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26 March 2025
Name: | TELEZON LIMITED (TLZ) | ||||||||||||
Date of Listing: | 17 April 1986 | ||||||||||||
Date of Delisting: | 12 May 2015 | ||||||||||||
Former Names: |
Stock Exchange Status:
This entity was delisted from the National Stock Exchange of Australia on 12 May 2015.Legal Status:
ACN: 009 151 277ABN: 33 009 151 277
Registration Date: 03 October 1985
Deregistration Date: 16 April 2016
Capital Gains Tax (CGT) Status:
This entity was deregistered on 16 April 2016. Deregistration is a Capital Gains Tax Event. In our opinion you are entitled to crystallise any capital loss in the tax year that deregistration occurs providing you have not previously done so. If you did not crystallise your loss in the tax year the entity was deregistered, you may seek to re-open that year’s assessment but anyway should seek professional advice as to how best to proceed.
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Further information: deListed and InvestoGain are operated by Investogain Pty Limited which is licensed by ASIC as an Australian Financial Services Licensee (AFSL 334036). deListed acquires only securities that it deems to be of little or no value, in circumstances where the holder is unable to sell their securities on-market in the normal manner. This service has been provided online via the company’s website since 2004.
Getting advice: Information provided in this section is of a general nature and applicable only to Australian tax residents who hold their investments on capital account (ie for long-term investment purposes). It has been prepared without taking into account your financial needs or tax situation. Before acting on the information, deListed suggests that you consider whether it is appropriate for your circumstances and recommends that you seek independent legal, financial, or taxation advice.
Disclaimer: The information provided above is to the best of our knowledge accurate as of today. But you should bear in mind that it is of a general nature and does not constitute financial or tax advice. Investogain Pty Limited accepts no liability for any loss arising from reliance on this information, including reliance on information that is no longer current.
Company | FROM | TO |
TELEZON LIMITED | 07/09/2001 | |
MIN-TECH 8 LIMITED | 27/08/1999 | 07/09/2001 |
MIN-TECH 8 NL | 10/12/1998 | 27/08/1999 |
YINNEX NL | 10/12/1998 |
Advanced Share Registry Services
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company deregistered today | 16/04/2016 |
a loss declaration has been issued and the capital loss can therefore be claimed in the financial year the declaration is issued - in this case 2015/16 | 14/10/2015 |
delisted from SIM VSE | 12/05/2015 |
we understand this company failed - administrators advise the company will be wound up immediately | 12/05/2015 |
securities delisted from ASX and now trading on the new exchange SIM VSE | 18/11/2011 |
the securities of Telezon Limited will be suspended from quotation from the close of trade on Wednesday, 16 November 2011 following the request of the Company, pursuant to listing rule 17.11, to be removed from the official list | 16/11/2011 |
Telezon advised that it continues to achieve packaging milestones necessary for the company's final certification of its SoloFlow Polymer Draw-up Needle, with the company on track to deliver its first commercial needle shipment in December 2011 | 16/11/2011 |
company releases ‘SIM VSE Trading Guidelines' which provides a current and updated broker list and an overview on how to trade on the new exchange SIM Venture Securities Exchange (SIM VSE) | 15/11/2011 |
shares reinstated to quotation | 31/01/2006 |
company applies for the quotation of an additional 1.3m (approx)shares | 15/12/2005 |
the consolidation of capital in the ratio one for every twenty shares is effective as of today | 28/11/2005 |
advises that, at the annual general meeting held today, all resolutions were passed unanimously | 25/11/2005 |
provides Notice that the annual general meeting will be held at The New Esplanade Hotel, 18 The Esplanade, Perth WA 6000 at 10.30 am (WST) on Friday, 25 November 2005 - resolutions include a proposal to consolidate the shares in the ratio one for twenty and change the company's activities | 26/10/2005 |
applies for the quotation of 168,861,883 shares issued at 1 cent a share | 10/10/2005 |
lodges annual report | 28/09/2005 |
company advises that its 297m rights issue at 1 cent a share received acceptances for 33m shares and resulted in an allotment of 19m shortfall shares | 14/07/2005 |
company advises that, at the general meeting today, all resolutions were passed unanimously | 26/05/2005 |
gives notice of a general meeting to be held at Altitude 9, The New Esplanade Hotel, 18 The Esplanade, Perth, Western Australia at 11 am (WST) on Thursday, 26th May 2005 | 20/04/2005 |
company will proceed with a non-renounceable 1 for 1 rights issue to existing shareholders - the new shares will be offered at an issue price of 1 cent per new share - the maximum amount to be raised by the rights issue is $2,974,598 - will also seek approval to issue on a pro rata non-renounceable basis to the holders of the Old Options one new share for every four Old Options held at a price of 1 cent per new share - the maximum amount to be raised from the issue of shares to the holders of Old Options is $414,332 | 19/04/2005 |
lodges half year accounts | 24/02/2005 |
company advises of the imminent expiry of options - each entitles the holder to one fully paid share on payment of 20 cents - the due date for payment of the exercise price of 20 cents per option is 31 December 2004 - if the options are not exercised on or before 31 December 2004, they will lapse | 09/12/2004 |
advises resolutions for the adoption of the accounts and re-election of a director were approved at the shareholders meeting on 11 October 2004 | 15/10/2004 |
calls meeting for 11 October 2004 | 15/09/2004 |
lodges annual reports for 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2004 | 15/09/2004 |
former directors Gaylard, Flory, and Leung withdraw their claim that they were wrongly removed | 03/09/2004 |
the whole sorry saga is detailed in a release to the market today | 16/04/2004 |
a shareholder informs us that the company lodged the required documents (in relation to the EGM on 27 Feb 2004) with the ASX within 5 days of the meeting - ASX confirm they have received correspondence from the company around that time but have offered no reasons for not releasing it to the market - most peculiar | 14/04/2004 |
Company has today been granted a waiver from the ASX from listing rule 14.7 to the extent necessary to permit the Company to issue up to 40,000,000 ordinary shares on the terms approved by shareholders at the Company's general meeting held on 23 December 2003, by no later than 23 April 2004 | 24/03/2004 |
the company held an extraordinary general meeting on 27 February 2004 - no release was made to the market about the meeting or about the outcomes (extraordinary in itself, as it was failure by the company to keep the market informed that originally led to its suspension) - we are seeking details | 10/03/2004 |
the company is planning a new meeting of all shareholders to approve the plan to re-list the company's shares - this meeting will be held early in the new year | 21/12/2003 |
the company has virtually emerged from administration but only as a shell - directors are working on vending a business into the shell and in due course, if successful, will be seeking shareholder approval - this may take months | 30/09/2003 |
the company has not paid its annual listing fee - it will be removed from the official list on 1 September 2003 if it does not pay the fee by Friday Aug 29 | 25/08/2003 |
Deed Administrators confirm they are negotiating the sale of the shell - if that proceeds a shareholders' meeting should be called over the next few months to approve the recapitalisation and relisting of the company - if that does not happen, the company is likely to proceed to liquidation as essentially there is only the shell left | 21/05/2003 |
seeking update | 02/05/2003 |
company advises it has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with Australian Maritime Services Pty Ltd (AMS) with a view to allowing TELEZON to investigate a proposed purchase of either the business or shares of AMS upon terms yet to be agreed | 21/08/2002 |
company advises it has entered into an Agreement to outsource the operations of its telecommunication business, including the carrier licence | 26/06/2002 |
company advises that interests associated with JPC International Pty Ltd have funded the Deed Administrators to effectuate the Deed of Company Arrangement - the Deed Administrators, have appointed new board members and joint company secretaries - the new board will now manage the affairs of the company as all monies required to be paid under the Deed have been paid and the administration will conclude as soon as the Deed Administrators complete their administration and attend to the payments to creditors | 06/06/2002 |
company executes a Deed of Company Arrangement - ASIC grants extension of time to hold the AGM until 30 April 2002 | 31/12/2001 |
at second meeting of creditors it was resolved that the meeting be adjourned for a period of up to sixty days to allow time to further investigate the affairs of the company and analyse the proposals for the future of the company | 25/10/2001 |
directors advise they have resolved to place the company in administration and have appointed L Fitzgerald and M Humphris of Sims Lockwood as joint administrators | 28/09/2001 |
name changed from Min-Tech 8 Limited | 07/09/2001 |
trading in the shares of the company suspended following concerns by the ASX and ASIC that Telezon had not kept the market fully informed about its financial position in relation to its current cash holdings, the existence and utilization of financial facilities provided and its taxation liabilities | 29/08/2001 |
company deregistered today | 16/04/2016 |
a loss declaration has been issued and the capital loss can therefore be claimed in the financial year the declaration is issued - in this case 2015/16 | 14/10/2015 |
delisted from SIM VSE | 12/05/2015 |
we understand this company failed - administrators advise the company will be wound up immediately | 12/05/2015 |
securities delisted from ASX and now trading on the new exchange SIM VSE | 18/11/2011 |
the securities of Telezon Limited will be suspended from quotation from the close of trade on Wednesday, 16 November 2011 following the request of the Company, pursuant to listing rule 17.11, to be removed from the official list | 16/11/2011 |
Telezon advised that it continues to achieve packaging milestones necessary for the company's final certification of its SoloFlow Polymer Draw-up Needle, with the company on track to deliver its first commercial needle shipment in December 2011 | 16/11/2011 |
company releases ‘SIM VSE Trading Guidelines' which provides a current and updated broker list and an overview on how to trade on the new exchange SIM Venture Securities Exchange (SIM VSE) | 15/11/2011 |
shares reinstated to quotation | 31/01/2006 |
company applies for the quotation of an additional 1.3m (approx)shares | 15/12/2005 |
the consolidation of capital in the ratio one for every twenty shares is effective as of today | 28/11/2005 |
advises that, at the annual general meeting held today, all resolutions were passed unanimously | 25/11/2005 |
provides Notice that the annual general meeting will be held at The New Esplanade Hotel, 18 The Esplanade, Perth WA 6000 at 10.30 am (WST) on Friday, 25 November 2005 - resolutions include a proposal to consolidate the shares in the ratio one for twenty and change the company's activities | 26/10/2005 |
applies for the quotation of 168,861,883 shares issued at 1 cent a share | 10/10/2005 |
lodges annual report | 28/09/2005 |
company advises that its 297m rights issue at 1 cent a share received acceptances for 33m shares and resulted in an allotment of 19m shortfall shares | 14/07/2005 |
company advises that, at the general meeting today, all resolutions were passed unanimously | 26/05/2005 |
gives notice of a general meeting to be held at Altitude 9, The New Esplanade Hotel, 18 The Esplanade, Perth, Western Australia at 11 am (WST) on Thursday, 26th May 2005 | 20/04/2005 |
company will proceed with a non-renounceable 1 for 1 rights issue to existing shareholders - the new shares will be offered at an issue price of 1 cent per new share - the maximum amount to be raised by the rights issue is $2,974,598 - will also seek approval to issue on a pro rata non-renounceable basis to the holders of the Old Options one new share for every four Old Options held at a price of 1 cent per new share - the maximum amount to be raised from the issue of shares to the holders of Old Options is $414,332 | 19/04/2005 |
lodges half year accounts | 24/02/2005 |
company advises of the imminent expiry of options - each entitles the holder to one fully paid share on payment of 20 cents - the due date for payment of the exercise price of 20 cents per option is 31 December 2004 - if the options are not exercised on or before 31 December 2004, they will lapse | 09/12/2004 |
advises resolutions for the adoption of the accounts and re-election of a director were approved at the shareholders meeting on 11 October 2004 | 15/10/2004 |
calls meeting for 11 October 2004 | 15/09/2004 |
lodges annual reports for 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2004 | 15/09/2004 |
former directors Gaylard, Flory, and Leung withdraw their claim that they were wrongly removed | 03/09/2004 |
the whole sorry saga is detailed in a release to the market today | 16/04/2004 |
a shareholder informs us that the company lodged the required documents (in relation to the EGM on 27 Feb 2004) with the ASX within 5 days of the meeting - ASX confirm they have received correspondence from the company around that time but have offered no reasons for not releasing it to the market - most peculiar | 14/04/2004 |
Company has today been granted a waiver from the ASX from listing rule 14.7 to the extent necessary to permit the Company to issue up to 40,000,000 ordinary shares on the terms approved by shareholders at the Company's general meeting held on 23 December 2003, by no later than 23 April 2004 | 24/03/2004 |
the company held an extraordinary general meeting on 27 February 2004 - no release was made to the market about the meeting or about the outcomes (extraordinary in itself, as it was failure by the company to keep the market informed that originally led to its suspension) - we are seeking details | 10/03/2004 |
the company is planning a new meeting of all shareholders to approve the plan to re-list the company's shares - this meeting will be held early in the new year | 21/12/2003 |
the company has virtually emerged from administration but only as a shell - directors are working on vending a business into the shell and in due course, if successful, will be seeking shareholder approval - this may take months | 30/09/2003 |
the company has not paid its annual listing fee - it will be removed from the official list on 1 September 2003 if it does not pay the fee by Friday Aug 29 | 25/08/2003 |
Deed Administrators confirm they are negotiating the sale of the shell - if that proceeds a shareholders' meeting should be called over the next few months to approve the recapitalisation and relisting of the company - if that does not happen, the company is likely to proceed to liquidation as essentially there is only the shell left | 21/05/2003 |
seeking update | 02/05/2003 |
company advises it has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with Australian Maritime Services Pty Ltd (AMS) with a view to allowing TELEZON to investigate a proposed purchase of either the business or shares of AMS upon terms yet to be agreed | 21/08/2002 |
company advises it has entered into an Agreement to outsource the operations of its telecommunication business, including the carrier licence | 26/06/2002 |
company advises that interests associated with JPC International Pty Ltd have funded the Deed Administrators to effectuate the Deed of Company Arrangement - the Deed Administrators, have appointed new board members and joint company secretaries - the new board will now manage the affairs of the company as all monies required to be paid under the Deed have been paid and the administration will conclude as soon as the Deed Administrators complete their administration and attend to the payments to creditors | 06/06/2002 |
company executes a Deed of Company Arrangement - ASIC grants extension of time to hold the AGM until 30 April 2002 | 31/12/2001 |
at second meeting of creditors it was resolved that the meeting be adjourned for a period of up to sixty days to allow time to further investigate the affairs of the company and analyse the proposals for the future of the company | 25/10/2001 |
directors advise they have resolved to place the company in administration and have appointed L Fitzgerald and M Humphris of Sims Lockwood as joint administrators | 28/09/2001 |
name changed from Min-Tech 8 Limited | 07/09/2001 |
trading in the shares of the company suspended following concerns by the ASX and ASIC that Telezon had not kept the market fully informed about its financial position in relation to its current cash holdings, the existence and utilization of financial facilities provided and its taxation liabilities | 29/08/2001 |
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Trevor Nye | Chairman | |
Elaine Carr | Director | |
Michelle Carr | Director, Company Secretary |
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
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