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29 March 2025
Name: | MOBILESOFT LIMITED (MSO) (This company subsequently changed its name and is now COVENTRY RESOURCES LIMITED. You should refer to that name for Status.) | ||||||
Date of Listing: | 02 May 2000 | ||||||
Subsequent Names: |
| ||||||
Former Names: |
Stock Exchange Status:
This company subsequently changed its name and is now COVENTRY RESOURCES LIMITED. You should refer to that name for Stock Exchange Status.Legal Status:
This company subsequently changed its name and is now COVENTRY RESOURCES LIMITED. You should refer to that name for Legal Status.Capital Gains Tax (CGT) Status:
This company subsequently changed its name and is now COVENTRY RESOURCES LIMITED. You should refer to that name for Capital Gains Tax Status.
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Company | FROM | TO |
MOBILESOFT LIMITED | 24/09/2002 | 08/10/2009 |
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name changed to Coventry Resources Limited | 08/10/2009 |
releases Financial Report for the Year Ended 30 June 2009 | 30/09/2009 |
we understand that on or about this date the company consolidated its shares 1 for 20 | 22/09/2009 |
shares suspended from quotation re a change of activities | 15/09/2009 |
shares reinstated to quotation | 04/08/2009 |
the securities of Mobilesoft Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from quotation immediately, following the announcement of the Company's proposed acquisition of Coventry Resources Limited | 03/08/2009 |
the securities of Mobilesoft Limited (the "Company") will be reinstated to official quotation at the commencement of trading on Thursday 23 July 2009 following settlement and effectuation of the deed of company arrangement and completion of a capital raising | 20/07/2009 |
the Company has successfully completed the capital raising in accordance with the prospectus dated 19 June 2009 raising a total of $2,000,000 | 17/07/2009 |
company releases Half Yearly Report and Accounts and Top 20 Security Holders and Spread Report | 16/07/2009 |
company issues a SHORT FORM PROSPECTUS for the issue of up to 400,000,000 Shares at an issue price of 0.5 cents per Share to raise up to $2,000,000 | 19/06/2009 |
the Company now intends to proceed with a further equity raising of up to approximately $2,000,000 under a prospectus (Prospectus) that is anticipated to be lodged with the ASIC towards the end of next week | 12/06/2009 |
we understand that on or about this date the company consolidated its shares 1 for 16 | 15/05/2009 |
all resolutions put to the Annual General Meeting of shareholders today were passed on a show of hands | 14/05/2009 |
the reorganisation of capital Mobilesoft Limited will become effective on Friday, 15 May 2009 - the reorganisation is by way of consolidating every sixteen ordinary fully paid shares in the capital of the Company into one fully paid ordinary share | 14/05/2009 |
further to the rescheduling of the Annual General Meeting announced on Monday 27 April the indicative timetable for the consolidation of capital has also been revised | 29/04/2009 |
the board of directors of Mobilesoft Limited (MSO) wishes to advise that the Annual General Meeting of shareholders that has been convened for 10.00am on 28 April 2009 will be postponed for a period of two weeks and one day. The Annual General Meeting will now be held at 10.00am on Wednesday, 13 May 2009 at the same location. The Directors consider it prudent to postpone the Annual General Meeting in order to, inter alia, obtain legal advice on the validity of various proxy forms and also to consider the ongoing solvency position of the company | 27/04/2009 |
the Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders of Mobilesoft Limited will be held at Level 4, 16 Milligan Street, Perth, Western Australia on 28 April 2009 at 10am (WST) | 27/03/2009 |
company releases its Annual Report to shareholders | 20/01/2009 |
a reconstruction is proposed as the company can no longer continue as it is - shareholders will receive one share for every 12 they own - in due course shareholders will vote on the proposals | 17/10/2008 |
cash flow for the quarter to 31 March 2008 shows a cash deficit at operating level of $175k | 10/06/2008 |
resolutions to consider (1) the adoption of the Remuneration Report for the year ended 30 June 2007 as a non-binding, advisory resolution was not passed on a show of hands - the resolution was subsequently passed on a poll and (2) that Mr Ben Corby be appointed a director of the Company, was withdrawn at the meeting - consequently Mr Ben Corby retired as a director effective today | 29/02/2008 |
releases Annual Report and Half Yearly Report and Accounts | 30/01/2008 |
a General Meeting will be held on 22 January 2008 at 10.30am (AEST) at Level 4, 83 Mount Street, North Sydney NSW 2060 | 21/12/2007 |
the Australian Securities & Investments Commission (ASIC) has today granted an extension of the period within which the Company must hold its Annual General Meeting for the Fiscal Year 2007 from 30 November 2007 to 29 February 2008 | 11/12/2007 |
the company has today received notice from a director of intent to convene a general meeting of the company on 7 February 2008 to consider and if thought fit pass a resolution that Grant Thornton NSW be removed as auditor of the company | 06/12/2007 |
according to directors the company is "prospecting for opportunities for the sale or licensing of the company's software and intellectual propert" | 21/11/2007 |
creditors resolve to enter into a deed of company arrangement and control of the company is back in the hands of directors | 18/10/2007 |
shares suspended from quotation following the appointment of Sule Amautovic and Roderick Sutherland of Jirsch Sutherland as administrators - this never augurs well for shareholders - it will be several weeks before an assessment of the situation is available | 22/08/2007 |
shares reinstated to quotation | 12/09/2006 |
company announces the appointment of Kim Austen Slater as a non executive director (and Chairman) and Rodney John Pickup - and announces the resignation of Craig Edward Higgins and Robert John McKelvey as directors | 28/08/2006 |
advises the effect of changes to results for the fiscal year 2006 are to increase the previously announced estimate of a net loss for fiscal year 2006 from approximately $4.2 million to approximately $5.8 million - negotiations governing the Company's proposed issue of convertible notes have continued and have widened to include the consideration of other potential sources of funding - announce that it's wholly owned subsidiary, Mobilesoft (Aust) Pty Ltd has entered into a conditional contract with potential revenues to be in excess of $45 million | 25/08/2006 |
shares suspended from quotation | 16/08/2006 |
name changed from Technologies Limited | 24/09/2002 |
name changed to Coventry Resources Limited | 08/10/2009 |
releases Financial Report for the Year Ended 30 June 2009 | 30/09/2009 |
we understand that on or about this date the company consolidated its shares 1 for 20 | 22/09/2009 |
shares suspended from quotation re a change of activities | 15/09/2009 |
shares reinstated to quotation | 04/08/2009 |
the securities of Mobilesoft Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from quotation immediately, following the announcement of the Company's proposed acquisition of Coventry Resources Limited | 03/08/2009 |
the securities of Mobilesoft Limited (the "Company") will be reinstated to official quotation at the commencement of trading on Thursday 23 July 2009 following settlement and effectuation of the deed of company arrangement and completion of a capital raising | 20/07/2009 |
the Company has successfully completed the capital raising in accordance with the prospectus dated 19 June 2009 raising a total of $2,000,000 | 17/07/2009 |
company releases Half Yearly Report and Accounts and Top 20 Security Holders and Spread Report | 16/07/2009 |
company issues a SHORT FORM PROSPECTUS for the issue of up to 400,000,000 Shares at an issue price of 0.5 cents per Share to raise up to $2,000,000 | 19/06/2009 |
the Company now intends to proceed with a further equity raising of up to approximately $2,000,000 under a prospectus (Prospectus) that is anticipated to be lodged with the ASIC towards the end of next week | 12/06/2009 |
we understand that on or about this date the company consolidated its shares 1 for 16 | 15/05/2009 |
all resolutions put to the Annual General Meeting of shareholders today were passed on a show of hands | 14/05/2009 |
the reorganisation of capital Mobilesoft Limited will become effective on Friday, 15 May 2009 - the reorganisation is by way of consolidating every sixteen ordinary fully paid shares in the capital of the Company into one fully paid ordinary share | 14/05/2009 |
further to the rescheduling of the Annual General Meeting announced on Monday 27 April the indicative timetable for the consolidation of capital has also been revised | 29/04/2009 |
the board of directors of Mobilesoft Limited (MSO) wishes to advise that the Annual General Meeting of shareholders that has been convened for 10.00am on 28 April 2009 will be postponed for a period of two weeks and one day. The Annual General Meeting will now be held at 10.00am on Wednesday, 13 May 2009 at the same location. The Directors consider it prudent to postpone the Annual General Meeting in order to, inter alia, obtain legal advice on the validity of various proxy forms and also to consider the ongoing solvency position of the company | 27/04/2009 |
the Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders of Mobilesoft Limited will be held at Level 4, 16 Milligan Street, Perth, Western Australia on 28 April 2009 at 10am (WST) | 27/03/2009 |
company releases its Annual Report to shareholders | 20/01/2009 |
a reconstruction is proposed as the company can no longer continue as it is - shareholders will receive one share for every 12 they own - in due course shareholders will vote on the proposals | 17/10/2008 |
cash flow for the quarter to 31 March 2008 shows a cash deficit at operating level of $175k | 10/06/2008 |
resolutions to consider (1) the adoption of the Remuneration Report for the year ended 30 June 2007 as a non-binding, advisory resolution was not passed on a show of hands - the resolution was subsequently passed on a poll and (2) that Mr Ben Corby be appointed a director of the Company, was withdrawn at the meeting - consequently Mr Ben Corby retired as a director effective today | 29/02/2008 |
releases Annual Report and Half Yearly Report and Accounts | 30/01/2008 |
a General Meeting will be held on 22 January 2008 at 10.30am (AEST) at Level 4, 83 Mount Street, North Sydney NSW 2060 | 21/12/2007 |
the Australian Securities & Investments Commission (ASIC) has today granted an extension of the period within which the Company must hold its Annual General Meeting for the Fiscal Year 2007 from 30 November 2007 to 29 February 2008 | 11/12/2007 |
the company has today received notice from a director of intent to convene a general meeting of the company on 7 February 2008 to consider and if thought fit pass a resolution that Grant Thornton NSW be removed as auditor of the company | 06/12/2007 |
according to directors the company is "prospecting for opportunities for the sale or licensing of the company's software and intellectual propert" | 21/11/2007 |
creditors resolve to enter into a deed of company arrangement and control of the company is back in the hands of directors | 18/10/2007 |
shares suspended from quotation following the appointment of Sule Amautovic and Roderick Sutherland of Jirsch Sutherland as administrators - this never augurs well for shareholders - it will be several weeks before an assessment of the situation is available | 22/08/2007 |
shares reinstated to quotation | 12/09/2006 |
company announces the appointment of Kim Austen Slater as a non executive director (and Chairman) and Rodney John Pickup - and announces the resignation of Craig Edward Higgins and Robert John McKelvey as directors | 28/08/2006 |
advises the effect of changes to results for the fiscal year 2006 are to increase the previously announced estimate of a net loss for fiscal year 2006 from approximately $4.2 million to approximately $5.8 million - negotiations governing the Company's proposed issue of convertible notes have continued and have widened to include the consideration of other potential sources of funding - announce that it's wholly owned subsidiary, Mobilesoft (Aust) Pty Ltd has entered into a conditional contract with potential revenues to be in excess of $45 million | 25/08/2006 |
shares suspended from quotation | 16/08/2006 |
name changed from Technologies Limited | 24/09/2002 |
Your browser may reflect a date of printing in American format.
Phillip Blundell | Non Exec Chairman | |
Craig Higgins | Non Exec Director | |
Roy Edwards | Director | |
Sean Henbury | Company Secretary |
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
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