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Our website ranking of TTS: rating 4
(4 out of 5)


Link Market Services Melbourne
Tower 4, 727 Collins Street Docklands VIC 3008
Tel : +61 3 9615 9800 or 61 1300 554 474
Fax : +61 2 9287 0303
RegistryWebsite RegistryEmail

Company details
Address: 87 Ipswich Road, Woolloongabba, Queensland, 4102, Australia
Tel:  + 61 7 3435 4500 Fax: + 61 7 3435 4432

Date first listed: 07/07/2005

Sector: Consumer Services
Industry Group: XDJ
Activities: Operation of gaming, lotteries and wagering businesses

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delisted from the close of trading on Monday, 8 July 2019 pursuant to Listing rule 17.11.


we understand a maturity payment of $100 per Tatts Bond representing the Face Value of each Tatts Bond, and a final quarterly interest payment of $1.2042 per Tatts Bond for the final quarterly interest period ending 4 July 2019, were paid on 5 July 2019 to all Tatts Bonds holders recorded on the register at the record date of 27 June 2019


Tatts Group confirms that the Tatts Bonds matured today in accordance with the terms of Tatts Bonds as detailed in the 6 June 2012 prospectus. Tatts also confirms that the maturity payment of $100 per Tatts Bond representing the Face Value of each Tatts Bond, and a final quarterly interest payment of $1.2042 per Tatts Bond for the final quarterly interest period ending 4 July 2019, were paid today to all Tatts Bonds holders recorded on the register at the record date of 27 June 2019. It is expected that all Tatts Bonds will be removed from ASX official quotation on 8 July 2019.


The bonds will mature on 5 July 2019, and as a result, a maturity payment of $100 per bond has been made together with the final quarterly interest payment of $1.2042 per bond.


The seven- year senior and unsecured floating rate notes due 5 July 2019 (ASX Code: TTSHA) Tatts Group Limited will be suspended at the close of trading today Tuesday, 25 June 2019, in accordance with Listing Rule 17.2, pending maturity of the Notes on Friday, 5 July 2019.


The Tatts Bonds (TTSHA) will mature on 5 July 2019 in accordancde with the terms of Tatts Bonds as detailed in the 6 June 2012 prospectus. On the maturity date, each holder of a Tatts Bond recorded on the register at the record date of 27 June 2019 will receive the maturity payment of $100 per Tatts Bond, representing the face value of a Tatts Bond, and a final quarterly interest payment of $1.2042 per Tatts Bond in respect of the final quarterly interest period ending 4 July 2019. The last day of trading of the Tatts Bonds on the ASX is expected to be 25 June 2019.


The company lodges its Tatts Bonds Quarterly Report.


The company's sole shareholder, Tabcorp Holdings, releases a conference presentation.


The company releases a notification of interest payment & interest rate change.


The company lodges its Tatts Bonds Quarterly Report.


The company lodges its Interim Financial Report.


The company lodges its 2019 half year results.


The company releases a notification of interest payment & interest rate change.


The company lodges its Tatts Bonds Quarterly Report.


The company lodges its Tatts Group Annual Report 2018.


Tatts Group Limited advises that its sole shareholder, Tabcorp Holdings Limited today released its results for the financial year ended 30 June 2018.


The company releases a notification of interest payment.


Tabcorp Holdings Limited's wholly owned subsidiary Tatts Online Pty Ltd had exercised in full its option with Jumbo Interactive Limited to acquire approximately 3.5 million Jumbo shares at an exercise price of $2.37 per share. In conjunction with the exercise of the option, Tabcorp also today announced that it had sold approximately 2.9 million Jumbo shares to a group of institutional investors. Tabcorp regards its holding in Jumbo as strategically important and post the option exercise and sale transactions referred to above, has increased its shareholding in Jumbo from approximately 6.6m shares to approximately 7.2 million shares. Tabcorp has no current intention to sell any of its remaining shareholding in Jumbo.


The company lodges the Tatts Bonds Quarterly Report.


The company releases a notification of interest payment.


The company releases a Tatts Bonds Quarterly Report.


The company's sole shareholder, Tabcorp Holdings, announced that it has priced a new US$1.4 billion issue of longterm notes to investors in the US private placement market. The Notes will comprise four US dollar denominated tranches, totalling US$1,250 million and two Australian dollar denominated tranches, totalling A$195 million. The Notes are scheduled to be issued in June 2018, subject to customary conditions of the US private placement market.


The company releases a notice of interest payment & interest rate change for the TTSHA bond. The interest payment amount is AUD 1.2095.


the company's ordinary shares removed from official quotation following their acquisition by Tabcorp Holdings Limited - the company's quoted bonds remain listed


From the commencement of trading on Wednesday 27 December 2017, the securities of Tatts Group Limited will be reinstated to Official Quotation and the Company's admission category will change to an an ASX Debt Listing under Listing Rule 18.9, following implementation of the scheme of arrangement by which Tabcorp Holdings Limited acquired all of the issued shares in the Company.


The scheme of arrangement in relation to the combination of Tabcorp and Tatts Group has been implemented today. Tatts is now a wholly-owned subsidiary of Tabcorp.


The securities of Tatts Group Limited will be suspended from quotation at the close of trading today, 13 December 2017 in accordance with Listing Rule 17.2, following lodgement of the Federal Court of Australia orders with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission approving the scheme of arrangement by which Tabcorp Holdings Limited will acquire all of the issued shares in the Company


The Supreme Court of Victoria approved the scheme of arrangement in relation to the combination of Tatts Group and Tabcorp. The scheme is now effective and is scheduled to be implemented on 22 December 2017.


The securities of Tatts Group Limited will be suspended from quotation at the close of trading today, 13 December 2017 in accordance with Listing Rule 17.2, following lodgement of the Federal Court of Australia orders with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission approving the scheme of arrangement by which Tabcorp Holdings Limited will acquire all of the issued shares in the Company.


The Australian Shareholders Association opposes the ongoing chairmanship of Harry Boon: Tatts Group. After the disasters of Paperlinx and Hastie Group, plus remuneration excesses at Toll Holdings, ASA believes Mr Boon should no longer chair Tatts Group, especially now that it has relocated from Melbourne to Brisbane. Melbourne-based Mr Boon first joined the board in 2005.


name changed from Tattersall's Limited

View ASX Announcements (courtesy of ASX)



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    Directors' on-market share transactions (last 5)

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    Purchases Sales

    18/12/2013Julien PlayoustOn market100,000$0.750$75,000
    26/02/2013Robert BentleyOn market45,000$3.370$151,650
    06/09/2012Julien PlayoustOn market76,000$2.707$205,766
    24/11/2010Julien PlayoustOn market20,000$2.462$49,240
    05/11/2010Julien PlayoustOn market4,000$2.530$10,120

    Click here for the last 20 transactions all companies

    Directors & Executives (current)
    Anne TuckerGeneral Counsel02/07/2013
    Giovanni RizzoInvestor Relations
    Chris MurphyCompany Secretary

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.

    Directors & Executives (former)
    Harry BoonChairman31/05/200522/12/2017
    Robbie CookeManaging Director, CEO14/01/201322/12/2017
    Kevin SeymourNon Exec Director12/10/200622/12/2017
    Brian JamiesonNon Exec Director31/05/200522/12/2017
    Lyndsey CattermoleNon Exec Director02/06/200522/12/2017
    Julien PlayoustNon Exec Director21/11/200522/12/2017
    David WatsonNon Exec Director27/03/201422/12/2017
    Neale O'ConnellCFO03/12/201221/09/2016
    Robert BentleyNon Exec Director12/10/200627/03/2014
    Penny GrauGeneral Counsel15/07/200731/07/2013
    Gary WoodfordInvestor Relations01/09/200631/05/2013
    Ray GunstonCFO01/01/200016/01/2013
    Dick McIlwainManaging Director, CEO12/10/200601/12/2012
    George ChapmanNon Exec Director12/10/200631/08/2008
    David JonesNon Exec Chairman01/01/199812/10/2006
    Duncan FischerManaging Director, CEO01/01/200012/10/2006
    James KingNon Exec Director02/06/200512/10/2006
    Michael VertiganNon Exec Director21/11/200512/10/2006
    Peter KerrNon Exec Director01/01/199821/11/2005
    William AdamsNon Exec Director01/01/197721/11/2005

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.