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Our website ranking of VPG: rating 5
(5 out of 5)


Link Market Services Limited
Level 12, 680 George Street Sydney NSW 2000
Tel : 61 1300 554 474
Fax : 02 9287 0303
RegistryWebsite RegistryEmail

Company details
Address: Level 9 , 1 Chifley Square , SYDNEY , NSW, AUSTRALIA, 2000
Tel:  612 8257 6600 Fax: 612 8257 6655

Date first listed: 13/12/2002

Sector: Real Estate
Industry Group: XFJ
Activities: Specialist property fund manager

delisted at the close of business today, 30 August 2011, at the request of the Group, following completion of the scheme of arrangement whereby all of the Group's stapled securities were acquired by two affiliates of Blackstone Real Estate Advisors L.P.


we understand the Scheme Consideration of $1.80 per stapled security was paid to Valad securityholders who were on Valad's security register as at 5 pm on Friday 19 August 2011 (the Record Date) by electronic transfer or by posting of a cheque as provided on or about 26 August 2011 - the $1.80 might seem like a lot but the company consolidated its securities one for twenty in November 2010 so most securityholders effectively ended up with 9 cents a unit for their holdings


Valad Property Group (ASX:VPG) announces that the Scheme of Arrangement in relation to the proposal by two affiliates of Blackstone Real Estate Advisors L.P. to acquire all Valad stapled securities has been implemented. Following payment of the Scheme Consideration, all Valad stapled securities have now been transferred to the Bidders. The Registrar, Link Market Services Limited, has effected the payment of the Scheme Consideration of $1.80 per stapled security to Valad securityholders who were on Valad's security register as at 5 pm on Friday 19 August 2011 (the Record Date) by electronic transfer or by posting of a cheque as provided


we understand that on or about this date the company undertook, proposed to undertake or was the subject of the following corporate action: - Blackstone Real Estate Partners VI-VD L.P proposes to acquire all the stapled securities in Valad for $1.80 - this corporate event may appear elsewhere in this company record


the securities of Valad Property Group (the "Group") will be suspended from quotation at the close of trading today, 12 August 2011, at the request of the Group, following lodgement of the court order with ASIC in relation to the scheme of arrangement whereby all of the Group's stapled securities will be acquired by two affiliates of Blackstone Real Estate Advisors L.P.


a bid consortium including Valad managing director Peter Hurley and its European chief executive, Martyn McCarthy has proposed a management buyout of the European business of Valad - transactions of this nature speak volumes about the loyalties of senior executives to their own interests and not to the wider interests of shareholders - any executive indulging themselves in shabby side deals should be summarily dismissed without termination benefits and all executive contracts should provide for that accordingly


we understand that on or about this date the company consolidated its shares 1 for 20

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"a bid consortium including Valad managing director Peter Hurley and its European chief executive, Martyn McCarthy has proposed a management buyout" - You have just got to remember the names of the people associated with failure and resolve not to go near any company they are involved in again12/04/2012 13:12:24
Dear sirs, We invested $20000.00 in Valad no. and 11 and $30000.00 into Valad No.12. We have not received any payout and in indeed a letter dated 30/09/11 suggested waiting further for an outcome. This company has used every legal string to make sure small people like us don't count. Terry and Nicky Adams in Tasmania tcadams@internode.on.et10/04/2012 18:20:51
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    Directors' on-market share transactions (last 5)

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    Purchases Sales

    13/11/2008Stephen DayOn market1,000,000$0.067$66,500
    23/10/2008Andrew MartinOn market150,000$0.085$12,750
    16/10/2008Peter HurleyOn market1,434,057$0.070$100,671
    16/10/2008Andrew MartinOn market100,000$0.080$8,000
    15/10/2008Andrew MartinOn market300,000$0.108$32,490

    Click here for the last 20 transactions all companies

    Directors & Executives (current)
    Stephen DayExecutive Chairman23/08/2002
    Trevor GerberDeputy Chairman, Independent Director29/10/2002
    Clem SalwinCEO
    Jennifer LambertCFO
    Robert SeidlerIndependent Director
    David MurrayIndependent Director
    Barry WynneNon Exec Director23/08/2002
    Andrew MartinDirector
    Chris CarrollGeneral Counsel, Company Secretary
    Rebecca ThompsonInvestor Relations
    Guy FarrandsInvestor Relations, COO

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.

    Directors & Executives (former)
    Peter HurleyManaging Director23/08/200218/04/2011

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.