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28 March 2025
Name: | TOTAL FACE GROUP LIMITED (TFG) (This company subsequently changed its name and is now HIRO BRANDS LIMITED. You should refer to that name for Status.) | |||||||||
Date of Listing: | 14 January 2016 | |||||||||
Subsequent Names: |
Stock Exchange Status:
This company subsequently changed its name and is now HIRO BRANDS LIMITED. You should refer to that name for Stock Exchange Status.Legal Status:
This company subsequently changed its name and is now HIRO BRANDS LIMITED. You should refer to that name for Legal Status.Capital Gains Tax (CGT) Status:
This company subsequently changed its name and is now HIRO BRANDS LIMITED. You should refer to that name for Capital Gains Tax Status.
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Company | FROM | TO |
HIRO BRANDS LIMITED | 12/09/2022 | |
Computershare Melbourne
Yarra Falls, 452 Johnston Street, Abbotsford VIC 3067
Tel : +61 (0)3 9415 4000 or 1300 850 505 (within Australia)
Fax : +61 3 9473 2500
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name changed to Wellness and Beauty Solutions Limited | 03/12/2018 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Total Face Group Limited will be lifted from the commencement of trading on Thursday, 11 October 2018, following the release by TFG of an announcement regarding a restructure and funding. | 10/10/2018 |
The company releases the incoming CEO's Letter to Shareholders. | 10/10/2018 |
The company lodges its Appendix 4C - Quarterly Cash Flow. | 10/10/2018 |
The company has successfully completed the acquisition of The Giving Brands Company Pty Ltd and undergone restructuring that repositions the Company to become a leading player in the Australian skincare, beauty and wellness industry. | 10/10/2018 |
The company issues a cleansing prospectus for the offer of five (5) Shares at an issue price of $0.20 to raise $1.00 (Offer). This Prospectus has been prepared primarily for the purposes of section 708A(11) of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) to remove any trading restrictions on the sale of Shares issued prior to the Closing Date. | 09/10/2018 |
The company has successfully secured a placement of 140,000,000 ordinary shares in the Company to a number of existing and new Institutional and Sophisticated Investors at a price of $0.05 per share, raising $7m. The new shares to be issued will rank equally with existing TFG fully paid ordinary shares on issue. The placement was approved by Ordinary Resolution of Shareholders at the General Meeting of Shareholders. The expected date of issue of the securities is Friday, 5 th October, 2018. | 28/09/2018 |
The company releases the results of its meeting. | 27/09/2018 |
The company releases its Chairman's Address to Shareholders. | 27/09/2018 |
The company has lodged with ASIC an offer information statement under Part 6D.2 of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth). The Offer Information Statement details an offer for a rights issue to Eligible Shareholders of one (1) New Share for every two (2) Existing Shares held on the Record Date at an issue price of $0.05 per New Share. The Offer is not underwritten. | 18/09/2018 |
The company releases its Appendix 4G Key to Corporate Governance Disclosures. | 31/08/2018 |
The company lodges its Annual Report 2018. | 31/08/2018 |
The company lodges its Appendix 4E FY18 Results Announcement. | 31/08/2018 |
The company releases the general meeting proxy form. | 27/08/2018 |
Notice is hereby given that a General Meeting of Total Face Group Limited will be held on Thursday 27th September 2018 at 9.30 am (AEST) at Oaks On Market 60 Market St, Melbourne VIC 3000. | 27/08/2018 |
Following a scheduled ASX internal system change affecting the Market Announcements Platform, it has been necessary to re-apply the "˜Suspend' session state. This announcement serves to re-confirm the securities of this entity remain suspended. | 06/08/2018 |
The company lodges its Appendix 4C - quarterly report. | 13/07/2018 |
The company's strategic review process has now been concluded and the company is pleased to announce: the further divestment of 3 clinics; the acquisition,subjectshareholder approval and the successful completion of a proposed capital raising, of The Giving Brands Company Pty Ltd (GBCo); and proposed capital raising. | 03/07/2018 |
TFG has entered into a binding sale agreement with Vita Group to sell the Artisan Cosmetic & Rejuvenation Clinic for a total cash consideration of $1.525m. The legal proceedings in relation to a dispute surrounding the calculation of post-completion payments due under the COZmedics business sale and purchase agreements alleged that TFG had breached the sale agreements by miscalculating post-completion payments due to the vendors on 28 August 2017. The company has now reached a settlement of $300,000 with the plaintiffs. | 02/05/2018 |
The company lodges its Quarterly Update & Appendix 4C. | 30/04/2018 |
The company lodges its Half Yearly Report and Accounts. | 28/02/2018 |
The securities of Total Face Group Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately, at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement by the Company. | 19/02/2018 |
listed entity carried for record purposes only | 14/01/2016 |
name changed to Wellness and Beauty Solutions Limited | 03/12/2018 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Total Face Group Limited will be lifted from the commencement of trading on Thursday, 11 October 2018, following the release by TFG of an announcement regarding a restructure and funding. | 10/10/2018 |
The company releases the incoming CEO's Letter to Shareholders. | 10/10/2018 |
The company lodges its Appendix 4C - Quarterly Cash Flow. | 10/10/2018 |
The company has successfully completed the acquisition of The Giving Brands Company Pty Ltd and undergone restructuring that repositions the Company to become a leading player in the Australian skincare, beauty and wellness industry. | 10/10/2018 |
The company issues a cleansing prospectus for the offer of five (5) Shares at an issue price of $0.20 to raise $1.00 (Offer). This Prospectus has been prepared primarily for the purposes of section 708A(11) of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) to remove any trading restrictions on the sale of Shares issued prior to the Closing Date. | 09/10/2018 |
The company has successfully secured a placement of 140,000,000 ordinary shares in the Company to a number of existing and new Institutional and Sophisticated Investors at a price of $0.05 per share, raising $7m. The new shares to be issued will rank equally with existing TFG fully paid ordinary shares on issue. The placement was approved by Ordinary Resolution of Shareholders at the General Meeting of Shareholders. The expected date of issue of the securities is Friday, 5 th October, 2018. | 28/09/2018 |
The company releases the results of its meeting. | 27/09/2018 |
The company releases its Chairman's Address to Shareholders. | 27/09/2018 |
The company has lodged with ASIC an offer information statement under Part 6D.2 of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth). The Offer Information Statement details an offer for a rights issue to Eligible Shareholders of one (1) New Share for every two (2) Existing Shares held on the Record Date at an issue price of $0.05 per New Share. The Offer is not underwritten. | 18/09/2018 |
The company releases its Appendix 4G Key to Corporate Governance Disclosures. | 31/08/2018 |
The company lodges its Annual Report 2018. | 31/08/2018 |
The company lodges its Appendix 4E FY18 Results Announcement. | 31/08/2018 |
The company releases the general meeting proxy form. | 27/08/2018 |
Notice is hereby given that a General Meeting of Total Face Group Limited will be held on Thursday 27th September 2018 at 9.30 am (AEST) at Oaks On Market 60 Market St, Melbourne VIC 3000. | 27/08/2018 |
Following a scheduled ASX internal system change affecting the Market Announcements Platform, it has been necessary to re-apply the "˜Suspend' session state. This announcement serves to re-confirm the securities of this entity remain suspended. | 06/08/2018 |
The company lodges its Appendix 4C - quarterly report. | 13/07/2018 |
The company's strategic review process has now been concluded and the company is pleased to announce: the further divestment of 3 clinics; the acquisition,subjectshareholder approval and the successful completion of a proposed capital raising, of The Giving Brands Company Pty Ltd (GBCo); and proposed capital raising. | 03/07/2018 |
TFG has entered into a binding sale agreement with Vita Group to sell the Artisan Cosmetic & Rejuvenation Clinic for a total cash consideration of $1.525m. The legal proceedings in relation to a dispute surrounding the calculation of post-completion payments due under the COZmedics business sale and purchase agreements alleged that TFG had breached the sale agreements by miscalculating post-completion payments due to the vendors on 28 August 2017. The company has now reached a settlement of $300,000 with the plaintiffs. | 02/05/2018 |
The company lodges its Quarterly Update & Appendix 4C. | 30/04/2018 |
The company lodges its Half Yearly Report and Accounts. | 28/02/2018 |
The securities of Total Face Group Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately, at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement by the Company. | 19/02/2018 |
listed entity carried for record purposes only | 14/01/2016 |
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20/09/2016 | Paul Fielding | 375,000 | $0.252 | $94,666 |
Ken Poutakidis | Non Exec Chairman, Independent Director | 27/08/2018 |
Christine Parkes | Managing Director, CEO | 27/09/2018 |
Naveen Somia | Independent Director | 06/10/2014 |
Justin Mouchacca | Company Secretary |
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
Paul Fielding | Director | 22/04/2014 | 27/09/2018 |
Lynda Adler | Independent Director | 03/05/2017 | 28/06/2018 |
Jo Hannah | Executive Director, CEO | 18/05/2015 | 01/05/2018 |
John Conidi | Director | 18/05/2015 | 31/12/2016 |
Vilma Di Maria | Director | 13/10/2015 | 24/11/2016 |
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
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