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ASX, Legal & CGT Status
Former (or subsequent) names
CHINA JXY FOOD LIMITED11/12/200909/06/2011
CHINA CATTLE LIMITED19/12/200511/12/2009
SUNBASE CHINA LIMITED30/01/199519/12/2005
CORD HOLDINGS LIMITED24/07/197530/01/1995
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Company details

Date first listed: 24/12/1970

name changed to China Cattle Limited


applies for the quotation of an additional 68m shares


ASIC registers change of name to China Cattle Limited


at the AGM today all resolutions were apparently passed with the exception of Resolution 5 which was withdrawn


the motion that the Scheme of Arrangement proposed to be entered into between Sunbase China Limited and its Members was carried unanimously - this was the result at the Scheme Meeting


provides Notice of Meeting to be held at 11.00 a.m. on 2 December 2005 - the resolutions to be considered, if passed, will affect control of the Company as a result of the issue and allotment of shares to existing creditors of the Company, approval of transfers of shares and by future issues and allotment of shares to enable the proposed business activities of the Company to be funded


company advises it has raised and received a convertible loan of $400,000 and has raised another loan of $600,000 to be received in instalments - the loans may be repaid in the form of equity (which will need shareholder approval)


director Simon Joscelyne resigns


announces signed joint venture agreement with company in China to export cattle to China


advises of resignation of managing director and company secretary and of some progress with the joint venture planned in China


announces an agreement with a China-based company to export up to 12000 head of cattle per annum to China with profits shared jointly - the company will return funds of $1m raised recently


the Company has recently finalized a strategic plan which it proposes submitting to shareholders for approval in the near future. Under the proposed plan the Company intends establishing two business arms involved in Agri-capital and Financial Services respectively


still no advice to the market - believe it or not this is a listed company


the company has not paid its annual listing fee - it will be removed from the official list on 1 September 2003 if it does not pay the fee by Friday Aug 29


the company failed to lodge its half yearly financial statements on time and ASIC has taken action to prevent the company from using the limited disclosure regime when raising money


for most of the three years from mid 1999 to mid 2002 little of significance was reported to the market and it does not appear that the company is holding annual general meetings - the last company announcement is dated 20 June 2002 and implies the board would take a number of follow-up actions - these have not eventuated and the company is obviously failing to meet its statutory obligations - quite incredible for a listed company


company announces it has signed a Heads of Agreement ("HOA") to acquire Capital Bet Pty Ltd subject to approval by shareholders - it is expected this acquisition will mean the Board will be in a position to seek ASX approval/shareholders approval to have the Company's shares re-listed later this year


General Meeting of Members passes all four resolutions, ie Sale of Shares, Capital Reduction, New Constitution, and New Director


company enters an agreement, subject to shareholder approval, with Asia-Pacific International Group Limited ("APIG") which is the company's major shareholder and therefore a related party, to sell to APIG its shareholding in China Steel & Cement Holdings Limited ("SCH"), and assign to APIG a debt of RMB104,895,600 (A$22,375,342) which CSCH owed to the Company, for a total consideration of A$2,641,000 - the consideration approximates the net carrying value of the investment in, and loans to, CSCH in the company's books


company advises it has, together with its wholly owned subsidiary, Enitor Pty Ltd, entered into a conditional agreement to sell its business, Fremantle Boat Lifters


company advises that a conditional agreement for the sale and purchase of Fremantle Boat Lifters was entered into between the company, Enitor Pty Ltd and an independent third party


company indicates it will undertake a restructuring scheme for itself and its subsidiaries Chengde Sunbase Steel and Cement Company Limited ("hengde Sunbase") which involves the disposal of non-profitable assets by Chengde Sunbase and the acquisition of new businesses by the company with a good source of earnings


securities suspended from official quotation pending clarification of the company's financial position


D Coates of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu appointed liquidator of Fremantle Crocodile Park Pty Ltd - Sunbase holds 100% of the issued shares in Enitor Pty Ltd which in turn holds 49.5% of the issued shares in FCP - the investment in FCP had a written-down value of $933,250 as at 31 December 1996


name changed from Cord Holdings Limited

View ASX Announcements (courtesy of ASX)



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