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ASX, Legal & CGT Status
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Our website ranking of TNK: rating 4
(4 out of 5)


Computershare Melbourne
Yarra Falls, 452 Johnston Street, Abbotsford VIC 3067
Tel : +61 (0)3 9415 4000 or 1300 850 505 (within Australia)
Fax : +61 3 9473 2500
RegistryWebsite RegistryEmail

Company details
ISIN: AU000000TNK5
Address: Suite 3, 1 Park Avenue Drummoyne NSW 2047
Tel:  +61 2 9712 7444

Date first listed: 24/10/2014

Sector: Consumer Services
Industry Group: XDJ

delisted at entity's request under Listing Rule 17.11


we understand Busy Bees Australia Group acquired shares under the TNK scheme and the TND scheme with independent shareholders receiving $3.20 cash per share which included a fully franked special dividend of $0.24


The TNK scheme and the TND scheme have both been implemented today. Independent Securityholders have today been sent $2.96 for each Think Group Security they held on the Scheme Record Date. The fully franked special dividend of $0.24 per Think Group Security has also been sent to each Think Group Securityholder who held Think Group Securities on the Permitted Dividend Record Date.


The securities of Think Childcare Group will be suspended from quotation at the close of trading on Thursday, 7 October 2021 under Listing Rule 17.2, following lodgement of the Federal Court of Australia orders with ASIC approving the TNK and Think Childcare Development Limited ("˜TND') scheme of arrangement.


The securities of Think Childcare Limited were suspended from quotation on 16 December 2019. The suspension of trading in the securities of Think Childcare Group will be lifted from the commencement of trading on Tuesday, 24 December 2019 following the admission of Think Childcare Development Limited and the completion of the stapling of the securities of TNK and TND.


The scheme of arrangement under which TNK and Think Childcare Development Limited ACN 635 178 166 form a stapled structure such that shares in each of TNK and TND must, if transferred, be transferred together has been fully implemented today. TNK shareholders now hold one TND share for each TNK share held at 7:00pm (Melbourne time) on Friday, 20 December 2019.


The TNK Board has determined to pay a fully franked special dividend of $0.09858225 cents per share. The record date for the Special Dividend was 7:00pm on Tuesday, 17 December 2019. Under the terms of the Scheme, the Special Dividend will not be paid to TNK Shareholders in cash but will applied by TNK on Scheme Shareholders' behalf to Think Childcare Development Limited on Monday, 23 December 2019 as consideration for the issue to the Scheme Shareholders of one (1) new fully paid ordinary share in TND for each fully paid ordinary share in TNK held as at the record date of the Scheme (being 7:00pm on Friday, 20 December 2019). On 23 December 2019, TNK Shares and TND Shares will be "stapled" and trade together as a single stapled security on the ASX under an unchanged ASX code ("TNK") for the Think Childcare Group. The new stapled securities will commence trading on Tuesday, 24 December 2019.


The securities of Antisense Therapeutics Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of ANP, pending the release of an announcement regarding clinical trial results.


name changed from Think Childcare and Education Limited

View ASX Announcements (courtesy of ASX)



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    Directors' on-market share transactions (last 5)


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    Directors & Executives (current)
    Georgina GaussenCOO31/10/2019
    Tom HerringCFO15/04/2021
    Robert A. HughesDirector21/10/2021
    Fiona AlstonDirector21/10/2021
    Ann CaultonDirector21/10/2021
    Trinh BuiCompany Secretary

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.

    Directors & Executives (former)
    Mark KerrChairman, Non Exec Director21/07/201421/10/2021
    Mathew EdwardsManaging Director, CEO21/10/2021
    Evonne CollierNon Exec Director06/04/201821/10/2021
    Nick AnagnostouNon Exec Director01/10/202021/10/2021
    Joe DicksNon Exec Director06/04/201821/10/2021
    Michael DobleNon Exec Director14/10/201921/10/2021
    James SpenceleyNon Exec Director15/05/202021/10/2021
    Jennifer SalibaCFO16/04/201830/04/2021
    Paul GwilymExecutive Director21/07/201404/05/2018
    Andrew HansonNon Exec Director16/09/201429/09/2017

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.