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ASX, Legal & CGT Status
Former (or subsequent) names
GULFX LTD27/04/200601/12/2008
NEW HORIZON ENERGY LIMITED29/10/200227/04/2006
Shareholder links
Our website ranking of SYS: rating 2
(2 out of 5)


Computershare Perth
Level 17, 221 St Georges Terrace, Perth WA 6000
Tel : +61 (0)3 9415 4000 or 1300 850 505 (within Australia)
Fax : +61 3 9473 2500
RegistryWebsite RegistryEmail

Company details
ISIN: AU000000SYS7
Address: Level 13, 200 Queen Street Melbourne VIC 3000
Tel:  +61 (03) 8648 6431 Fax: +61 (03) 8648 6480

Date first listed: 26/08/1998

Sector: Energy
Industry Group: XEJ
Activities: Oil & Gas Exploration

Shareholders in this company should consider crystallising a capital loss in 2024/25 by selling their shares. This process is now much easier and quicker. It can be achieved online by entering transaction details here. While, this usually makes good economic sense we recommend you seek professional advice before buying or selling securities, your accountant is probably the best person.


company is now called Taiton Resources Limited - shares were consolidated (1 for every 10 previously held) in about October 2021


delisted from the close of trading on Thursday, 20 August 2020, pursuant to Listing rule 17.11.


we understand the company had failed, its shares had been suspended from quotation for more than two years during which they were consolidated (1 for every 10 previously held) and ASX refused to allow the company to proceed with an acquisition as part of a transaction to re-comply with the listing rules - compliance costs and limited operations were other reasons provided by the company


The following resolution put to the virtual general meeting of Syngas held earlier today was passed on a poll: Resolution 1 - Removal of the Company from the Official List of the ASX.


Tyranna Resources Limited has agreed with Syngas Limited to vary the Share and Asset Sale Agreement for the proposed sale of all of Tyranna's right, title and interest in all of the issued shares of Half Moon, the owner of the majority and controlling joint venture interest in the Western Gawler Craton Joint Venture and all tenements located around the WGCJV owned 100% by HMP and Trafford Resources. The consideration for the Jumbuck Gold Project increased to $2.25M.


Syngas has submitted an increased offer to the Board of Tyranna for the Acquisition. The purchase consideration is now revised to $2,000,000 for the Jumbuck Gold Project. Syngas intends to proceed with the SASA with the revised purchase consideration of $2,000,000. There are other offers received by Tyranna for the Jumbuck Gold Project. These offers are subject to various conditions such as due diligence and formal share sale agreements which does not provide certainty on completion. Mr. Chris Low, Director and major shareholder of Syngas, has confirmed his intention to provide funding for the increased acquisition price.


The company lodges its June 2020 Quarterly Report & Appendix 5B.


The company will hold a general meeting of its shareholders via an online meeting platform at 12:00pm (AEST) on 17 August 2020. To virtually attend the meeting, shareholders may do so: from their computer, by entering the URL into their browser: and entering the Meeting ID 332-029-647 when prompted; and from their mobile device by either entering the URL in their browser: and entering the Meeting ID 332-029-647 when prompted or by using the Lumi AGM App, which is available by downloading the app from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.


Tyranna Resources has executed a share and asset sale agreement with Syngas Limited for the proposed sale of all of Tyranna's right, title and interest in all of the issued shares of Half Moon, the owner of the majority and controlling joint venture interest in the Western Gawler Craton Joint Venture and all tenements located around the WGCJV owned 100% by HMP and Trafford Resources.


The company has applied to ASX requesting the removal of the company from the official list, and ASX has accepted its application and resolved to remove the company from the official list subject to the satisfaction of the conditions set out in the ASX decision.


The company lodges its March 2020 Quarterly Report & Appendix 5B.


The company lodges its December 2019 Quarterly Reports.


we understand that on or about this date the company consolidated its shares 1 for 10


The company provides an update on the previous Notification of Consolidation/Split. The final number of shares post-consolidation have been confirmed.


At the annual general meeting held on 29 November 2019, shareholders passed a special resolution to adopt a new constitution.


The company has been granted waivers from ASX Listing Rules 1.1 Condition 12 and 2.1 Condition 2 to enable the company to: issue shares with an issue price less than $0.20 per share; and grant options and performance rights with an exercise price of less than $0.20.


The company releases a notification of the consolidation of its securities. Shareholders get 1 share for every 10 presently owned.


The company releases its AGM results.


The company has paid the entire option fee of $50,000 and the term sheet in its entirety is now legally binding on all parties and all parties shall now enter into a definitive share purchase agreement as contemplated in the term sheet. The company is now finalising hte draft SPA. In the company's application to seek in-principle advice from the ASX regarding its proposed application for admission to the official list, ASX confirms that based solely on the information provided by Syngas in the in-principle advice submission on suitability for listing, nothing has come to ASX's attention: that would cause ASX to exercise its discretion to refuse admission to the official list; and that would cause ASX to determine that the company's roposed structure and operations are not suitable for a listed entity.


The company lodges its September 2019 Quarterly Report & Appendix 5B.


The company's AGM will be held at 10:30 am AEDST on Friday, 29 November 2019 at Level 14 200 Queen Street MELBOURNE VIC 3000.


The company releases its Appendix 4G & Corporate Governance Disclosure.


The company lodges its 2019 Annual Report.


The company has entered into a term sheet for the proposed acquisition of all of the rights, title and interest of Tyranna Resources in all of hte issued share of Half Moon, the owner of the majority and controlling joint venture interest in the Western Gawler Craton Joint Venture and all tenements located around hte WGCJV owned 100% by HMP and Trafford Resources.


The company lodges its June 2019 Quarterly Report & Appendix 5B.


The company lodges its March 2019 Quarterly Report & Appendix 5B.


The company lodges its Half Year Financial Report - 31 December 2018.


The company lodges its December 2018 Quarterly Report & Appendix 5B.


The company releases the results of its AGM.


The company lodges its September Quarterly Report & Appendix 5B.


The company releases a notice of AGM and explanatory statement. The meeting will be held at 2:30 pm AEDST on Monday, 12 November 2018 at Level 13 200 Queen Street Melbourne, Victoria.


The company releases its Appendix 4G & Corporate Governance Disclosure.


The company lodges its 2018 Annual Report.


ASX has advised that the Proposed Acquisition of PJP only would result in SYS having an unacceptable structure and operations for the purposes of Listing Rule 1.1 condition 1 and ASX would exercise its discretion under Listing Rule 1.19 to reject any listing application. Accordingly, the ASX advised that the suspension of trading in SYS's securities will remain in place until SYS re-complies with Chapters 1 & 2 of the ASX Listing Rules. The Board of Syngas will discuss the ASX decision with the vendor of PJP and will then deliberate on whether to proceed only with the Proposed Acquisition of PJP or with other acquisitions to complement the Proposed Acquisition of PJP or to abort and seek out other acquisitions.


The Company requests an extension of the voluntary suspension. The suspension is expected to end at the commencement of trading on Thursday, 20 September 2018 or when an announcement is made, whichever occurs sooner.


The securities of Syngas Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of SYS, pending the release of an announcement.


we understand that on or about this date the company made an in specie distribution of 1 share in BioSyngas Limited for every 77.525355 shares in the company


name changed from GulfX Limited

View ASX Announcements (courtesy of ASX)



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    Directors' on-market share transactions (last 5)

    rss feeds

    Purchases Sales

    12/12/2013Michael CoxOn market5,000$0.002$10
    27/11/2013Michael CoxOn market832,662$0.002$1,665
    18/11/2013Michael CoxOn market71,358$0.002$143
    13/11/2013Michael CoxOn market200,001$0.002$400
    02/07/2013Michael CoxOn market168,750$0.002$338

    Click here for the last 20 transactions all companies

    Directors & Executives (current)
    Chris LowChairman19/09/2014
    Peter NgNon Exec Director01/10/2014
    David Chee Cheong LowExecutive Director02/11/2015
    Nick HardingCompany Secretary
    Ian GregoryCompany Secretary

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.

    Directors & Executives (former)
    Richard OngNon Exec Chairman24/11/201429/04/2020
    Drago PanichNon Exec Director08/05/201303/03/2017
    Michael CoxExecutive Chairman27/04/201202/11/2015
    Anne CoxNon Exec Director06/06/201401/10/2014
    Ernest BoswarvaNon Exec Director30/09/200806/06/2014
    Merrill GrayNon Exec Director15/01/200808/05/2013
    Ian KowalickChairman, Independent Director22/03/201018/05/2012

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.