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ASX, Legal & CGT Status
Former (or subsequent) names
COMPUTERCORP LIMITED24/07/200601/12/2009
Shareholder links
Our website ranking of SNR: rating 2
(2 out of 5)


Automic Registry Pty Ltd
Tel : +61 (2) 8072 1400 or 1300 288 664 (within Australia)
RegistryWebsite RegistryEmail

Company details
Address: C/- Boardworx Australia Pty Ltd, Level 5, 151 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000
Tel:  02 8263 0515 Fax: 02 8263 0500

Date first listed: 06/12/2000

Sector: Software & Services
Industry Group: XIJ
Activities: Provider of IT infrastructure services and business solutions

company deregistered today


delisted from the commencement of trading on Tuesday, 5 April 2016, pursuant to Listing rule 17.12.


we understand ASX can exercise its discretion to delist a company under Listing Rule 17:12 and has done so in this case because the company has been unable to raise further finance and its securities have been suspended for more than three years


The company issues a fifth supplementary prospectus which supplements, and must be read together with, the Prospectus dated 4 January 2016, the Supplementary Prospectus dated 8 March 2016, the Supplementary Prospectus dated 15 March 2016, the Supplementary Prospectus dated 18 March 2016 and the Supplementary Prospectus dated 23 March 2016 relating to an offer of Shares by the Company and other related offers.


The company issues a fourth Supplementary Prospectus which supplements, and must be read together with, the Prospectus dated 4 January 2016, the Supplementary Prospectus dated 8 March 2016, the Supplementary Prospectus dated 15 March 2016, the Supplementary Prospectus dated 18 March 2016 relating to an offer of Shares by the Company and other related offers.


The company issues a supplementary prospectus which supplements, and must be read together with, the Prospectus dated 4 January 2016, the Supplementary Prospectus dated 8 March 2016 and the Supplementary Prospectus dated 15 March 2016 relating to an offer of Shares by the Company and other related offers.


The company issues a Supplementary Prospectus which supplements, and must be read together with, the Prospectus dated 4 January 2016 and the Supplementary Prospectus dated 8 March 2016 relating to an offer of Shares by the Company.


On 15 February 2016, the Federal Court of Australia approved the convening of separate meetings of VGW Holdings Limited shareholders and optionholders to consider and vote on a proposal by Synergy to acquire all of the issued shares and options of VGW by way of two interdependent Schemes of Arrangement. VGW dispatched the Scheme Booklet in relation to the Proposal on 19 February 2016. The Scheme Meetings will be held on 14 March 2016


we understand that on or about this date the company consolidated its shares 1 for 50


on or about this date the company consolidated its shares 1 for 50


The company issues a supplementary prospectus which supplements and must be read together with the prospectus dated 4 January 2016 relating to an offer of securities by the company.


shareholders get 1 share for every 50 they presently hold.


The company releases the results of its general meeting.


The company releases its AGM results.


The company refers to its Notice of General Meeting announced on 24 December 2015 regarding the acquisition of VGW Holdings Limited. The Company advises that the parties have amended Clause 2(b) of the Performance Shares terms and conditions as set out in Schedule 3 and Resolutions 3 and 8 of the Notice.


The company issues a prospectus for a public offer of up to 70,000,000 Shares (post-Consolidation) at an issue price of $0.05 per New Share to raise up to $3,500,000 (Public Offer). The Public Offer is scheduled to close at 5:00pm (WST) on 9 February 2016 unless extended or withdrawn.


Synergy Plus Limited (Synergy or the Company) is pleased to announce that ASX has granted the Company an extension from the 1 January 2016 deadline for automatic removal of long-term suspended entities under ASX's Guidance Note 33 Removal of Entities from the ASX Official List to 31 March 2016.


The company provides notice of its AGM and an explanatory statement which provides additional information as matters to be considered at the meeting.


Notice is given that the Meeting will be held at 2.30pm (AEDST) on 29 January 2016 at: Level 5, 56 Pitt Street, Sydney, NSW


The company lodges its annual financial report for year ended 30 June 2015.


The company lodges its financial report for half year ended 31 December 2014.


The company lodges its annual financial report for year ended 30 June 2014.


The company lodges its financial report for half year ended 31 December 2013.


The company lodges its annual financial report for year ended 30 June 2013.


The company lodges its financial report for half year ended 31 December 2012.


The company lodges its annual report for the financial year ended 30 June 2012.


Synergy Plus Limited (Synergy or the Company) provides an update regarding the acquisition of VGW Holdings Limited. Synergy is pleased to announce that the parties have executed formal Merger Implementation Deeds, together with a revised binding Term Sheet and Underwriting Agreement incorporating some structural changes to the transaction which are summarized herein.


Synergy is pleased to announce that it has signed a conditional term sheet to acquire 100% of VGW, a technology and online gaming business. Synergy's acquisition of VGW will include the appointment of VGW founders and executive management to the Synergy board. Synergy proposes to undergo a capital consolidation as a part of the acquisition of VGW and a capital raising of $5 million under a prospectus. Preference of allocation under the prospectus will be given to Synergy shareholders.


The following entity (Synergy Plus Limited) has not paid their annual listing fees in respect of the year ending 30 June 2016 but the securities are already suspended from official quotation. Under listing rule 17.15, any entity that has not paid its annual listing fees as required by listing rule 16.5 by 5.00 pm AEST on Monday 31 August 2015 will be removed from the official list with effect from the close of trading on Monday 31 August 2015


Synergy Plus Limited (Synergy) is progressing a conditional binding term sheet (Term Sheet) with Australian Tailings Group Pty Ltd (ATG) whereby Synergy will acquire the entire issued capital of ATG subject to, among other things, ATG acquiring a 100% beneficial interest in all mineral rights in EL 4566 Area C (Area C) including ELA 2013/00145 and ELA 2014/00039. To date ATG has provided interest free convertible loans of $300,000 to progress the provisions of the Term Sheet


Synergy Plus Limited (Synergy) has entered into a conditional binding term sheet with Australian Tailings Group Pty Ltd (ATG) whereby Synergy will acquire the entire issued capital of ATG subject to, among other things, ATG acquiring a 100% beneficial interest in all mineral rights in EL 4566 Area C (Area C) from Wentworth Metals Group Pty Ltd. ATG has subsequently applied for an exploration licence with DMITRE in South Australia for a further 128 square kilometres of exploration ground in the Olary Province of South Australia


The company has not paid its annual fees in respect of the year ending 30 June 2014 but are already suspended from official quotation. In accordance with listing rule 16.5, entities that pay their annual listing fees on or after 23 August 2013must pay by bank cheque only. Under listing rule 17.15, any entity that has not paid its annual listing fees as required by listing rule 16.5 by 5.00 pm EST on Thursday 29 August 2013 will be removed from the official list with effect from the close of trading on Thursday 29 August 2013.


the Deed of Company Arrangement has now been wholly effectuated


The Company has complied with the terms and conditions of the Deed of Company Arrangement in that the $500,000 due in contributions has been paid. A first and final dividend was declared for creditors of the Company on 25 January 2013


Company advises that it is still in the process of finalising its annual report for dispatch to shareholders. Once the report is finalised, the Company will as soon as possible provide a fresh notice reconvening the adjourned annual general meeting


the resolution considered at the annual general meeting was passed on a show of hands


provides an AGM & Annual Financial Report Update


Synergy Plus Limited (ASX: SNR) refers to the Notice of Annual General Meeting (Notice) of the Company recently dispatched to shareholders and released to the market on 5 November 2012. The Company advises that in relation to Item 1 in the Notice, the Annual Financial Report for the Company for the year ended 30 June 2012, it is the intention of the Board to adjourn the meeting to enable the Financial Report, including the reports of the Directors and Auditor", to be appropriately considered by shareholders. The Annual Financial Report will be dispatched to shareholders as soon as possible. The Company will advise shareholders of the adjournment date in due course


Synergy Plus Limited (Subject to Deed of Company Arrangement) (ASX: SNR) (Company) has entered into a shareholder and subscription agreement (Subscription Agreement) dated 5 October 2012 with AirNew Pty Ltd (AirNew) pursuant to which AirNew may acquire shares in the Company" wholly owned subsidiary, AirData Pty Ltd (Subject to Deed of Company Arrangement)


the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of Synergy Plus Limited (Company) will be held in The Boardroom, Level 5, 56 Pitt Street Sydney, New South Wales 2000 at 11:00am (WST) / 2:00pm (ADST) on 30 November 2012


Half Yearly Report And Accounts released


resolutions considered at the annual general meeting were passed, as ordinary resolutions on a show of hands.


ASIC has granted an extension of time within which the Company must hold its annual general meeting (AGM) from 30 November 2011 to 20 January 2012, provided the AGM is not held within the period 17 December 2011 and 15 January 2012 - the AGM will now be held on Wednesday 18 January 2012 at 12pm (AEDT) at The Boardroom Level 5, 56 Pitt Street Sydney


Synergy Plus Limited (ASX: SNR) advises that the Annual General Meeting of the Company was held today, with the business of the meeting adjourned to Friday 30 December at 12pm (AEDT) at The Boardroom, Level 5, 56 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000. The reason for the adjournment is that it had come to the Company's attention that the requisite notice was not provided to shareholders due to an unforeseen printing and dispatch error - whoops


releases Annual Financial Report FOR YEAR ENDED 30 June 2011


Synergy Plus Limited (ASX: SNR), advises that 6,000,000 unlisted Performance Shares on issue have been cancelled as a result of performance milestones not being reached


confirms the issue of 541,666,668 fully paid ordinary shares as a result of Shareholders approving the conversion of 25,000,000 Convertible Notes (and all interest accrued as at 31 October 2011, together totalling $5,416,666.67). The Company advises that this is in accordance with the Synergy Plus Limited Deed of Company Arrangement dated 16 May 2011, at a conversion price of $0.01 per Share. The Company further advises that all Convertible Noteholders elected to convert their respective convertible Notes into fully paid ordinary shares in the Company


resolutions considered at the AGM were passed, as ordinary resolutions on a show of hands


the General Meeting of Shareholders of Synergy Plus Limited (Subject to Deed of Company Arrangement) will be held in the Boardroom, Level 5, 56 Pitt Street Sydney, New South Wales at 2:00pm (EST) on Tuesday, 18 October 2011


securities suspended from quotation following the appointment of administrators


name changed from Computercorp Limited

View ASX Announcements (courtesy of ASX)



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Security Transfer Australia Pty Ltd has been aquired by Automic and is no longer managing SNR shares.

Company now deregistered and ABN cancelled from 05 Jun 2020.

22/07/2020 10:52:43
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    Directors' on-market share transactions (last 5)


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    Directors & Executives (current)
    Domenic MartinoNon Exec Chairman07/07/2006
    Garry HenleyCEO25/02/2010
    Jackob TsabanCFO30/01/2009
    Christopher MartinoNon Exec Director13/08/2013
    Philip SilvaDirector07/10/2015
    Leanne Ralph Company Secretary

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.

    Directors & Executives (former)
    Kevin DundoNon Exec Director07/07/200607/10/2015
    Bill VotsarisNon Exec Director22/12/200813/08/2013
    David IngramAdministrator17/03/201108/04/2013
    David RossAdministrator17/03/201108/04/2013
    Richard AlbarranAdministrator17/03/201108/04/2013
    Frank StrangesNon Exec Director04/05/201006/03/2012

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.