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ASX, Legal & CGT Status
Former (or subsequent) names
MODUN RESOURCES LTD29/11/201128/08/2015
TVN CORPORATION LIMITED01/02/200729/11/2011
TVSN LIMITED01/02/2007
Shareholder links
Our website ranking of LVT: rating 3
(3 out of 5)


Automic Registry Pty Ltd
Tel : +61 (2) 8072 1400 or 1300 288 664 (within Australia)
RegistryWebsite RegistryEmail

Company details
ISIN: AU000000LVT6
Address: 77 King St, Level 14 Sydney NSW 2000
Tel:  +61 (2) 90531093 Fax: (+61 2) 8072 1440

Date first listed: 17/08/1999

Sector: Software & Services
Industry Group: XIJ
Activities: The Company is engaged in the development and sale of business software in Australia and overseas

a loss declaration has been issued and the capital loss can therefore be claimed in the financial year 2024/25 the statement is made (this statement was made on 8 November 2024 by the external administrators that, pursuant to a court order, the ordinary shares in the company were transferred for no consideration)


Glenn Livinstone and Alan Walker of WLP Restructuring appointed as Liquidators of the Company


delisted for non-payment of annual listing fee under Listing Rule 17.15


we understand the company failed to pay to ASX Limited the annual listing fees for the year ending 30 June 2025


Under Listing Rule 17.6, an entity (if not already suspended) that had not paid its annual listing fees by close of business on Wednesday, 21 August 2024 would have its securities suspended from Official Quotation before the commencement of trading on Thursday, 22 August 2024. The Company has failed to pay to ASX the annual listing fees for the year ending 30 June 2025, and each entity's securities are already suspended from quotation.


Notice is now given that the second meeting of the creditors of the Company will be held on 7 August 2024 at 11:00AM AEST.


The securities of the company have been suspended for more than three months. If an entity does not meet the 1 or 2 year deadlines, it will be removed from the official list. The removal will usually take effect from the open of trading on the first trading day after the deadline date.


Notice is now given that the first meeting of the creditors of the Company will be held on 12 July 2024 at 3:00PM AEST.


Alan Walker and Glenn Livingstone of WLP Restructuring were appointed joint and several voluntary administrators of LiveTiles Limited at 2pm on Tuesday 2nd July 2024.


The Receivers have completed the Transaction between LiveTiles Limited, LiveTiles Holdings Pty Ltd and Omnia Digital Workplace AB. Omnia now has full control of the operations of the LiveTiles business. LVT's businesses of My Net Zero and Human Link did not form part of the Transaction. The Receivers remain appointed for the foreseeable future for the purposes of realising residual assets and collecting deferred consideration amounts in connection with the Transaction.


On 4 June 2024, the Receivers, together with its wholly owned subsidiary LiveTiles Holdings Pty Ltd., executed a binding Share Purchase Agreement to sell the shares and assets of certain subsidiaries within the Group to Swedish based Omnia Digital Workplace AB. Omnia are backed by software growth investor Monterro and publicly listed Precio Fishbone. The effect of the Transaction is that all the operations of the LiveTiles business will be sold to Omnia. The Group's businesses of My Net Zero and Human Link did not form part of the Transaction.


Based on the responses ASX received to ASX's query letter dated 1 November 2023 and its query letter dated 24 November 2023, ASX had further queries. LVT advised on 8 December 2023 that, following the appointment of the receivers and managers on 7 December 2023, LVT was unable to respond to ASX's query letter dated 6 December 2023.


The Receivers and Managers hereby give notice that they intend to rely on relief under ASIC Corporations (Externally-Administered Bodies) Instrument 2015/251 which provides for the deferral of financial reporting obligation for a minimum period of 6 months from the day of appointment of the Receivers and Managers and up to a maximum of 24 months if the external administration continues for longer than 6 months.


Michael Korda, Andrew Knight and Craig Shepard of KordaMentha are appointed receivers and managers of LiveTiles Limited


The securities of LiveTiles Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.3, following the appointment of Receivers and Managers to LVT.


LiveTiles Ltd (previously Modun Resources Limited) ("Company") will be reinstated to official quotation as from 10am AEST on Friday 18 September 2015 following the Company's compliance with listing rule 11.1.3 and chapters 1 and 2 of the ASX Listing Rules. 130,516,008 ordinary shares fully paid Security Code: LVT


name changed from Modun Resources Ltd

View ASX Announcements (courtesy of ASX)



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    Directors' on-market share transactions (last 5)

    rss feeds

    Purchases Sales

    29/12/2021Jesse Todd557,777$0.089$49,865
    24/12/2021Marc Stigter287,040$0.087$24,972
    24/12/2021Fiona Le Brocq302,325$0.086$26,000
    28/05/2021Jesse Todd175,900$0.170$29,903
    13/05/2021Marc Stigter118,105$0.171$20,225

    Click here for the last 20 transactions all companies

    Directors & Executives (current)
    Steven GrayChairman18/10/2023
    David VanderCEO01/01/2023
    Daniel GossCOO29/07/2022
    Lisa SaragoNon Exec Director18/10/2023
    Natalie ClimoCompany Secretary

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.

    Directors & Executives (former)
    Karl RedenbachManaging Director, Executive Director15/12/2023
    Jesse ToddChairman, Independent Director15/04/202118/10/2023
    Vanessa FergusonNon Exec Director27/10/202218/10/2023
    Kevin YoungNon Exec Director27/10/202218/10/2023
    Peter Nguyen-BrownExecutive Director25/08/201531/10/2022
    Marc StigterChairman, Independent Director11/09/202029/10/2022
    Jarrod MageeCFO01/10/202029/07/2022
    Fiona Le BrocqIndependent Director15/04/202101/06/2022
    Andy McKeonNon Exec Director01/04/201715/04/2021
    Dana RasmussenNon Exec Director27/09/201915/04/2021
    Rowan WilkieCFO01/05/201901/10/2020
    David LemphersNon Exec Director01/09/201811/09/2020
    Cassandra KellyChairman05/09/201727/09/2019
    Matthew BrownDirector, CFO30/04/2019
    Andrew GrayChairman01/09/201424/11/2017
    Mike HillNon Exec Director01/09/201405/09/2017
    Hugh WarnerNon Exec Director20/04/201028/08/2015
    Philip KappNon Exec Director01/09/201427/08/2015
    Neil HackettNon Exec Director31/01/201411/03/2015
    Rick DaltonManaging Director29/08/201201/09/2014
    Daniel RohrCFO10/10/201201/09/2014
    Gerry FaheyNon Exec Director25/09/200831/01/2014
    James ThompsonNon Exec Director06/04/201114/10/2013
    Chris MardonExecutive Director27/03/200829/08/2012

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.