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27 March 2025
Name: | PHW CONSOLIDATED LIMITED (PHW) (This company subsequently changed its name and is now TOMIZONE LIMITED. You should refer to that name for Status.) | ||||||||||||||||||
Date of Listing: | 01 January 1974 | ||||||||||||||||||
Subsequent Names: |
| ||||||||||||||||||
Former Names: |
Stock Exchange Status:
This company subsequently changed its name and is now TOMIZONE LIMITED. You should refer to that name for Stock Exchange Status.Legal Status:
This company subsequently changed its name and is now TOMIZONE LIMITED. You should refer to that name for Legal Status.Capital Gains Tax (CGT) Status:
This company subsequently changed its name and is now TOMIZONE LIMITED. You should refer to that name for Capital Gains Tax Status.
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Disclaimer: The information provided above is to the best of our knowledge accurate as of today. But you should bear in mind that it is of a general nature and does not constitute financial or tax advice. Investogain Pty Limited accepts no liability for any loss arising from reliance on this information, including reliance on information that is no longer current.
Company | FROM | TO |
TOMIZONE LIMITED | 28/05/2015 | |
PHW CONSOLIDATED LIMITED | 19/02/2013 | 28/05/2015 |
PRINCE HILL WINES LIMITED | 28/11/2007 | 19/02/2013 |
SIMON GILBERT WINES LIMITED | 03/12/1999 | 28/11/2007 |
BIODISCOVERY LIMITED | 13/02/1997 | 03/12/1999 |
VINVESTMENTS LIMITED | 03/06/1996 | 13/02/1997 |
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name changed to Tomizone Limited | 28/05/2015 |
The Board of PHW Consolidated Limited (ASX: PHW) is pleased to confirm that the offers under its prospectus dated 24 April 2015 have now closed. The offer to raise a minimum of $5 million funds was oversubscribed and the Company has chosen to scale offering back to the minimum as outlined in the prospectus. A total of 25,000,000 shares in the Company (Shares) were issued to investors on 22 May 2015 pursuant to the capital raising. | 25/05/2015 |
issues a Supplementary Prospectus | 20/05/2015 |
the 1 for 40 capital consolidation approved at the General Meeting of shareholders held on 28 April 2015 is completed | 06/05/2015 |
The securities of PHW Consolidated Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from official quotation from the commencement of trading on Tuesday, 28 April 2015, at the request of the Company, pending the outcome of a resolution at the Company's general meeting to approve a change in the nature and scale of the Company's activities. The Company's securities will remain suspended pending compliance with Chapters 1 and 2 of the Listing Rules. Security Code: PHW | 28/04/2015 |
The securities of PHW Consolidated Limited (the "Company") will be reinstated to official quotation at the commencement of trading on 9 July 2014 following effectuation of the deed of company arrangement and completion of a capital raising. 762,596,203 fully paid ordinary shares 254,000,076 options expiring on 30 September 2018 Security Code: PHW PHWO | 07/07/2014 |
PHW Consolidated Limited issues 494,261,528 ordinary shares at $0.00325 each and 164,753,917 free attaching options expiring on 30 September 2018 pursuant to the Prospectus. The issue of 450,000,000 of these shares and 150,000,000 of these options was approved at the meeting of shareholders held on 6 June 2014. | 26/06/2014 |
releases a Supplementary Prospectus | 19/06/2014 |
On 7 May 2014, PHW Consolidated Limited ("Company") issued a prospectus for the offer of 450 million Shares at an issue price of $0.00325 per Share to raise $1,462,500, together with 1 free attaching Option for every 3 Shares subscribed for and issued. The Company has resolved in accordance with section 248A of the Corporations Act to extend the closing date of the Prospectus from 13th June 2014 to 20th June 2014 | 13/06/2014 |
PHW Consolidated Limited held its General Meeting of shareholders on 6 June 2014. All resolutions as specified in the notice of meeting were passed unanimously on a show of hands | 06/06/2014 |
On 7 May 2014, PHW Consolidated Limited ("Company") issued a prospectus for the offer of 450 million Shares at an issue price of $0.00325 per Share to raise $1,462,500, together with 1 free attaching Option for every 3 Shares subscribed for and issued. The Company has resolved in accordance with section 248A of the Corporations Act to extend the closing date of the Prospectus from 6th June 2014 to 13th June 2014 | 06/06/2014 |
releases a Supplementary Prospectus | 22/05/2014 |
issues a prospectus for the offer of 450 million Shares at an issue price of $0.00325 per Share to raise $1,462,500 (together with 1 free attaching Option for every 3 Shares subscribed for and issued) - the Offer is not underwritten | 07/05/2014 |
a General Meeting will be held at 10::30 am (WST) on 6 June 2014 at: 31 Ord St, West Perth WA 6005 | 30/04/2014 |
PHW Consolidated Limited held its General Meeting of shareholders on 7 February 2014. All resolutions as specified in the notice of meeting were passed unanimously on a show of hands | 07/02/2014 |
a General Meeting will be held at 10:30 am (WST) on 7 February 2014 at: 31 Ord St, West Perth, Western Australia | 07/01/2014 |
PHW Consolidated Limited held its 2012 Annual General Meeting of shareholders at 10:30 am on 29 November 2013. All resolutions as specified in the notice of meeting were passed unanimously on a show of hands | 29/11/2013 |
the meeting of the Shareholders to which this Notice of Meeting relates will be held at 10:45am on 29 November 2013 at 31 Ord St, West Perth WA 6005 | 30/10/2013 |
releases its 2013 Annual Report | 13/09/2013 |
releases Half Year Report to 31-Dec-12 | 06/06/2013 |
releases 2012 Annual Report | 23/05/2013 |
ASX Limited ("ASX") grants PHW Consolidated Limited (the "Company") a waiver from listing rule 14.7 to the extent necessary to permit the Company to issue the securities, as approved by shareholders at the general meeting held on 29 January 2013 | 07/05/2013 |
DOCA is now fully effectuated and administrator is retiring as Deed Administrator of Prince Hill Wines | 20/02/2013 |
name changed from Prince Hill Wines Limited | 19/02/2013 |
we understand that on or about this date the company consolidated its shares 1 for 12 | 31/01/2013 |
name changed to Tomizone Limited | 28/05/2015 |
The Board of PHW Consolidated Limited (ASX: PHW) is pleased to confirm that the offers under its prospectus dated 24 April 2015 have now closed. The offer to raise a minimum of $5 million funds was oversubscribed and the Company has chosen to scale offering back to the minimum as outlined in the prospectus. A total of 25,000,000 shares in the Company (Shares) were issued to investors on 22 May 2015 pursuant to the capital raising. | 25/05/2015 |
issues a Supplementary Prospectus | 20/05/2015 |
the 1 for 40 capital consolidation approved at the General Meeting of shareholders held on 28 April 2015 is completed | 06/05/2015 |
The securities of PHW Consolidated Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from official quotation from the commencement of trading on Tuesday, 28 April 2015, at the request of the Company, pending the outcome of a resolution at the Company's general meeting to approve a change in the nature and scale of the Company's activities. The Company's securities will remain suspended pending compliance with Chapters 1 and 2 of the Listing Rules. Security Code: PHW | 28/04/2015 |
The securities of PHW Consolidated Limited (the "Company") will be reinstated to official quotation at the commencement of trading on 9 July 2014 following effectuation of the deed of company arrangement and completion of a capital raising. 762,596,203 fully paid ordinary shares 254,000,076 options expiring on 30 September 2018 Security Code: PHW PHWO | 07/07/2014 |
PHW Consolidated Limited issues 494,261,528 ordinary shares at $0.00325 each and 164,753,917 free attaching options expiring on 30 September 2018 pursuant to the Prospectus. The issue of 450,000,000 of these shares and 150,000,000 of these options was approved at the meeting of shareholders held on 6 June 2014. | 26/06/2014 |
releases a Supplementary Prospectus | 19/06/2014 |
On 7 May 2014, PHW Consolidated Limited ("Company") issued a prospectus for the offer of 450 million Shares at an issue price of $0.00325 per Share to raise $1,462,500, together with 1 free attaching Option for every 3 Shares subscribed for and issued. The Company has resolved in accordance with section 248A of the Corporations Act to extend the closing date of the Prospectus from 13th June 2014 to 20th June 2014 | 13/06/2014 |
PHW Consolidated Limited held its General Meeting of shareholders on 6 June 2014. All resolutions as specified in the notice of meeting were passed unanimously on a show of hands | 06/06/2014 |
On 7 May 2014, PHW Consolidated Limited ("Company") issued a prospectus for the offer of 450 million Shares at an issue price of $0.00325 per Share to raise $1,462,500, together with 1 free attaching Option for every 3 Shares subscribed for and issued. The Company has resolved in accordance with section 248A of the Corporations Act to extend the closing date of the Prospectus from 6th June 2014 to 13th June 2014 | 06/06/2014 |
releases a Supplementary Prospectus | 22/05/2014 |
issues a prospectus for the offer of 450 million Shares at an issue price of $0.00325 per Share to raise $1,462,500 (together with 1 free attaching Option for every 3 Shares subscribed for and issued) - the Offer is not underwritten | 07/05/2014 |
a General Meeting will be held at 10::30 am (WST) on 6 June 2014 at: 31 Ord St, West Perth WA 6005 | 30/04/2014 |
PHW Consolidated Limited held its General Meeting of shareholders on 7 February 2014. All resolutions as specified in the notice of meeting were passed unanimously on a show of hands | 07/02/2014 |
a General Meeting will be held at 10:30 am (WST) on 7 February 2014 at: 31 Ord St, West Perth, Western Australia | 07/01/2014 |
PHW Consolidated Limited held its 2012 Annual General Meeting of shareholders at 10:30 am on 29 November 2013. All resolutions as specified in the notice of meeting were passed unanimously on a show of hands | 29/11/2013 |
the meeting of the Shareholders to which this Notice of Meeting relates will be held at 10:45am on 29 November 2013 at 31 Ord St, West Perth WA 6005 | 30/10/2013 |
releases its 2013 Annual Report | 13/09/2013 |
releases Half Year Report to 31-Dec-12 | 06/06/2013 |
releases 2012 Annual Report | 23/05/2013 |
ASX Limited ("ASX") grants PHW Consolidated Limited (the "Company") a waiver from listing rule 14.7 to the extent necessary to permit the Company to issue the securities, as approved by shareholders at the general meeting held on 29 January 2013 | 07/05/2013 |
DOCA is now fully effectuated and administrator is retiring as Deed Administrator of Prince Hill Wines | 20/02/2013 |
name changed from Prince Hill Wines Limited | 19/02/2013 |
we understand that on or about this date the company consolidated its shares 1 for 12 | 31/01/2013 |
Your browser may reflect a date of printing in American format.
03/02/2015 | Eric Chan | On market | 2,175,000 | $0.003 | $7,230 |
22/08/2014 | Paul Garner | On market | 1,291,386 | $0.003 | $3,989 |
10/07/2014 | Paul Garner | On market | 1,500,000 | $0.004 | $6,060 |
Roger Steinepreis | Chairman | 19/12/2012 |
Jack Toby | CFO, Company Secretary | 22/05/2013 |
Avikashan Naidu | Director | 03/07/2014 |
Eric Chan | Director | 03/07/2014 |
Paul Garner | Director, CEO | 29/01/2013 |
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
Darren Levy | Director | 29/01/2013 | 03/07/2014 |
Rex Watson | Executive Chairman | 01/11/2010 | 29/01/2013 |
Andrew Parkinson | Managing Director, CEO | 20/10/2006 | 29/01/2013 |
Conrad Guerra | CFO | 29/04/2009 | 29/01/2013 |
Paul Miller | Director | 01/04/2010 | 29/01/2013 |
Mark Leaker | Independent Director | 06/04/2010 | 12/03/2012 |
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
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