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Can anyone tell me if this company is part of or associated with MLC?

14/03/2024 17:03:45

Has anyone here had a result from your enquiry?

policy NH -72 - 35899

14/03/2024 12:20:17

Hi I just found Bonus Certificates that my Grandmother took out a Policy for me when I was a child Policy # C4716212. How do I find out if there is anything to claim please?

Reply to

13/02/2024 15:23:49

Hi I just found Bonus Certificates that my Grandmother took out a Policy for me when I was a child Policy # C4716212. How do I find out if there is anything to claim please?

13/02/2024 15:22:14

Hi we have recently gone through my Uncles (deceased) belongings and found a bomus certificate from Mutual life & Citizens and we don\'t know if this was ever claimed or policy was terminated

RH5377165 Mr CL Ballantyne


07/12/2023 10:42:39

Hi there, I need to find out if this company Mutual Life and Citizens Assurance Company still exists. 14/04/2023.  This is because a covenant was placed on a family property in 1916 that is due to be sold soon restricting the new owner from building another property on this site without plans being approved by this company.  I assume it folded in 1979 but need to know this.  Thank you for any help you can give me. Cherry Collins (one of 3 Executors of an estate involving  this property)    0402678 838

14/04/2023 22:58:29

hi just found my father\'s policy number is c4444376 dated 9/3/1964 is this still valid 


27/02/2023 15:17:41

We recommend this online facility to determine your position:

I have just found an insurance policy of my husbands

Policy no RY-59-95238

this polocy was made in 10th December 1959

can you tell us how we proceed to insure this policy is still viable and hoe to proceed to update it 

Yours sincerely

Janice Pool

19/03/2022 18:45:47

go here re missing policy:

17/05/2018 07:14:27

I have a policy in my fathers name and am looking for more details regarding this policy.

I have The policy number available and would like to know how to proceed? 

My email is   

Thanks Paul

Could someone please contact me in regards to this?

15/05/2018 18:01:08

Go here re missing policy:

30/04/2018 19:04:15

I am seeking advice about a policy in my father\'s name. He is deceased and I manage my mother\'s affairs. it is policy UQ5727159

30/04/2018 10:33:38

Hi there

I am looking for details of my superannuation account held by The Mutual Life and Citizens Assurance Compnay Limited 

Name: C Kelly

DOB: 19/10/62

Year Commencing: 1.11.84

Traveland Superannuation Fund


15/02/2018 15:42:51

Wanting information on Policy no,QQ-67-31470

14/06/2017 20:26:34

How do I check if these policies are closed or if they can still be claimed. Thank you

08/02/2016 14:21:20
I have found a policy PN:C5327675 dated 4/9/1978 is this valid

Thank you Rhonda Hill nee(Rhonda Louise Copeland)
01/09/2015 10:59:17
I have found two policies #NF-53-97335 dated May 2, 1953 and NF-59-02376 dated 11 February, 1959. Is there any way to claim these policies ?  Thank you Diana Anderson (Diana Marguerite Wunderlich). E-mail diandfred79@yahoo.com02/06/2015 10:13:01
I have found a Bonus Certificate from my late husband  Policy no: NS 60-50094 under the name of George Freeman. Details please17/03/2015 18:59:29
Is there any way i can claim on an old isurance policy thank you 10:00:31
I have found an endowment assurance policy in my father's name Leonard John Leahy, dated 11th June1942. Policy no: S 705627 B1/V Was this ever claimed?31/01/2015 19:41:09
Do you have a policy no w0532-7703t as I am an executor of the estate.25/11/2014 19:46:16
I am dealing with an property in Auckland that has thre mortgages registered to The Mutual Life and Citizens Assurance Company Limited. The y were registered in 1971, 1974 and 1976. I need to obtain discharges of the mortgages. Who do I contact.Ian Jespersen Burton & 06:58:06

I have a policy on D.P. MacLaren Policy #16061

Can I find out details on this policy.  Thank you for your reply.

25/03/2014 08:35:10

I have a policy which I do not know exists now or not - Policy No: 726747 D5-N on life of C.F.Shannon dated Dec. 31. 1944

Does this policy exists and if so how do I find out details

Christine Frances Shannon


17/03/2014 15:56:37

I had a policy which I do not know exists now or not--policy number was NY-72-0635 dated 3rd March 1972

Does this policy exist and if so how do I find out details

06/02/2014 07:12:01
where can i check my policy 08/09/2013 13:37:37
Can anyone please tell me what happened to insurance in this company (1966 last transaction)? 10:34:11
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