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11 March 2025
Name: | MRI HOLDINGS LIMITED (MRI) | |||||||||||||||||||||
Date of Listing: | 25 August 1971 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Date of Delisting: | 31 August 2010 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Former Names: |
Stock Exchange Status:
This entity was delisted from the Australian Securities Exchange on 31 August 2010.Legal Status:
ACN: 007 871 963ABN: 39 007 871 963
Registration Date: 07 August 1925
Deregistration Date: 28 February 2015
Capital Gains Tax (CGT) Status:
This entity was deregistered on 28 February 2015. Deregistration is a Capital Gains Tax Event. In our opinion you are entitled to crystallise any capital loss in the tax year that deregistration occurs providing you have not previously done so. If you did not crystallise your loss in the tax year the entity was deregistered, you may seek to re-open that year’s assessment but anyway should seek professional advice as to how best to proceed.
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Further information: deListed and InvestoGain are operated by Investogain Pty Limited which is licensed by ASIC as an Australian Financial Services Licensee (AFSL 334036). deListed acquires only securities that it deems to be of little or no value, in circumstances where the holder is unable to sell their securities on-market in the normal manner. This service has been provided online via the company’s website since 2004.
Getting advice: Information provided in this section is of a general nature and applicable only to Australian tax residents who hold their investments on capital account (ie for long-term investment purposes). It has been prepared without taking into account your financial needs or tax situation. Before acting on the information, deListed suggests that you consider whether it is appropriate for your circumstances and recommends that you seek independent legal, financial, or taxation advice.
Disclaimer: The information provided above is to the best of our knowledge accurate as of today. But you should bear in mind that it is of a general nature and does not constitute financial or tax advice. Investogain Pty Limited accepts no liability for any loss arising from reliance on this information, including reliance on information that is no longer current.
Company | FROM | TO |
MRI HOLDINGS LIMITED | 18/06/2003 | |
AUSTRALIA NET.COM LIMITED | 30/06/2000 | 18/06/2003 |
MRI HOLDINGS LIMITED (2) | 19/07/1995 | 30/06/2000 |
IVANHOE GOLD LIMITED | 21/04/1983 | 12/01/1987 |
Computershare Perth
Level 17, 221 St Georges Terrace, Perth WA 6000
Tel : +61 (0)3 9415 4000 or 1300 850 505 (within Australia)
Fax : +61 3 9473 2500
RegistryWebsite RegistryEmail
company is deregistered today | 28/02/2015 |
liquidators issue a loss declaration to the effect that there will be no further return to shareholders - (apparently there have been two distributions of about 36 cents and 4 cents per share) - a capital loss equal to the reduced cost base of the shares is therefore claimable in the tax year 2012/13 | 20/07/2012 |
delisted as entity has failed to pay to ASX Limited their annual listing fee in respect of year ending June 2011 | 31/08/2010 |
The Company wishes to advise the results of the resolutions put to the General Meeting held today. All resolutions were passed on a show of hands. | 29/04/2010 |
releases Full Year Statutory Accounts | 15/04/2010 |
the Net Tangible Asset Backing of the company is 33.90 cents per share at 28 February 2010 | 17/03/2010 |
releases Preliminary Final Report | 26/02/2010 |
the Net Tangible Asset Backing of the company is 34.38 cents per share at 31 January 2010 | 16/02/2010 |
the company advises that the Net Tangible Asset Backing of the company is 34.66 cents per share at 31 December 2009 | 13/01/2010 |
the company advises that the Net Tangible Asset Backing of the company is 34.78 cents per share at 30 November 2009 | 14/12/2009 |
at long last, this company advises it can find nothing better to do with the $12.2m cash it sits on and is now proposing to return that to shareholders by way of a voluntary liquidation (at the end of 2003 that cash pile was a shade under $16m) | 09/12/2009 |
company releases its half yearly Report | 31/08/2009 |
the Convertible Notes resulted in a settlement of about $750k more than anticipated | 28/08/2009 |
The company advises that the Net Tangible Asset Backing of the company is 32.9 cents per share at 31 July 2009 | 14/08/2009 |
company reports on the sale of land and property over which it had a mortgage to secure convertible notes - after write downs in 2008 it appears MRI will not be disadavantaged | 17/07/2009 |
The company advises that the Net Tangible Asset Backing of the company is 37.32 cents per share at 30 June 2009 | 14/07/2009 |
the net tangible asset backing of ordinary shares in MRI Holdings Limited at 30 April 2009 was 37.78 cents per share | 15/05/2009 |
company provides Notice of Annual General Meeting/Proxy Form | 13/05/2009 |
company advises that the Annual Report for the year ended 31 December 2008 scheduled for release on Tuesday 31 March 2009 will be delayed | 01/04/2009 |
at the General Meeting yesterday shareholders approved by a show of hands an Investment Management Agreement | 20/03/2009 |
the net tangible asset backing of ordinary shares in MRI Holdings Limited at 28 February 2009 was 38.22 cents per share | 16/03/2009 |
company releases its Preliminary Final Report | 27/02/2009 |
company provides Notice of General Meeting/Proxy Form | 19/02/2009 |
company reports the net tangible asset backing of ordinary shares in MRI Holdings Limited at 31 January 2009 was 38.32 cents per share | 13/02/2009 |
company says it is in discussions with investment managers to manage the company's asset portfolio | 12/12/2008 |
company demands repayment of convertible Notes (and outstanding interest) from Westland Orchards and Westland Packing ($2,150,000 each) | 11/12/2008 |
company releases its Half Yearly Reports and Accounts | 27/10/2008 |
company releases its Half Year Accounts | 29/08/2008 |
the net tangible asset backing of ordinary shares in MRI Holdings Limited at 30 June 2008 was 33.72 cents per share | 14/07/2008 |
company advises that its Annual Report for y/e 31 December 2007 has been distributed to shareholders | 09/05/2008 |
provides notice of AGM and full year statutory accounts | 02/05/2008 |
annual report is released | 22/04/2008 |
the net tangible asset backing of ordinary shares in MRI Holdings Limited at 31 March 2008 was 35.44 cents per share | 15/04/2008 |
annual report is delayed 14 days | 31/03/2008 |
the net tangible asset backing of ordinary shares in MRI Holdings Limited at 29 February 2008 was 36.16 cents per share | 14/03/2008 |
lodges preliminary final report | 29/02/2008 |
company draws attention to a $3.5m writedown affecting the net tangible asset backing of ordinary shares from December 2007 | 28/02/2008 |
the net tangible asset backing of ordinary shares in MRI Holdings Limited at 31 January 2008 was 37.32 cents per share | 14/02/2008 |
the net tangible asset backing of ordinary shares in MRI Holdings Limited at 31 December 2007 was 37.61 cents per share | 15/01/2008 |
the net tangible asset backing of ordinary shares in MRI Holdings Limited at 31 October 2007 was 45.53 cents per share | 14/12/2007 |
we note that we first reported in July 2004 that the net tangible asset backing of this company as at 30 June 2004 was 50.4 cents - in the three and half years since, shareholders' investment has gone backwards by 10% - during that time the overall market has advanced by about 85% - shareholders in this company have therefore seen the value of their investment halved in comparison with their peers - it is astonishing that Dr Allan Yap, Mr Malcolm Draffin and their fellow directors have allowed this situation to continue - and why if the company is doing nothing, does it need such a large board? | 14/12/2007 |
the net tangible asset backing of ordinary shares in MRI Holdings Limited at 31 October 2007 was 44.85 cents per share | 14/11/2007 |
company advises that the net tangible asset backing of ordinary shares in MRI Holdings Limited 31 August 2007 was 47.9 cents per share | 14/09/2007 |
company releases its Half Yearly Report and Accounts | 31/08/2007 |
the net tangible asset backing of ordinary shares in MRI Holdings Limited at 31 July 2007 was 46.8 cents per share | 14/08/2007 |
company advises that the net tangible asset backing of ordinary shares in MRI Holdings Limited at 30 June 2007 was 47.2 cents per share | 17/07/2007 |
the Company advises that it is continuing in its efforts to identify a suitable investment that would result in the re-instatement to trading in the Company's shares | 03/07/2007 |
company advises that the net tangible asset backing of ordinary shares in MRI Holdings Limited at 31 May 2007 was 48.8 cents per share | 14/06/2007 |
the Board of MRI Holdings Limited advise that at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held today Resolutions 1, 3, 4 and 5 were passed on a show of hands - resolution 2, the re-election of Mr Jiang Hai Chen as a director, was lost on a poll vote. - ss a result Mr Chen is no longer a director of the Company | 31/05/2007 |
gives notice that the Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders of MRI Holdings Limited will be held at Level 2, 45 Stirling Highway, Nedlands on Thursday, 31 May 2007 at 11.00am | 27/04/2007 |
securities suspended from quotation pending an announcement | 26/04/2007 |
shares reinstated to quotation | 16/01/2006 |
the board of the company advises the Company has subscribed for 5,000,000 fully paid ordinary shares in Zest Health Clubs Ltd for a total consideration of $4,000,000 | 11/01/2006 |
company advises that the net tangible asset backing of ordinary shares in MRI Holdings Limited at 30 November 2005 was 48.2 cents per share | 14/12/2005 |
advises that the net tangible asset backing of ordinary shares in MRI Holdings Limited 31 October 2005 was 47.8 cents per share | 14/11/2005 |
advises that the net tangible asset backing of ordinary shares in MRI Holdings Limited 30 September 2005 was 47.5 cents per share | 13/10/2005 |
advises that the net tangible asset backing of ordinary shares in MRI Holdings Limited 31 August 2005 was 47.3 cents per share | 14/09/2005 |
net tangible asset backing of ordinary shares in MRI Holdings Limited 31 July 2005 was 46.7 cents per share | 15/08/2005 |
advises that the net tangible asset backing of ordinary shares in MRI Holdings Limited 30 June 2005 was 46.6 cents per share | 14/07/2005 |
advises that the net tangible asset backing of ordinary shares in MRI Holdings Limited 31 May 2005 was 47.7 cents per share | 14/06/2005 |
company reports that at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held today all resolutions were passed on a show of hands | 25/05/2005 |
the net tangible asset backing of ordinary shares in MRI Holdings Limited 30 April 2005 was 47.2 cents per share | 12/05/2005 |
lodges annual financial report and provides notice of meeting - report states the aim of the directors was to identify appropriate strategic investment opportunities - during 2004 a number of possible investments were assessed, however it is unfortunate that none of the investments considered were sufficiently attractive to warrant investment | 22/04/2005 |
advises that the net tangible asset backing of ordinary shares in MRI Holdings Limited at 31 March 2005 was 47.3 cents per share | 14/04/2005 |
company lodges its full year accounts and advises that a $4.3 million convertible note in the company Fruit Projects Australia Pty Limited will be secured over a mortgage on the assets of FPA following the sale of those assets to Westlands Orchards P/L and Westlands Packaging P/L | 31/03/2005 |
board advises that Dr Allan Yap, a director of the Company, has been appointed to the position of chairman of the board of directors | 29/03/2005 |
the net tangible asset backing of ordinary shares in MRI Holdings Limited 28 February 2005 was 46.6 cents per share | 14/03/2005 |
net tangible asset backing of ordinary shares in MRI Holdings Limited at 31 January 2005 was 48.2 cents per share | 14/02/2005 |
company advises that at 31 December 2004 the net tangible asset backing was 47.5 cents a share | 14/01/2005 |
company advises its net tangible asset backing of ordinary shares at 30 November 2004 was 47.4 cents per share | 14/12/2004 |
lodges Half Yearly Report & Accounts | 31/08/2004 |
creditors vote today to wind up Fruit Projects Australia Pty Ltd and its subsidiary FPA Orchards Pty Ltd | 02/08/2004 |
company advises that at 30 June 2004 the net tangible asset backing was 50.4 cents a share | 14/07/2004 |
shares suspended as the company is unable to meet ASX's deadline for an increase in activity | 08/07/2004 |
company appoints a receiver and manager to Fruit Projects Australia Pty Ltd and to its subsidiary FPA Orchards Pty Ltd | 04/05/2004 |
reinstated to quotation | 12/08/2003 |
shares suspended from quotation | 18/07/2003 |
name changed from Australia Net.Com Limited | 18/06/2003 |
company is deregistered today | 28/02/2015 |
liquidators issue a loss declaration to the effect that there will be no further return to shareholders - (apparently there have been two distributions of about 36 cents and 4 cents per share) - a capital loss equal to the reduced cost base of the shares is therefore claimable in the tax year 2012/13 | 20/07/2012 |
delisted as entity has failed to pay to ASX Limited their annual listing fee in respect of year ending June 2011 | 31/08/2010 |
The Company wishes to advise the results of the resolutions put to the General Meeting held today. All resolutions were passed on a show of hands. | 29/04/2010 |
releases Full Year Statutory Accounts | 15/04/2010 |
the Net Tangible Asset Backing of the company is 33.90 cents per share at 28 February 2010 | 17/03/2010 |
releases Preliminary Final Report | 26/02/2010 |
the Net Tangible Asset Backing of the company is 34.38 cents per share at 31 January 2010 | 16/02/2010 |
the company advises that the Net Tangible Asset Backing of the company is 34.66 cents per share at 31 December 2009 | 13/01/2010 |
the company advises that the Net Tangible Asset Backing of the company is 34.78 cents per share at 30 November 2009 | 14/12/2009 |
at long last, this company advises it can find nothing better to do with the $12.2m cash it sits on and is now proposing to return that to shareholders by way of a voluntary liquidation (at the end of 2003 that cash pile was a shade under $16m) | 09/12/2009 |
company releases its half yearly Report | 31/08/2009 |
the Convertible Notes resulted in a settlement of about $750k more than anticipated | 28/08/2009 |
The company advises that the Net Tangible Asset Backing of the company is 32.9 cents per share at 31 July 2009 | 14/08/2009 |
company reports on the sale of land and property over which it had a mortgage to secure convertible notes - after write downs in 2008 it appears MRI will not be disadavantaged | 17/07/2009 |
The company advises that the Net Tangible Asset Backing of the company is 37.32 cents per share at 30 June 2009 | 14/07/2009 |
the net tangible asset backing of ordinary shares in MRI Holdings Limited at 30 April 2009 was 37.78 cents per share | 15/05/2009 |
company provides Notice of Annual General Meeting/Proxy Form | 13/05/2009 |
company advises that the Annual Report for the year ended 31 December 2008 scheduled for release on Tuesday 31 March 2009 will be delayed | 01/04/2009 |
at the General Meeting yesterday shareholders approved by a show of hands an Investment Management Agreement | 20/03/2009 |
the net tangible asset backing of ordinary shares in MRI Holdings Limited at 28 February 2009 was 38.22 cents per share | 16/03/2009 |
company releases its Preliminary Final Report | 27/02/2009 |
company provides Notice of General Meeting/Proxy Form | 19/02/2009 |
company reports the net tangible asset backing of ordinary shares in MRI Holdings Limited at 31 January 2009 was 38.32 cents per share | 13/02/2009 |
company says it is in discussions with investment managers to manage the company's asset portfolio | 12/12/2008 |
company demands repayment of convertible Notes (and outstanding interest) from Westland Orchards and Westland Packing ($2,150,000 each) | 11/12/2008 |
company releases its Half Yearly Reports and Accounts | 27/10/2008 |
company releases its Half Year Accounts | 29/08/2008 |
the net tangible asset backing of ordinary shares in MRI Holdings Limited at 30 June 2008 was 33.72 cents per share | 14/07/2008 |
company advises that its Annual Report for y/e 31 December 2007 has been distributed to shareholders | 09/05/2008 |
provides notice of AGM and full year statutory accounts | 02/05/2008 |
annual report is released | 22/04/2008 |
the net tangible asset backing of ordinary shares in MRI Holdings Limited at 31 March 2008 was 35.44 cents per share | 15/04/2008 |
annual report is delayed 14 days | 31/03/2008 |
the net tangible asset backing of ordinary shares in MRI Holdings Limited at 29 February 2008 was 36.16 cents per share | 14/03/2008 |
lodges preliminary final report | 29/02/2008 |
company draws attention to a $3.5m writedown affecting the net tangible asset backing of ordinary shares from December 2007 | 28/02/2008 |
the net tangible asset backing of ordinary shares in MRI Holdings Limited at 31 January 2008 was 37.32 cents per share | 14/02/2008 |
the net tangible asset backing of ordinary shares in MRI Holdings Limited at 31 December 2007 was 37.61 cents per share | 15/01/2008 |
the net tangible asset backing of ordinary shares in MRI Holdings Limited at 31 October 2007 was 45.53 cents per share | 14/12/2007 |
we note that we first reported in July 2004 that the net tangible asset backing of this company as at 30 June 2004 was 50.4 cents - in the three and half years since, shareholders' investment has gone backwards by 10% - during that time the overall market has advanced by about 85% - shareholders in this company have therefore seen the value of their investment halved in comparison with their peers - it is astonishing that Dr Allan Yap, Mr Malcolm Draffin and their fellow directors have allowed this situation to continue - and why if the company is doing nothing, does it need such a large board? | 14/12/2007 |
the net tangible asset backing of ordinary shares in MRI Holdings Limited at 31 October 2007 was 44.85 cents per share | 14/11/2007 |
company advises that the net tangible asset backing of ordinary shares in MRI Holdings Limited 31 August 2007 was 47.9 cents per share | 14/09/2007 |
company releases its Half Yearly Report and Accounts | 31/08/2007 |
the net tangible asset backing of ordinary shares in MRI Holdings Limited at 31 July 2007 was 46.8 cents per share | 14/08/2007 |
company advises that the net tangible asset backing of ordinary shares in MRI Holdings Limited at 30 June 2007 was 47.2 cents per share | 17/07/2007 |
the Company advises that it is continuing in its efforts to identify a suitable investment that would result in the re-instatement to trading in the Company's shares | 03/07/2007 |
company advises that the net tangible asset backing of ordinary shares in MRI Holdings Limited at 31 May 2007 was 48.8 cents per share | 14/06/2007 |
the Board of MRI Holdings Limited advise that at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held today Resolutions 1, 3, 4 and 5 were passed on a show of hands - resolution 2, the re-election of Mr Jiang Hai Chen as a director, was lost on a poll vote. - ss a result Mr Chen is no longer a director of the Company | 31/05/2007 |
gives notice that the Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders of MRI Holdings Limited will be held at Level 2, 45 Stirling Highway, Nedlands on Thursday, 31 May 2007 at 11.00am | 27/04/2007 |
securities suspended from quotation pending an announcement | 26/04/2007 |
shares reinstated to quotation | 16/01/2006 |
the board of the company advises the Company has subscribed for 5,000,000 fully paid ordinary shares in Zest Health Clubs Ltd for a total consideration of $4,000,000 | 11/01/2006 |
company advises that the net tangible asset backing of ordinary shares in MRI Holdings Limited at 30 November 2005 was 48.2 cents per share | 14/12/2005 |
advises that the net tangible asset backing of ordinary shares in MRI Holdings Limited 31 October 2005 was 47.8 cents per share | 14/11/2005 |
advises that the net tangible asset backing of ordinary shares in MRI Holdings Limited 30 September 2005 was 47.5 cents per share | 13/10/2005 |
advises that the net tangible asset backing of ordinary shares in MRI Holdings Limited 31 August 2005 was 47.3 cents per share | 14/09/2005 |
net tangible asset backing of ordinary shares in MRI Holdings Limited 31 July 2005 was 46.7 cents per share | 15/08/2005 |
advises that the net tangible asset backing of ordinary shares in MRI Holdings Limited 30 June 2005 was 46.6 cents per share | 14/07/2005 |
advises that the net tangible asset backing of ordinary shares in MRI Holdings Limited 31 May 2005 was 47.7 cents per share | 14/06/2005 |
company reports that at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held today all resolutions were passed on a show of hands | 25/05/2005 |
the net tangible asset backing of ordinary shares in MRI Holdings Limited 30 April 2005 was 47.2 cents per share | 12/05/2005 |
lodges annual financial report and provides notice of meeting - report states the aim of the directors was to identify appropriate strategic investment opportunities - during 2004 a number of possible investments were assessed, however it is unfortunate that none of the investments considered were sufficiently attractive to warrant investment | 22/04/2005 |
advises that the net tangible asset backing of ordinary shares in MRI Holdings Limited at 31 March 2005 was 47.3 cents per share | 14/04/2005 |
company lodges its full year accounts and advises that a $4.3 million convertible note in the company Fruit Projects Australia Pty Limited will be secured over a mortgage on the assets of FPA following the sale of those assets to Westlands Orchards P/L and Westlands Packaging P/L | 31/03/2005 |
board advises that Dr Allan Yap, a director of the Company, has been appointed to the position of chairman of the board of directors | 29/03/2005 |
the net tangible asset backing of ordinary shares in MRI Holdings Limited 28 February 2005 was 46.6 cents per share | 14/03/2005 |
net tangible asset backing of ordinary shares in MRI Holdings Limited at 31 January 2005 was 48.2 cents per share | 14/02/2005 |
company advises that at 31 December 2004 the net tangible asset backing was 47.5 cents a share | 14/01/2005 |
company advises its net tangible asset backing of ordinary shares at 30 November 2004 was 47.4 cents per share | 14/12/2004 |
lodges Half Yearly Report & Accounts | 31/08/2004 |
creditors vote today to wind up Fruit Projects Australia Pty Ltd and its subsidiary FPA Orchards Pty Ltd | 02/08/2004 |
company advises that at 30 June 2004 the net tangible asset backing was 50.4 cents a share | 14/07/2004 |
shares suspended as the company is unable to meet ASX's deadline for an increase in activity | 08/07/2004 |
company appoints a receiver and manager to Fruit Projects Australia Pty Ltd and to its subsidiary FPA Orchards Pty Ltd | 04/05/2004 |
reinstated to quotation | 12/08/2003 |
shares suspended from quotation | 18/07/2003 |
name changed from Australia Net.Com Limited | 18/06/2003 |
Your browser may reflect a date of printing in American format.
Allan Yap | Chairman | |
Chan Augustine | Director | |
James How | Director | |
Eva Chan | Director | |
Lien Long | Director | |
Man Cheung | Director | |
Malcolm Draffin | Director | |
Andrew Draffin | Company Secretary |
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
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