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ASX, Legal & CGT Status
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Our website ranking of MSM: rating 3
(3 out of 5)


Advanced Share Registry Services
110 Stirling Hwy, Nedlands WA 6009
Tel : +61 8 9389 8033
Fax : +61 8 9262 3723
RegistryWebsite RegistryEmail

Company details
ISIN: AU000000MSM5
Address: Level 8, 90 Collins Street MELBOURNE VIC 3000
Tel:  +61 3 9015 4036 Fax: +61 3 9666 3301

Date first listed: 20/11/1996

Sector: Materials
Industry Group: XMJ
Activities: Mineral exploration

The company notifies ASIC of the issue of additional shares to new or existing shareholders.


The company notifies ASIC of changes to its share structure which may include changes to the class of shares (e.g. converting ordinary shares to preference shares), amendments to the terms on which shares are issued, or the consolidation/splitting of shares.


Shareholders in this company should consider crystallising a capital loss in 2024/25 by selling their shares. This process is now much easier and quicker. It can be achieved online by entering transaction details here. While, this usually makes good economic sense we recommend you seek professional advice before buying or selling securities, your accountant is probably the best person.


The company notifies ASIC of the issue of additional shares to new or existing shareholders.


The company notifies ASIC of the issue of additional shares to new or existing shareholders.


delisted at entity's request under Listing Rule 17.11


we understand the company delisted because of the long suspension, an incompleted merger with Riva Technology, uncertainty whether it can satisfy listing requirements post merger, inability to progress a capital raising and the costs of the listing


The company lodges its Quarterly Activities/Appendix 4C Cash Flow Report.


The meeting seeking shareholder approval for the delisting is to be held at 1.30pm WST on 22 November 2021.


The company's AGM will be held at 1:30 pm (WST) on 22 November 2021 at BDO 38 Station Street SUBIACO WA 6008.


The company releases a letter to its shareholders regarding the company's AGM.


The company has received US$100,000 representing the fifth loan repayment for the US$1.5M loan note with The Riva Group's subsidiary, Riva Technology and Entertainment Limited with regular repayments to follow. These will be used for general working capital.


The company has formally applied to be removed from the Official List of ASX. The Board this decision is in the best interests of security holders.


The company lodges its Appendix 4C - Monthly.


The company lodges its Appendix 4C - monthly.


The company releases its Corporate Governance Statement.


The company releases its Appendix 4G.


The company lodges its Annual Report.


The company lodges its Quarterly Activities Report.


The company lodges its Appendix 4C - monthly.


The company lodges its Appendix 4C - monthly.


The company releases an Appendix 4C - monthly.


The company has received US$150,000 representing the fourth loan repayment for the US$1.5M loan note with The Riva Group's subsidiary, Riva Technology and Entertainment Limited (RTE) with regular repayments to follow. The Company will apply these funds for general working capital.


Firefly Games has committed to developing mobile gaming in Australia starting with a competition promoting the mobile game Zombie Rollerz: Pinball Heroes. The initiative from Firefly Games follows the exceptional response to RTE's associated Esports company, Galaxy Racer's successful Australian Esports tournament held last month which recorded over 1,000,000 impressions globally and most prominently in the Oceania region. MSM recently announced the proposed merger with RTE, subject to recompliance with the admission and quotation requirements of ASX, to create a global digital media entertainment, Esports and gaming business.


Riva Technology and Entertainment Limited has signed a brand licencing deal with the iconic comic book series publisher, Dark Horse Comics, which will see RTE producing multiple mobile games based on the successful, The Umbrella Academy comic books and Netflix series. In April 2019, Netflix reported that 45 million households had watched season one of The Umbrella Academy during its first month of release, thus becoming one of the most streamed series of the year. MSM recently announced the proposed merger with RTE, subject to recomplicance with the admission and quotation requirements of ASX to create a global digital media entertainment, Esports and gaming business.


The company lodges its Quarterly Activities Report.


The company lodges its Appendix 4C - monthly.


Riva Technology and Entertainment's associated Esports company, Galaxy Racer, hosted an Australian Esports Tournament for the first time. Over 1,000,000 impressions were recorded globally, most prominently in the Oceania region. Over 1,500 players participated including some of Australia's Esports stars. The broadcast peaked at over 28,000 concurrent viewers watching the games. MSM recently announced the proposed merger with RTE to create a global digital media entertainment, esports an gaming business and investments in other complementary global gaming businesses.


MSM strategic partner, Riva Technology and Entertainment Limited's Esports company, Galaxy Racer is hosting an Australian Esports Tournament for the first time. RTE is a 10% equity holder in Galaxy Racer, one of the fastest growing Esports organizations in the world. MSM recently announced the proposed merger with RTE, subject to recompliance with the admission and quotation requirements of ASX, to create a global digital media entertainment, Esports and gaming business, including Firefly Games, Galaxy Racer and investments in other complimentary global gaming businesses, such as OkLetsPlay, Rogue Games and SUB2r. In addition to multiple brand licencing deals with global toy giant, MGA Entertainment Inc. to develop and publish mobile games based on MGA Entertainment's awarding winning brand, L.O.L. Surprise! and Rainbow High.


Riva Technology and Entertainment Limited has signed multiple brand licencing deals with global toy giant, MGA Entertainment Inc. MGA Entertainment Inc is a U.S.-based company which has a diversified portfolio of award-winning brands such as L.O.L. Surprise!, Poopsie Slime Surprise, Na! Na! Na! Surprise, BABY born Surprise, Little Tikes, VIRO Rides, Dojo Battle, Num Noms, Project Mc² and Zapf Creation. MSM recently announced the proposed merger with RTE, subject to recompliance with the admission and quotation requirements of ASX, to create a global digital media entertainment, Esports and gaming business, including Firefly Games, Galaxy Racer and investments in other complimentary global gaming businesses, such as OkLetsPlay, Rogue Games and SUB2r.


Riva Technology and Entertainment Limited has invested US$3.5M for a significant minority equity holding in SUB2r. SUB2r is a U.S.-based company which produces highly complex imaging technology. SUB2r cameras are in use around the world with top gamers, content creators, indie filmmakers, studios, and in industrial and scientific applications. MSM recently announced the proposed merger with RTE, subject to consultation with ASX, to create a global digital media entertainment, Esports and gaming business, including Firefly Games, Galaxy Racer and investments in other complimentary global gaming businesses, such as OkLetsPlay, Rogue Games and SUB2r.


MSM strategic partner, Riva Technology and Entertainment Limited has invested US$2.5M for a significant minority equity holding in Rogue Games. Rogue Games is a new kind of game company powered by innovative technology and developer-first solutions which has been successful in the free-to-play mobile gaming industry. MSM recently announced the proposed merger with RTE, subject to consultation with ASX, to create a global digital media entertainment, Esports and gaming business, including Firefly Games, Galaxy Racer and investments in other complimentary global gaming businesses, such as OkLetsPlay and Rogue Games.


The company has received US$100,000 representing the third loan repayment for the US$1.5M loan note with The Riva Group's subsidiary, Riva Technology and Entertainment Limited with regular repayments to follow. The company will apply these funds for general working capital.


MSM strategic partner, Riva Technology and Entertainment Limited has invested US$1M for a significant minority equity holding in OkLetsPlay. OkLetsPlay is a a cutting edge gaming and settlement platform utilised in worldwide Esports gaming competitions. MSM recently announced the proposed merger with RTE, subject to consultation with ASX, to create a global digital media entertainment, Esports and gaming business, including Firefly Games, Galaxy Racer and investments in other complimentary global gaming businesses, such as OkLetsPlay.


The company lodges its Half Yearly Report and Accounts.


The company lodges its Appendix 4C - monthly.


The securities of MSM Corporation International Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately, at the request of MSM, following the announcement that it has entered into an agreement proposing to acquire all of the issued capital of Riva Technology and Entertainment Limited. MSM's securities will remain suspended until ASX is satisfied that all relevant information required under Guidance Note 12: Change to Activities has been announced to the market. ASX has also exercised its discretions under Listing Rule 11.1.2 to require the Proposed Acquisition to be conditional on approval by MSM's ordinary security holders and under Listing Rule 11.1.3 to require MSM to recomply with Chapters 1 and 2 of the Listing Rules. If ASX is satisfied that MSM has provided sufficient information to enable its securities to be reinstated and security holders then approve the Proposed Acquisition, it is expected that MSM's securities will again be suspended from quotation immediately following such security holder approval and will remain suspended until MSM has recomplied with Chapters 1 and 2 of the Listing Rules.


The suspension of trading in the securities of MSM Corporation International Limited will be lifted immediately, following the release by MSM of an announcement regarding the completion of the capital raising announced on 28 November 2018 and ancillary documents.


The company lodges a cleansing propsectus for an offer of up to 50,000 Shares at an issue price of $0.01 per Share and 50,000 Options (exercisable at $0.10 each on or before 7 November 2019) at an issue price of $0.004 per Option, together to raise up to $700.


The company lodges its Appendix 4C - monthly.


The company has completed the $1.44M capital raising. The company is in compliance with Listing Rule 3.1 and there are reasonable grounds to believe that the company will be able to pay its debts as and when they become due and payable. MSM will provide monthly cash flow reporting in the form of Appendix 4C for a period of at least six months. The Company and Riva are also continuing to develop the Megastar India opportunity and collaborate with Firefly Games to focus on publishing IP based mobile gaming titles such as DreamWorks Universe of Legends and other future game releases.


Following the release of the half year report for the period ended 31 December 2018 and follow up response to the ASX letter of 1 May 2019, the company is working with Emerald Capital Australia as lead manager of the $1.44M capital raising to complete the balance of the convertible note funding of $0.55M prior to seeking to reinstate the company's securities.


The company issues a response to ASX Query- Listing Rules 12.1 and 12.2.


The RTE loan notes were issued to the company on 18 March 2019. In consideration of the US$1.5M paid, MSM also subscribed for shares in RTE which represents a 10% equity interest in RTE once issued. RTE has now executed a share purchase agreement to acquire a majority interest in J&D Holdings Limited, which is the sole legal benficial owner of Firefly Games. Firefly Games together with the Riva Group are the developers and publishers of the DreamWorks Universe of Legends mobile game which has achieved pre-registrations on the Google Play store of over 1 million users. The RTE loan notes are to be repaid by 31 December 2019 and MSM have a priority right to be paid all profits or distributions received by RTE from J&D in repayment of the notes.


The company lodges an Appendix 4C - quarterly.


The company releases the results of meeting.


Due to the number of public holidays and an audit partner conference which coincided with the completion of the review process, sign off of the Half Year Report for the period ended 31 December 2018 is now anticipated for early next week. The Company expects to remain in suspension until Wednesday 8 May 2019.


The company is finalising the Half Year Report for the period ended 31 December 2018 with the auditors. It expects to remain in suspension until Wednesday 24 April 2019.


The venue for the company's AGM to be held at 9:00am (WST) on 26 April 2019 has now changed to: BDO 38 Station Street Subiaco WA 6008.


The company is finalising the half year report for the period ended 31 December 2018 with the auditors. The company expects to remain in suspension until Wednesday 17 April 2019.


The company is finalising the half year report for the period ended 31 December 2018 with the auditors. The company expects to remain in suspension until 11 April 2019.


The company is progressing the half year report for the period ended 31 December 2018 with the auditors. The company expects to remain in suspension until 8 April 2019.


The company is progressing with its licensing strategy for use across the global mobile competition framework including Esports and gaming. Dreamworks Universe of Legends was successfully launched into selected countries. There are potential collaboration and partnering opportunities for Megastar India and WWT2. A low-cost, outsourced strategy has been implemented to preserve the Company's working capital position. Trading of the Company's securities is expected to resume soon after finalisation and lodgement of the half year report for the period ended 31 December 2018.


The company releases a notice of AGM. The meeting will be held at 9:00am (WST) on 26 April 2019 at The Celtic Club, 48 Ord Street, West Perth, WA, 6005.


The company is progressing the half year report for the period ended 31 December 2018 with the auditors. The company expects to remain in suspension until 3 April 2019.


50,000,000 unlisted Class A Performance Rights expiring on 29 December 2018 and 5,000,000 unlisted Class E Performance Rights expiring on 29 December 2018 have lapsed without exercise.


The company lodges an Appendix 4C - quarterly report.


The company releases its Appendix 4G and Corporate Governance Statement.


The company lodges its Annual Report.


The company has finalised the company's 2018 annual report and is progressing the half year report for the period ended 31 December 2018 with the auditors. The company expects to remain in suspension until 22 March 2019.


The company has continued to work with its advisors to finalise the outstanding compliance matters in relation to its 2018 annual report and cleansing prospectus. The company has also progressed the half year report for the period ended 31 December 2018. It however requires further time to complete the review. The company then expects to remain in suspension until 15 March 2019.


The company has received ASX approval for the notice of AGM which will be held at a time and date to be advised once the 2018 annual report has been finalised and issued to shareholders. The Company has been working with its advisors to progress outstanding compliance matters to finalise the 2018 Annual Report including finalising the Assignment for the Benefit of Creditors (ABC) process announced on 26 November 2018. The remaining compliace obligationsn to satisfy ASX prior to the recommencement of trading includes the Half Year Report for the period ended 31 December 2018 which has been delayed. As such the Company expects to remain in suspension until Friday 8 March 2019.


The company will remain in suspension to finalise the 2018 annual report and Appendix 4G in conjunction with the notice of AGM and cleansing prospectus prior to the commencement of trading. The company's securities are expected to remain in suspension until 22 February 2019.


The company will remain in suspension to finalise the 2018 annual report and Appendix 4G in conjunction with the notice of AGM and cleansing prospectus prior to the commencement of trading. The Company expects that the securities will remain in suspension until Friday 15 February 2019.


The company will remain in suspension to finalise the 2018 Annual Report and Appendix 4G in conjunction with the Notice of Annual General Meeting and Cleansing Prospectus prior to the recommencement of trading. The Company expects that the securities will remain in suspension until Wednesday 30 January 2019.


The company has raised $0.870M of the $1.44M convertible note funding as announced on 26 November 2018 with the balance expected to be completed in the coming weeks with Emerald Capital Australia acting as lead manager for the capital raising.


MSM Corporation International Limited (ASX: MSM) advises that it will remain in suspension to finalise the 2018 Annual Report and Appendix 4G in conjunction with the Notice of Annual General Meeting and Cleansing Prospectus prior to the recommencement of trading. The Company expects that the securities will remain in suspension until Friday 11 January 2019


The company will remain in suspension to finalise the 2018 Annual Report and Appendix 4G in conjunction with the Notice of Annual General Meeting and Cleansing Prospectus prior to the recommencement of trading. The Company expects that the securities will remain in suspension until Friday 21 December 2018.


The company advises that it will remain in suspension to finalise the 2018 annual report and Appendix 4G in conjunction with the notice of AGM and cleansing prospectus prior to the recommencement of trading. The Company expects that the securities will remain in suspension until Friday 14 December 2018.


The company's securities will remain in suspension to finalise the 2018 annual report and Appendix 4G in conjunction with the notice of AGM prior to the recommencement of trading. The Company expects that the securities will remain in suspension until Friday 7 December 2018.


Riva Group has completed its strategic investment of $1.59M at 4.3c. MSM & Riva strengthen their strategic alliance to enhance Megastar Worldwide Tournament 2 (WWT2) by including Esports & Mobile Gaming. Mandate signed with Emerald Capital Australia Pty Limited to act as lead manager for a further $1.752M capital raising. Board restructure to support the next phase of MSM's growth.


The company will remain in suspension to finalise an announcement regarding the placement of securities under binding agreements as announced 5 July 2018 and the Company's overall funding strategy. The Company will also release the 2018 Annual Report and Appendix 4G in conjunction with the funding announcement prior to the recommencement of trading. The Company expects that the securities will remain in suspension until Friday 30 November 2018.


The company will remain in suspension to finalise an announcement regarding the placement of securities under binding agreements as announced 5 July 2018 and the Company's overall funding strategy. The Company will also release the 2018 Annual Report and Appendix 4G in conjunction with the funding announcement prior to the recommencement of trading. The Company expects that the securities will remain in suspension until Wednesday 21 November 2018.


The company will remain in suspension to finalise an announcement regarding the placement of securities under binding agreements as announced 5 July 2018 and the Company's overall funding strategy. The Company will also release the 2018 Annual Report and Appendix 4G in conjunction with the funding announcement prior to the recommencement of trading.


The company will remain in suspension to finalise an announcement regarding the placement of securities under binding agreements as announced 5 July 2018 and the Company's overall funding strategy. The Company will also release the 2018 Annual Report and Appendix 4G in conjunction with the funding announcement prior to the recommencement of trading.


The company will remain in suspension to finalise an announcement regarding the placement of securities under binding agreements as announced 5 July 2018 and the Company's overall funding strategy. The Company will also release the 2018 Annual Report and Appendix 4G in conjunction with the funding announcement prior to the recommencement of trading. The Company expects that the securities will remain in suspension until Wednesday 24 October 2018.


The company will remain n in suspension to finalise an announcement regarding the placement of securities under binding agreements as announced 5 July 2018 and the Company's overall funding strategy. The Company will also release the 2018 Annual Report and Appendix 4G in conjunction with the funding announcement prior to the recommencement of trading. The Company expects that the securities will remain in suspension until Wednesday 17 October 2018.


The company will remain in suspension to finalise an announcement regarding the placement of securities under binding agreements as announced 5 July 2018 and the Company's overall funding strategy. The Company will also release the 2018 Annual Report and Appendix 4G in conjunction with the funding announcement prior to the recommencement of trading. The Company expects that the securities will remain in suspension until Wednesday 10 October 2018.


The company requests the voluntary suspension in the Company's securities to finalise an announcement regarding the placement of securities under binding agreements as announced 5 July 2018 and the Company's overall funding strategy. The Company expects that the securities will remain in voluntary suspension until Wednesday 3 October 2018.


The securities of MSM Corporation International Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of MSM, pending the release of an announcement regarding the placement of securities.


The suspension of trading in the securities of MSM Corporation International Ltd will be lifted immediately following the release by the Company of an announcement regarding its strategy update and funding initiatives.


The company provides details of its 2018 strategy and capital raising activities. MSMCI will undertake 1-for-5 non-renounceable pro-rata rights issue at $0.043 per new share, together with 1 free attaching option for every 4 new shares issued, to raise up to approximately $3.67 million. MSMCI has received commitments to subscribe for the full amount offered under the rights issue. There is a proposed restructure of MSM Music, the company's US operating subsidiary to qualify under Regulation A+ securities legislation with the intention of undertaking strategic capital raisings in the US from accredited and non-accredited investors. MSM-US intends to incorporate a new US entity as a Talent Management Studio with an intention to generate revenue from the management of top talent from Megastar competitions and the creation of original content. MSMCI will continue to commercialise the Megastar Brand, Video Competition Platform, data and content in all markets outside North America under licensing arrangements, continuing growth predicated on MSMCI's proprietary technologies. Goodwin Procter LLP is advising the Board as it explores the potential for additional funding, growth and user engagement via the introduction of a securitised token for use within the Megastar Platform.


The company's general meeting will be held at BDO Offices, Sydney, Level 11, 1 Margaret Street, Sydney, NSW 2000 on Friday, 22 June 2018 at 10.00am (AEST).


The company releases a letter to the optionholders in relation to the non-renounceable entitlement offer.


The company issues a prospectus for a non-renounceable pro rata offer to Eligible Shareholders of 1 New Share for every 5 Shares held on the Record Date, at an issue price of $0.043 per New Share, together with 1 free Attaching Option for every 4 New Shares issued, to raise approximately $3.67 million. The Entitlement Offer closes at 7:00pm (AEST) on Friday, 8 June 2018. The prospectus is also being issued for the: purposes of 708A(11) of the Corporations Act, to remove any trading restrictions on the sale of Shares and Quoted Options issued by the Company prior to the Closing Date of the Offers; shortfall offer; and placement offer.


The company advises the cancellation of 999,998 unvested unlisted $0.125 options exercisable on or before 18 March 2020 effective immediately.


The company lodges its Quarterly Activities and Cashflow Reports - March.


The company is extending the suspension of its securities until the finalisation of the announcement regarding its 2018 strategy. Further, the company has received a firm commitment from the Riva Group to subscribe for a placement of 37 million new fully paid ordinary shares at A$0.043 per share to raise A$1.59M. as part of the proposed Entitlement Offer and the Company is in discussions with other parties interested in participating on the same basis. Shareholders will also be entitled to a one (1) for four (4) free attaching option exercisable at A$0.10 each, expiring 7 November 2019.


The Riva Group confirms its engagement and support for MSM by subscribing for a firm allocation of 37M MSM shares at $0.043 per share to raise up to $1.59M. Riva and MSM are in the final stages of documenting the binding HoA for the launch of Megastar India. The MOU exclusivity period has been extended to 30 April 2018. The Indian market has 1.3B+ people with 400M+ smartphone or tablet users and is expected to massively accelerate the growth of Megastar's user base. The company intends to undertake Entitlements Offer following conclusion of the voluntary suspension.


The company is extending the voluntary suspension in its securities until the finalisation of the announcement regarding its 2018 strategy. The Company expects that the securities will remain in voluntary suspension until discussions with the ASX are finalised and the announcement is made to the market which the Company estimates will occur prior to 19 April 2018.


The company requests an extension fo the voluntary suspension in the company's securities until the finalisation and announcement of further detail regarding its 2018 strategy following legal advice and consultation with the ASX. This is expected to last until the earlier of the announcement to the market or the commencement of trade on 5 April 2018.


The company requests an extension to the voluntary suspension in the company's securities until the finalisation and announcement of further detail regarding its 2018 strategy. The Company requests the securities remain in voluntary suspension until the earlier of the announcement to the market or the commencement of trade on 22 March 2018.


MSM Music Inc, the Company's US subsidiary, has engaged leading US legal firm, Goodwin Procter LLP, to advise on funding strategies for the development of new features and services to allow performers to monetise their creative works in collaboration with fans on the Megastar platform.


The company requests the securities remain in voluntary suspension until the finalisation and announcement of further detail regarding its 2018 strategy following legal advice and consultation with the ASX or the commencement of trade on 15 March 2018.


The company lodges an Appendix 4D.


The company lodges its Half Year Accounts.


The Company requests the securities remain in voluntary suspension until the earlier of the announcement regarding its 2018 strategy or the commencement of trade on Thursday 8 March 2018.


The company issues a response to Appendix 3Z Query Letter.


The company provides an update on the progress of three patents pending. The Company is pleased to report that three patent applications have progressed from provisional filings, which were first filed October 2015 and July 2017, to nonprovisional utility patent applications. Also, over USD$6.7M in research and development spending has enabled MSM to develop a considerable patent application portfolio relating to the Megastar video competition platform.


The company has completed a placement to institutional and sophisticated investors to raise $1.72 million at $0.043 per share with a one (1) for two (2) free attaching listed option expiring at $0.10 on 7 November 2019.


The company provides a response to Appendix 4C Query.


The company requests the securities remain in voluntary suspension until the earlier of the announcement of further detail reagrding its 2018 strategy to the market or the commencement of trade on Tuesday 27 February 2018.


The Company has received confirmation from CPS Capital Group of the receipt of binding commitments for a Placement to institutional and sophisticated investors to raise AUD$1.72 million at AUD$0.043 per share. The Placement was supported by new and existing investors. The issue price of AUD$0.043 per share represents the closing price on 12 January 2018 and a 24.6% discount to the 15 day VWAP. The Placement remains subject to the receipt of cleared funds which are expected on 9 February 2018. The Company intends to provide eligible shareholders with the opportunity to participate in a one (1) for five (5) non-renounceable entitlements issue to raise approximately AUD$3.44 million at AUD$0.043 per share, along with a one (1) for four (4) free attaching listed option exercisable at AUD$0.10, expiring 7 November 2019. The company also details its 2018 strategy.


The company requests an extension to voluntary suspension until the earlier of the announcement to the market of the Data Analysis of World Wide Tournament 1, 2018 Strategy and proposed capital raising or the commencement of trade on Wednesday 7 February 2018.


The company lodges its Quarterly Activities and Cashflow Report - December.


The company requests an extension to voluntary suspension in the Company's securities until completion and announcement of the Data Analysis of World Wide Tournament 1, 2018 Strategy and proposed capital raising or the commencement of trade on 1 February 2018.


The company requests the securities remain in voluntary suspension until the earlier of the anouncement to the market (in relation to the data analysis of world wide tournament 1, 2018 strategy and proposed capital raising) or the commencement of trade on 24 January 2018.


The securities of MSM Corporation International Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately, at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement by the Company.


The securities of MSM Corporation International Limited will be reinstated to quotation immediately, following the release of an announcement by the Company.


The company announces the appointment of Usher as its Chief Creative Director for its global talent competition, Megastar, effective immediately.


The company has successfully undertaken a capital raising to raise a total of $10.5 million.


The company is pleased to announce the publication of an updated analyst research note by RaaS Advisory on MSM's mobile-first talent competition, Megastar, as it progresses through its phased launch strategy.


The company requests an extension of the current voluntary suspension in the company's securities until completion and announcement of the material contract to significantly increase the audience reach of its worldwide talent competition, Megastar and completion of a capital raising. The company's securities are requested to remain in voluntary suspension until the earlier of the announcement to the market or the commencement of trade on 15 August 2017.


The company provides an update on its progress towards the global launch of Megastar competition, with the app now live in Canada. Live streaming capabilities will be added to the platform. Australian and US releases are planned for August and September, respectively. Great Britain, South African and New Zealand heatas are progressing well.


The company lodges its Quarterly Activities and Cashflow Report - June.


The company has now launched its Megastar App in New Zealand as it continues to build momentum towards its global reach.


The securities of MSM Corporation International Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately, at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement by the Company.


MSM Corporation International Limited (formerly Minerals Corporation Limited) ("the Company") will be reinstated to official quotation as from the commencement of trading on Wednesday 13 January 2016, following the Company's recompliance with Listing Rule 11.1.3 and Chapters 1 and 2 of the ASX Listing Rules. Security Code: MSM


name changed from Minerals Corporation Limited

View ASX Announcements (courtesy of ASX)



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    Directors' on-market share transactions (last 5)

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    Purchases Sales

    18/05/2020Antoine Massad1,650,000$0.013$21,000
    14/12/2017Dion Sullivan100,000$0.076$7,600
    22/12/2016Sophie McGill216,941$0.227$49,246
    28/11/2016Dion Sullivan230,000$0.220$50,636
    09/06/2016Mark ClementsOn market690,000$0.133$91,969

    Click here for the last 20 transactions all companies

    Directors & Executives (current)
    Antoine MassadNon Exec Chairman23/12/2019
    Adam WellischNon Exec Director29/12/2015
    Chris JonesNon Exec Director20/11/2018
    Dan SmithExecutive Director02/04/2013
    Matthew FoyDirector, Company Secretary15/01/2015
    Mark ClementsDirector12/01/2016
    Janet CasamentoDirector21/06/2016

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.

    Directors & Executives (former)
    Dion SullivanDirector29/12/201520/11/2018
    Sophie McGillExecutive Director26/04/201615/01/2018
    Nicholas OngNon Exec Director24/06/201429/12/2015
    Andrew TunksNon Exec Director04/09/201329/12/2015
    Murray WardDirector15/01/201324/06/2014
    Patrick BurkeDirector17/02/201102/12/2013
    Bevan TarrattNon Exec Director17/02/201102/04/2013
    Robert van ZylDirector14/10/201116/01/2013

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.