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26 March 2025
Name: | KANGAROO METALS LIMITED (KML) (This company subsequently changed its name and is now KANGAROO RESOURCES LIMITED. You should refer to that name for Status.) | ||||||
Date of Listing: | 19 April 2007 | ||||||
Subsequent Names: |
Stock Exchange Status:
This company subsequently changed its name and is now KANGAROO RESOURCES LIMITED. You should refer to that name for Stock Exchange Status.Legal Status:
This company subsequently changed its name and is now KANGAROO RESOURCES LIMITED. You should refer to that name for Legal Status.Capital Gains Tax (CGT) Status:
This company subsequently changed its name and is now KANGAROO RESOURCES LIMITED. You should refer to that name for Capital Gains Tax Status.
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name changed to Kangaroo Resources Limited | 26/08/2009 |
securities suspended from quotation pending an announcement about a capital raising | 19/08/2009 |
securities reinstated to quotation | 27/05/2009 |
releases Quarterly Activities Report | 30/04/2009 |
all resolutions put to the General Meeting of the shareholders today were passed on a show of hands | 17/04/2009 |
company advises that it formally settled on the termination of the South Mount Cameron mine transaction on Thursday 19 March 2009 and that KML is now fully released from this transaction | 23/03/2009 |
the Board of Directors of Kangaroo Metals Limited (KML) advises that it has signed a new non binding Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the sale of some of its assets - the terms of the new MOU are largely consistent with the previous MOU entered into by the company and with a related party of the same group - the purchaser is currently working through a series of due diligence matters and has requested 35 days to complete this process - KML also intends to complete due diligence on the purchaser during this period | 18/03/2009 |
provides a Notice of the General Meeting of the Shareholders to be held at 10.00am (WST) on 17 April 2009 at: FJH Solutions Ground Floor, 21 Teddington Road Burswood, Western Australia | 17/03/2009 |
a consolidation of one for every two shares held is effective 18 March 2009 | 06/03/2009 |
the Company received acceptances for 14,652,765 shares under the Entitlements Issue at an issue price of 0.5 cent per share (pre-Consolidation) to raise a total of $73,263.79 - the Entitlements Issue can only proceed if the Company has raised the minimum subscription under the Prospectus ($2 million) on or prior to the allotment date of 5 March 2009 - the minimum subscription will not be raised by this date and, accordingly, the Company is required to cancel the Prospectus. Therefore, none of the issues of securities contemplated by the Prospectus will occur under the Prospectus. All application monies will be refunded to applicants as soon as possible - the consolidation will still proceed and the Company will endeavour to complete the capital raisings approved by shareholders at the general meeting held on 21 January 2009 (General Meeting) by way of placement to sophisticated and professional investors | 04/03/2009 |
a Supplementary Prospectus is issued today and is supplementary to the Prospectus dated 23 December 2008 issued by Kangaroo Metals Limited | 25/02/2009 |
company responds to an ASX query | 24/02/2009 |
Quarterly Cashflow Report and Activities reports are released | 18/02/2009 |
again announces the extension of the respective closing dates for the Entitlement Issue Offer and the General Offer outlined in the Prospectus dated 23 December 2008 | 11/02/2009 |
announces the extension of the respective closing dates for the Entitlement Issue Offer and the General Offer outlined in the Prospectus dated 23 December 2008 | 03/02/2009 |
all resolutions put to the General Meeting of the shareholders today were passed on a show of hands | 21/01/2009 |
company announces that KML has entered into a non-binding Memorandum of Understanding for the potential sale of a number of KML's assets to a third party - the Memorandum of Understanding is subject to the satisfaction of a number of significant conditions (including due diligence and execution of formal documentation) - it is expected that due diligence will be completed in the next 21 days | 21/01/2009 |
company announces the extension of the respective closing dates for the Entitlement Issue Offer and the General Offer outlined in the Prospectus dated 23 December 2008 | 20/01/2009 |
company responds to ASX queries of 24 December 2008 - next question is why did it take more than three weeks to respond to very legitimate ASX queries notwithstanding the holiday period? | 16/01/2009 |
prospectus dispatched to shareholders for entitlement issue | 08/01/2009 |
the company has announced a non-renounceable entitlement issue on the basis of one (1) new share for every one (1) share currently held on by shareholders as at 5.00 pm WDST on 6 January 2009 at an issue price of 0.5 cent per share together with one (1) free option for every one (1) share issued (Entitlement Issue) - the Entitlement Issue will result in the issue of approximately 48,787,501 new shares in the Company - the issue is not underwritten | 29/12/2008 |
the indicative timetable on page 3 of the Prospectus dated 23 December 2008 states that the "trading on deferred settlement commences for Consolidation" commences on 7 February 2008 - commencement of trading on a deferred settlement basis for the Consolidation will actually occur on 9 February 2008 | 24/12/2008 |
the Company advises that all resolutions put to the Annual General Meeting of the shareholders today were passed on a show of hands | 22/12/2008 |
a General Meeting of the Shareholders to which this Notice of Meeting relates will be held at 10.00am (WDST) on 21 January 2009 at The Melbourne Hotel Cnr Hay Street and Milligan Street Perth - this concerns an offer by Romfal Corporate Pty Ltd (Romfal) to re-capitalise the Company that will result in sufficient cash being injected into the Company to support the future operations | 22/12/2008 |
the Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders to which this Notice of Meeting relates will be held at 10am (WDST) on 22 December 2008 at FJH Solutions, Ground Floor, 21 Teddington Road, Burswood, Western Australia | 21/11/2008 |
the Board has accepted an offer by a consortium of investors to recapitalise the Company that will result in sufficient cash being injected into the Company to support the future operations - the Company will also consolidate its existing shares on issue on a 1 for 2 basis and the Company will undertake capital raisings | 18/11/2008 |
company withdraws from the purchase agreement for the Riverside Alluvial Tin Mine | 13/11/2008 |
securities suspended from quotation following failure to lodge financial statements for the period to 30 June 2008 | 01/10/2008 |
name changed to Kangaroo Resources Limited | 26/08/2009 |
securities suspended from quotation pending an announcement about a capital raising | 19/08/2009 |
securities reinstated to quotation | 27/05/2009 |
releases Quarterly Activities Report | 30/04/2009 |
all resolutions put to the General Meeting of the shareholders today were passed on a show of hands | 17/04/2009 |
company advises that it formally settled on the termination of the South Mount Cameron mine transaction on Thursday 19 March 2009 and that KML is now fully released from this transaction | 23/03/2009 |
the Board of Directors of Kangaroo Metals Limited (KML) advises that it has signed a new non binding Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the sale of some of its assets - the terms of the new MOU are largely consistent with the previous MOU entered into by the company and with a related party of the same group - the purchaser is currently working through a series of due diligence matters and has requested 35 days to complete this process - KML also intends to complete due diligence on the purchaser during this period | 18/03/2009 |
provides a Notice of the General Meeting of the Shareholders to be held at 10.00am (WST) on 17 April 2009 at: FJH Solutions Ground Floor, 21 Teddington Road Burswood, Western Australia | 17/03/2009 |
a consolidation of one for every two shares held is effective 18 March 2009 | 06/03/2009 |
the Company received acceptances for 14,652,765 shares under the Entitlements Issue at an issue price of 0.5 cent per share (pre-Consolidation) to raise a total of $73,263.79 - the Entitlements Issue can only proceed if the Company has raised the minimum subscription under the Prospectus ($2 million) on or prior to the allotment date of 5 March 2009 - the minimum subscription will not be raised by this date and, accordingly, the Company is required to cancel the Prospectus. Therefore, none of the issues of securities contemplated by the Prospectus will occur under the Prospectus. All application monies will be refunded to applicants as soon as possible - the consolidation will still proceed and the Company will endeavour to complete the capital raisings approved by shareholders at the general meeting held on 21 January 2009 (General Meeting) by way of placement to sophisticated and professional investors | 04/03/2009 |
a Supplementary Prospectus is issued today and is supplementary to the Prospectus dated 23 December 2008 issued by Kangaroo Metals Limited | 25/02/2009 |
company responds to an ASX query | 24/02/2009 |
Quarterly Cashflow Report and Activities reports are released | 18/02/2009 |
again announces the extension of the respective closing dates for the Entitlement Issue Offer and the General Offer outlined in the Prospectus dated 23 December 2008 | 11/02/2009 |
announces the extension of the respective closing dates for the Entitlement Issue Offer and the General Offer outlined in the Prospectus dated 23 December 2008 | 03/02/2009 |
all resolutions put to the General Meeting of the shareholders today were passed on a show of hands | 21/01/2009 |
company announces that KML has entered into a non-binding Memorandum of Understanding for the potential sale of a number of KML's assets to a third party - the Memorandum of Understanding is subject to the satisfaction of a number of significant conditions (including due diligence and execution of formal documentation) - it is expected that due diligence will be completed in the next 21 days | 21/01/2009 |
company announces the extension of the respective closing dates for the Entitlement Issue Offer and the General Offer outlined in the Prospectus dated 23 December 2008 | 20/01/2009 |
company responds to ASX queries of 24 December 2008 - next question is why did it take more than three weeks to respond to very legitimate ASX queries notwithstanding the holiday period? | 16/01/2009 |
prospectus dispatched to shareholders for entitlement issue | 08/01/2009 |
the company has announced a non-renounceable entitlement issue on the basis of one (1) new share for every one (1) share currently held on by shareholders as at 5.00 pm WDST on 6 January 2009 at an issue price of 0.5 cent per share together with one (1) free option for every one (1) share issued (Entitlement Issue) - the Entitlement Issue will result in the issue of approximately 48,787,501 new shares in the Company - the issue is not underwritten | 29/12/2008 |
the indicative timetable on page 3 of the Prospectus dated 23 December 2008 states that the "trading on deferred settlement commences for Consolidation" commences on 7 February 2008 - commencement of trading on a deferred settlement basis for the Consolidation will actually occur on 9 February 2008 | 24/12/2008 |
the Company advises that all resolutions put to the Annual General Meeting of the shareholders today were passed on a show of hands | 22/12/2008 |
a General Meeting of the Shareholders to which this Notice of Meeting relates will be held at 10.00am (WDST) on 21 January 2009 at The Melbourne Hotel Cnr Hay Street and Milligan Street Perth - this concerns an offer by Romfal Corporate Pty Ltd (Romfal) to re-capitalise the Company that will result in sufficient cash being injected into the Company to support the future operations | 22/12/2008 |
the Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders to which this Notice of Meeting relates will be held at 10am (WDST) on 22 December 2008 at FJH Solutions, Ground Floor, 21 Teddington Road, Burswood, Western Australia | 21/11/2008 |
the Board has accepted an offer by a consortium of investors to recapitalise the Company that will result in sufficient cash being injected into the Company to support the future operations - the Company will also consolidate its existing shares on issue on a 1 for 2 basis and the Company will undertake capital raisings | 18/11/2008 |
company withdraws from the purchase agreement for the Riverside Alluvial Tin Mine | 13/11/2008 |
securities suspended from quotation following failure to lodge financial statements for the period to 30 June 2008 | 01/10/2008 |
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William Shire | Non Exec Director | 27/09/2006 |
Sean Henbury | Company Secretary |
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
Seng Chan | Non Exec Chairman | 20/06/2006 | 19/11/2008 |
Brett Teale | Managing Director | 16/11/2006 | 19/11/2008 |
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
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