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we understand the company's substantial shareholder (Mr Ng Chwee Cheng) made an offer to purchase the shares of Australian shareholders whose shares were recorded on the ASX at the close of business on 15 August 2005 and who wished to dispose of their shares prior to the company being delisted from ASX - the price offered by Mr Ng Chwee Cheng was A$0.425 per share - shareholders were not obliged to dispose of their shares to Mr Ng and were at liberty to retain or dispose of their shares through any other means - if they retained their shares, the shares were transferred to The Central Depository (Pte) Ltd ("DP"), the depository and clearing organisation of The Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited ("SGX-ST") so that they could be traded on the SGX-ST


delisted at the company's request pursuant to the delisting arrangements described in the letter to shareholders dated 10 August 2005 and the attachments to that letter


the company is to be delisted on 24 November 2005 - the reasons are low turnover on ASX, only 3.2% of the capital is held by shareholders on the Australian register, the company is unlikely to seek capital from the Australian market in the foreseeable future and compliance costs are high


applies for the quotation of an additional 617,000 shares


lodges first half year 2006 results and accompanying presentation


shares suspended from quotation in accordance with delisting arrangements previously described

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