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ASX, Legal & CGT Status
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Our website ranking of NUP: rating 3
(3 out of 5)


Security Transfer Australia Pty Ltd
No longer operating

Company details
Address: PO Box R1753, Royal Exchange, SYDNEY, NSW, AUSTRALIA, 1225
Tel:  02 9262 4235 Fax: 02 9262 6301

Date first listed: 16/03/2007

Sector: Materials
Industry Group: XMJ
Activities: Uranium exploration

name changed to Central Australian Phosphate Limited


The suspension of trading in the securities of NuPower Resources Limited (the "Company") will be lifted immediately following receipt of an announcement by the Company


securities suspended pending an announcement


shares suspended from quotation following failure to lodge with ASX, the company's financial reports


suspension of trading is lifted immediately following the lodgement of the Company's financial report


at a General Meeting on 16 February 2007, the Arafura shareholders agreed to a demerger by Arafura of NuPower - resolutions approved a capital reduction by way of an in specie distribution of NuPower ordinary shares and a reduction in the exercise price of the Arafura options on issue - the capital reduction resulted in Arafura distributing 90% of the ordinary shares it owned in NuPower to the Arafura shareholders, who received one NuPower share for every three Arafura shares they held on the Record Date (being 26 February 2007) - also all Arafura option owners at Record Date received one option in NuPower for every three Arafura options they held - Arafura accounted for the distribution of the ordinary shares in NuPower wholly as a return of share capital meaning Arafura shareholders received a capital reduction amount of approximately $0.068 for each of the Arafura shares they owned at Record Date - the tax cost bases of Arafura and NuPower shares are to be reset in a ratio of: 65.99 / 34.01 - for example a shareholder holding 3,000 shares in Arafura prior to the demerger, with a total tax cost base of $1,200 (40 cents per share), would have 3,000 shares in Arafura and 1,000 shares in NuPower post demerger - the total cost base of these shares (3,000 + 1,000) is still $1,200 - the new cost base for each company's shares is apportioned as follows: (3,000 shares x 40 cents = $1,200 $1,200 x 34.01% = $408.12) NuPower Tax Cost Base: 408.12 / 1,000 shares = 40.81 cents Arafura Tax Cost Base: ($1,200 - $408.12) / 3,000 = 26.4 cents


company transfers $8.8 million of cash and a number of mining tenements, tenement applications and tenement rights to NuPower, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Arafura, - these assets relate principally to uranium exploration - as consideration (in part) for the transfer of those assets, NuPower agrees to issue ordinary shares to Arafura

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    Directors' on-market share transactions (last 5)

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    Purchases Sales

    30/10/2012Mick MuirOn market100,000$0.015$1,500
    28/08/2012Andrew JohnstoneOn market100,000$0.025$2,500
    19/04/2012Robert OwenOn market300,000$0.032$9,600
    16/04/2012Andrew JohnstoneOn market300,000$0.032$9,600
    27/02/2012Mick MuirOn market250,000$0.036$9,000

    Click here for the last 20 transactions all companies

    Directors & Executives (current)
    Robert OwenChairman, Non Exec Director06/05/2009
    Andrew JohnstoneManaging Director07/06/2011
    Sam HerszbergNon Exec Director08/08/2012
    Ian KowalickNon Exec Director08/08/2006
    Mick MuirNon Exec Director08/08/2006
    Anthony SchildkrautCompany Secretary

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.

    Directors & Executives (former)
    John JacksonNon Exec Director08/07/200908/08/2012

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.