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this company is deregistered today and it has therefore ceased to exist - a capital loss can be claimed


it appears that this company is in the process of being struck off the official register - when this happens your capital loss can be taken and you don't need to sell your shares - we would expect this to be formally completed over the next month or so


delisted because of failure to pay its listing fees for 2005/06


evidently attempts are being made to sell the shell of the company but typically there has been no notification to the market of developments


apart from a bland notification that the business was sold (see 21/08/2001 below) little of substance has been released to the market since the shares were suspended in May 2001 - the company is only a shell


Deed of Company Arrangement is fully effectuated and control reverts to the directors - it will be interesting to see if directors advise the market of their intentions for the company


deed administrators confirm there is no change from the position of 22 May 2003


seeking update


deed administrators confirm they are endeavouring to finalise the Deed of Company Arrangement and make a payment to unsecured creditors by the end of this year - there is no mention of utilising the shell


seeking update


deed administrators confirm they await a decision of the secured creditor regarding the sale of the shell - progress is slow!


deed administrators report that there has been little progress since the release to the market a year ago - they expect to be able to confirm some developments during the next month and believe the company could be "back door listed" by the end of 2003


Deed of Company arrangement executed - $400,000 to be paid by the company, $250,000 of which will go to the secured creditor and the remainder to creditors and the administrators - intended that the company will commence trading again on the ASX some time in the future, prior to which time shareholders will be notified


administrator advises that the business previously operated by the company has been sold by the receivers


R Albarran and G McDonald of Hall Chadwick appointed administrators


cash crisis forces company to request that Westpac exercise its rights under its debenture and AJ Love of Ferrier Hodgson appointed receiver and manager


company indicates it is continuing discussions with various parties to strengthen the company's balance sheet, including with its secured lender and principal creditors, and other possible providers of equity


board provides various reasons for trading halt - in particular that "certain debtors, previously considered to be receivable in the near future, were now unlikely to be received"


securities suspended at the request of the company pending the release of an announcement by the company


securities placed in pre-open pending the release of an announcement by the company

View ASX Announcements (courtesy of ASX)



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