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Sandy, I think my charts have ceausd some genuine confusion. Let me clarify for everyone. I have no idea whether that down move is a 3 wave or a 5 wave. I went with a 5 wave count because it worked! Unless u are an armchair analyst who does postmortem reports (after he move is over) you will generally use my techniques to count to 5 waves. Maybe that was the end of a C wave? But now that downmove is history. We are looking at a new cycle up. Will this be a 3 wave up or a 5 wave up? It doesn't matter. We need a third step up, later on that is. This is what I would like to focus on, whether we will get a 3rd step higher and where from. This is what you too should worry about, not whether we will come off after we go significantly higher. Those types of calls are best left to others who specialize in making such predictions. We should concern ourselves with getting a trading edge, the WaveTimes way!20/09/2013 19:15:48
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