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ASX, Legal & CGT Status
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Our website ranking of RRS: rating 4
(4 out of 5)


Computershare Perth
Level 17, 221 St Georges Terrace, Perth WA 6000
Tel : +61 (0)3 9415 4000 or 1300 850 505 (within Australia)
Fax : +61 3 9473 2500
RegistryWebsite RegistryEmail

Company details
Address: c/o Edwards Mac Scovell Legal Level 7 140 St Georges Terrace Perth WA 6000
Tel:  +61 8 9322 7600 Fax: +61 8 9322 7602

Date first listed: 24/01/1985

Sector: Energy
Industry Group: XEJ
Activities: Minerals exploration in Australia

The company notifies ASIC of a change in its principal place of business.


The company notifies ASIC of a change in its registered address.


ASIC is notified of the withdrawal of consent for the company's use of its registered office.


Shareholders in this company should consider crystallising a capital loss in 2024/25 by selling their shares. This process is now much easier and quicker. It can be achieved online by entering transaction details here. While, this usually makes good economic sense we recommend you seek professional advice before buying or selling securities, your accountant is probably the best person.


company is now called STAR PHOENIX GROUP LTD


delisted from the close of trading on Monday 25 November 2019, pursuant to Listing rule 17.11.


we understand the company delisted because of the low level of trading liquidity on ASX and the considerable compliance costs including listing fees


The ongoing tax appeal matters that the company is involved in have been adjourned by the court in Trinidad to the end of January 2020.


The company's securityholders will continue to be able to access continuous disclosure material through the company's normal investor communication channels. The information will be released via announcements on the Alternative Investment Market of the London Stock Exchange, as well as the dedicated section of the company's website.


Following request by Wilson Energy Services, RRDSL agreed to extend the closing date for the transaction to 22 November 2019. In the event that closing is delayed beyond 22 November 2019, it will be subject to a late closing fee payable by the buyer.


ASX has determined that the company will be removed from the official list at close of trading on 25 November 2019 and the last day of trading of shares in the company on ASX will be 22 November 2019. No change will occur to the quotation and trading of the company's securities on the IM market of the London Stock Exchange. The company's securities will remain tradeable as depository interests on AIM under the code RRL.


The company's AGM will be held at 10.00am (GMT) on 29 November 2019 at Uncommon, 1 Long Lane, London, United Kingdom, SE1 4PG.


The company lodges its Quarterly Activities Report & Appendix 5B.


The company has formally applied to ASX requesting that ASX remove the company from the official list, and ASX has accepted its application. The company will be removed from the official list at close of trading on 25 November 2019 and the last day of trading of shares on ASX will be 22 November 2019.


The company has signed a sale and purchase agreement with Wilson Energy Services for the sale of 4 drilling rigs and related equipment for a total cash consideration of US$3.6 million.


Range previously advised that it had submitted a Notice of Arbitration against the State of Georgia in respect of the wrongful termination of the production sharing contract over Block VIA dated 29 March 2007 in Georgia. After careful consideration, Range has withdrawn the Notice of Arbitration on a without prejudice basis.


The company releases its Corporate Governance statement and Appendix 4G.


The company lodges its Annual Report to shareholders.


The company has completed the previously announced subscription agreement to raise £750,000. Application has been made to the London Stock Exchange for the Shares to be admitted to trading on AIM which is expected to become effective, and dealings are expected to commence at, 8:00 a.m. on 20 September 2019. The Shares will rank pari passu with existing ordinary shares in the capital of the company. Following admission, the company announces that it will have 11,780,598,407 Ordinary Shares in issue, each share carrying the right to one vote. The company does not hold any Ordinary Shares in treasury.


The company issues a prospectus for the offer of 500,000 Shares at an issue price of $0.001 each to remove trading restrictions on Shares issued without disclosure under Part 6D of the Corporations Act on or before the Closing Date.


In relation to a subscription agreement to raise approximately £750,000, the prospectus and the subscription shares are expected to be issued on or about 19 September 2019, subject to receipt of cleared funds. Application will be made to the London Stock Exchange for the subscription shares to be admitted to trading on AIM which is expected to become effective, and dealings are expected to commence once the prospectus is issued.


The company has signed a subscription agreement with a new investor, Sramek BioDynamics Holdings Limited, for new ordinary shares to raise approximately £750,000. Pursuant to the subscription, the company wil issue 1,536,599,792 new ordinary shares at a price of 0.049 pence per new ordinary share. The proceeds of this will be used for general working capital purposes.


ASX informed the company that it is not willing to reinstate Range's securities to trading until ASX is satisfied that the company's financial condition is adequate, which primarily will require the Company to complete the binding conditional sale and purchase agreement for the sale of Range Resources Trinidad Limited to LandOcean Energy Services.


194,585,862 unlisted options exercisable at £0.01 on or before 3 September 2019 and 172,557,274 unlisted options exercisable at £0.02 on or before 3 September 2019 have expired. None of these options were exercised prior to expiration.


Following continued negotiations with the company's debt holder, LandOcean Energy Services, the parties have sucessfully signed a binding conditional sale and purchase agreement for the sale of Range Resources Trinidad to LandOcean in exchange for: offsetting all outstanding debt and payables due from Range and its subsidiaries to LandOcean and its subsidiaries, and a cash consideration of US$2.5 million.


ASX informed the company that it is not willing to reinstate Range's securities to trading until ASX is satisfied that the company's financial condition is adequate, which primarily will require the company to demonstrate to ASX how it intends to repay the outstanding balance payable to LandOcean Energy Services. The company continues its negotiations with LandOcean to agree revised terms for the outstanding payable balance, albeit there can be no guarantee any such agreement will be reached. Share trading of the company's securities on AIM resumed on 26 July 2019.


The company lodges its Quarterly Activities Report & Appendix 5B.


In relation to the non-binding agreement to acquire an interest in a pre-school educational business operating in China, the board has made a decision to terminate any further negotiations with immediate effect since the parties were not able to agree terms that the board believes would be in the best interest of the shareholders. The proposed debt restructuring agreements with LandOcean Energy Services were conditional on the completion of the acquisition. The debt restructuring will not proceed on the terms previously announced.


The company's legal advisers have submitted a Notice of Arbitration against the State of Georgia. The Notice of Arbitration has been submitted in respect of the wrongful termination of the production sharing contract over Block VIA dated 29 March 2007 in Georgia, resultant losses suffered by the company as ain investor within the meaning of the e Energy Charter Treaty 1994 and/or unlawful expropriation of Range's Investment in breach of the State of Georgia's obligations pursuant to the ECT. The company is seeking damages currently estimated at approximately US$21.9 million as well as interest on these amounts calculated at approximately US$1.7 million.


The company lodges its Quarterly Activities Report & Appendix 5B.


The court in Colombia has approved the decision to settle all outstanding historic claims and disputes between Agencia Nacional de Hidrocarburos and the consortium of Optima Oil Corporation and the company. The key terms of the settlement arrangement are that ANH confirms that Range has no liability for any payments or debts, all proposed penalties have been lifted, the Consortium agrees to waive all potential claims against ANH and the Consortium agrees to the termination of the exploration licences.


33,000,000 unlisted options previously issued to management exercisable on or before 30 March 2020 at £0.01 per option have been cancelled.


The Company requests the extension to the voluntary suspension pending the release of an announcement to ASX regarding a material debt restructuring and a proposed new acquisition. The company expects the suspension to continue until release of an announcement with respect to these matters.


The company requests an extension to voluntary suspension with respect to its securities pending the release of an announcement regarding a material debt restructuring and a proposed new acquisition.


The Company requests the voluntary suspension pending the release of an announcement to the market regarding material debt restructuring and a proposed new acquisition. The voluntary suspension is expected to continue until the release of an announcement, which is expected to be made on 29 March 2019.


The securities of Range Resources will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of RRS, pending the release of an announcement regarding material debt restructuring and a proposed new acquisition.


The suspension of trading in the securities of Range Resources Limited will be lifted immediately, following the release by RRS of an announcement regarding director appointment.


The company advises that it has signed an agreement with LandOcean Energy Services Co., Ltd. ("LandOcean") to pay the annual interest payment due under the convertible note of US$1.6 million by way of issuance new ordinary shares in the Company to LandOcean


The Company requested a voluntary suspension of trading in its securities on ASX to be in place until it releases an announcement regarding the appointment of a new Australian resident director. The Company confirms that share trading on AIM will be unaffected. 30,000,000 Unlisted Options previously issued to Mr Yan Liu exercisable on or before 30 March 2020 at £0.010 per Option have been cancelled.


The securities of Range Resources Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately, at the request of RRS under Listing Rule 17.2, pending RRS's appointment of sufficient directors to comply with section 201A(2) of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth).


The suspension of trading in the securities of Range Resources Limited will be lifted at the commencement of trading today, 15 September 2017 following the release of an announcement regarding its AIM listing.


The company is not required to comply with ASX Listing Rules 11.1.2 and 11.1.3 in relation to the acquisition of Range Resources Drilling Services Limited. A shareholder meeting to approve the acquisition will take place in early November 2017.It is expected that the securities will be reinstated on 15 September 2017.


Range advises that trading in the Company's shares on AIM will be cancelled from 7:00 am (BST) on 14 September 2017. Range remains committed to maintain a listing in London and intends to seek admission of its shares to AIM at the earliest reasonable opportunity.


QUN 161 development well in Trinidad successfully spudded on 9 September 2017. The well is drilling ahead to a total depth of 2,200 feet, expected to take approximately two weeks to reach target depth.


7,500,000 Unlisted Options exercisable at £0.03 on or before 9 September 2017 have expired. None of these options were exercised prior to expiration.


Range has entered into a binding sale and purchase agreement to acquire certain producing assets from a wholly owned subsidiary of Trinity Exploration and Production for a cash consideration of US$4.55 million. Range will fund the acquisition from the existing cash resources. Pursuant to the acquisition, the company will acquire a significant interest in two offshore producing licences, Brighton Marine and Point Ligoure-Guapo Bay-Brighton Marine. Range will be the operator of both blocks.


The company has signed a sale and purchase agreement with PT Hengtai Weiye Oil and Gas to acquire a 23% interest in the Perlak field. The acquisition consideration of US$3.2 million will be funded from the existing cash resources of the Company.


The company provides an update on LandOcean payment arrangements. LandOcean has entered into a short-term factoring arrangement with Huayuan Commercial Factoring and Sichuan XW Bank. Range has consented to the factoring arrangement and has provided a confirmation that if required, it will pay the invoices when due to the Factor, instead of LandOcean.


The company lodges its Quarterly Activities Report, Appendix 5B.


Range announces the decision to close its ADR programme effective 17:00 (Eastern Time) on August 7, 2017. Trading volumes of ADR's have been insufficient to justify the burden of maintaining the listing with no increase in liquidity being provided to the Company. Under the terms of the Deposit Agreement, owners and holders of ADRs will have until at least August 10, 2018 to decide if they would like to attempt to surrender their Range ADRs for delivery of the underlying shares.


The company has signed a Sale and Purchase Agreement with LandOcean Energy Services for the acquisition of 100% of Range Resources Drilling Services Limited, an established oilfield services business based in Trinidad with a large modern fleet of 12 rigs, including 4 drilling rigs purchased during 2014.


The company lodges its Quarterly Activities Report, Appendix 5B.


Range notes an article published on 3 April 2017 by the Government of Georgia represented by the LEPL State Agency of Oil and Gas of the Ministry of Energy of Georgia, announcing an open international tender on Block VIA in Georgia. Range firmly believes that the PSC over Block VIA remains valid and is in good standing. Range believes that any purported relicensing of Block VIA by the Agency pursuant to the Tender Announcement would be a flagrant breach of the terms of the PSC. Range has contacted the Agency to seek an amicable resolution and has requested an urgent meeting. In the meantime, Range has engaged legal advisers and is exploring relevant routes to preserve the value of its investment. As at 31 December 2016, Range has a carried value of US$1.25 million attributed to its interest in the project on its balance sheet.


The company lodges its Half Yearly Report 31 December 2016.


The securities of Range Resources Limited will be suspended from official quotation from the commencement of trading on Tuesday, 14 March 2017, pending a determination in relation to Chapter 11 of the ASX Listing Rules.


The suspension of trading in the securities of Range Resources Limited will be lifted immediately following the release of an announcement.


The Company is pleased to provide an update on its waterflood projects in Trinidad.


The Company advises that it has published its ongoing investor Q&A addressing questions from shareholders, which can be accessed through their website.


The securities of Range Resources Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from official quotation immediately at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement.


The suspension of trading in the securities of Range Resources Limited (the "Company") will be lifted immediately, following receipt of an announcement and various confirmations regarding the Company's financial position. Security Code: RRS


Range provides an update with respect to its development programme in Trinidad.


Range is pleased to announce the execution of a definitive subscription agreement for a funding package of up to US$35 million with Beijing Sibo Investment Management LP. Sibo will provide funding of a minimum of US$20 million and up to US$35 million in cash to subscribe for new ordinary fully paid shares of the Company at a price of £0.008 per Share which represents a premium of approximately 48% to the last traded share price of the Company prior to the suspension of Shares from trading on AIM on 11 December 2014.


Range is pleased to announce the signing of a binding Memorandum of Understanding (the "MOU") with Beijing Sibo Investment Management LP ("Sibo"), a newly-established investment fund, headquartered in Beijing, China.


Range is pleased to announce that it has signed an amendment agreement in respect of its interest in the Guayaguayare Block in Trinidad. As a result of the amended agreement, Range will acquire the full interest of Niko Resources Ltd. (Niko) (TSX: NKO), which is 32.5% in the Shallow and 40% in the Deep Production Sharing Contracts (PSCs). Following completion of the agreement, Range will hold 80% interest in the Deep PSC and 65% interest in the Shallow PSC.


Range is pleased to announce that following the inaugural Operating Committee meeting held earlier this month with Joint Operating partner, the State Oil and Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago Limited (Petrotrin), the two companies have finalised an exploration work programme and budget for 2015 on the highly prospective St Mary's block in Trinidad


company advises that it has published a Letter from the Chairman to Shareholders and its ongoing investor Q&A addressing questions from shareholders


provides a Trinidad Development and Exploration Update


Range advises that further to the Company's announcement on 1 April 2015, Range has been advised by Core Capital Management Co., Ltd (Core Capital) that it has not yet received all necessary regulatory and government approvals to complete the funding. Under the terms of the funding agreements, completion should occur by 30 April 2015, subject to satisfaction of this remaining condition precedent. Range is disappointed that the completion has not occurred to date, but has agreed with Core Capital to extend the completion date to 14 May 2015 to enable Core Capital to progress with the receipt of the approvals


The operator of the Georgian Project, Strait Oil & Gas ("SOG": in which Range holds a 45% interest), reconfirmed to Range that the Ministry of Energy of Georgia had previously agreed a drilling programme on the second proposed exploration well on Block VIb and that a valid drilling licence is in place for that well


Range advises that the completion of the Range Resources Drilling Services Limited (RRDSL) disposal has been delayed and is now anticipated during April 2015. To date, Range has received US$2.30 million of the sale proceeds. Range is due to receive the remaining sale proceeds of US$2.07 million at final completion, as well as US$0.50 million as a result of balance sheet adjustment (total amount of US$2.57 million) in accordance with the Sale & Purchase Agreement


provides its ongoing monthly investor Q&A addressing questions from shareholders, which can be accessed at:


following approval of shareholders at the Company's Extraordinary General Meeting on 27 March 2015 to proceed with US$60 million funding with Core Capital Management Co., Ltd (Core Capital), the funding is on track to complete on or before 30 April 2015


Range advises that five resolutions proposed at the General Meeting on 27 March 2015 were passed on a show of hands


further to the Company's previous announcements, the sale of its Texas assets to Citation Resources Limited (Citation) has completed. As part of the sales proceeds Range has received a AU$500,000 cash payment, a carry on the Guatemalan assets to the value of AU$830,000, a forgiveness on monies owed by Range to Citation to the value of AU$189,000 and 200 million new ordinary shares in Citation


company provides a Trinidad operational update


lodges Half Yearly Report and Accounts


Range advises that further to the Company announcement on 18 February 2015, it has lodged an application with the Supreme Court of Western Australia to set aside the statutory demand from Lind Asset Management, LLC. Range will continue to update the market as appropriate


Range entered into a subscription agreement and a convertible note deed with Core Capital Management Co., Ltd (Core Capital) which, subject to obtaining Shareholder approval, will result in the Company raising US$60 million (Transaction). The proceeds from the funding package will be primarily used to accelerate the Company's oil production targets through drilling, secondary recovery and also to repay existing debt


Further to the Company announcement on 14 January 2015, regarding the US$15 million loan facility provided by Lind Asset Management, LLC ("Lind"), Range has received a statutory demand from Lind demanding repayment of approximately US$7.2 million that Lind alleges is due and payable. The Company is seeking legal advice as to the validity of the statutory demand. Range offered to buy-back the convertible security issued to Lind from the proposed US$60 million funding package with Core Capital Management Co., Ltd but Range and Lind were unable to agree on the settlement proposal


the Company provides its first monthly investor Q&A addressing questions from shareholders, which can be accessed at:


Further to the Company's announcement on 7 January 2015, regarding US$15 million loan facility provided by Lind Asset Management, LLC ("Lind"), Range has now received a letter from Lind seeking repayment of the full outstanding amount under the facility no later than 15 January 2015. The initial facility has a face value of US$7.25 million. Range has communicated to Lind that it wishes to repay the facility in cash and intends on using the Core Capital financing to meet such final repayment


Lind Financing Update As announced on 11 December, pursuant to the Company's US$15 million loan facility provided by Lind Asset Management, LLC ("Lind"), the Company has made an undertaking to Lind that, to the best of its ability and subject to AIM and ASX listing rules, the Company's Shares will not be suspended from trading on either the ASX or AIM market for more than 5 days, commencing from the execution date of the loan facility agreement. With the recent suspension, the Company has fully utilized these allowed days and subsequently provides Lind with certain additional rights under the agreement, including the ability to demand re-payment of the loan. At present, US$5.5 million under the Lind facility has been drawn down in two tranches, US$5 million at completion date (17 October 2014) and US$0.5 million (20 November 2014). Under the facility the company has issued 96,440,891 ordinary fully paid shares (38,000,000 collateral shares issued on 17 October 2014 and 58,440,891 first repayment shares on 18 November 2014). The initial facility has a face value of US$7.25 million


Range is pleased to announce the signing of a Sale & Purchase Agreement for the disposal of 100% of Range Australia Resources (US) Limited which holds the Company's interests in the East Clarksville and North Chapman Ranch projects in Texas (the "Texas assets") to Citation Resources Limited ("Citation"). Citation is an ASX-listed oil and gas company, which together with Range holds interests in oil production and exploration assets in Guatemala


The securities of Range Resources Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from quotation immediately, at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement. Security Code: RRS


The suspension of trading in the securities of Range Resources Limited (the "Company") will be lifted immediately, following receipt of an announcement regarding Board appointments. Security Code: RRS RRSO


The securities of Range Resources Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from quotation immediately at the request of the Company, pending the release of an annoucement. Security Code: RRS RRSO


The suspension of trading in the securities of Range Resources Limited (the "Company") will be lifted immediately, following the release of the Company" announcement concerning a strategic merger with International Petroleum. Security Code: RRS RRSO


Range proposesto merge with International Petroleum on a ratio of three Range ordinary sharesfor every two International Petroleum ordinary shares(3:2 basis)subjectto various conditions, including final due diligence and regulatory approvals


The securities of Range Resources Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from quotation immediately, pending the release of an announcement. Security Code: RRS


securities reinstated to quotation


securities suspended from quotation pending release of an announcement


securities reinstated to quotation


announces management and other changes


securities suspended from quotation pending release of an announcement regarding management changes


securities reinstated to quotation


securities suspended from quotation pending release of an announcement


we understand that on or about this date the company consolidated its shares 1 for 20


shares reinstated to quotation


securities suspended from quotation pending release of an announcement


shares reinstated to quotation


shares suspended from quotation pending an announcement


shares reinstated to quotation following release of an announcement


shares suspended from quotation pending an announcement


shares reinstated to quotation following release of an announcement


shares suspended from quotation pending release of an announcement


shares reinstated to quotation


shares suspended from quotation pending the release of an announcement

View ASX Announcements (courtesy of ASX)



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    Directors' on-market share transactions (last 5)

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    Purchases Sales

    22/05/2012Peter LandauOn market750,000$0.117$87,909
    22/05/2012Marcus Edwards-JonesOn market150,000$0.120$18,060

    Click here for the last 20 transactions all companies

    Directors & Executives (current)
    Zhiwei GuExecutive Chairman07/01/2015
    Theo EleftheriadesCFO11/02/2019
    Yi ZengNon Exec Director16/06/2016
    Robin LuoNon Exec Director11/01/2019
    Lubing LiuExecutive Director, COO16/06/2016
    Sara KellyCompany Secretary
    Evgenia Bezruchko Company Secretary

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.

    Directors & Executives (former)
    Kiki WangNon Exec Director30/11/201423/07/2019
    Nick BeattieCFO28/05/201411/02/2019
    Yan LiuExecutive Director, CEO11/12/201410/12/2018
    Yu WangNon Exec Director01/10/201526/09/2017
    David Yu ChenNon Exec Director30/11/201424/11/2016
    William DuncanCOO03/05/201411/12/2014
    Ian OlsonNon Exec Director18/08/201411/12/2014
    David RiekieExecutive Director27/06/201411/12/2014
    Sam JonahNon Exec Chairman19/07/200630/11/2014
    Rory RussellCEO03/02/201428/11/2014
    Marcus Edwards-JonesNon Exec Director16/08/200628/11/2014
    Graham LyonNon Exec Director03/02/201428/11/2014
    Christian BukovicsNon Exec Director03/02/201428/11/2014
    Ian MacliverNon Exec Director27/06/201413/08/2014
    Peter LandauExecutive Director08/11/200513/06/2014
    Michael PoveyNon Exec Director26/08/200529/10/2008
    Liban BogorExecutive Director25/05/200622/07/2008
    Toufic RahiExecutive Director25/05/200629/06/2007
    Jim MarinisExecutive Director13/01/200525/05/2006
    Arthur IoannouCompany Secretary21/09/200407/11/2005
    Matthew LewisNon Exec Chairman03/07/200229/08/2005
    Paul MatichNon Exec Director30/11/200113/01/2005
    Paul PupazzoniNon Exec Director03/07/200230/11/2004
    Patrick RyanNon Exec Director18/06/199810/07/2002
    Richard ThomsonNon Exec Chairman18/06/199803/07/2002
    Robert ClarkeNon Exec Director01/06/199830/11/2001

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.