASX on 5 April 2012. The Offer is conditionally underwritten by Roger S L Kwok and Catherine S C Tan as trustee for the Kwok Family Trust | 10/04/2012 |
The Company wishes to advise that the Appendix 3Y lodged on 30 March 2012 for Mr James Croser included an update to the indirect interest disclosing an additional 100,000 ordinary shares. This transaction occurred on the 29 September 2010 and has not previously been included in Appendix 3Y disclosures for Mr Croser as a result of an administrative oversight | 05/04/2012 |
Kalgoorlie Mining Company Limited ("KMC" or the "Company") advises that it has agreed to a proposal to recapitalise the Company from an investment syndicate represented by Perth based businessman Roger Kwok ("Recapitalisation Proposal"). KMC intends to work with the syndicate and to proceed to implement the Recapitalisation Proposal as expeditiously as possible. The key terms of the Recapitalisation Proposal include: (a) KMC undertaking a nony"renounceable rights issue to raise up to approximately $9.759 million, at an offer price of $0.01 per fully paid ordinary share in the capital of KMC ("Shares"), on a three"forone (3:1) basis ("Rights Issue"). (b) The Rights Issue will be fully underwritten by Roger Kwok and Catherine Tan ATF the Kwok Family Trust and SHL Pty Ltd ATF the S H Lee Family Trust. (c) KMC shall pay an underwriting fee to the underwriters, being an amount equivalent to 4% of the gross proceeds of the Rights Issue (approximately $390,360), upon successful completion of the Rights Issue. | 30/03/2012 |
releases Half Yearly Report And Accounts | 15/03/2012 |
company advises that it has agreed a capital raising framework in order to stabilise the Company" financial position. KMC is intending to raise a minimum of $6.5 million and up to $8.5 million by way of a renounceable entitlement issue ("Rights Issue"). It is intended that the Rights Issue will be underwritten at least to the minimum amount to be raised by Patersons Securities Limited ("Patersons's). Cornerstone support for the Rights Issue is in the process of being finalised and an announcement regarding terms will be made once an agreement has been finalised. | 09/03/2012 |
The Board of Kalgoorlie Mining Company Limited ("KMC" or "Company") is pleased to announce that it has appointed Patersons Securities Limited ("Patersons") as Corporate Adviser to advise KMC on its recapitalisation plans. Since initiating the placement of the Bullant Gold Project onto care and maintenance, the Board of KMC has determined that the various inputs required of the Board and its management team has changed. Reflecting these changes, the Company wishes to advise that Mr Chris Daws has voluntarily stepped down from his executive position but will remain on the Board as a non-executive director until such time as the Company has been stabilised. An internal working Committee comprising the Chairman and the Company" internal financial consultant are working with Patersons to assess fundraising options | 01/03/2012 |
securities suspended pending an announcement | 22/02/2012 |
securities reinstated to quotation | 10/11/2011 |
securities suspended pending an announcement | 04/11/2011 |
name changed from US Nickel Limited | 23/05/2011 |
Your browser may reflect a date of printing in American format.
STFU | 16/09/2014 11:43:46 |
06/12/2012 | Roger Kwok | On market | 7,548,515 | $0.005 | $37,743 |
29/11/2012 | Roger Kwok | On market | 269,610 | $0.005 | $1,348 |
27/11/2012 | Roger Kwok | On market | 600,000 | $0.005 | $3,000 |
22/11/2012 | Roger Kwok | On market | 1,581,875 | $0.005 | $7,909 |
10/09/2012 | James Croser | On market | 2,000,000 | $0.006 | $12,000 |
James Croser | Managing Director | 01/06/2010 |
Dianmin Chen | Managing Director | 31/07/2013 |
Christopher Daws | CEO, Non Exec Director | 17/11/2008 |
Noel White | Non Exec Director | 31/07/2013 |
Xuelin Cai | Non Exec Director | 31/07/2013 |
Roger Kwok | Non Exec Director | 25/05/2012 |
Richard Jones | Company Secretary | |
Russell Hardwick | Company Secretary |
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
Peter Cordin | Non Exec Chairman | 05/10/2012 | 08/08/2013 |
Jonathan Murray | Chairman, Non Exec Director | 04/06/2010 | 05/10/2012 |
Peter George | Non Exec Director | 01/06/2010 | 05/10/2012 |
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
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