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Our website ranking of KPC: rating 4
(4 out of 5)


Computershare Melbourne
Yarra Falls, 452 Johnston Street, Abbotsford VIC 3067
Tel : +61 (0)3 9415 4000 or 1300 850 505 (within Australia)
Fax : +61 3 9473 2500
RegistryWebsite RegistryEmail

Company details
ISIN: AU000000KPC6
Address: Level 27 101 Collins Street Melbourne 3000, Victoria
Tel:  (03) 9221 6373 Fax: (03) 9015 6468

Date first listed: 15/12/2010

Sector: Materials
Industry Group: XMJ
Activities: Gold, nickel and copper exploration company

The company has been deregistered as of 09/06/2024


ASIC is advised that the liquidator has completed the court-ordered winding-up process.


Strike-off action has been initiated against the company as of 03/04/2024


The person or personnel who were appointed Liquidator or Provisional Liquidator of the company's assets have resigned or been removed.


Peter Paul Krejci was appointed liquidator(s) by an order of the Court on 30/04/2021 Address BRI Ferrier Level 30, Australia Square, 264 George Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 Contact person Jenny Kwok Contact number 0282632300 Facsimile Email


delisted from the close of trading on Friday, 26 February 2021, pursuant to Listing rule 17.15.


we understand the company failed to pay its annual listing fees by close of business on Friday, 26 February 2021


Under Listing Rule 17.6, any entity (if not already suspended) that has not paid its annual listing fees by close of business on Friday, 19 February 2021 will have its securities suspended from official quotation before the commencement of trading on Monday, 22 February 2021. The company has not paid the second instalment of its annual listing fees in respect of the year ending 30 June 2021 but the securities are already suspended from official quotation.


The company releases an Appendix 2A.


The company releases its Appendix 2A.


The company lodges its Appendix 4G.


The company lodges its 2019 Annual Report to shareholders.


The company lodges its Quarterly Activities Report.


The company lodges its Quarterly Cashflow Report.


A letter has been received from the Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development in relation to KPC's Zhilyanskoye project in Kazakhstan. The MIID has informed KPC that the transition to mining under the Subsoil Use Contract has not proceeded and as such the government has requested a return of the contractual area. KPC wrote to the MIID and has advised them that, after completion of the exploration stage, a dispute with the Aktobe regional government had arisen regarding the boundaries of the SSUC in relation to the location of the Aktobe city boundary and the start of the Zhilyanskoye tenement which has not yet been resolved. That dispute must be resolved before there can be any transition to mining under the SUCC. KPC has advised the MIID that it will submit the requisite materials required for a transition to mining shortly.


The company releases an Appendix 2A.


The company lodges its Quarterly Cashflow Report and Quarterly Activities Report.


The company releases an Appendix 2A.


The company releases the results of its meeting.


The company releases a notice of Proposed issue of Securities - KPC.


The company lodges its Half Year Accounts.


The 2019 virtual AGM of KPC is scheduled to be held at 11 am (Melbourne time) on Monday, 18 May 2020. If you wish to join the AGM, please register in advance at the following website: . You may need to install the free Zoom client on the device you will be using. All resolutions at the AGM will be decided by way of a poll based on proxy votes which must be received by 11:00 am (Melbourne time) on Saturday 16 May 2020. Proxies received after that time will not be effective.


BDO Audit Pty Ltd has been appointed as auditor of the company.


The company directors have decided to hold the AGM entirely online. Details of such online participation by shareholders will be made available via or the company's website at at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled time of the meeting. The virtual 2019 AGM of the company will be held at 11.00am (Melbourne time) on Monday 18 May 2020.


Further to the announcement released on ASX's Market Announcements Platform at 10:05am today headed "˜Removal from Official List', Kazakhstan Potash Corporation Limited has today lodged its 2018 Annual Report on MAP. KPC's admission to the official list will continue and its securities remain suspended in accordance with Guidance Note 33.


The company releases its Corporate Governance Statement.


The company releases an Appendix 4G.


The company lodges its Annual Report to Shareholders.


The company has entered into two Convertible Note agreements totalling $10 million. The first Convertible Note is for $6.5 million with the CWSI Group Limited. The second Convertible Note agreement is with Harvest Leader International Limited for $3.5 million. The balance of funding from both Convertible Notes will be used for development activities on the three Kazakhstan projects and working capital. The company also announces the sale of its interest in its joint venture in Chongqing Bright Road Industrial Co Ltd with Chongqing Material of Agricultural Production. Under the terms of the agreement the transaction was for $1.5 million to be paid in two instalments: $150,000 within 90 days of signing the agreement; and $1.35 million within 9 months of signing the agreement.


The $30 million Convertible Note as approved by shareholders at the Annual General Meeting on 29 May 2017 and was issued by KPC to China-Asia Resources Fund on 5 June 2017 has now expired on 25 November 2019. KPC and the CAR Fund will enter into a new Convertible Note agreement totaling $30 million. The new CAR Fund Convertible Note will be for a four (4) years period at a conversion price of $0.02 per share. KPC will issue 900 million fully paid ordinary shares in lieu of the interest of the four years loan. In addition, another 600 million fully paid ordinary shares will be issued to CAR Fund for entering into the New Convertible Note agreement.


The company has not paid their annual listing fees in respect of the year ending 30 June 2020 but the securities are already suspended from official quotation.


The company lodges its Quarterly Cashflow Report.


The company lodges its Quarterly Activities Report.


An agreement was reached with the China-Asia Resources Fund in relation to the conversion to KPC shares, the CAR Fund Replacement Convertible Notes valued at $30 million. KPC and CAR Fund have agreed to convert all of the Replacement Convertible Notes into fully paid ordinary shares in the capital of KPC at a conversion price of $0.02 per share. The number of shares to which CAR Fund is entitled upon conversion of the Notes is 50 Shares for each Note converted. Agreement was reached with the CAR Fund to enter into a new Convertible Note agreement totalling $10 million (1 Note = $1.00). The new CAR Fund Convertible Note will be for a three (3) year period.


The company has finalised its exit from all its initiatives in the Democratic Republic of Congo, so it can focus its efforts on its 3 potash projects in Kazakhstan, namely the Zhilyanskoye, Chelkar and Satimola projects. An agreement has been executed in relation to the termination of the acquisition of the 60% equity stake in Société MCC Resource SARL. The key terms of the agreement to exit from the Société MCC Resource SARL acquisition will see KPC cease all activity in the DRC and the cancellation of 82 million KPC shares, paid as part consideration to the MCC vendor by KPC.


The lodgement of the Full Year Accounts for the period ending 31 December 2018 of the Company will be delayed. KPC will advise the market accordingly as to the timing of its release.


The company's securities will be suspended from official quotation from the commencement of trading today, 1 April 2019, following their failure to lodge the relevant periodic report by the due date.


The KPC Board resolved under section 3.9(d) of the Constitution of the Company that states "failure to attend Board Meetings (either personally or by an Alternate) for a continuous period of 3 months without leave of absence from the Board." Mr Lyu Xiaokang ceases to be a Director.


The securities of Kazakhstan Potash Corporation Limited (the "Company") will be reinstated to official quotation as from the commencement of trading on Tuesday, 8 April 2014, following the Company's compliance with listing rule 11.1.3 and chapters 1 and 2 of the ASX Listing Rules. Security Code: KPC


yesterday the ASX confirmed, based on the information provided to it by KPC, that it can see no reason why the securities of KPC should not be reinstated to official quotation subject to KPC first complying with the usual conditions applying to a reinstatement of securities to official quotation including the execution of certain restriction agreements


advise that the Prospectus dated 28 January 2014, closed on 14 February 2014, having achieved the requisite number of new shareholders and minimum capital raising, which is still being finalised by the share registrar and is in the order of $9.03 million


with the lodgement yesterday by KPC of a replacement prospectus, ASIC has now revoked its stop order as the issues raised by ASIC have been resolved


issues a Replacement Prospectus


On 19 December 2013, Kazakhstan Potash Corporation Limited (ASX: KPC) received an interim stop order from ASIC in relation to its prospectus dated 12 December 2013. The interim stop order from ASIC is a standard process in relation to questions of the prospectus by ASIC. The issues raised by ASIC are now being addressed by the Company in consultation with its advisers with a view to resolution shortly, and with the lodgement of a supplementary prospectus thereafter


Kazakhstan Potash Corporation Limited (ASX: KPC) announced on 8 May 2013, that it had entered into a number of agreements with various parties (Transaction Agreements) under which it agreed to acquire a 100% interest in the Satimola potash and borate project in Kazakhstan (Satimola Project). The acquisition was subject to a number of Conditions Precedent. While KPC remains interested in the Satimola Project, the proposed acquisition of it is now not proceeding under those Transaction Documents


all resolutions were passed by the shareholders of Kazakhstan Potash Corporation Limited at the Annual General Meeting of shareholders held on 29 November 2013


all resolutions put to the General Meeting were passed on a show of hands


releases Annual Report to shareholders


a General Meeting of Kazakhstan Potash Corporation Limited (Company) is to be held at 2.30 p.m. (Melbourne time) on Friday, 25 October 2013. The General Meeting will be held at Norton Rose Fulbright Australia, Level 15, RACV Tower, 485 Bourke Street, Melbourne, Victoria 3000


announces the appointment of Freada Cheung as Managing Director in addition to her role as Chair of the Board of Directors of KPC


The Board of Kazakhstan Potash Corporation Limited (ASX:KPC), (KPC) wishes to advise that it has executed an agreement with the China-Asia Resources Fund (CAR Fund), a company related to the Chair of KPC. The CAR Fund has agreed to subscribe for up to $30 million of convertible notes, which will be secured, interest free, have a term of 4 years and convertible into KPC shares at $1.00 per share - Proceeds from the Convertible Notes issuance will be used to supplement the financing of the acquisition of Satimola Limited, provide loan funding to Batys Kali LLP and make available additional working capital for KPC group, including repayment of short term advances that CAR Fund has made to the Group of over $4 million


KPC signed the Sale and Purchase Agreement to acquire 100% shareholding in Satimola Limited, which holds via its wholly owned subsidiary Satbor LLP the Satimola potash deposit in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The purchase price is US$150 million - KPC has executed an agreement with Sino-Agri Mining Investment Co., Ltd. ("Sino-Agri Mining") for Sino-Agri Mining to subscribe $150 million convertible notes, which will be secured, have an interest rate of 8%, have a term of 5 years and will be convertible into KPC shares at $1.50 per share ("Convertible Notes). On conversion of the Convertible Notes, for each share issued from conversion, Sino-Agri Mining Investment will be issued 1 option that can be exercised into 1 share of KPC at $1.50, with an exercise period of 5 years from date of issue. Proceed from the Convertible Notes issuance will primarily be used to finance the acquisition of Satimola Limited and to fund the development of the project


releases Quarterly Cashflow Report and Quarterly Activities Report


name changed from Fortis Mining Limited

View ASX Announcements (courtesy of ASX)



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    Directors' on-market share transactions (last 5)

    rss feeds

    Purchases Sales

    17/10/2014Freada CheungOn market65,500$0.290$18,995
    26/09/2011Frank CannavoOn market50,000$0.900$45,000
    31/08/2011Frank CannavoOn market10,000$1.050$10,500

    Click here for the last 20 transactions all companies

    Directors & Executives (current)
    Terence WongManaging Director, CEO19/11/2011
    GE KaihuaExecutive Director03/12/2018
    Andrew ChanDirector, Company Secretary01/03/2020
    Jun NiuDirector30/06/2020
    Jennifer JiangDirector30/06/2020

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.

    Directors & Executives (former)
    Yuanzhi JiangNon Exec Director12/11/201929/01/2021
    Mathew LamDirector30/06/202029/01/2021
    Junheng LiNon Exec Director15/03/201909/09/2020
    Freada CheungExecutive Chairman, Managing Director19/11/201129/06/2020
    Hao ChenDirector28/11/201928/06/2020
    Yu SunExecutive Director05/07/201930/12/2019
    Liu SenlinManaging Director14/01/201910/12/2019
    Jaylin MaoNon Exec Director14/01/201910/12/2019
    Dong XieNon Exec Director18/07/201927/11/2019
    Jingjing WangNon Exec Director25/03/201909/09/2019
    Marco MarcouExecutive Director19/11/201130/05/2019
    Grant ThomasChairman, Executive Director16/03/201808/05/2019
    Edward WenNon Exec Director19/11/201115/03/2019
    Lyu XiaokangExecutive Director23/07/201414/01/2019
    Wei JiafuExecutive Director, CEO12/11/201527/06/2018
    Junmei ZhangNon Exec Director26/10/201216/03/2018
    Wang BaolinExecutive Director22/04/201416/03/2018
    Kaneko HiroshiExecutive Director, CEO09/10/201419/12/2014
    Teresa WongExecutive Director, CFO19/11/201122/04/2014
    Jitto ArulampalamNon Exec Director03/05/201002/07/2012
    Frank CannavoExecutive Director03/05/201023/12/2011
    Paul BitettoDirector14/09/201019/11/2011
    Terry GrammerDirector16/09/201019/11/2011

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.