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Date first listed: 01/11/2000

name changed to Rocklands Richfield Limited


lodges half yearly report and a cash flow report for the quarter to 31 December 2005 shows a deficit at operating level for the quarter of $317k


company announces the appointment of Mr Stephen Peterson as Chief Financial Officer


the public offer share issue has now closed - the company has received and accepted applications (including oversubscriptions) for 48,755,990 new shares and attaching options, raising $9,751,198 - it is proceeding to allot these securities and is seeking to be re- quoted on 3 March 2006 (this date is subject to ASX confirmation)


prospectus applications received by the company have passed the full subscription amount of $9 million and it is foreshadowed that the offer may close early


the resolutions considered at today's General Meeting were passed unanimously on a show of hands


issues prospectus and supplementary prospectus


details of holding changes as a result of the consolidation of shares, approved by shareholders on 21 December 2005, have been dispatched by mail today


the company will issue bonus pro-rata Options to shareholders on the basis of one (1) option for every four 4 post-consolidation shares held - a total of 8,876,202 Options will be issued to holders of Consolidated Shares - each Option will be exercisable at 30 cents each on or before 30 November 2009


company provides notice that a General Meeting of shareholders will be held at 11am on 31 January 2006 at Level 42, AAP Centre, 259 George Street, Sydney, NSW, 2000


company issues a timetable for the reorganisation of capital which involves a consolidation of capital on a 1 for 2 basis


all resolutions at today's AGM were apparently passed except Resolution 6 (the ratification of Consultancy Agreement with New York Capital Pty Ltd) which was withdrawn and Resolution 7 (the re-election of Matthew Abrahams as a Director) which was also withdrawn


the company announces the appointment of Mr Ugo Cario as a Director and Chief Executive Officer


the company via a wholly owned subsidiary, PCI Coal Pty Ltd, has acquired four options to purchase in total 100% of the shareholding of QCE Pty Ltd, the owner of the "Hillalong" Coal Project in the northern sector of the coal rich Queensland Bowen Basin - the completion date on the options has been extended to 31 March 2006 - the total acquisition price for the shares in QCE Pty Ltd is AUD $2 Million


provides notice of an Annual General Meeting to be held at 11am on Wednesday, 21 December 2005 at Level 42, AAP Centre, 259 George Street, Sydney, NSW 2000 - also lodges a Drilling Report


issues Exploration and Drilling report


lodges financial statements for the 2003, 2004 and 2005 financial years


company advises that "For the predominant purpose of funding Rocklands Richfield PCI to re-quotation London & County Pty Ltd, a company associated with Kit Chye, Jack Tan & Eddie Lee, Directors of Rocklands Richfield PCI Limited, sold 3,338,000 Rocklands Richfield PCI Limited ordinary shares at $0.10 each"


company advises that, via a wholly owned subsidiary, PCI Coal Pty Ltd, it has acquired four options to purchase in total 100% of the shareholding of QCE Pty Ltd, the owner of the "Hillalong" Coal Project in the northern sector of the coal rich Queensland Bowen Basin


a General Meeting of the Company will be held at Level 42, 259 George Street, Sydney on Friday 17 June 2005, commencing at 3.00pm - the Company proposes to issue up to 15,000,000 ordinary shares in RCI and to issue 23,400,000 options to directors Jack Tan, Eddie Lee, Kit F Chye and Matthew Abrahams


company reports that it has now received a formal grant over a second large coal tenement area, EPC 930, in Queensland's Bowen Basin - Rocklands Richfield's interest a 60% working interest, held with its geological and mining consultants who hold 40%


company plans a pro rata issue of options and a shareholders meeting to approve company proposals to allow Asian partnering arrangements and placement of share capital to such partners


name changed from Australian Visual Communications Limited

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