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Our website ranking of PRM: rating 5
(5 out of 5)


Computershare Melbourne
Yarra Falls, 452 Johnston Street, Abbotsford VIC 3067
Tel : +61 (0)3 9415 4000 or 1300 850 505 (within Australia)
Fax : +61 3 9473 2500
RegistryWebsite RegistryEmail

Company details
Address: 246 Esplanade Brighton, Vic. 3186
Tel:  (03) 9553 8896 Fax: (03) 9592 2328

Date first listed: 19/05/1983

Sector: Materials
Industry Group: XMJ
Activities: Development of an ammonia and urea plant which is to be located on the Burrup Peninsula of Western Australia

Shareholders in this company should consider crystallising a capital loss in 2024/25 by selling their shares. This process is now much easier and quicker. It can be achieved online by entering transaction details here. While, this usually makes good economic sense we recommend you seek professional advice before buying or selling securities, your accountant is probably the best person.


delisted from the close of trading on Thursday, 31 December 2015, pursuant to Listing rule 17.12 and Guidance Note 33


we understand that it is ASX policy to automatically remove from the official list any entity whose securities have been suspended from trading for a continuous period of 3 years


The company provides a delisting update.


we understand that on or about this date the company consolidated its shares 1 for 2


The company issues its AGM results


The company issues its financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2015.


The company issues a Notification of Consolidation/Split.


The Directors of Plentex Limited (ASX : PRM) advise that they have convened an Annual General Meeting of Shareholders which is to be held at 11 a.m. (Melbourne time) on Monday, 7 December 2015, at Quest Brighton on the Bay, 250 Esplanade, Brighton, Victoria.


The company provides a shareholder update. After investigating a number of potential business paths, the Company has formulated its "˜go forward' business plan and is well advanced to become an innovative aquafeed and fish production enterprise. The opeartions for this business are based in the Philippines with the objective to capture a substantial opening in the US$58 billion aquafeed industry to target the burgeoning Asia Pacific market. The company is well advanced in realizing its plans and key enabling relationships are in place with industry experts to ensure optimal delivery of the projects.


The company lodges its financial report for the half year ended 31 December 2014.


The company advises details of the resolutions and the proxies received in respect of each resolution are set out in the proxy summary.


Plentex Limited lodges its financial report for the year ended 30 June 2014


Plentex Limited convened an Annual General Meeting of Shareholders which is to be held at 11 a.m. (Melbourne time) on Monday, 29 June 2015, at Quest Brighton on the Bay, 250 Esplanade, Brighton, Victoria.


Plentex Limited wishes to advise that Mr Daniel P. Goldman has resigned as Managing Director of Plentex effective from close of business on 22 May 2015. Mr Goldman will now focus full time on Xerion's (Plentex's subsidiary) business operations but will maintain his relationship with Plentex by serving as a Non Executive Director. Plentex Executive Chairman, Mr Peter Streader, will continue in his current role and will be supported by Mr David Vinson who henceforth will play a greater role in the management of the Company's operations. Plentex is also pleased to announce the appointment of Mr Michael McMahon as General Manager "“ Philippines Operations, and Mr David Ellis as General Manager "“ Business Development. Mr Ellis has been employed by Plentex as a consultant since January 2014. Mr Ellis was the former Research and Development Manager of the Australian Southern Bluefin Tuna Industry Association.


The Directors of Plentex Limited are pleased to advise that one of its subsidiaries, Xerion Limited ("Xerion") has, after many months of negotiation, acquired Biovite Australia Pty. Ltd. ("Biovite") and has assumed management control of the Company. Biovite has a versatile proprietary algae based bioactive Amycot® which has anti-fungal, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral and skin repair properties


company confirms that the Company's remaining C class Performance Shares (6,000,000 in number) held by Flinders Partners Pty. Ltd. lapsed on 13 June 2014


the Directors of Plentex formed the view that it would be prudent to split Plentex's business activities, and recently formed a new company called Biovite Limited to be the vehicle for the acquisition of Biovite Australia's business and Plentex's biotech interests. Plentex has entered into a Deed of Variation, Assignment and Guarantee with Biovite Australia Pty Ltd by virtue of which the new company established by Plentex will acquire the business of Biovite Australia on essentially the same terms as applied to the originally planned purchase by Plentex. The "sunset date" for completion of this transaction has been extended to 31 July 2014 or such later date as the parties may agree


12,000,000 of the Company's C Class Performance Shares held collectively by the Blue Sundial Vendors lapsed on 21 April 2014


releases Half Yearly Accounts 31.12.13


motions at the AGM were carried as ordinary resolutions on a show of hands


PRM advises it has convened an Annual General Meeting of Shareholders which is to be held at 11 a.m. (Melbourne time) on Friday, 31 January 2014, at Quest Brighton on the Bay, 250 Esplanade, Brighton, Victoria


company advises of the signing of a Sale of Business Agreement with Biovite Australia Pty Ltd, to acquire that company's business. This follows the previously announced signing by the parties of a Non Binding Letter of Intent in September 2013 and the subsequent completion of due diligence


Plentex Limited (ASX:PRM) (the Company) wishes to advise that the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) has granted the Company an extension of time in which to hold its Annual General Meeting (AGM) for the financial year ended 30 June 2013, to 10 December 2013


releases Half Yearly Accounts 31.12.12


issues Half Year Accounts 31.12.11


all motions considered at the AGM were carried as ordinary resolutions on a show of hands


the 2011 Annual General Meeting will be held at the Sebel One Room, Level 9, The Sebel & Citigate Hotel, 65 Queens Road, Melbourne on Monday 14 November 2011 at 11.00 am. Copies of the Notice of Annual General Meeting, accompanying Explanatory Memorandum and proxy form, are being sent to all shareholders


Company advises that it has today issued a total of 6,750,000 options to three Directors of the Company namely Peter C. Streader, Daniel P. Goldman and David Vinson and a senior executive of the Company - Mason Reiner


releases the Prospectus dated 11 October 2011 which was lodged with the Australian Securities & Investments Commission a short time ago. The Prospectus relates to the Issue of Bonus options exercisable at 25 cents at any time prior to 30 November 2013 which was approved by Plentex shareholders at a General Meeting held on 22 September 2011


on 22 September 2011, Plentex Limited's (ASX:PRM) ("the Company") shareholders approved a resolution authorising the consolidation of the Company's issued capital on a 1 for 5 basis. The consolidation has been completed


announces the entry into a conditional agreement for the acquisition of all the shares in Organic Fuels Algae Technologies LLC ("OpenAlgae"), a privately held company in the United States of America


lodges annual report for 2011


all resolutions considered at the general meeting were carried as ordinary resolutions


company advises that the consolidation of its securities on the basis of 1 for 5 was approved at the General Meeting held 22 September 2011


releases a general meeting presentation


the Directors of Plentex Limited (ASX:PRM) advise that they have convened a General Meeting of Shareholders which is to be held at 11am on Thursday 22 September 2011 in the Sebel One room, Level 9, The Sebel & Citigate Hotel, 65 Queens Road, Melbourne


the company has entered into a revised Terms Sheet with Flinders Partners Pty Ltd ("Flinders Partners") the commercial arm of Flinders University, to secure the Company's involvement in what is now known as the SA Algae Biorefinery Project ("the Project"). The ultimate goal of the Project is to develop an integrated algae-based biorefinery platform refining algae oil and biomass into multiple high-value end products. This project has been created to construct and operate a demonstration scale micro algae growing, processing and biorefinery facility on Torrens Island, South Australia as well as to carry out a feasibility study for a commercial scale seawater based algae biorefinery production facility


releases Half Yearly Accounts to 31/12/10


announces the entry into a legally binding Terms Sheet with Flinders Partners Pty. Ltd - Plentex, Flinders Partners, SARDI, Flinders University and CSIRO will collaborate on a demonstration scale algae oil production facility to be constructed on Torrens Island, South Australia


all resolutions put to the Annual General Meeting of 29 November 2010 were passed on a show of hands


lodges Quarterly Activities and Cashflow Report 30.09.10


the Company advises that it has placed 1,500,000 fully paid ordinary shares at an issue price of 3.5 cents together with 1,500,000 attaching free options exercisable at 3.5 cents between 1 December 2010 and 31 March 2011


lodges Financial Report 2010


advises that pursuant to the Prospectus in respect of the Pro-Rata Non-Renounceable Rights Issue ("the Rights Issue") dated 23 August 2010, the Rights Issue closed on 17 September 2010. The Company advises that it has received acceptances and applications in respect of the following fully paid ordinary shares and that the following remainder shares are yet to be taken up: Number of Shares Acceptance of Entitlements 3,909,497 Remainder (shortfall) 7,615,620 The total funds received from acceptances is $136,831


company has despatched to its shareholders a Prospectus dated 23 August 2010 for a Pro-Rata Non-Renounceable Rights Issue of one (1) new share for every five (5) shares held at an issue price of three and a half cents ($0.035) together with one free-attaching option for each share accepted, along with a personalised Entitlement and Acceptance Form. If fully subscribed, the Rights Issue will raise $403,350 before costs of the offer


Plentex Limited [ACN 009 607 676] (ASX Code: PRM) ("the Company") lodged a Prospectus with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission on 23 August 2010 in respect of a non-renounceable pro rata rights issue of one (1) new share for every five (5) shares held at an issue price of three and a half cents ($0.035) together with one (1) free-attaching option for every one (1) new share successfully subscribed for ("the Rights Issue"). Each new option will have an exercise price of three and a half cents ($0.035) and will be exercisable between 1 December 2010 and 31 March 2011


company is moving forward with its plans to become a supplier of algae oil to the biodiesel and fuel industry and to supply algae biomass for the production of renewable power and animal feed. The Company currently holds 5% of the shares in Blue Sundial and is taking steps to acquire the remaining 95% of the issued shares in Blue Sundial, pursuant to the terms of the Agreement. To this end the Company proposes to: 1. undertake a pro-rata non-renounceable rights issue to existing shareholders of the Company; 2. hold a general meeting of the Company's shareholders; 3. issue a prospectus to raise approximately $3.5 million (before the costs of the issue) by offering 17,500,000 fully paid ordinary shares in the Company; and 4. engage in other restructuring initiatives


company provides an outline of Blue Sundial's initial algae project


releases Quarterly Activities Report 30.06.10


continued discussions with Blue Sundial Pty. Ltd. ("Blue Sundial") have resulted in a new agreement being executed with the shareholders of Blue Sundial, pursuant to which Plentex will purchase all the issued shares of Blue Sundial, other than the shares in Blue Sundial which Plentex currently holds - The Company plans to convene a General Meeting of its shareholders to be held later this year and will be dispatching to shareholders an Explanatory Statement with the Notice for this meeting. The Explanatory Statement will set out full details of the proposed acquisition, the technology, the algae project proposal, and the performance shares including the milestones which will apply to the performance shares


releases Quarterly Activities Report


releases Half Yearly Accounts 31.12.09


releases Quarterly Activities Report


Plentex has reluctantly terminated the agreement to acquire Blue Sundial, as a result of Blue Sundial' Pty Ltd's inability to satisfy one of the conditions precedent applying to the Sale of Shares Agreement made between Plentex and the Blue Sundial vendors. Plentex had previously extended the date by which the relevant condition precedent was to be satisfied or waived from 30 November 2009 to 31 December 2009, but as of 31 December 2009 the relevant condition remained unsatisfied and this is still the case. Plentex currently holds a 5% equity in Blue Sundial. Plentex's relationship with Blue Sundial remains positive and discussions between the parties will now take place with the objective of restructuring arrangements for the acquisition of the remaining 95% of Blue Sundial


releases Chairman`s Address to Shareholders and advises motions considered were carried as an ordinary resolution on a show of hands


releases Quarterly Activities Report


the Company has entered into binding agreements to acquire a Victorian based private company, Blue Sundial Pty. Ltd., which has developed an algae based project for the production of algae oil and biomass - completion of the transaction is subject to a number of conditions precedent including the obtaining of Plentex shareholder approval


the Company has entered into a confidential non binding Terms Sheet which may lead to the acquisition by the Company of all the issued capital of a company which is the proponent of a project to be located in Victoria which aims to produce oil from algae for use as a feedstock for the production of biodiesel


lodges Half Yearly Report and Accounts


company responds to ASX questions about its operating cash flows and business objectives


releases its Quarterly Activities Report


the sale of the Plentex group Georgetown Mining and Exploration Project Assets has been satisfactorily completed


the motions considered at today's AGM were carried as ordinary resolutions on a show of hands


releases Quarterly Activities Reports to 31 December 2008


releases Financial Report year ended 30 June 2008 and provides a notice of AGM of the Shareholders of the Company which will be held at Sebel 1 Room, 9 th Floor at The Sebel Albert Park, 65 Queens Road, Melbourne on Monday 25 May 2009 at 11.00 am.


company advises that following unsuccessful attempts to raise development capital or to negotiate acceptable joint venture arrangements, they have had no alternative but to sell the assets which comprise the Georgetown Mining and Exploration Project


this company's securities have been suspended from quotation for two years - it says "the quotation of Plentex's securities is currently suspended pending the Company meeting certain ASX requirements" - what is it doing, if anything, to achieve that?


releases its quarterly cash report to 31 March 2008 showing a deficit at operating level for the quarter of $535k and $7k balance remaining


Cobar Consolidated Resources Limited (ASX:CCU) today announced that it had reached agreement to purchase the Lachlan Downs exploration tenement EL6651 from Plentex Limited


the company advises that it has recently received the results of a Mobile Metal Ion (MMI) geochemical soil sampling program which has resulted in the identification of a substantial copper, molybdenum anomaly in the southern section of the Company's Huonfels Porphyry Zone


company announces that its wholly owned subsidiary Plentex (Operations) Pty. Ltd. has entered into an agreement to purchase Mining Lease 3374 from Howard-Smith Investments Pty. Ltd


the Directors advise that the Company's Non-Renounceable Rights Issue pursuant to the Company's Prospectus dated 3 October 2007, failed to reach the Minimum Subscription by the extended Closing Date of 30 November 2007 - in these circumstances the Company is required under the provisions of the Corporations Act 2001, to refund to shareholders and others who subscribed to the issue their application monies - mailing of refund cheques will commence tomorrow


all motions considered at today's AGM were carried on a show of hands as ordinary resolutions


the Directors advise that they have elected to extend the Closing Date of the Company's current non renounceable rights issue from 5 November 2007 to 30 November 2007


lodges its 2007 annual report, quarterly report and a notice of AGM to be held in Club Room 1 at The Sebel Albert Park, 65 Queens Road, Melbourne on Wednesday 28 November 2007 at 11.00 am


plans for re-quotation of the Company's securities are "well on track" according to the company - it is in the final stages of preparing a prospectus for a $5M rights issue, which is expected to be lodged in mid-August - funds from the rights issue will enable the company to start a feasibility study on the gold mining project and accelerate regional exploration programs


following the 1 for 5 consolidation of the Company's ordinary shares which was approved by shareholders at the Company's Annual General Meeting held on 22 November 2006, the Company had on issue 1,368,743 options exercisable at 25 cents at any time prior to 31 March 2007 (2007 Options) - following the consolidation, a total of 96,311 2007 Options have been exercised with the balance of 1,272,432 lapsing on 31 March 2007


releases Half Year Accounts


the company has to meet a number of ASX requirements (including the issue of a prospectus) before it can regain quotation for its securities


we understand that on or about this date the company consolidated its shares 1 for 5


securities suspended from quotation following security holder approval of the Company's acquisition of Georgetown Mining Limited and resultant change of activities


shares reinstated to quotation


securities suspended from quotation immediately, following an announcement by the Company regarding the proposed acquisition of Georgetown Mining Limited


name changed from Plenty River Corporation Limited


we understand that on or about this date the company consolidated its shares 1 for 12

View ASX Announcements (courtesy of ASX)



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Hi my name is Curran Roberts i was given shares in this company by my father. How would i find out if they were ever going to re list ?

10/03/2024 01:48:34
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    Directors' on-market share transactions (last 5)


    Click here for the last 20 transactions all companies

    Directors & Executives (current)
    Peter StreaderExecutive Chairman, Managing Director22/01/2011
    Darwin CampiNon Exec Director22/11/2006
    Christopher RobertsNon Exec Director18/08/2006
    David VinsonExecutive Director21/01/2011
    Wanda McKinnonDirector
    David Jonathan StreaderCompany Secretary

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.

    Directors & Executives (former)
    Danny GoldmanManaging Director, CEO24/01/201122/05/2015

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.