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ASX, Legal & CGT Status
Former (or subsequent) names
BENDIGO MINING LIMITED31/08/200406/12/2010
Shareholder links
Our website ranking of UML: rating 2
(2 out of 5)


Computershare Melbourne
Yarra Falls, 452 Johnston Street, Abbotsford VIC 3067
Tel : +61 (0)3 9415 4000 or 1300 850 505 (within Australia)
Fax : +61 3 9473 2500
RegistryWebsite RegistryEmail

Company details
Address: Level 10 350 Collins Street Melbourne Victoria 3000
Tel:  +61 (0)3 8622 2300 Fax: +61 (0)3 8622 2399

Date first listed: 19/12/1985

Sector: Materials
Industry Group: XMJ
Activities: Gold exploration and mining for gold

delisted from the close of trading on Monday 6 June 2016 pursuant to Listing rule 17.11.


we understand through a wholly-owned subsidiary, Diversified Minerals Management Pty Ltd acquired shares in Unity and shareholders received 3.3 cents per share in cash, comprising 2.3 cents by way of Scheme consideration and 1.0 cent by way of capital return


Unity Mining Limited advises that the Scheme of Arrangement between Unity and its shareholders has been implemented. Under the Scheme, Diversified Minerals Pty Ltd, through its wholly-owned subsidiary Diversified Minerals Management Pty Ltd, has acquired all of the fully paid ordinary shares in Unity other than those held on behalf of Diversified Minerals Pty Ltd. Shareholders who held shares on the Record Date for determining entitlements to receive the Scheme consideration and capital return (7pm on 31 May 2016) are in the process of being paid 3.3 cents cash for each Unity share that they own, comprising 2.3 cents by way of Scheme consideration and 1.0 cent by way of capital return. Unity confirms that the funds required to fulfil commitments under the Scheme and the capital return have been deposited in the relevant bank trust account in Australia, with payments to shareholders expected to be completed by 2 June 2016.


The securities of Unity Mining Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from quotation immediately, at the request of the Company, following lodgement with ASIC of the court orders approving the scheme of arrangement between the Company and its shareholders in connection with the acquisition of all of the Company's shares by a wholly owned subsidiary of Diversified Minerals Pty Ltd.


we understand that on or about this date the company undertook, proposed to undertake or was the subject of the following corporate action: - merger with Cortana Resources - this corporate event may appear elsewhere in this company record


name changed from Bendigo Mining Limited

View ASX Announcements (courtesy of ASX)



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thats means new company bought our shares

the cash money has been paid through in bank account

17/09/2018 11:35:20
This company has had a troubled past it is valued at less than than cash and would appear to be clearing the decks before reopening with new staff contracts and proven reserves first drills are encouraging We have to Waite for further evidence of improved reserves and should expect more cash in bank real jewel is Henry news re dragues by end of year I am ever hopeful this stock has disappointed for years buying back its own stock at 30 cents followed by raising money selling shares at 3 cents I am hopeful of good news for the rest of the year08/08/2015 18:23:12
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    Directors' on-market share transactions (last 5)

    rss feeds

    Purchases Sales

    10/09/2015Frank TerranovaOn market500,000$0.020$10,000
    26/06/2015Gary DavisonOn market310,195$0.031$9,616
    18/06/2015Andrew McIlwainOn market300,000$0.024$7,200
    17/06/2015Andrew McIlwainOn market700,000$0.025$17,300
    26/05/2015Frank TerranovaOn market417,308$0.018$7,512

    Click here for the last 20 transactions all companies

    Directors & Executives (current)
    Tony DavisCOO01/08/2013
    Kerry ParkerCFO11/05/2015
    Melanie LeydinCompany Secretary

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.

    Directors & Executives (former)
    Frank TerranovaManaging Director, Non Exec Director25/05/201501/06/2016
    Gary DavisonNon Exec Director13/09/201301/06/2016
    Clive JonesNon Exec Chairman10/01/201318/11/2015
    Ronnie BeevorNon Exec Director01/11/200218/11/2015
    Andrew McIlwainManaging Director, CEO02/12/201130/09/2015
    Ben StockdaleCFO14/10/201323/12/2014
    David RansomNon Exec Director23/11/200730/06/2014
    Bill GeierCFO09/03/201214/10/2013
    Peter Van Der BorghExecutive Director10/01/201312/04/2013
    Peter McCarthyNon Exec Chairman01/09/200410/01/2013
    Ben HillInvestor Relations01/03/201030/06/2012

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.