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Our website ranking of NXS: rating 5
(5 out of 5)


Computershare Melbourne
Yarra Falls, 452 Johnston Street, Abbotsford VIC 3067
Tel : +61 (0)3 9415 4000 or 1300 850 505 (within Australia)
Fax : +61 3 9473 2500
RegistryWebsite RegistryEmail

Company details
Address: Level 23, 530 Collins Street, MELBOURNE, VIC, AUSTRALIA, 3000
Tel:  03 9660 2500 Fax: 03 9654 9303

Date first listed: 13/09/2000

Sector: Energy
Industry Group: XEJ
Activities: Oil and gas exploration and production

Since delisting from ASX this entity has been privatised. We are no longer monitoring its activities.


delisted at the request of the Company, in accordance with listing rule 17.11, following effectuation of the deed of company arrangement entered into between the Company and its creditors and the transfer of all the issued shares in the Company to SGH Energy (No 2) Pty Ltd, an entity wholly-owned by Seven Group Holdings Limited pursuant to section 444GA of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth)


we understand all of the issued shares in Nexus were transferred to SGH Energy (No 2) Pty Ltd and shareholders received nothing for the transfer of their Shares as provided by the DOCA


The Supreme Court of New South Wales (Court) has today made an order pursuant to section 444GA of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) in a form which satisfies the condition precedent under the deed of company arrangement executed on 22 August 2014 (DOCA). The Court order permits the Deed Administrators to effect the transfer of all of the issued shares in Nexus to SGH Energy (No 2) Pty Ltd (SGH Energy) as provided under clause 7.5 of the DOCA


The term of the $165 million Facility (as described in the ASX announcement dated 3 October 2014) has been extended by way of second forbearance letter whereby, in the absence of an Event of Default, the parties agreed to extend the term to the earlier of Wednesday 31 December 2014 or, at the lender's discretion, 24 hours' notice from the lender to the Deed Administrators. The date for satisfaction of the DOCA conditions precedent has been extended to 24 December 2014 by agreement between the Deed Administrators and SGH Energy (No 2) Pty Ltd, in accordance with clause 4.3 of the DOCA


The term of the $165 million Facility (as described in the ASX announcement dated 3 October 2014) has been extended by way of forbearance letter whereby, in the absence of an Event of Default, the parties agreed to extend the term to the earlier of Monday 22 December 2014 or, at the lender's discretion, 24 hours' notice from the lender to the Deed Administrators. The date for satisfaction of the DOCA conditions precedent has been extended to 22 December 2014


the Deed Administrators' provide an update


In response to an application made by the Administrators on 15 August 2014 the Australian Securities and Investments Commission has granted in-principle, conditional relief under s655A(1)(a) of the Corporations Act 2001 ("the Act") from the operation of s606 of the Act. A copy of correspondence from ASIC to the Deed Administrators' solicitors dated 24 November 2014 is attached to this announcement. The relief is granted subject to the Court granting leave to the Deed Administrators under s444GA(1)(b) of the Act. A hearing in relation to that application is currently set down on Thursday 27 and Friday 28 November 2014 at the Supreme Court of NSW


the Court sets down the dates of 27 and 28 November 2014 to hear the Court Application and otherwise made certain orders


administrator McGrathNicol Announcement


a deed of company arrangement and creditors' trust with SGH Energy (No 2) Pty Limited ("the DOCA") was executed on 22 August 2014


Under listing rule 17.6, any entity (if not already suspended) that had not paid its annual listing fees by close of business on Friday 22 August 2014 is to be suspended from official quotation before the commencement of trading on Monday 25 August 2014. The company has not paid its annual listing fees in respect of the year ending 30 June 2015 but is already suspended from official quotation. In accordance with listing rule 16.5, entities that pay their annual listing fees on or after 22 August 2014 must pay by bank cheque only. Under listing rule 17.15, any entity that has not paid its annual listing fees as required by listing rule 16.5 by 5.00 pm EST on Friday 29 August 2014 will be removed from the official list with effect from the close of trading on Friday 29 August 2014.


The second meeting of creditors was held on 11 August 2014 pursuant to section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 ("the Act"). At the meeting, creditors resolved that Nexus execute a deed of company arrangement and creditors' trust substantially in the form of the deed of company arrangement and creditors' trust tabled at the second meeting of creditors


The second meeting of creditors has been convened for 2pm on 11 August 2014 in Melbourne. The purpose of the meeting is for creditors to decide on the future of Nexus


administrator advises of Variation of Title Conditions Crux Retention Lease AC/RL9


Further to the ASX Announcement dated 25 June 2014 regarding the short term funding facility (Facility) agreed with Network Investment Holdings Pty Limited (NIH), the Administrators have sought directions from the Court to the effect that they are justified in procuring Nexus to enter into and draw down under the Facility and in procuring Nexus to on-lend monies to two of its subsidiaries. At the hearing of the Administrators' application on 27 June 2014, the Supreme Court of New South Wales granted the directions sought by the Administrators under section 447D(1) of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (Act)


administrators report on developments


As the Scheme Resolution has not been approved by Nexus shareholders, and no alternate proposal has been received, the Nexus board of directors have resolved to appoint Matthew Caddy, Tony McGrath and Jason Preston of McGrathNicol as joint and several administrators of Nexus Energy Limited


The securities of Nexus Energy Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from quotation immediately following the appointment of administrators. Security Code: NXS


The suspension of trading in the securities of Nexus Energy Limited (the "Company") will be lifted immediately following the release of the scheme booklet in relation to the proposed scheme of arrangement with Seven Group Holdings Limited. Security Code: NXS


the Federal Court of Australia has made orders approving the despatch of the scheme booklet (Scheme Booklet) in relation to the proposed scheme of arrangement under which Seven Group Holdings Limited (SGH) will acquire, through its wholly owned subsidiary SGH Energy (No 2) Pty Limited, all of the shares in Nexus


company provides an update on the Proposed Acquisition of Nexus by Seven Group Holdings Limited and Continuation of Suspension


Nexus has entered into a merger implementation agreement with Seven Group Holdings Limited (SGH) under which SGH will acquire all of the Company's shares at A$0.02 cash per share subject to regulatory and other conditions


Nexus Energy Limited (ASX:NXS) notes some media commentary regarding a potential acquisition (Nexus or the Company) by Seven Group Holdings Limited (SGH). Whilst the Company has had discussions with SGH, no agreement has been concluded and no assurance can be given that a binding agreement will be reached between the Company and SGH.


Nexus Energy Limited (Nexus or Company) requested on 25 February 2014 that the ASX suspend the securities of the Company pending a substantive announcement in relation to the implications of the Longtom operational update. Nexus is not yet in a position to provide this announcement and requests an extension of the suspension of the Company's securities for a further two weeks. The Company is not aware of any reason why the voluntary suspension should not be granted


releases Half Yearly Report and Accounts


Nexus Energy Limited (Nexus or Company) advises that Longtom gas production recommenced from the Longtom-4 well on 11 March


the Company has been defending an action brought in the Federal court by Sedco Forex International Inc (Sedco), and an associated cross-claim by Osaka Gas Crux Pty Ltd (OG), against Nexus (and wholly owned subsidiary Nexus Energy WA Pty Ltd) in relation to an alleged breach of contract relating to the charter of the Transocean Legend drilling rig - following a mediation process, the parties have now entered into a settlement deed in relation to the Dispute


Nexus Energy Limited (Nexus) advises that, further to the operational update issued on 21 February, an offshore intervention program will commence shortly. A vessel with the capability to inspect and potentially rectify the electrical fault is due to arrive in the field on 5 March 2014, weather permitting


Nexus Energy Limited (Company) is currently in a trading halt pending an announcement to the market regarding the implications of the Longtom operational update announced on 21 February 2014. In accordance with ASX Listing Rule 17.2, the Company requests that ASX suspend the securities of the Company for up to three weeks or earlier if the Company is in a position to make a substantive announcement in relation to the implications of the Longtom operational update.


The securities of Nexus Energy Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from quotation immediately at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement in relation to the implications of the Longtom gas processing plant operational update. Security Code: NXS


further to the announcement made on 15 November 2011 regarding a request to call a general meeting of shareholders pursuant to section 249D of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) ("Request"), Nexus Energy Limited ("Nexus") advises that correspondence has been received from Gadens Lawyers (copy attached) confirming that following the results of Nexus' Annual General Meeting held on 17 November 2011 Messrs Cottee, Gasteen and Carter have withdrawn their consent to act as Directors of Nexus. Accordingly, Nexus will not proceed to call a general meeting of shareholders pursuant to the Request


shares reinstated to quotation


Nexus anticipates a request for lifting of the suspension of trading in the Company's securities with a substantive announcement on or before the end of May 2009


releases an update explaining that the Company's strategy remains to secure sufficient funding to meet its financial obligations and minimise ongoing spending


releases Quarterly Activities Report


company advises that discussions continue with international parties in relation to a finance package and with suppliers regarding a reduction in contractual commitments to defer and reduce cash outflows - Nexus is now aiming to have negotiations concluded by no later than mid May 2009 and will provide further updates in due course


Nexus Energy Limited ("Nexus") advises that completion has occurred in respect of the sale of the company's residual 15% interest in exploration permit AC/P41 in the Browse Basin, offshore Western Australia. The interest has been sold to and funds have been received from Shell Development (Australia) Pty Ltd for US$19 million in cash, effective 1 March 2009 - Nexus is committed to resolving the additional funding requirements packages and commitment reduction negotiations as soon as possible, at which time the company will make a substantive release to the market, such that trading in its shares can resume. Nexus expects negotiations will be completed by Tuesday, 14 April 2009 -


on 11 March 2009, the company requested that its shares be suspended from quotation while it sought to progress negotiations in relation to asset sales, debt raising alternatives and significant contractual obligations - it is now expected that these negotiations will be completed by Tuesday, 31 March 2009


releases a Financial Report to 31 December 2008


shares suspended from quotation pending an announcement


shares reinstated to quotation


shares suspended from quotation pending an announcement


name changed from Entity1 Limited

View ASX Announcements (courtesy of ASX)



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How do I view historical holding details, as NXS was delisted from ASX and removed from COMPUTERSHARE registry.

I need to report the capital loss of this stock in my 2021 Tax Return.


Company was delisted at the request of the Company in 2015, in accordance with listing rule 17.11, following effectuation of the deed of company arrangement entered into between the Company and its creditors and the transfer of all the issued shares in the Company to SGH Energy (No 2) Pty Ltd, an entity wholly-owned by Seven Group Holdings Limited pursuant to section 444GA of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth).  (Computershare should have the historical details, probably now archived.) 

09/09/2021 07:33:26

How can I access the historical holding details for this company, as NXS was delisted from ASX and removed from COMPUTERSHARE registry.

Please help as I need to report the capital loss of this stock in my 2021 Tax Return.

08/07/2021 12:14:23

?what or when are the court dates for the insider trading charges coming up ?

10/05/2016 10:19:38

How can I access the historical holding details for this company, as NXS was delisted from ASX and removed from cOMPUTERSHARE registry.

Please help as I need to report the capital loss of this stock in my 2015 Tax Return.

20/10/2015 12:10:41
Similar to below, can someone help me too? who do I contact or where can I find out what happened to my shares?

25/08/2015 19:34:32
As of 24/AUG/2015 I have still not received any notification of what has happened to my shares. Has anyone else received any such information? What does one do for the tax return?
24/08/2015 21:26:51
How is it that SGH is entitled to have my portion of Nexus Energy transferred to them, and like the note on 24/6/15, I wasn't advised?? Did they have a gun in their hand, or was it unarmed robbery?

10/07/2015 19:50:16
How can my shares be sold by a court with no notification to me?24/06/2015 13:35:22
so can I write off this lost shares in my taxes?20/05/2015 17:42:59
Thanks this is really nice..
12/03/2015 22:19:48
This is a class action waiting to happen against the board of Nexus and some members of SGH01/04/2014 11:10:54
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    Directors' on-market share transactions (last 5)

    rss feeds

    Purchases Sales

    05/07/2013John HartwellOn market150,000$0.078$11,700
    02/07/2013Lucio Della MartinaOn market1,250,000$0.080$99,792
    16/10/2012Donald VoelteOn market430,000$0.135$58,050
    27/07/2012Ian BoserioOn market100,000$0.120$12,000
    12/07/2012Michael ArnettOn market600,000$0.107$64,500

    Click here for the last 20 transactions all companies

    Directors & Executives (current)
    Lucio Della MartinaManaging Director, CEO13/05/2012
    Susan RobuttiCFO, Company Secretary13/10/2006
    Richard RichardsNon Exec Director31/12/2014

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.

    Directors & Executives (former)
    John HartwellNon Exec Director31/03/201131/12/2014
    Symon Drake-BrockmanNon Exec Director18/11/200931/12/2014
    Donald VoelteNon Exec Chairman11/10/201218/02/2014
    Michael FowlerChairman01/04/200011/10/2012
    Michael ArnettNon Exec Director28/05/200911/10/2012
    Ian BoserioNon Exec Director18/11/200911/10/2012
    Steven LowdenNon Exec Director18/11/200911/10/2012
    Michael MaloneyCOO01/01/201028/02/2012
    Richard CotteeManaging Director, CEO03/05/201022/09/2011
    Neil FergusonNon Exec Director17/05/200724/02/2010
    Al HaydockNon Exec Director26/07/200131/12/2009
    Ian TchacosManaging Director15/07/200221/12/2009
    Geoff SimpsonNon Exec Director16/11/200723/01/2009
    Neil PhilipNon Exec Chairman13/09/199907/08/2007
    Bob BoysonNon Exec Director10/09/200231/03/2007
    Bob HoskingNon Exec Director26/07/200129/04/2005
    Michael LacobucciAlternate Director20/12/2002
    Brian HannonNon Exec Director01/04/200001/07/2002
    Dawson JohnsNon Exec Director26/07/200101/07/2002
    Neale TaylorCEO30/01/2002
    Adrian TaylorNon Exec Director01/01/2002

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.