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28 March 2025
Name: | SKY AND SPACE GLOBAL LTD (SAS) (This company subsequently changed its name and is now SKY AND SPACE COMPANY LTD. You should refer to that name for Status.) | ||||||
ISIN: | AU000000SAS7 | ||||||
Date of Listing: | 22 May 2006 | ||||||
Subsequent Names: |
| ||||||
Former Names: |
Stock Exchange Status:
This company subsequently changed its name and is now SKY AND SPACE COMPANY LTD. You should refer to that name for Stock Exchange Status.Legal Status:
ACN: 117 770 475ABN: 73 117 770 475
Registration Date: 06 January 2006
Capital Gains Tax (CGT) Status:
This company subsequently changed its name and is now SKY AND SPACE COMPANY LTD. You should refer to that name for Capital Gains Tax Status.
Updates, corrections, disagreements please email to
Further information: deListed and InvestoGain are operated by Investogain Pty Limited which is licensed by ASIC as an Australian Financial Services Licensee (AFSL 334036). deListed acquires only securities that it deems to be of little or no value, in circumstances where the holder is unable to sell their securities on-market in the normal manner. This service has been provided online via the company’s website since 2004.
Getting advice: Information provided in this section is of a general nature and applicable only to Australian tax residents who hold their investments on capital account (ie for long-term investment purposes). It has been prepared without taking into account your financial needs or tax situation. Before acting on the information, deListed suggests that you consider whether it is appropriate for your circumstances and recommends that you seek independent legal, financial, or taxation advice.
Disclaimer: The information provided above is to the best of our knowledge accurate as of today. But you should bear in mind that it is of a general nature and does not constitute financial or tax advice. Investogain Pty Limited accepts no liability for any loss arising from reliance on this information, including reliance on information that is no longer current.
Company | FROM | TO |
SKY AND SPACE COMPANY LTD | 10/02/2021 | |
SKY AND SPACE GLOBAL LTD | 27/05/2016 | 10/02/2021 |
Computershare Perth
Level 17, 221 St Georges Terrace, Perth WA 6000
Tel : +61 (0)3 9415 4000 or 1300 850 505 (within Australia)
Fax : +61 3 9473 2500
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name changed to Sky and Space Company Ltd | 10/02/2021 |
The company issues a notice of Proposed issue of Securities - SAS. | 09/02/2021 |
we understand that on or about this date the company consolidated its shares 1 for 2800 | 08/02/2021 |
The company releases a notice of consolidation. Shareholders will get 1 share for every 2,800 presently owned. | 29/12/2020 |
The company's AGM will be held on 27 January 2021 at 10:00am WST. | 29/12/2020 |
The company releases its Appendix 4E and annual report for 30 June 2020. | 09/11/2020 |
The company releases its Appendix 4G and Corporate Governance Statement. | 09/11/2020 |
The company lodges an Appendix 4D and interim financial report 31 December 2019. | 09/11/2020 |
The company releases the results of its meeting. | 06/11/2020 |
The company lodges its Quarterly Report and Appendix 4C June 2020. | 02/11/2020 |
The company lodges its Quarterly Report and Appendix 4C March 2020. | 02/11/2020 |
The company lodges its Quarterly Report and Appendix 4C September 2020. | 02/11/2020 |
The company releases a notice of Proposed issue of Securities - SAS. | 28/10/2020 |
Virgin Orbit to acquire equity stake in Sky and Space Global. Three-year A$3 million launch services and consulting agreement with Virgin Orbit from 1 July 2021. Mutual reseller agreement with Virgin Orbit to commence on re-listing. Previous A$55 million Launch Services Agreement with Virgin Orbit to be terminated by both parties. Virgin Orbit to appoint an observer to the Company's board meetings. | 28/10/2020 |
The company's general meeting will be held at: 10:00am (WST) on 6 November 2020 at 283 Rokeby Road Subiaco WA 6008. | 07/10/2020 |
The company inadvertently neglected to lodge an Appendix 3Zs for outgoing Directors Meir Moalem, Maya Glickman-Pariente and Yonatan Sharma and Appendix 3Xs for newly appointed Directors, Messrs Xavier Kris, Stephen Gorenstein and Silvio Salom as announced on 5 August 2020. The forms are ready for lodgement, and there has been no change in the interests in their shares of the company since their appointments. | 14/08/2020 |
On 21 July 2020, an instrument was executed by Laika and the company. On 4 August 2020, the administrators executed the document whereupon the instrument became a DOCA. Richard Albarran, Cameron Shaw and Richard Lawrence have been appointed as Deed Administrators effective 4 August 2020. The notice of meeting and other material required for the shareholders' meeting required to approve the particulars of the proposal will be prepared by Laika in due course. | 05/08/2020 |
At the 30 June 2020 meeting of creditors, creditors resolved that the DOCA proposal presented by Laika Capital be executed by the company. The DOCA must be executed within 15 business days of the major meeting. | 01/07/2020 |
The application to extend the administration convening period was handled administratively by His Honour Associate Justice Randall who granted the Order for an extension to the convening period up to and including 20 October 2020. The Court Orders specify that the meeting is to be held by 27 October 2020, being 5 business days after 20 October 2020. | 14/05/2020 |
Shareholders are advised that the administrators will now proceed with the following: The facilitation of an urgent expressions of interest campaign for the Company, its business and / or assets including its subsidiaries; Liaison with the board of directors, stakeholders and interested parties regarding a possible Deed of Company Arrangement / Restructure proposal; Preparation of an application to the Court for an extension of the convening period due to the complexities surrounding the administration as foreshadowed at the initial meeting of creditors; Preparation of the administrators' major report to creditors in accordance with section 75-225 of the Insolvency Practice Rules (Corporations) 2016 (Cth) convening the major meeting of creditors; Continued investigation into the Company's affairs to identify any voidable transactions including insolvent trading and any possible antecedent transactions; and Continued liaison with creditors and shareholders regarding enquiries relating to the administration. | 23/04/2020 |
Further to the ASX announcement on 7 April 2020, the Administrators are continuing to undertake a preliminary review of the Company's operations with a view to determining the extent to which the Company can be recapitalised. It is noted that the Company's directors are assisting with these enquiries. Shareholders are advised that the Company's creditors will receive a detailed report on the history, property, affairs and financial circumstances within four (4) to six (6) weeks. Following the issue of this report, the Company's creditors will attend a meeting to determine the future of the Company. | 14/04/2020 |
Messrs Richard Albarran, Cameron Shaw and Richard Lawrence of Hall Chadwick Chartered Accountants were appointed as Joint and Several Voluntary Administrators of the Company pursuant to Section 436A of the Corporations Act 2001 on Monday, 6 April 2020. | 06/04/2020 |
The shortfall under its non-renounceable pro-rata entitlement offer closed on 20 March 2020. No further shares were issued under the shortfall offer. The total number of shares applied for by eligible shareholders under the entitlement offer was 327,453,396 ordinary shares as set out in the company's announcement on 24 December 2019. | 23/03/2020 |
The company lodges its December Quarterly Activity and Cashflow Report. | 31/01/2020 |
The company has issued a total of 11,000 ordinary shares following the exercise of listed options by optionholders. The listed options were exercisable at 1.5c each with an expiry date of 31 May 2021. The company has received cleared funds from the respective optionholders for the exercise of these options. | 31/01/2020 |
The company and GomSpace have agreed on a fully and final settlement and release of any potential claims and commitments of each party in connection with the original agreement from 2017. The settlement has no financial impact. | 29/01/2020 |
The company releases an Investor Presentation - January 2020. | 23/01/2020 |
The company releases the results of its AGM. | 13/01/2020 |
Following the close of the non-renounceable pro rata entitlement offer, the company gives notice of the subscriptions under the entitlement offer. Allotment of the entitlement securities and additional securities will be completed on 27 December 2019. The company will now proceed to place the shortfall securities through Merchant Corporate Advisory and complete the placement in January 2020. The company remains in voluntary suspension. | 24/12/2019 |
The entitlement offer and the placement offer have now closed and Computershare is currently reconciling the total raising amount under the entitlement offer, which will be announced on 24 December 2019 in accordance with the entitlement offer timetable. The allocation of any shortfall under the entitlement offer and completion of the placement which was the subject of the placement offer is now planned to be completed in January 2020. The company expects the suspension of its securities to end following completion of the entitlement issue, placement, appointment of two Australian resident directors and all ASX requirements are satisfied. | 20/12/2019 |
Computershare have advised there is currently a technical issue with the Bpay Biller Code on the Entitlement and Acceptance Forms provided to shareholders and this is currently being rectified with Bpay. While this issue is being addressed and corrected by Computershare, the Company would like to provide shareholders with an alternative Bpay Biller Code to use as follows in the meantime: BPAY Biller Code: 309278 Shareholders should still use the same Customer Reference Number that is already included on their form, and the above Biller Code will show as Computershare. The above Biller Code will remain active until the close of the offer on Friday 20 December. | 18/12/2019 |
The company releases the results of its general meeting. | 16/12/2019 |
The company issues a response to ASX Accounts Query. | 13/12/2019 |
ASIC has revoked the Interim Stop Order made on 21 November 2019 as the company has lodged a Supplementary Prospectus dated 10 December 2019 as approved by ASIC. | 10/12/2019 |
In response to the ASIC Interim Stop Order received on 21 November 2019, the company has lodged its Annual Report for the year ended 30 June 2019 and a Supplementary Prospectus dated 10 December 2019. The company is proceeding with the entitlement issue under the same terms as previously announced. | 10/12/2019 |
The company's AGM will be held at 3.00pm (WST) on Monday 13 January 2020 at 1202 Hay Street, West Perth WA 6005. | 05/12/2019 |
The company releases its Appendix 4G and Corporate Governance Statement. | 04/12/2019 |
The directors set out a reconciliation of the total comprehensive loss for the year to 30 June 2019 presented in the Preliminary Final Report (Appendix 4E) lodged with the ASX on 2 September 2019 to the audited financial statements: (numbers indicated - Total Comprehensive Loss for the Year) Appendix 4E - (6,286,887); Impairment loss - (24,037,042); Other - (74,649); Audited Financial Statements - (30,398,578). The audited financial statements were not prepared on a going concern basis and therefore the carrying value of trade and other receivables, plant and equipment and intangible assets were impaired. | 04/12/2019 |
The company lodges its Annual Report 2019. | 04/12/2019 |
The company has updated its timetable for the entitlement issue prospectus dated 11 November. The company is in the process of preparing a supplementary prospectus and expects to have it released in the coming days. | 03/12/2019 |
The company updated the timetable for the entitlement issue prospectus and it also expects to have the supplementary prospectus released within the coming week. | 26/11/2019 |
The company has received an interim stop order from ASIC in relation to its prospectus dated 11 November 2019. The company is in the process of preparing a supplementary prospectus to deal with the queries raised by ASIC. The main query is for the company to include audited financials for the period ending 30 June 2019 in the supplementary prospectus. Following lodgement of the supplementary prospectus, the company expects that the interim stop order will be lifted. The company also expects to extend the closing period of the offer by no more than 7 business days. | 21/11/2019 |
The company's non-renounceable entitlement issue prospectus released on 11 November 2019 has been despatched to eligible shareholders together with their personalized entitlement and acceptance form. | 19/11/2019 |
The company releases separate letters to its eligible and ineligible shareholders regarding its pro-rata non-renounceable entitlement issue. | 13/11/2019 |
The company releases a letter to its optionholders in relation to the pro-rata non-renounceable rights issue. | 11/11/2019 |
The company issues an entitlement issue prospectus for a non-renounceable entitlement issue of 1 share for every 1 share held by those shareholders registered at the record date at an issue price of $0.005 per share to raise up to $10,875,071. The prospectus also contains an offer of up to 1,000,000,000 shares at an issue price of $0.005 together with up to 250,000,000 free-attaching new options to raise up to $5,000,000, subject to receipt of shareholder approval. | 11/11/2019 |
The company's general meeting will be held at 2.30PM (WST) on Monday 16 December 2019 at 1202 Hay Street West Perth WA 6005. | 08/11/2019 |
ky and Space Global to raise a total of $15.8 million before costs through proposed nonrenounceable entitlement issue and 708 exempt share placement. Non-renounceable 1:1 entitlement issue to raise $10,875,071 to all eligible shareholders. Free attaching options 1 for every 4 shares with an exercise price $0.015 expiring 31 May 2021. Placement to raise an additional $5 million to sophisticated and professional investors on the same pricing and terms as the entitlement issue. Merchant Corporate Advisory Pty Ltd to act as Lead Manager of the placement and entitlement issue. Entitlement issue shortfall and placement to be strongly supported by high net worth individuals and institutional investors through Merchant. Shortfall shares available to be placed post the entitlement issue, with capacity to accept oversubscriptions on the entitlement issue. | 08/11/2019 |
The company lodges its Quarterly Activities and Cashflow Report. | 31/10/2019 |
The company has executed a US$550,000 short-term convertible loan agreement and received a rebate of GBP 1,425,382 (approximately A$2.6m) from HMRC, the UK tax authority, in relation to the R&D tax claim submitted by the company's wholly owned UK subsidiary for the year ended 30 June 2019. | 10/10/2019 |
The company releases the results of its meeting. | 27/09/2019 |
The company releases an Investor Presentation - September 2019. | 16/09/2019 |
The company lodges its Appendix 4E - Preliminary Final Report. | 02/09/2019 |
The company has finalised the notice of meeting for a general meeting of shareholders on 27 September 2019 to approve a fundraising (placement to raise $15m) of the company as a key part of its corporate, board and financial restructuring in order to recommence trading on the ASX. | 26/08/2019 |
The company will make an announcement to the market in respect of its financing arrangements, its search for two new Australian resident non-executive directors and its capital raising as soon as it is in a position to, and expects the voluntary suspension to end no later than the commencement of trade on 27 September 2019. | 15/08/2019 |
The company lodges its Quarterly Activities and Cashflow Report. | 31/07/2019 |
The company is continuing to make considerable progress with completing its financing arrangements and its search for 2 new Australian non-executive directors with the requisite skills and experience to support the company's ongoing operations and growth strategy. The company will make an announcement in respect of the abovementioned as soon as it is in a position to, and expects the voluntary suspension to end no later than the commencement of trading on 15 August 2019. | 19/07/2019 |
The company is making considerable progress with completing its financing arrangements and its search for two new Australian resident non-executive Directors with the requisite skills and experience to support the company's ongoing operations and growth strategy. The company will make an announcement to the market in respect of the abovementioned matters as soon as it is in a position to, and expects the voluntary suspension to end no later than the commencement of trade on 22 July 2019. | 01/07/2019 |
The company requests an extension of the voluntary suspension in order to finalise the appointment of 2 new w Australian resident non-executive Directors with the requisite skills and experience, and also complete a financing package to support the company's ongoing operations and growth strategy. The company expects the voluntary suspension to end no later than the commencement of trade on 1 July 2019. | 27/05/2019 |
The company releases the CTO's Letter to Shareholders. | 22/05/2019 |
The 329,075,133 (ASX: SASOC) of Sky and Space Global Ltd will be suspended from quotation at the start of trading tomorrow, Wednesday, 22 May 2019, in accordance with Listing Rule 17.3, pending SAS being reinstated to official quotation. | 21/05/2019 |
The company announces the execution of an unsecured US$1.1 million convertible loan agreement with independend, third-party Israeli finance provider, Telefox Ltd. | 21/05/2019 |
The company confirms the issue of 58,571,566 Shares and 58,571,566 (free-attaching) Options, exercisable at $0.05 each expiring 21 May 2022, to the participants of the Priority Offer totalling gross proceeds of $1,757,151 at the price of $0.03 per share. Shareholder approval was obtained on 8 April 2019 for the issue of the Shares and Options to the Priority Offer participants. The Company also confirms the issue of 260,503,568 Options exercisable at $0.05 each expiring 21 May 2022 to Tranche 1 Placement participants, as approved by shareholders at the General Meeting held 8 April 2019. In addition, the Company is applying for quotation of the 9,999,999 Director options issued and announced on 8 May 2019 now the Priority Offer and Tranche 1 Placement Options are being issued. The Company confirms the participants under the Tranche 2 Placement withdrew their applications. | 20/05/2019 |
The company releaeses a CEO letter to shareholders. The letter details the following highlights: at the forefront of nanosatellite technology development; agreement signed with GomSpace for Global Coverage fleet of nanosatellites; potential revenue opportunities increased with Global Coverage; expected launch in early 2020; focused on the company's financial position to support progress to launch; board update; the bigger picture; and delivering world-first technology. | 15/05/2019 |
The company requests an extension of the voluntary suspension of its securities to enable SAS to finalise the appointment of two new Australian resident non-executive Directors with the requisite skills and experience, and also complete negotiations of material commercial and operational agreements to support the Company's ongoing operations and growth strategy. The company will make an announcement regarding these matters as soon as it is in a position to do so, and expects the voluntary suspension to end no later than the commencement of trade on 27 May 2019. | 14/05/2019 |
Agreement signed with GomSpace to deliver newly designed 6U nanosatellites - supporting Sky and Space to add a Global Coverage constellation to address the growing demand for IoT and M2M services, increase its potential customer base and enhance its revenue opportunities. Agreement also contemplates the execution of a new definitive Pearls Agreement that, once signed, will replace the existing Pearls Agreement entered into in 2017. | 13/05/2019 |
Memorandum of Understanding signed with SpaceChain Foundation, a community-based space platform based in Singapore that is decentralising a highly secure network in space. Two new Reseller Agreements put in place, one of which builds on a previous MoU, that further strengthen SAS' progression to monetise its nanosatellites once launched. | 10/05/2019 |
The company has issued 9,999,999 shares and 9,999,999 options to the directors of the company following their investment of $300,000 at the placement and priority pffer price of $0.03 per share. | 08/05/2019 |
Very fast response from customers to SAS' new Global constellation, with the potential for new markets and new revenue streams opened. Five MoUs increasing the potential for revenues once commercial contracts have been signed and the Global coverage constellation is launched (currently planned for early 2020). Two new reseller agreements put in place that strengthen SAS' progression to monetise its nanosatellites once launched. | 07/05/2019 |
The company requests an extension of the voluntary suspension of its securities to finalise the appointment of two new Australian resident non-executive directors with the requisite skills nad experience, and also complete negotiations of material commercial and operational agreements to support the company's ongoing operations and growth strategy. The voluntary suspension is expected to end no later from the commencement of trade on 14 May 2019. | 03/05/2019 |
The company lodges its March 2019 Appendix 4C and commentary. | 30/04/2019 |
The company lodges its Quarterly Activities and Cashflow Report. | 30/04/2019 |
This request for the extension of the voluntary suspension will enable SAS to finalise the appointment of two new Australian resident non-executive Directors with the requisite skills and experience, and also complete negotiations of material commercial and operational agreements to support the Company's ongoing operations and growth strategy. The Company expects the voluntary suspension to end at the commencement of trade on Friday 3 May 2019, when it anticipates it will be in a position to make an announcement to the market in respect of the abovementioned matters. | 18/04/2019 |
The company issues a supplementary prospectus intended to be read with the prospectus dated 21 February 2019. | 16/04/2019 |
The Company expects the voluntary suspension to end at the commencement of trade on Thursday 18 April 2019, when it anticipates it will be in a position to make an announcement to the market in respect of the appointment of two directors located in Australia. | 09/04/2019 |
A heads of agreement was signed with GomSpace to deliver newly designed 6U nanosatellites from the end of 2019. HoA also contemplates the execution of a new definitive Pearls Agreement within 30 days that, once signed, will replace the existing Pearls Agreement entered into in 2017. Following this change of 1st batch of nanosatellites to a Global Coverage constellation and the provision of IoT and M2M data coverage, 16 of the Company's existing customers have expressed their intent to increase the value of their existing agreements with SAS. U.S. debt funding for launch is progressing as planned. Operating expenditure reduced by more than 12% "“ $1.4 million AUD annualised. Planned launch of the first batch of nanosatellites moved from mid-2019 to early-2020, with two Memorandums of Understanding signed with Arianespace SA and Rocket Lab. Reseller Agreements signed with Streamcode and T-Systems South Africa. | 09/04/2019 |
The company releases the results of its meeting. | 08/04/2019 |
The securities of Sky and Space Global Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of SAS, pending the release of an announcement regarding a key supplier agreement and material business update. | 08/04/2019 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Sky and Space Global Ltd will be lifted immediately, following the release by SAS of an announcement regarding a placement. | 22/02/2019 |
Tranche 1 of the company's placement to raise a total of $12 million is settling today and the company will be using 260,503,568 ordinary shares at $0.03 each to raise $7,815,107. Taylor Collison acted as Lead Manager and Lead Broker for the Placement. The second and final tranche of the Placement shares, and free attaching options, will be issued following shareholder approval at a General Meeting to be convened in early April. | 22/02/2019 |
The company issues a prospectus with the following offers: an offer to Eligible Shareholders to subscribe for 100,000,000 Shares at an issue price of $0.03 per Share in order to raise $3,000,000. Oversubscriptions of up to a further 33,333,334 Shares at an issue price of $0.03 per Share to raise up to a further $1,000,000 may be accepted under the Priority Offer; an offer of up to 133,333,334 Options on the basis of one (1) new Option for every one (1) Share subscribed for by subscribers under the Priority Offer; an offer of up to 376,333,335 Options, on the basis of one (1) new Option for every one (1) Share subscribed for by subscribers under the Placement; an offer to the Directors to subscribe for up to 23,666,665 Shares at an issue price of $0.03 per Share in order to raise $710,000; and an offer of up to 23,666,665 Options, on the basis of one (1) new Option for every one (1) Share subscribed for by Directors under the Director Placement Offer. | 21/02/2019 |
Signed binding commitment letters have been received for a two-tranche Placement of $12 million to facilitate the launch of the first batch of Pearls constellation nano-satellites with Virgin Orbit by mid-2019. Sky and Space Global Board of Directors will participate in the Placement with the investment of $710,000, with new Chairman Michael Malone to invest $400,000. Fully Underwritten Priority Offer of $3 million will enable Eligible Shareholders to participate up to $15,000 each, with the ability to accept up to $1 million of oversubscriptions. Total of $15 million to be raised through the Placement and Underwritten Priority Offer. Current contracted annualised revenues from only the first 16 Pearl nano-satellites A$10 million to A$12 million on a conservative basis (risked at ~50%), gross unrisked value of these 3 binding contracts is US$21-46m, as detailed in recent company announcements. The combined capital raisings of $15 million, together with completion of additional financing initiatives including US bank debt financing that is in advanced discussions and ongoing management of key supplier contract terms already underway, will see the Company funded to progress to a revenue generating position from late 2019. | 20/02/2019 |
The Company will make a detailed announcement to the market in respect of the capital raising as soon as it is in a position to, and expects the voluntary suspension to end no later than the commencement of trade on Wednesday 20 February 2019. | 15/02/2019 |
The company requests the voluntary suspension over its securities remain in place in order to finalise the details of a capital raising. Following the release of this additional information as required by the ASX to help inform shareholders on the contractual details and calculation of expected revenue generation of the three existing binding contractson a risked basis for services to be provided by the Pearls network, the Company is now in a clear position to finalise its capital raising. The company will make a detailed announcement in respect of the previously mentioned matter as soon as it is in a position to, and expects the voluntary suspension to end no later than the commencement of trade on Friday 15 February 2019. | 12/02/2019 |
The company issues a response to ASX Queries. | 11/02/2019 |
The company requests an extension of its voluntary suspension to enable the company to finalise details in respect of the capital raising. The Company will make a detailed announcement to the market in respect of the abovementioned matter as soon as it is in a position to and expects the voluntary suspension to end no later than the commencement of trade on Tuesday 12 February 2019. | 08/02/2019 |
The Company expects the voluntary suspension to end at the commencement of trade on Friday 8 February 2019, when it anticipates it will be in a position to make an announcement to the market in respect of the capital raising. | 07/02/2019 |
The securities of Sky and Space Global Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of SAS, pending the release of an announcement regarding a capital raising. | 06/02/2019 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Sky and Space Global Limited will be lifted from the commencement of trading on Monday, 22 October 2018, following the release by SAS of an announcement regarding an operational milestone. | 22/10/2018 |
SAS has successfully completed the Critical Design Review for its Pearl nanosatellites, immediately progressing the project to the construction and integration phase. Significant milestone reached as all hardware and software requirements presented by leading aerospace construction partners, GomSpace and approved by SAS. First launch of the "˜Pearls' remains on track for 2019, with successive launches to proceed in the following quarters until the entire constellation of ~200 Pearls is in orbit in 2020. Multiple binding MoU agreements signed with strategic international telecoms partners, expected to convert into commercial revenue generating agreements in due course. CDR supports the business model of providing low cost communication solutions to people and businesses in remote geographies. | 22/10/2018 |
The securities of Sky and Space Global Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of SAS, pending the release of an announcement regarding a key operational milestone. | 19/10/2018 |
Sky and Space Global Ltd (formerly Burleson Energy Limited) ("Company") will be reinstated to official quotation as from 10am AEST on Tuesday, 31 May 2016 following the Company's compliance with listing rule 11.1.3 and chapters 1 and 2 of the ASX Listing Rules. 448,716,371 ordinary shares fully paid | 27/05/2016 |
name changed from Burleson Energy Ltd | 27/05/2016 |
name changed to Sky and Space Company Ltd | 10/02/2021 |
The company issues a notice of Proposed issue of Securities - SAS. | 09/02/2021 |
we understand that on or about this date the company consolidated its shares 1 for 2800 | 08/02/2021 |
The company releases a notice of consolidation. Shareholders will get 1 share for every 2,800 presently owned. | 29/12/2020 |
The company's AGM will be held on 27 January 2021 at 10:00am WST. | 29/12/2020 |
The company releases its Appendix 4E and annual report for 30 June 2020. | 09/11/2020 |
The company releases its Appendix 4G and Corporate Governance Statement. | 09/11/2020 |
The company lodges an Appendix 4D and interim financial report 31 December 2019. | 09/11/2020 |
The company releases the results of its meeting. | 06/11/2020 |
The company lodges its Quarterly Report and Appendix 4C June 2020. | 02/11/2020 |
The company lodges its Quarterly Report and Appendix 4C March 2020. | 02/11/2020 |
The company lodges its Quarterly Report and Appendix 4C September 2020. | 02/11/2020 |
The company releases a notice of Proposed issue of Securities - SAS. | 28/10/2020 |
Virgin Orbit to acquire equity stake in Sky and Space Global. Three-year A$3 million launch services and consulting agreement with Virgin Orbit from 1 July 2021. Mutual reseller agreement with Virgin Orbit to commence on re-listing. Previous A$55 million Launch Services Agreement with Virgin Orbit to be terminated by both parties. Virgin Orbit to appoint an observer to the Company's board meetings. | 28/10/2020 |
The company's general meeting will be held at: 10:00am (WST) on 6 November 2020 at 283 Rokeby Road Subiaco WA 6008. | 07/10/2020 |
The company inadvertently neglected to lodge an Appendix 3Zs for outgoing Directors Meir Moalem, Maya Glickman-Pariente and Yonatan Sharma and Appendix 3Xs for newly appointed Directors, Messrs Xavier Kris, Stephen Gorenstein and Silvio Salom as announced on 5 August 2020. The forms are ready for lodgement, and there has been no change in the interests in their shares of the company since their appointments. | 14/08/2020 |
On 21 July 2020, an instrument was executed by Laika and the company. On 4 August 2020, the administrators executed the document whereupon the instrument became a DOCA. Richard Albarran, Cameron Shaw and Richard Lawrence have been appointed as Deed Administrators effective 4 August 2020. The notice of meeting and other material required for the shareholders' meeting required to approve the particulars of the proposal will be prepared by Laika in due course. | 05/08/2020 |
At the 30 June 2020 meeting of creditors, creditors resolved that the DOCA proposal presented by Laika Capital be executed by the company. The DOCA must be executed within 15 business days of the major meeting. | 01/07/2020 |
The application to extend the administration convening period was handled administratively by His Honour Associate Justice Randall who granted the Order for an extension to the convening period up to and including 20 October 2020. The Court Orders specify that the meeting is to be held by 27 October 2020, being 5 business days after 20 October 2020. | 14/05/2020 |
Shareholders are advised that the administrators will now proceed with the following: The facilitation of an urgent expressions of interest campaign for the Company, its business and / or assets including its subsidiaries; Liaison with the board of directors, stakeholders and interested parties regarding a possible Deed of Company Arrangement / Restructure proposal; Preparation of an application to the Court for an extension of the convening period due to the complexities surrounding the administration as foreshadowed at the initial meeting of creditors; Preparation of the administrators' major report to creditors in accordance with section 75-225 of the Insolvency Practice Rules (Corporations) 2016 (Cth) convening the major meeting of creditors; Continued investigation into the Company's affairs to identify any voidable transactions including insolvent trading and any possible antecedent transactions; and Continued liaison with creditors and shareholders regarding enquiries relating to the administration. | 23/04/2020 |
Further to the ASX announcement on 7 April 2020, the Administrators are continuing to undertake a preliminary review of the Company's operations with a view to determining the extent to which the Company can be recapitalised. It is noted that the Company's directors are assisting with these enquiries. Shareholders are advised that the Company's creditors will receive a detailed report on the history, property, affairs and financial circumstances within four (4) to six (6) weeks. Following the issue of this report, the Company's creditors will attend a meeting to determine the future of the Company. | 14/04/2020 |
Messrs Richard Albarran, Cameron Shaw and Richard Lawrence of Hall Chadwick Chartered Accountants were appointed as Joint and Several Voluntary Administrators of the Company pursuant to Section 436A of the Corporations Act 2001 on Monday, 6 April 2020. | 06/04/2020 |
The shortfall under its non-renounceable pro-rata entitlement offer closed on 20 March 2020. No further shares were issued under the shortfall offer. The total number of shares applied for by eligible shareholders under the entitlement offer was 327,453,396 ordinary shares as set out in the company's announcement on 24 December 2019. | 23/03/2020 |
The company lodges its December Quarterly Activity and Cashflow Report. | 31/01/2020 |
The company has issued a total of 11,000 ordinary shares following the exercise of listed options by optionholders. The listed options were exercisable at 1.5c each with an expiry date of 31 May 2021. The company has received cleared funds from the respective optionholders for the exercise of these options. | 31/01/2020 |
The company and GomSpace have agreed on a fully and final settlement and release of any potential claims and commitments of each party in connection with the original agreement from 2017. The settlement has no financial impact. | 29/01/2020 |
The company releases an Investor Presentation - January 2020. | 23/01/2020 |
The company releases the results of its AGM. | 13/01/2020 |
Following the close of the non-renounceable pro rata entitlement offer, the company gives notice of the subscriptions under the entitlement offer. Allotment of the entitlement securities and additional securities will be completed on 27 December 2019. The company will now proceed to place the shortfall securities through Merchant Corporate Advisory and complete the placement in January 2020. The company remains in voluntary suspension. | 24/12/2019 |
The entitlement offer and the placement offer have now closed and Computershare is currently reconciling the total raising amount under the entitlement offer, which will be announced on 24 December 2019 in accordance with the entitlement offer timetable. The allocation of any shortfall under the entitlement offer and completion of the placement which was the subject of the placement offer is now planned to be completed in January 2020. The company expects the suspension of its securities to end following completion of the entitlement issue, placement, appointment of two Australian resident directors and all ASX requirements are satisfied. | 20/12/2019 |
Computershare have advised there is currently a technical issue with the Bpay Biller Code on the Entitlement and Acceptance Forms provided to shareholders and this is currently being rectified with Bpay. While this issue is being addressed and corrected by Computershare, the Company would like to provide shareholders with an alternative Bpay Biller Code to use as follows in the meantime: BPAY Biller Code: 309278 Shareholders should still use the same Customer Reference Number that is already included on their form, and the above Biller Code will show as Computershare. The above Biller Code will remain active until the close of the offer on Friday 20 December. | 18/12/2019 |
The company releases the results of its general meeting. | 16/12/2019 |
The company issues a response to ASX Accounts Query. | 13/12/2019 |
ASIC has revoked the Interim Stop Order made on 21 November 2019 as the company has lodged a Supplementary Prospectus dated 10 December 2019 as approved by ASIC. | 10/12/2019 |
In response to the ASIC Interim Stop Order received on 21 November 2019, the company has lodged its Annual Report for the year ended 30 June 2019 and a Supplementary Prospectus dated 10 December 2019. The company is proceeding with the entitlement issue under the same terms as previously announced. | 10/12/2019 |
The company's AGM will be held at 3.00pm (WST) on Monday 13 January 2020 at 1202 Hay Street, West Perth WA 6005. | 05/12/2019 |
The company releases its Appendix 4G and Corporate Governance Statement. | 04/12/2019 |
The directors set out a reconciliation of the total comprehensive loss for the year to 30 June 2019 presented in the Preliminary Final Report (Appendix 4E) lodged with the ASX on 2 September 2019 to the audited financial statements: (numbers indicated - Total Comprehensive Loss for the Year) Appendix 4E - (6,286,887); Impairment loss - (24,037,042); Other - (74,649); Audited Financial Statements - (30,398,578). The audited financial statements were not prepared on a going concern basis and therefore the carrying value of trade and other receivables, plant and equipment and intangible assets were impaired. | 04/12/2019 |
The company lodges its Annual Report 2019. | 04/12/2019 |
The company has updated its timetable for the entitlement issue prospectus dated 11 November. The company is in the process of preparing a supplementary prospectus and expects to have it released in the coming days. | 03/12/2019 |
The company updated the timetable for the entitlement issue prospectus and it also expects to have the supplementary prospectus released within the coming week. | 26/11/2019 |
The company has received an interim stop order from ASIC in relation to its prospectus dated 11 November 2019. The company is in the process of preparing a supplementary prospectus to deal with the queries raised by ASIC. The main query is for the company to include audited financials for the period ending 30 June 2019 in the supplementary prospectus. Following lodgement of the supplementary prospectus, the company expects that the interim stop order will be lifted. The company also expects to extend the closing period of the offer by no more than 7 business days. | 21/11/2019 |
The company's non-renounceable entitlement issue prospectus released on 11 November 2019 has been despatched to eligible shareholders together with their personalized entitlement and acceptance form. | 19/11/2019 |
The company releases separate letters to its eligible and ineligible shareholders regarding its pro-rata non-renounceable entitlement issue. | 13/11/2019 |
The company releases a letter to its optionholders in relation to the pro-rata non-renounceable rights issue. | 11/11/2019 |
The company issues an entitlement issue prospectus for a non-renounceable entitlement issue of 1 share for every 1 share held by those shareholders registered at the record date at an issue price of $0.005 per share to raise up to $10,875,071. The prospectus also contains an offer of up to 1,000,000,000 shares at an issue price of $0.005 together with up to 250,000,000 free-attaching new options to raise up to $5,000,000, subject to receipt of shareholder approval. | 11/11/2019 |
The company's general meeting will be held at 2.30PM (WST) on Monday 16 December 2019 at 1202 Hay Street West Perth WA 6005. | 08/11/2019 |
ky and Space Global to raise a total of $15.8 million before costs through proposed nonrenounceable entitlement issue and 708 exempt share placement. Non-renounceable 1:1 entitlement issue to raise $10,875,071 to all eligible shareholders. Free attaching options 1 for every 4 shares with an exercise price $0.015 expiring 31 May 2021. Placement to raise an additional $5 million to sophisticated and professional investors on the same pricing and terms as the entitlement issue. Merchant Corporate Advisory Pty Ltd to act as Lead Manager of the placement and entitlement issue. Entitlement issue shortfall and placement to be strongly supported by high net worth individuals and institutional investors through Merchant. Shortfall shares available to be placed post the entitlement issue, with capacity to accept oversubscriptions on the entitlement issue. | 08/11/2019 |
The company lodges its Quarterly Activities and Cashflow Report. | 31/10/2019 |
The company has executed a US$550,000 short-term convertible loan agreement and received a rebate of GBP 1,425,382 (approximately A$2.6m) from HMRC, the UK tax authority, in relation to the R&D tax claim submitted by the company's wholly owned UK subsidiary for the year ended 30 June 2019. | 10/10/2019 |
The company releases the results of its meeting. | 27/09/2019 |
The company releases an Investor Presentation - September 2019. | 16/09/2019 |
The company lodges its Appendix 4E - Preliminary Final Report. | 02/09/2019 |
The company has finalised the notice of meeting for a general meeting of shareholders on 27 September 2019 to approve a fundraising (placement to raise $15m) of the company as a key part of its corporate, board and financial restructuring in order to recommence trading on the ASX. | 26/08/2019 |
The company will make an announcement to the market in respect of its financing arrangements, its search for two new Australian resident non-executive directors and its capital raising as soon as it is in a position to, and expects the voluntary suspension to end no later than the commencement of trade on 27 September 2019. | 15/08/2019 |
The company lodges its Quarterly Activities and Cashflow Report. | 31/07/2019 |
The company is continuing to make considerable progress with completing its financing arrangements and its search for 2 new Australian non-executive directors with the requisite skills and experience to support the company's ongoing operations and growth strategy. The company will make an announcement in respect of the abovementioned as soon as it is in a position to, and expects the voluntary suspension to end no later than the commencement of trading on 15 August 2019. | 19/07/2019 |
The company is making considerable progress with completing its financing arrangements and its search for two new Australian resident non-executive Directors with the requisite skills and experience to support the company's ongoing operations and growth strategy. The company will make an announcement to the market in respect of the abovementioned matters as soon as it is in a position to, and expects the voluntary suspension to end no later than the commencement of trade on 22 July 2019. | 01/07/2019 |
The company requests an extension of the voluntary suspension in order to finalise the appointment of 2 new w Australian resident non-executive Directors with the requisite skills and experience, and also complete a financing package to support the company's ongoing operations and growth strategy. The company expects the voluntary suspension to end no later than the commencement of trade on 1 July 2019. | 27/05/2019 |
The company releases the CTO's Letter to Shareholders. | 22/05/2019 |
The 329,075,133 (ASX: SASOC) of Sky and Space Global Ltd will be suspended from quotation at the start of trading tomorrow, Wednesday, 22 May 2019, in accordance with Listing Rule 17.3, pending SAS being reinstated to official quotation. | 21/05/2019 |
The company announces the execution of an unsecured US$1.1 million convertible loan agreement with independend, third-party Israeli finance provider, Telefox Ltd. | 21/05/2019 |
The company confirms the issue of 58,571,566 Shares and 58,571,566 (free-attaching) Options, exercisable at $0.05 each expiring 21 May 2022, to the participants of the Priority Offer totalling gross proceeds of $1,757,151 at the price of $0.03 per share. Shareholder approval was obtained on 8 April 2019 for the issue of the Shares and Options to the Priority Offer participants. The Company also confirms the issue of 260,503,568 Options exercisable at $0.05 each expiring 21 May 2022 to Tranche 1 Placement participants, as approved by shareholders at the General Meeting held 8 April 2019. In addition, the Company is applying for quotation of the 9,999,999 Director options issued and announced on 8 May 2019 now the Priority Offer and Tranche 1 Placement Options are being issued. The Company confirms the participants under the Tranche 2 Placement withdrew their applications. | 20/05/2019 |
The company releaeses a CEO letter to shareholders. The letter details the following highlights: at the forefront of nanosatellite technology development; agreement signed with GomSpace for Global Coverage fleet of nanosatellites; potential revenue opportunities increased with Global Coverage; expected launch in early 2020; focused on the company's financial position to support progress to launch; board update; the bigger picture; and delivering world-first technology. | 15/05/2019 |
The company requests an extension of the voluntary suspension of its securities to enable SAS to finalise the appointment of two new Australian resident non-executive Directors with the requisite skills and experience, and also complete negotiations of material commercial and operational agreements to support the Company's ongoing operations and growth strategy. The company will make an announcement regarding these matters as soon as it is in a position to do so, and expects the voluntary suspension to end no later than the commencement of trade on 27 May 2019. | 14/05/2019 |
Agreement signed with GomSpace to deliver newly designed 6U nanosatellites - supporting Sky and Space to add a Global Coverage constellation to address the growing demand for IoT and M2M services, increase its potential customer base and enhance its revenue opportunities. Agreement also contemplates the execution of a new definitive Pearls Agreement that, once signed, will replace the existing Pearls Agreement entered into in 2017. | 13/05/2019 |
Memorandum of Understanding signed with SpaceChain Foundation, a community-based space platform based in Singapore that is decentralising a highly secure network in space. Two new Reseller Agreements put in place, one of which builds on a previous MoU, that further strengthen SAS' progression to monetise its nanosatellites once launched. | 10/05/2019 |
The company has issued 9,999,999 shares and 9,999,999 options to the directors of the company following their investment of $300,000 at the placement and priority pffer price of $0.03 per share. | 08/05/2019 |
Very fast response from customers to SAS' new Global constellation, with the potential for new markets and new revenue streams opened. Five MoUs increasing the potential for revenues once commercial contracts have been signed and the Global coverage constellation is launched (currently planned for early 2020). Two new reseller agreements put in place that strengthen SAS' progression to monetise its nanosatellites once launched. | 07/05/2019 |
The company requests an extension of the voluntary suspension of its securities to finalise the appointment of two new Australian resident non-executive directors with the requisite skills nad experience, and also complete negotiations of material commercial and operational agreements to support the company's ongoing operations and growth strategy. The voluntary suspension is expected to end no later from the commencement of trade on 14 May 2019. | 03/05/2019 |
The company lodges its March 2019 Appendix 4C and commentary. | 30/04/2019 |
The company lodges its Quarterly Activities and Cashflow Report. | 30/04/2019 |
This request for the extension of the voluntary suspension will enable SAS to finalise the appointment of two new Australian resident non-executive Directors with the requisite skills and experience, and also complete negotiations of material commercial and operational agreements to support the Company's ongoing operations and growth strategy. The Company expects the voluntary suspension to end at the commencement of trade on Friday 3 May 2019, when it anticipates it will be in a position to make an announcement to the market in respect of the abovementioned matters. | 18/04/2019 |
The company issues a supplementary prospectus intended to be read with the prospectus dated 21 February 2019. | 16/04/2019 |
The Company expects the voluntary suspension to end at the commencement of trade on Thursday 18 April 2019, when it anticipates it will be in a position to make an announcement to the market in respect of the appointment of two directors located in Australia. | 09/04/2019 |
A heads of agreement was signed with GomSpace to deliver newly designed 6U nanosatellites from the end of 2019. HoA also contemplates the execution of a new definitive Pearls Agreement within 30 days that, once signed, will replace the existing Pearls Agreement entered into in 2017. Following this change of 1st batch of nanosatellites to a Global Coverage constellation and the provision of IoT and M2M data coverage, 16 of the Company's existing customers have expressed their intent to increase the value of their existing agreements with SAS. U.S. debt funding for launch is progressing as planned. Operating expenditure reduced by more than 12% "“ $1.4 million AUD annualised. Planned launch of the first batch of nanosatellites moved from mid-2019 to early-2020, with two Memorandums of Understanding signed with Arianespace SA and Rocket Lab. Reseller Agreements signed with Streamcode and T-Systems South Africa. | 09/04/2019 |
The company releases the results of its meeting. | 08/04/2019 |
The securities of Sky and Space Global Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of SAS, pending the release of an announcement regarding a key supplier agreement and material business update. | 08/04/2019 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Sky and Space Global Ltd will be lifted immediately, following the release by SAS of an announcement regarding a placement. | 22/02/2019 |
Tranche 1 of the company's placement to raise a total of $12 million is settling today and the company will be using 260,503,568 ordinary shares at $0.03 each to raise $7,815,107. Taylor Collison acted as Lead Manager and Lead Broker for the Placement. The second and final tranche of the Placement shares, and free attaching options, will be issued following shareholder approval at a General Meeting to be convened in early April. | 22/02/2019 |
The company issues a prospectus with the following offers: an offer to Eligible Shareholders to subscribe for 100,000,000 Shares at an issue price of $0.03 per Share in order to raise $3,000,000. Oversubscriptions of up to a further 33,333,334 Shares at an issue price of $0.03 per Share to raise up to a further $1,000,000 may be accepted under the Priority Offer; an offer of up to 133,333,334 Options on the basis of one (1) new Option for every one (1) Share subscribed for by subscribers under the Priority Offer; an offer of up to 376,333,335 Options, on the basis of one (1) new Option for every one (1) Share subscribed for by subscribers under the Placement; an offer to the Directors to subscribe for up to 23,666,665 Shares at an issue price of $0.03 per Share in order to raise $710,000; and an offer of up to 23,666,665 Options, on the basis of one (1) new Option for every one (1) Share subscribed for by Directors under the Director Placement Offer. | 21/02/2019 |
Signed binding commitment letters have been received for a two-tranche Placement of $12 million to facilitate the launch of the first batch of Pearls constellation nano-satellites with Virgin Orbit by mid-2019. Sky and Space Global Board of Directors will participate in the Placement with the investment of $710,000, with new Chairman Michael Malone to invest $400,000. Fully Underwritten Priority Offer of $3 million will enable Eligible Shareholders to participate up to $15,000 each, with the ability to accept up to $1 million of oversubscriptions. Total of $15 million to be raised through the Placement and Underwritten Priority Offer. Current contracted annualised revenues from only the first 16 Pearl nano-satellites A$10 million to A$12 million on a conservative basis (risked at ~50%), gross unrisked value of these 3 binding contracts is US$21-46m, as detailed in recent company announcements. The combined capital raisings of $15 million, together with completion of additional financing initiatives including US bank debt financing that is in advanced discussions and ongoing management of key supplier contract terms already underway, will see the Company funded to progress to a revenue generating position from late 2019. | 20/02/2019 |
The Company will make a detailed announcement to the market in respect of the capital raising as soon as it is in a position to, and expects the voluntary suspension to end no later than the commencement of trade on Wednesday 20 February 2019. | 15/02/2019 |
The company requests the voluntary suspension over its securities remain in place in order to finalise the details of a capital raising. Following the release of this additional information as required by the ASX to help inform shareholders on the contractual details and calculation of expected revenue generation of the three existing binding contractson a risked basis for services to be provided by the Pearls network, the Company is now in a clear position to finalise its capital raising. The company will make a detailed announcement in respect of the previously mentioned matter as soon as it is in a position to, and expects the voluntary suspension to end no later than the commencement of trade on Friday 15 February 2019. | 12/02/2019 |
The company issues a response to ASX Queries. | 11/02/2019 |
The company requests an extension of its voluntary suspension to enable the company to finalise details in respect of the capital raising. The Company will make a detailed announcement to the market in respect of the abovementioned matter as soon as it is in a position to and expects the voluntary suspension to end no later than the commencement of trade on Tuesday 12 February 2019. | 08/02/2019 |
The Company expects the voluntary suspension to end at the commencement of trade on Friday 8 February 2019, when it anticipates it will be in a position to make an announcement to the market in respect of the capital raising. | 07/02/2019 |
The securities of Sky and Space Global Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of SAS, pending the release of an announcement regarding a capital raising. | 06/02/2019 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Sky and Space Global Limited will be lifted from the commencement of trading on Monday, 22 October 2018, following the release by SAS of an announcement regarding an operational milestone. | 22/10/2018 |
SAS has successfully completed the Critical Design Review for its Pearl nanosatellites, immediately progressing the project to the construction and integration phase. Significant milestone reached as all hardware and software requirements presented by leading aerospace construction partners, GomSpace and approved by SAS. First launch of the "˜Pearls' remains on track for 2019, with successive launches to proceed in the following quarters until the entire constellation of ~200 Pearls is in orbit in 2020. Multiple binding MoU agreements signed with strategic international telecoms partners, expected to convert into commercial revenue generating agreements in due course. CDR supports the business model of providing low cost communication solutions to people and businesses in remote geographies. | 22/10/2018 |
The securities of Sky and Space Global Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of SAS, pending the release of an announcement regarding a key operational milestone. | 19/10/2018 |
Sky and Space Global Ltd (formerly Burleson Energy Limited) ("Company") will be reinstated to official quotation as from 10am AEST on Tuesday, 31 May 2016 following the Company's compliance with listing rule 11.1.3 and chapters 1 and 2 of the ASX Listing Rules. 448,716,371 ordinary shares fully paid | 27/05/2016 |
name changed from Burleson Energy Ltd | 27/05/2016 |
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01/04/2014 | Alexander Sundich | On market | 1,000,000 | $0.013 | $13,000 |
19/02/2014 | Alexander Sundich | On market | 400,000 | $0.013 | $5,200 |
14/01/2014 | Alexander Sundich | On market | 600,000 | $0.012 | $7,456 |
26/11/2013 | Alexander Sundich | On market | 1,000,000 | $0.012 | $12,000 |
28/08/2012 | Alexander Sundich | On market | 2,100,000 | $0.030 | $62,580 |
Brett Mitchell | Non Exec Director | 12/05/2016 |
Stephen Gorenstein | Director | 04/08/2020 |
Silvio Salom | Director | 04/08/2020 |
Xavier Kris | Director | 04/08/2020 |
Ian Pamensky | Company Secretary |
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
Meir Moalem | Managing Director, CEO | 12/05/2016 | 04/08/2020 |
Maya Glickman-Pariente | Director | 12/05/2016 | 04/08/2020 |
Yonatan Shrama | Director | 12/05/2016 | 04/08/2020 |
Michael Malone | Chairman | 01/11/2018 | 08/04/2019 |
Di Fulton | Non Exec Director | 04/12/2018 | 08/04/2019 |
Peter Wall | Non Exec Director | 27/10/2015 | 04/12/2018 |
Michael Sandy | Executive Chairman, Managing Director | 01/02/2006 | 13/05/2016 |
Alexander Sundich | CFO, Executive Director | 14/03/2012 | 13/05/2016 |
Andrew Bald | Director, CEO | 01/12/2013 | 24/03/2016 |
Andrew Kugler | Non Exec Director | 28/02/2006 | 27/10/2015 |
Norman Zillman | Non Exec Chairman | 26/03/2008 | 08/10/2013 |
Khib Kugler | Non Exec Director | 28/04/2008 | 06/02/2013 |
John McAlwey | Non Exec Director | 28/02/2006 | 14/03/2012 |
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
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