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ASX, Legal & CGT Status
Former (or subsequent) names
VIP GLOVES LTD14/12/2018
VOLTAGE IP LIMITED18/01/200614/12/2018
COMS21 LIMITED26/02/2001
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Company details

Date first listed: 05/02/1997

name changed to Voltage IP Limited


company confirms to shareholders its corporate structure and debt position as at 31 December 2005 - the accounts for the half year ending 31 December 2005 are currently being completed (including an audit review) and following their release, the Company will be requesting return of quotation for its shares on ASX


company advises that it has completed the re-organisation of its issued capital on a 1 for 100 basis


company announces that the term of its option to purchase 1480 shares of Insurenet USA, Inc (representing approximately 10% of that company) at a total cost of USD500,000 has been extended by 9 months and now expires on 31st October 2006


company applies for the quotation of 5,153,000 ordinary fully paid shares


we understand that on or about this date the company consolidated its shares 1 for 100


company advises that the name of the company has been changed to Voltage IP Limited - the change of name and ticker code will be updated with Australian Stock Exchange upon the completion of the capital re-organisation - the new ticker code will be VIP


company advises that, following the completion of the Deed of Company Arrangement of Securix Australia Pty Ltd, it has disposed of 100% interest in eGlobal Services Pty Ltd - eGlobal Services Pty Ltd owns Citadel Securix Pty Ltd, Securix Australia Pty Ltd and Citadel Security Practise Pty Ltd - the disposal of these non-trading subsidiaries further simplifies the corporate structure of SXC and is in line with the Board's efforts to reduce corporate overheads


the Deed of Company Arrangement is fully effectuated - under the Deed of Company Arrangement, all employee entitlements have been settled in full and all other creditors received a nil return


company applies for the quotation of an additional 6,333,333 shares


company advises that 36,348,538 options to acquire ordinary shares in the capital of SXC have lapsed - the exercise period will end on 3 December 2005 and the exercise thresholds were not achieved during the exercise period, being 3 December 2003 to 3 December 2005


the capital of the company is being consolidated effective Tuesday 3 January 2006, on the basis that every 100 shares will become 1 share and every 100 options will become 1 option


company applies for the quotation of an additional 3.2m ordinary fully paid shares


company advises that at its Annual General Meeting today all resolutions were passed


Deed Administrator confirms that Securix Corporation Ltd has made payment of all amounts required under the Deed of Company Arrangement of subsidiary Securix Australia Pty Ltd to effect finalisation of same - the impact of the SAPL DOCA, as previously announced, will be to eliminate $2.26m of liability from the consolidated balance sheet of Securix (employee entitlements in the sum of $320k were honoured in full) - the contribution paid by the Company to achieve this result was $167k


company advises that Arbitration of the claim against Shenyang Social Insurance Company Ltd has been set for 15 December 2005


given the uncertainty around the financial status of the Company, as described in the Auditor's Report and elsewhere in the 2004/5 Annual Report, the Company has agreed with the ASX that its shares will remain suspended until the results of the Annual General Meeting are known - the Company is also liaising with its auditor in order to provide appropriate advice to the market at that time


lodges annual report


company advises that it was a party to an Agreement signed this month whereby it will now enjoy some upside from the Arbitration against Shenzhen Schlumberger Electronic System Solution Co Ltd ("Schlumberger") in exchange for giving up a similar share of its claim against the Shenyang Social Insurance Company, previously announced - the dollar quantum of this agreement to the Company is $138,300


the long-running legal dispute between InsureNet USA Inc and Jonathan Miller, on the one hand and Securix Corporation Ltd and subsidiaries (formerly eGlobal International Ltd) which was scheduled to be resolved through binding Arbitration on 31 October 2005 has been amicably resolved prior to Arbitration through a Settlement Agreement


shares suspended from quotation following failure to lodge Full Year Accounts for the period ended 30 June 2005


shares suspended from quotation following failure to lodge half yearly reports and accounts


shares reinstated to quotation


name changed from EGlobal International Limited

View ASX Announcements (courtesy of ASX)



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