Find any Australian or New Zealand company or fund (dead or alive) by using SEARCH above or go directly to the site:
some former policy holders (both Australian and New Zealand residents) in this company have unclaimed money due to them - deListed provides a tracing service for a small administration fee that identifies where people can find unclaimed monies from many different sources including life policies, compulsory acquisitions of shares, dividend distributions, super contributions, inoperative bank, building society or credit union accounts, bequests - please click here for access to our Lost shares, Lost money?? service | 06/05/2008 |
The company demutualised in 1996, was listed as Colonial Limited on the Stock Exchange in 1997, then merged with the Commonwealth Bank in 2000. | 31/12/2000 |
some former policy holders (both Australian and New Zealand residents) in this company have unclaimed money due to them - deListed provides a tracing service for a small administration fee that identifies where people can find unclaimed monies from many different sources including life policies, compulsory acquisitions of shares, dividend distributions, super contributions, inoperative bank, building society or credit union accounts, bequests - please click here for access to our Lost shares, Lost money?? service | 06/05/2008 |
The company demutualised in 1996, was listed as Colonial Limited on the Stock Exchange in 1997, then merged with the Commonwealth Bank in 2000. | 31/12/2000 |
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Seeking information on deceased persons policy | 04/04/2019 11:45:59 | |
Had a policy with Colonial Mutual in 1988 which was changed to a savings policy. This was transferred to Winterthur life and have the Bonus Certificate for this. Apparently this company no longer exists and I do not know where the policy has is now sitting. I have had Share Certificate from Australian Bank and believe the policy might be held in Australia. Can you please let me know if and where the policy is lodged. Susan Robinson.
| 17/07/2018 01:02:33 | |
| 08/03/2018 07:01:23 | |
I have found a bonus certificate in my mothers belongings that seems to have my fathers and my self as life insured. Its dated 1982 can you advise how i find out about this please. I never knew of any life policy for myself and both ,y parents are now deceased.
| 07/03/2018 14:54:04 | |
I found amongst my Father,Mr Leonard van Wyk, a Bonus Certificate for Policy no 848907 an assurance Policy taken out through your Melbourne Branch, dated 10-5-1979 could you please tell me if this policy is still current I am his Daughter and Executor, Mrs F C Salmon email address thank you Carin Salmon | 08/02/2018 07:15:23 | |
?I have three share certificates showing a holding in Colonial Limited in Feb 1998 - can you please let me know where I can write to to sell the share holding and receive the necessary funds - I live in the UK my e-mail address is | 17/01/2018 22:23:09 | |
Hi my name is William Rubio as it appears in the policy I had with Scottish Amicable back in 1988 (at least that is the last statement I got from S .A.) \nI was then notified that my investment accounts was transfer to the Colonial Mutual Life Assurance Society Limited from wich I had an annual statement dated 30 of June 2005.\nThat is the last I have seen of my investment account. Will you please some one help me out whit this I need to know what\'s happen with it and what do I have to do recover the monies I have so far.\nI am now living in Ecuador \nMy address as it appears in the last statement\nAmazons AV. #4744\n& Vicente Cardenas\nQuito Ecuador \nCel # 0999453336\nMail:\nI will really appreciate what ever kind of help you could give me thanks | 21/03/2017 07:57:21 | |
?i am Anuilagi Vetemotu i live in 21 surrawong street Ingleburn I have no account with you Can you tell me where my money gone and I WANT TO STOP IT AND REFUND ALL MY MONEY | 10/05/2016 04:09:49 | |
Ihad a life poicy with mcl i took out many years ago i have just moved to australia and have lost all my documents \n\ncould you help me find out who now holds my life policy i am Peter Leslie Gilbertson Born 23 01 1939 my last address in nz was 786 Kirkbride rd Mangere Auckland Newzealand \n\nI have 3 children now grown up and Soveriene insurance rings a bell but i am not able to find teh your help in this matter would be greatly appriceated \n\nkind regards Peter at rozgra597@hotmail.copm | 16/02/2016 12:44:19 | |
I don't know if this is the company that I had a life insurance policy with in the 1960s to the 1970's. I couldn't afford the few dollars it cost me so made it a paid up policy but can't find the documents now. It should have become available 18 months ago. My name is Marilyn Ann. I started the policy with my maiden name STOKER and finished it with my first married name MANEWELL.? Colonial Mutual rings a bell but I'm not sure. I was in Sydney when I started the policy but moved several times, possibly converting it to paid up when I was living in Heathcote, Cootamundra or Emmaville. | 23/09/2015 21:20:21 | |
Further to my comments, Judith Couper re Peter couper, my e mail lis and phone is 01933 312344 | 05/05/2015 00:32:55 | |
I would appreciate a response to my comments above regarding a Life Policy for David Mitchinson and its cashed -up value please. | 13/04/2015 13:48:27 | |
I have a Legal and General Assurance policy No. 9741-728 in the name of David Mitchinson. It was taken out on 16th July 1964. Monthly payments have gone direct to my Commonwealth Bank account. I would like to know the cashed-up amount please. My email address is | 07/04/2015 15:09:49 | |
You have been taking $2.88 per month from my bank account for years but I have no account with you. Where is my money. My name is M W Quin and money is taken from my Westpac a/c under reference 9060179200011401201 | 05/02/2015 17:24:09 | |
Can you tell me if there is cover outstanding on policy No 3503717 or is this completed name :Colin Stewart Morton | 17/12/2014 13:55:48 | |
How do I contact colonial mutual in relation to old policy Pls. | 01/11/2014 12:09:15 | |
Policy number a3,610,112 Prudential australian superannuation ltd Commencement 17 Feb 1985 Matures 17 Feb 2017 Premium per month $29.94 Name of insured, Nigel Thomas Tarratt The policy was taken out whilst we lived in bunbury western australia. Can you tell me if this policy premiums are up to date and if not when did payments cease? Jean Margaret Tarratt | 08/09/2014 22:18:45 | |
whats going on with my policy 3262973 (5) Norman Diefenbach | 06/09/2014 05:22:24 | |
HI, we have a policy with Colial Mutual Life in the name of Miss J I Moffatt, policy number 5011920(5) and/or 1168515(3). Can you give me any information regarding this policy. Brian Moffatt (Brother). | 05/09/2014 15:14:55 | |
What is the email address for Colonial Mutual Life Insurance? My email address: | 08/08/2014 14:56:39 | |
Had a policy with Colonial Mutual and in 1960 we did our wills which were kept by the company, we would like to know where these wills are kept. Allan & Florence Richter. Email address is | 30/04/2014 16:05:06 | |
James Edward Ian Page - 30 Keira Rd; W/Wollongong 2500 otn: 1286063 Policy: 1302186 Sect: 216LIA | 06/01/2014 10:31:36 | |
I have two policies issued 17.5.1961 on the life assured of John Preston.Policy numbers 733113/77 and 733113/78. They are both issued under the John Durham and Son Ltd Superannuation Scheme. Would you please advise if they are still valid and if so what would be the procedure to surrender them. Many thanks John Preston | 28/11/2013 19:51:39 | |
I have a folder containing 4 colonial paintings with a letter signed W.D. Brooke's. the occasion of the Centenary of CML . Would this have any value. Yours Winston Pallot | 21/11/2013 08:36:12 | |
Hi We have a policy with Colonial and Mutual Life in the name of Percy Gath, policy number 4125744, can you give me any information regarding this policyC Simpson daughter | 19/08/2013 23:48:47 |
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
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