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11 March 2025
Name: | VICULUS LIMITED (VCL) (This company subsequently changed its name and is now LANKA GRAPHITE LIMITED. You should refer to that name for Status.) | |||||||||
Date of Listing: | 27 October 1997 | |||||||||
Subsequent Names: |
| |||||||||
Former Names: |
Stock Exchange Status:
This company subsequently changed its name and is now LANKA GRAPHITE LIMITED. You should refer to that name for Stock Exchange Status.Legal Status:
This company subsequently changed its name and is now LANKA GRAPHITE LIMITED. You should refer to that name for Legal Status.Capital Gains Tax (CGT) Status:
This company subsequently changed its name and is now LANKA GRAPHITE LIMITED. You should refer to that name for Capital Gains Tax Status.
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Getting advice: Information provided in this section is of a general nature and applicable only to Australian tax residents who hold their investments on capital account (ie for long-term investment purposes). It has been prepared without taking into account your financial needs or tax situation. Before acting on the information, deListed suggests that you consider whether it is appropriate for your circumstances and recommends that you seek independent legal, financial, or taxation advice.
Disclaimer: The information provided above is to the best of our knowledge accurate as of today. But you should bear in mind that it is of a general nature and does not constitute financial or tax advice. Investogain Pty Limited accepts no liability for any loss arising from reliance on this information, including reliance on information that is no longer current.
Company | FROM | TO |
VICULUS LIMITED | 21/07/2003 | 23/07/2015 |
GLOBAL BUSINESS SOLUTIONS LIMITED | 02/08/1999 | 21/07/2003 |
Computershare Melbourne
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name changed to Lanka Graphite Limited | 23/07/2015 |
The company provides an update for the information of shareholders and the market. The company reiterates its compulsory acquisition of Euro Petroleum Limited; the prospectus. It states that it received subscriptions for a total of $3,848,000 under the Prospectus. The company is working with ASX on a relisting date of 29 July 2015. And since all conditions have been met, it will proceed with the acquisition and issue shares to the Euro vendors as well as to the subscribers under the Prospectus. | 22/07/2015 |
VCL has made an off-market takeover offer to acquire all of the ordinary shares in Euro Petroleum Limited (Euro) on the terms set out in its bidder statement dated 4 August 2014 and supplementary bidders' statements.As at the date of this letter, VCL has a relevant interest in approximately 96.45% of Euro, and VCL now intends to proceed with compulsory acquisition. | 18/07/2015 |
Viculus gives notice of the status of conditions. | 08/07/2015 |
Viculus Limited (ACN 074 976 828) (Viculus) has made offers under an off-market takeover bid for all securities in Euro (Offer). The company gives notice that the defeating conditions in Section 4 of the Bidder's Statement have been fulfilled. | 08/07/2015 |
The company lodges a Third Supplementary Prospectus dated 19 June 2015 which was lodged with ASIC on 19 June 2015. This Third Supplementary Prospectus must be read together with the Replacement Prospectus dated 25 February 2015, the Supplementary Prospectus dated 17 March 2015 and the Supplementary Prospectus dated 1 May 2015 | 21/06/2015 |
The company gives notice that pursuant to section 650C of the Corporations Act 2001, it varies the Offer by extending the offer period so as to change the cloase of the offer period from 5pm (AEST) on 1 June 2015 to 5pm (AEST) on 15 July 2015. | 21/06/2015 |
Viculus Limited wishes to provide the following update to shareholders and the market in respect to the takeover bid for Euro Petroleum Ltd, the status of capital raising under the Prospectus, and the ASX application for re-listing. | 19/06/2015 |
Viculus Limited (ASX: VCL) (the Company or Viculus) has lodged a second supplementary prospectus with ASIC dated 1 May 2015 (Second Supplementary Prospectus). This Supplementary Prospectus must be read together with the Replacement Prospectus dated 25 February 2015 and Supplementary Prospectus dated 17 March 2015 ( | 06/05/2015 |
Viculus Limited (the Company) is pleased to announce that the Company has received applications in excess of the minimum subscription amount of $3,500,000 under its Replacement Prospectus | 22/04/2015 |
releases Half Yearly Report and Accounts | 17/04/2015 |
extends the closing date of Viculus Limited's (Viculus) offers made under its off-market takeover bid (Offers) for all the fully paid ordinary shares in the capital of Euro, including those issued during the offer period (Euro Shares) to 5.00pm (AEST) on 14 April 2015 | 17/03/2015 |
a Full copy of the Replacement Prospectus is lodged with ASIC | 02/03/2015 |
extends offer period to 27 Feb | 15/01/2015 |
Viculus Limited (ASX: VCL) (the Company or Viculus) is pleased to announce that it has lodged a Replacement Prospectus with ASIC dated 16 December 2014, in connection with its application for re-admission to the main list of the ASX in accordance with Chapters 1 and 2 of the ASX Listing Rules, and its proposed capital raising of between $3.5 million to $5 million by the issue of 17,500,000 to 25,000,000 ordinary shares at an issue price of $0.20 per share | 17/12/2014 |
releases Annual Financial Report for the Year Ended 30 June 2014 | 04/12/2014 |
company announces that it has received acceptances in respect of 90.70% of Euro's issued shares | 19/11/2014 |
advises of Extending Offer Period and Date of Status of Conditions re Euro Petroleum | 11/11/2014 |
prospectus offer period extended to 27 October 2014 | 25/09/2014 |
BOI approval confirmed and Prospectus delayed | 15/09/2014 |
all resolutions considered at the AGM were passed by a show of hands | 29/08/2014 |
releases First Supplementary Targets Statement, First Supplementary Bidders Statement and Notice of Variation-Extension of Offer Period | 25/08/2014 |
Under listing rule 17.6, any entity (if not already suspended) that had not paid its annual listing fees by close of business on Friday 22 August 2014 is to be suspended from official quotation before the commencement of trading on Monday 25 August 2014. The company has not paid its annual listing fees in respect of the year ending 30 June 2015 but is already suspended from official quotation. In accordance with listing rule 16.5, entities that pay their annual listing fees on or after 22 August 2014 must pay by bank cheque only. Under listing rule 17.15, any entity that has not paid its annual listing fees as required by listing rule 16.5 by 5.00 pm EST on Friday 29 August 2014 will be removed from the official list with effect from the close of trading on Friday 29 August 2014. | 25/08/2014 |
dispatch of Bidder's Statement - it says take No Action | 14/08/2014 |
lodges Target's Statement and Bidder's Statement | 04/08/2014 |
the Company's 2014 Annual General Meeting will be held on Monday, 25 August 2014 at Level 18, 101 Collins Street, Melbourne at 11.00am | 21/07/2014 |
on 11 February 2014, Viculus Limited (ASX: VCL) (the Company or Viculus) announced that it has entered into a Heads of Agreement (Agreement) for the proposed acquisition of Euro Petroleum Ltd - the Company wishes to reiterate that it fully intends to proceed with the Bid, and a revised timetable for the completion of the Bid will be announced shortly | 22/04/2014 |
releases Annual Financial Report | 14/03/2014 |
Viculus Limited (ASX: VCL) (the Company or Viculus) is pleased to announce that it has entered into a Heads of Agreement (Agreement) for the implementation of the proposed acquisition of Euro Petroleum Ltd (ACN 147 870 362) (Euro). Under the terms of the Agreement, VCL will acquire all issued shares in Euro | 11/02/2014 |
The Rights Issue has now been closed having officially raised $406,305.82 equating to full subscription. The Company will continue to keep shareholders and the market appraised of further developments, in particular with regard to an acquisition that is currently under consideration | 21/11/2013 |
advise that its non-renounceable rights issue to existing Eligible Shareholders of one (1) fully paid ordinary share in the capital of the Company (Shares) for every one (1) Share held by Eligible Shareholders at an issue price of 8 cents per Share to raise up to $406,954 (Rights Issue) closed on 23 September 2013 | 30/09/2013 |
releases a replacement Prospectus for a Rights Issue | 30/08/2013 |
The company has not paid its annual fees in respect of the year ending 30 June 2014 but are already suspended from official quotation. In accordance with listing rule 16.5, entities that pay their annual listing fees on or after 23 August 2013must pay by bank cheque only. Under listing rule 17.15, any entity that has not paid its annual listing fees as required by listing rule 16.5 by 5.00 pm EST on Thursday 29 August 2013 will be removed from the official list with effect from the close of trading on Thursday 29 August 2013. | 23/08/2013 |
issues various Half Yearly Report and Accounts | 21/06/2013 |
The Company advises that it is continuing to investigate proposals for the acquisition of appropriate businesses with the intention of having its securities requoted on the ASX. All outstanding financial reports are currently with the Company's auditor and shall be announced to the market upon audit completion | 08/03/2013 |
Robert Parton bought 390,635 Viculus Ltd shares on February 24, 2012, becoming a substantial holder with 390,635 shares (7.7%) | 05/03/2012 |
Mathieson Nominees Pty Ltd sold its 3,070,985 Viculus Ltd shares (60.39%) on February 24, 2012 | 28/02/2012 |
lodges 2011 annual report - $16 million recorded as Revenue - guess what that was? turns out that it was debt forgiveness. How on earth creditors can forgive $16 million of debt and it be recorded as "Revenue" is beyond belief. If accounting standards demand that presentation or leave no other option, they are desperately in need of revision. | 22/12/2011 |
releases Preliminary Final Report and Half Yearly Report and Accounts | 24/08/2011 |
company lodges the following financial reports: Half-year report for the 6 months to 31 December 2007 & Appendix 4D; Full-year financial report 2008 & Appendix 4E; Half-year report for the 6 months to 31 December 2008 & Appendix 4D; Full-year financial report 2009 & Appendix 4E; and Half-year report for the 6 months to 31 December 2009 & Appendix 4D The following reports are currently undergoing audit by the Company's auditor and will be released shortly: Full-year financial report 2010; and Half-year report for the 6 months to 31 December 2010. | 04/08/2011 |
company advises that the ASX has granted the Company a waiver of Listing Rule 14.7 in relation to its recent general meeting held on 30 August 2010. By way of explanation, Resolutions 3 & 4 in the Notice of Meeting provided for share issues to be made to M&M Driscoll Nominees Pty Ltd and A.R. Roblex Pty Ltd in connection with effectuation of the Deed of Company Arrangement. Pursuant to ASX Listing Rule 14.7 a time limit of one month applied to the issue of the shares. The Deed of Company Arrangement subsequently effectuated on 28 September 2010, only one day prior to the one month time limit in which to issue the shares. Subject to the conditions contained in the waiver, the Company is permitted to issue 763,246 ordinary shares fully paid to each of M&M Driscoll Nominees Pty Ltd and A.R. Roblex Pty Ltd, as approved by shareholders at the general meeting held on 30 August 2010. The shares must be issued not later than 30 November 2010 | 18/11/2010 |
the Board of Directors advise that the Deed of Company Arrangement entered on 27 July 2009 was wholly effectuated on 28 September 2010. The Deed Administrator has now resigned. The Board of Directors will now oversee the updating of financial reporting for the Company and the sourcing of a new business. Shareholders will be kept informed of these developments as they occur | 04/10/2010 |
we understand that on or about this date the company consolidated its shares 1 for 10 | 01/09/2010 |
a General Meeting of Shareholders of Viculus Limited (Subject to Deed of Company Arrangement) will be held at Suite 605, 343 Little Collins St Melbourne on 30 August 2010 commencing at 10:30 a.m. (Melbourne time) | 02/08/2010 |
company appoints two new directors and says they bring "a depth of business experience that will contribute to the company's plans to turn the company around" but provide no information about their experience | 25/06/2010 |
results of a General Meeting held at 10.00 am today - members present at the meeting passed a resolution to remove Gould Ralph Assurance as Company Auditor and approved the appointment of Pitcher Partners as its new auditors | 24/12/2009 |
the company has received a Notice of Intention to call a general meeting of members by a shareholder holding greater than 5% of the issued capital of Viculus Ltd with the sole purpose of appointing Pitcher Partners (Melb) as the companies auditor replacing Gould Ralph Assurance (Sydney). Accordingly a meeting has been arranged at 10.00 am on Thursday the 24 December 2009 at Kurrajong Room, St Michaels 120 Collins Street Melbourne Victoria | 23/11/2009 |
it appears the administrator (Frank Pilato of RSM Bird Cameron Partners) is unaware that this is still a listed company with shareholders | 13/10/2009 |
a Deed of Company Arrangement notification is lodged with ASIC | 04/08/2009 |
a Voluntary Administrator has been appointed to the company - the administrator is Frank Pilato of RSM Bird Cameron Partners - any queries can be directed to RSM Bird Cameron Partners at Level1, 103-105 Northbourne Avenue, Canberra, ACT 2601 | 27/03/2009 |
Bank of Western Australian Limited appoints a Receiver and Manager to three of the Companies subsidiaries - the Receiver and Manger's were appointed pursuant to charges duly registered with the Australian Securities and Investment Commission - the appointment relates to the following subsidiaries: o Viculus Aged Care Services Pty Ltd (A.C.N. 116 425 079) o Viculus Aged Care Properties Pty Ltd (A.C.N. 116 425 042) o McKinnon Retirement Pty Ltd (A.C.N. 095 768 826) | 21/01/2009 |
company releases its Full Year Statutory Accounts June 2007 and Half Yearly Report and Accounts | 16/07/2008 |
the company has signed a Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU") to acquire the retirement living business conducted by People First Retirement Living Group ("People First"), including intellectual property, staff, management rights, development rights and leasehold interests over development properties | 16/06/2008 |
a fully owned subsidiary of the Company, Viculus Aged Care Service Pty Ltd ("VACS"), has sold the business operating the aged care facility known as Keilor House Aged Care Facility - the sale price for the business was $2,130,000 (exclusive of GST) | 22/05/2008 |
the last time any financial information about this company reached the market was in respect of the year ended 30 June 2006 (almost 2 years ago) - suffice to say there was an awful lot of red ink | 14/03/2008 |
announce that Viculus Aged Care Properties Pty Ltd, a fully owned subsidiary of the Company, has settled on the purchase of the property adjoining its existing facility, Keilor House, located in Keilor Downs Melbourne | 07/05/2007 |
company announces the sale of the Elms retirement village which has "enabled the increased focus of the Board of Directors of Viculus Limited on its aged care facility operations and acquisition program" | 24/04/2007 |
company announces that, through its subsidiaries, it has exchanged contracts for the purchase of an aged care facility currently known as Brookfield Park Nursing Home, located in Traralgon, Victoria - purchase price is $4.5m with settlement late March 2007, subject to any regulatory approvals | 13/03/2007 |
company announces that all resolutions presented to shareholders were approved at the Annual General Meeting held in Melbourne on 20 December 2006 | 22/12/2006 |
releases the Chairman's Address to the Annual General Meeting 2006 | 20/12/2006 |
company announce that the Company, through its subsidiaries have completed the purchase of Evangelia By The Sea ("Evangelia"), located in Parkdale, Melbourne - Evangelia is a 60-bed Commonwealth funded nursing home with a mix of both high care and low care | 11/12/2006 |
Lotus Capital has agreed to provide $760,000 to Viculus by 20th December 2006 in the form of a commercial loan - under the terms of the loan agreement, the loan will convert into 2,375,000 ordinary shares - the conversion is subject to all relevant shareholder and regulatory approvals, which are being sought at the upcoming AGM, scheduled for 20 December 2006 | 05/12/2006 |
company announces that a wholly owned subsidiary of Viculus Limited, Viculus Capital Limited, has completed its current capital raising and closed its prospectus offering over-subscribed | 20/11/2006 |
releases Preliminary Final Report, Full Year Accounts and a notice of the 2006 Annual General Meeting which will be held on 20 December 2006 at 10 am at The Bank Room, The Sebel Hotel, 394 Collins Street, Melbourne 3000 | 17/11/2006 |
announces the execution of a funding agreement with Victorian Regional Finance Limited - VRF will provide $3.4M in funding to Viculus Limited for the purpose of implementing the Company's business plan, acquisition program and meeting expenses associated with applying for official requotation later this calendar year - also advises that the Sovereign Viculus Aged Care Property Fund (this fund will own the aged care facilities) is now open for unit subscriptions | 06/10/2006 |
releases half yearly report | 25/09/2006 |
company announces that through its subsidiaries and in conjunction with Sovereign MF Limited, it has exchanged contracts for the purchase of an aged care facility currently known as Evangelia By The Sea ("Evangelia"), located in Parkdale, Melbourne - at a purchase price of $8.5m | 01/09/2006 |
company announces the execution of a Memorandum of Understanding and Mandate with Sovereign MF Property Fund Managers ("Sovereign MF") to establish a joint venture between Sovereign MF and Viculus Limited - Sovereign MF will be launching "The Sovereign Viculus Aged Care Fund" in the first quarter of the current financial year - the Fund which will be an open ended unlisted property trust solely dedicated to the Aged Care sector will seek to purchase up to $100M worth of quality Australian Aged Care assets over a period of time | 20/07/2006 |
the directors of Viculus Limited alert the company's shareholders to unsolicited offers that have been made by Australian Finance and Securities Group Pty Ltd to buy their shares in Viculus Limited - the company is not involved with, and does not support the offers as sent to shareholders by Australian Finance and Securities Group Pty Ltd which the directors consider to contain a number of misleading and deceptive statements | 27/06/2006 |
all resolutions considered at today's AGM were approved | 08/06/2006 |
applies for the quotation of an additional 5,735,928 ordinary shares | 08/06/2006 |
applies for the quotation of an additional 100,000 shares | 07/06/2006 |
provides notice of two General Meetings to be held on 8 June 2006 at 10 am and 10:30 am at The Sebel Hotel 394 Collins Street Melbourne Victoria 3000 - the purpose is to consider, intera alia, the financial reports for 2004 and 2005, the election of directors and the issue of Fully Paid Ordinary Shares in satisfaction of accrued interest on Convertible Notes | 04/05/2006 |
applies for the quotation of an additional 100,000 shares | 26/04/2006 |
advises of the appointment of Brenda Rossman AM as a director | 29/03/2006 |
company applies for the quotation of an additional 200,000 shares | 21/03/2006 |
company releases its Annual Financial Report for the year ended 30 June 2005 | 20/03/2006 |
advises that Brent Needham has been appointed company chairman | 16/03/2006 |
company advises of the appointment of Kennedy Needham Corporate Advisors to the company | 15/03/2006 |
the company's new address is Level 10, 416-420 Collins Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 | 15/03/2006 |
company advises that convertible noteholders have converted their debt to equity as has a major creditor - a total of $6.5m is involved | 09/01/2006 |
the company announces that a number of its fully owned subsidiaries have settled on the purchase of an aged care facility known as Keilor House in Keilor Downs, Melbourne | 09/01/2006 |
advises that the notice for application for winding up the company which was filed on 12 October 2005 by Mayfair Group Pty Limited has been resolved and the application dismissed | 05/01/2006 |
lodges half yearly report to 31 December 2004 | 15/11/2005 |
advises it has exchanged contracts for the purchase of an aged care facility (Taylor Lodge) in Melbourne for a purchase price of $5.4m - the acquisition is to be debt funded | 03/11/2005 |
company advises that an application for winding up the company has been lodged with the Federal Court by Mayfair Group Limited - this in relation to a disputed debt to Stuart Davies, a former director of the company - the company will be "vigorously defending" the matter | 18/10/2005 |
advises of the withdrawal of an application for winding up the company which was lodged with ASIC on 27 September 2005 - the matter has been resolved | 05/10/2005 |
lodges preliminary final report | 15/09/2005 |
company provides indicative timetable - it will seek re-quotation of its shares later in 2005 after various matters (including a possible capital raising) have been attended to | 12/09/2005 |
announces the purchase of the Elms Retirement Village by a wholly owned subsidiary - purchase price $8.5m, settlement 19 December 2005 | 01/09/2005 |
announces intention to purchase the Elms Retirement Village | 21/07/2005 |
company advises that the Notice of Application for wind up dated 30 June 2005 (which the company appears to have neglected to mention) has been withdrawn and that "the matter has been fully resolved" | 08/07/2005 |
company advises it has arranged an initial revolving line of credit of $6m, rising to $10m after meeting certain performance criteria | 10/05/2005 |
company advises that the Heads of Agreement between Viculus Limited and People First Retirement Living Pty Ltd, announced on 20 October 2004, has been terminated by mutual agreement between all parties | 04/04/2005 |
company advises of the appointment of Pinnacle Equities as Lead Manager and Corporate Adviser for it's "upcoming capital raising and proposed re-instatement to official quotation" | 21/03/2005 |
board announces the appointment of Messes M. Cottee and C. Colosimo as new Directors effective immediately - further the resignation of Messes B. Landeryou and B. McDonald are also advised effective immediately | 02/03/2005 |
petition by Colliers Group to wind up the company withdrawn today in the Supreme Court | 02/02/2005 |
why nothing further to its announcement of 20/10/2004 (see below)?? | 25/01/2005 |
Registered Office of the Company (VCL) has been changed from Level 25, 58 Pitt Street Sydney to Level 5, 99 William Street Melbourne Victoria 3000 | 17/11/2004 |
advises that it has signed a Heads of Agreement with People First Retirement Living Pty Ltd - under the terms of the Agreement, VCL expects to purchase retirement village properties at Beachmere, Queensland; Moe, Victoria; and Monash in the Eastern Suburbs of Melbourne | 20/10/2004 |
two directors resign within days of each other | 20/10/2004 |
calls EGM for 27 October 2004 to consider the disposal of encumbered property assets it had previously acquired and to cancel a large number of shares previously issued | 23/09/2004 |
company has agreed to sell its subsidiary Viculus Trustee Services Pty Ltd ("VTS") and the two trusts that VTS is trustee of the, Viculus Mt Gilead Unit Trust and the Viculus Heidelberg Unit Trust to Lusk Properties Pty Ltd - the transaction will reduce the Companies secured and unsecured debt by approximately $22 million - as part of the transaction, a total of 8.7 million shares issued to the former shareholders of Warratah Life Pty Ltd will be cancelled - a shareholders meeting will be called shortly to ratify this transaction | 08/09/2004 |
issues 8.25m shares and appoints two new directors | 09/08/2004 |
announcement that the company has purchased the property at Gilead as foreshadowed in the recently issued Notice of Meeting | 23/06/2004 |
advises all resolutions proposed at today's general meeting were approved by shareholders | 07/05/2004 |
calls annual general meeting for 7 May | 08/04/2004 |
signs a deed of nomination over a property in the south-west of Sydney that has development potential | 12/03/2004 |
we understand that on or about this date the company consolidated its shares 1 for 2 | 15/12/2003 |
the reorganisation of capital (which is subject to shareholder approval) is by way of consolidating every two fully paid shares into one - normal T+3 trading on ASX is scheduled to recommence on 31 December 2003 | 12/12/2003 |
calls AGM for 12 Dec 03 | 12/11/2003 |
company lodges preliminary final report and annual financial report | 07/11/2003 |
company responds to ASX questions relating to 2817 convertible notes issued with a face value of $1000 a note | 07/10/2003 |
we hear that directors will be approaching shareholders over the next few months seeking approval for a recapitalisation and with a view to relisting on ASX | 30/09/2003 |
name changed from Global Business Solutions Limited | 21/07/2003 |
see Global Business Solutions Limited for background details | 21/07/2003 |
shares suspended from quotation | 16/09/2002 |
the company failed to lodge its half yearly financial statements on time and ASIC has taken action to prevent the company from using the limited disclosure regime when raising money | 17/07/2002 |
name changed to Lanka Graphite Limited | 23/07/2015 |
The company provides an update for the information of shareholders and the market. The company reiterates its compulsory acquisition of Euro Petroleum Limited; the prospectus. It states that it received subscriptions for a total of $3,848,000 under the Prospectus. The company is working with ASX on a relisting date of 29 July 2015. And since all conditions have been met, it will proceed with the acquisition and issue shares to the Euro vendors as well as to the subscribers under the Prospectus. | 22/07/2015 |
VCL has made an off-market takeover offer to acquire all of the ordinary shares in Euro Petroleum Limited (Euro) on the terms set out in its bidder statement dated 4 August 2014 and supplementary bidders' statements.As at the date of this letter, VCL has a relevant interest in approximately 96.45% of Euro, and VCL now intends to proceed with compulsory acquisition. | 18/07/2015 |
Viculus gives notice of the status of conditions. | 08/07/2015 |
Viculus Limited (ACN 074 976 828) (Viculus) has made offers under an off-market takeover bid for all securities in Euro (Offer). The company gives notice that the defeating conditions in Section 4 of the Bidder's Statement have been fulfilled. | 08/07/2015 |
The company lodges a Third Supplementary Prospectus dated 19 June 2015 which was lodged with ASIC on 19 June 2015. This Third Supplementary Prospectus must be read together with the Replacement Prospectus dated 25 February 2015, the Supplementary Prospectus dated 17 March 2015 and the Supplementary Prospectus dated 1 May 2015 | 21/06/2015 |
The company gives notice that pursuant to section 650C of the Corporations Act 2001, it varies the Offer by extending the offer period so as to change the cloase of the offer period from 5pm (AEST) on 1 June 2015 to 5pm (AEST) on 15 July 2015. | 21/06/2015 |
Viculus Limited wishes to provide the following update to shareholders and the market in respect to the takeover bid for Euro Petroleum Ltd, the status of capital raising under the Prospectus, and the ASX application for re-listing. | 19/06/2015 |
Viculus Limited (ASX: VCL) (the Company or Viculus) has lodged a second supplementary prospectus with ASIC dated 1 May 2015 (Second Supplementary Prospectus). This Supplementary Prospectus must be read together with the Replacement Prospectus dated 25 February 2015 and Supplementary Prospectus dated 17 March 2015 ( | 06/05/2015 |
Viculus Limited (the Company) is pleased to announce that the Company has received applications in excess of the minimum subscription amount of $3,500,000 under its Replacement Prospectus | 22/04/2015 |
releases Half Yearly Report and Accounts | 17/04/2015 |
extends the closing date of Viculus Limited's (Viculus) offers made under its off-market takeover bid (Offers) for all the fully paid ordinary shares in the capital of Euro, including those issued during the offer period (Euro Shares) to 5.00pm (AEST) on 14 April 2015 | 17/03/2015 |
a Full copy of the Replacement Prospectus is lodged with ASIC | 02/03/2015 |
extends offer period to 27 Feb | 15/01/2015 |
Viculus Limited (ASX: VCL) (the Company or Viculus) is pleased to announce that it has lodged a Replacement Prospectus with ASIC dated 16 December 2014, in connection with its application for re-admission to the main list of the ASX in accordance with Chapters 1 and 2 of the ASX Listing Rules, and its proposed capital raising of between $3.5 million to $5 million by the issue of 17,500,000 to 25,000,000 ordinary shares at an issue price of $0.20 per share | 17/12/2014 |
releases Annual Financial Report for the Year Ended 30 June 2014 | 04/12/2014 |
company announces that it has received acceptances in respect of 90.70% of Euro's issued shares | 19/11/2014 |
advises of Extending Offer Period and Date of Status of Conditions re Euro Petroleum | 11/11/2014 |
prospectus offer period extended to 27 October 2014 | 25/09/2014 |
BOI approval confirmed and Prospectus delayed | 15/09/2014 |
all resolutions considered at the AGM were passed by a show of hands | 29/08/2014 |
releases First Supplementary Targets Statement, First Supplementary Bidders Statement and Notice of Variation-Extension of Offer Period | 25/08/2014 |
Under listing rule 17.6, any entity (if not already suspended) that had not paid its annual listing fees by close of business on Friday 22 August 2014 is to be suspended from official quotation before the commencement of trading on Monday 25 August 2014. The company has not paid its annual listing fees in respect of the year ending 30 June 2015 but is already suspended from official quotation. In accordance with listing rule 16.5, entities that pay their annual listing fees on or after 22 August 2014 must pay by bank cheque only. Under listing rule 17.15, any entity that has not paid its annual listing fees as required by listing rule 16.5 by 5.00 pm EST on Friday 29 August 2014 will be removed from the official list with effect from the close of trading on Friday 29 August 2014. | 25/08/2014 |
dispatch of Bidder's Statement - it says take No Action | 14/08/2014 |
lodges Target's Statement and Bidder's Statement | 04/08/2014 |
the Company's 2014 Annual General Meeting will be held on Monday, 25 August 2014 at Level 18, 101 Collins Street, Melbourne at 11.00am | 21/07/2014 |
on 11 February 2014, Viculus Limited (ASX: VCL) (the Company or Viculus) announced that it has entered into a Heads of Agreement (Agreement) for the proposed acquisition of Euro Petroleum Ltd - the Company wishes to reiterate that it fully intends to proceed with the Bid, and a revised timetable for the completion of the Bid will be announced shortly | 22/04/2014 |
releases Annual Financial Report | 14/03/2014 |
Viculus Limited (ASX: VCL) (the Company or Viculus) is pleased to announce that it has entered into a Heads of Agreement (Agreement) for the implementation of the proposed acquisition of Euro Petroleum Ltd (ACN 147 870 362) (Euro). Under the terms of the Agreement, VCL will acquire all issued shares in Euro | 11/02/2014 |
The Rights Issue has now been closed having officially raised $406,305.82 equating to full subscription. The Company will continue to keep shareholders and the market appraised of further developments, in particular with regard to an acquisition that is currently under consideration | 21/11/2013 |
advise that its non-renounceable rights issue to existing Eligible Shareholders of one (1) fully paid ordinary share in the capital of the Company (Shares) for every one (1) Share held by Eligible Shareholders at an issue price of 8 cents per Share to raise up to $406,954 (Rights Issue) closed on 23 September 2013 | 30/09/2013 |
releases a replacement Prospectus for a Rights Issue | 30/08/2013 |
The company has not paid its annual fees in respect of the year ending 30 June 2014 but are already suspended from official quotation. In accordance with listing rule 16.5, entities that pay their annual listing fees on or after 23 August 2013must pay by bank cheque only. Under listing rule 17.15, any entity that has not paid its annual listing fees as required by listing rule 16.5 by 5.00 pm EST on Thursday 29 August 2013 will be removed from the official list with effect from the close of trading on Thursday 29 August 2013. | 23/08/2013 |
issues various Half Yearly Report and Accounts | 21/06/2013 |
The Company advises that it is continuing to investigate proposals for the acquisition of appropriate businesses with the intention of having its securities requoted on the ASX. All outstanding financial reports are currently with the Company's auditor and shall be announced to the market upon audit completion | 08/03/2013 |
Robert Parton bought 390,635 Viculus Ltd shares on February 24, 2012, becoming a substantial holder with 390,635 shares (7.7%) | 05/03/2012 |
Mathieson Nominees Pty Ltd sold its 3,070,985 Viculus Ltd shares (60.39%) on February 24, 2012 | 28/02/2012 |
lodges 2011 annual report - $16 million recorded as Revenue - guess what that was? turns out that it was debt forgiveness. How on earth creditors can forgive $16 million of debt and it be recorded as "Revenue" is beyond belief. If accounting standards demand that presentation or leave no other option, they are desperately in need of revision. | 22/12/2011 |
releases Preliminary Final Report and Half Yearly Report and Accounts | 24/08/2011 |
company lodges the following financial reports: Half-year report for the 6 months to 31 December 2007 & Appendix 4D; Full-year financial report 2008 & Appendix 4E; Half-year report for the 6 months to 31 December 2008 & Appendix 4D; Full-year financial report 2009 & Appendix 4E; and Half-year report for the 6 months to 31 December 2009 & Appendix 4D The following reports are currently undergoing audit by the Company's auditor and will be released shortly: Full-year financial report 2010; and Half-year report for the 6 months to 31 December 2010. | 04/08/2011 |
company advises that the ASX has granted the Company a waiver of Listing Rule 14.7 in relation to its recent general meeting held on 30 August 2010. By way of explanation, Resolutions 3 & 4 in the Notice of Meeting provided for share issues to be made to M&M Driscoll Nominees Pty Ltd and A.R. Roblex Pty Ltd in connection with effectuation of the Deed of Company Arrangement. Pursuant to ASX Listing Rule 14.7 a time limit of one month applied to the issue of the shares. The Deed of Company Arrangement subsequently effectuated on 28 September 2010, only one day prior to the one month time limit in which to issue the shares. Subject to the conditions contained in the waiver, the Company is permitted to issue 763,246 ordinary shares fully paid to each of M&M Driscoll Nominees Pty Ltd and A.R. Roblex Pty Ltd, as approved by shareholders at the general meeting held on 30 August 2010. The shares must be issued not later than 30 November 2010 | 18/11/2010 |
the Board of Directors advise that the Deed of Company Arrangement entered on 27 July 2009 was wholly effectuated on 28 September 2010. The Deed Administrator has now resigned. The Board of Directors will now oversee the updating of financial reporting for the Company and the sourcing of a new business. Shareholders will be kept informed of these developments as they occur | 04/10/2010 |
we understand that on or about this date the company consolidated its shares 1 for 10 | 01/09/2010 |
a General Meeting of Shareholders of Viculus Limited (Subject to Deed of Company Arrangement) will be held at Suite 605, 343 Little Collins St Melbourne on 30 August 2010 commencing at 10:30 a.m. (Melbourne time) | 02/08/2010 |
company appoints two new directors and says they bring "a depth of business experience that will contribute to the company's plans to turn the company around" but provide no information about their experience | 25/06/2010 |
results of a General Meeting held at 10.00 am today - members present at the meeting passed a resolution to remove Gould Ralph Assurance as Company Auditor and approved the appointment of Pitcher Partners as its new auditors | 24/12/2009 |
the company has received a Notice of Intention to call a general meeting of members by a shareholder holding greater than 5% of the issued capital of Viculus Ltd with the sole purpose of appointing Pitcher Partners (Melb) as the companies auditor replacing Gould Ralph Assurance (Sydney). Accordingly a meeting has been arranged at 10.00 am on Thursday the 24 December 2009 at Kurrajong Room, St Michaels 120 Collins Street Melbourne Victoria | 23/11/2009 |
it appears the administrator (Frank Pilato of RSM Bird Cameron Partners) is unaware that this is still a listed company with shareholders | 13/10/2009 |
a Deed of Company Arrangement notification is lodged with ASIC | 04/08/2009 |
a Voluntary Administrator has been appointed to the company - the administrator is Frank Pilato of RSM Bird Cameron Partners - any queries can be directed to RSM Bird Cameron Partners at Level1, 103-105 Northbourne Avenue, Canberra, ACT 2601 | 27/03/2009 |
Bank of Western Australian Limited appoints a Receiver and Manager to three of the Companies subsidiaries - the Receiver and Manger's were appointed pursuant to charges duly registered with the Australian Securities and Investment Commission - the appointment relates to the following subsidiaries: o Viculus Aged Care Services Pty Ltd (A.C.N. 116 425 079) o Viculus Aged Care Properties Pty Ltd (A.C.N. 116 425 042) o McKinnon Retirement Pty Ltd (A.C.N. 095 768 826) | 21/01/2009 |
company releases its Full Year Statutory Accounts June 2007 and Half Yearly Report and Accounts | 16/07/2008 |
the company has signed a Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU") to acquire the retirement living business conducted by People First Retirement Living Group ("People First"), including intellectual property, staff, management rights, development rights and leasehold interests over development properties | 16/06/2008 |
a fully owned subsidiary of the Company, Viculus Aged Care Service Pty Ltd ("VACS"), has sold the business operating the aged care facility known as Keilor House Aged Care Facility - the sale price for the business was $2,130,000 (exclusive of GST) | 22/05/2008 |
the last time any financial information about this company reached the market was in respect of the year ended 30 June 2006 (almost 2 years ago) - suffice to say there was an awful lot of red ink | 14/03/2008 |
announce that Viculus Aged Care Properties Pty Ltd, a fully owned subsidiary of the Company, has settled on the purchase of the property adjoining its existing facility, Keilor House, located in Keilor Downs Melbourne | 07/05/2007 |
company announces the sale of the Elms retirement village which has "enabled the increased focus of the Board of Directors of Viculus Limited on its aged care facility operations and acquisition program" | 24/04/2007 |
company announces that, through its subsidiaries, it has exchanged contracts for the purchase of an aged care facility currently known as Brookfield Park Nursing Home, located in Traralgon, Victoria - purchase price is $4.5m with settlement late March 2007, subject to any regulatory approvals | 13/03/2007 |
company announces that all resolutions presented to shareholders were approved at the Annual General Meeting held in Melbourne on 20 December 2006 | 22/12/2006 |
releases the Chairman's Address to the Annual General Meeting 2006 | 20/12/2006 |
company announce that the Company, through its subsidiaries have completed the purchase of Evangelia By The Sea ("Evangelia"), located in Parkdale, Melbourne - Evangelia is a 60-bed Commonwealth funded nursing home with a mix of both high care and low care | 11/12/2006 |
Lotus Capital has agreed to provide $760,000 to Viculus by 20th December 2006 in the form of a commercial loan - under the terms of the loan agreement, the loan will convert into 2,375,000 ordinary shares - the conversion is subject to all relevant shareholder and regulatory approvals, which are being sought at the upcoming AGM, scheduled for 20 December 2006 | 05/12/2006 |
company announces that a wholly owned subsidiary of Viculus Limited, Viculus Capital Limited, has completed its current capital raising and closed its prospectus offering over-subscribed | 20/11/2006 |
releases Preliminary Final Report, Full Year Accounts and a notice of the 2006 Annual General Meeting which will be held on 20 December 2006 at 10 am at The Bank Room, The Sebel Hotel, 394 Collins Street, Melbourne 3000 | 17/11/2006 |
announces the execution of a funding agreement with Victorian Regional Finance Limited - VRF will provide $3.4M in funding to Viculus Limited for the purpose of implementing the Company's business plan, acquisition program and meeting expenses associated with applying for official requotation later this calendar year - also advises that the Sovereign Viculus Aged Care Property Fund (this fund will own the aged care facilities) is now open for unit subscriptions | 06/10/2006 |
releases half yearly report | 25/09/2006 |
company announces that through its subsidiaries and in conjunction with Sovereign MF Limited, it has exchanged contracts for the purchase of an aged care facility currently known as Evangelia By The Sea ("Evangelia"), located in Parkdale, Melbourne - at a purchase price of $8.5m | 01/09/2006 |
company announces the execution of a Memorandum of Understanding and Mandate with Sovereign MF Property Fund Managers ("Sovereign MF") to establish a joint venture between Sovereign MF and Viculus Limited - Sovereign MF will be launching "The Sovereign Viculus Aged Care Fund" in the first quarter of the current financial year - the Fund which will be an open ended unlisted property trust solely dedicated to the Aged Care sector will seek to purchase up to $100M worth of quality Australian Aged Care assets over a period of time | 20/07/2006 |
the directors of Viculus Limited alert the company's shareholders to unsolicited offers that have been made by Australian Finance and Securities Group Pty Ltd to buy their shares in Viculus Limited - the company is not involved with, and does not support the offers as sent to shareholders by Australian Finance and Securities Group Pty Ltd which the directors consider to contain a number of misleading and deceptive statements | 27/06/2006 |
all resolutions considered at today's AGM were approved | 08/06/2006 |
applies for the quotation of an additional 5,735,928 ordinary shares | 08/06/2006 |
applies for the quotation of an additional 100,000 shares | 07/06/2006 |
provides notice of two General Meetings to be held on 8 June 2006 at 10 am and 10:30 am at The Sebel Hotel 394 Collins Street Melbourne Victoria 3000 - the purpose is to consider, intera alia, the financial reports for 2004 and 2005, the election of directors and the issue of Fully Paid Ordinary Shares in satisfaction of accrued interest on Convertible Notes | 04/05/2006 |
applies for the quotation of an additional 100,000 shares | 26/04/2006 |
advises of the appointment of Brenda Rossman AM as a director | 29/03/2006 |
company applies for the quotation of an additional 200,000 shares | 21/03/2006 |
company releases its Annual Financial Report for the year ended 30 June 2005 | 20/03/2006 |
advises that Brent Needham has been appointed company chairman | 16/03/2006 |
company advises of the appointment of Kennedy Needham Corporate Advisors to the company | 15/03/2006 |
the company's new address is Level 10, 416-420 Collins Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 | 15/03/2006 |
company advises that convertible noteholders have converted their debt to equity as has a major creditor - a total of $6.5m is involved | 09/01/2006 |
the company announces that a number of its fully owned subsidiaries have settled on the purchase of an aged care facility known as Keilor House in Keilor Downs, Melbourne | 09/01/2006 |
advises that the notice for application for winding up the company which was filed on 12 October 2005 by Mayfair Group Pty Limited has been resolved and the application dismissed | 05/01/2006 |
lodges half yearly report to 31 December 2004 | 15/11/2005 |
advises it has exchanged contracts for the purchase of an aged care facility (Taylor Lodge) in Melbourne for a purchase price of $5.4m - the acquisition is to be debt funded | 03/11/2005 |
company advises that an application for winding up the company has been lodged with the Federal Court by Mayfair Group Limited - this in relation to a disputed debt to Stuart Davies, a former director of the company - the company will be "vigorously defending" the matter | 18/10/2005 |
advises of the withdrawal of an application for winding up the company which was lodged with ASIC on 27 September 2005 - the matter has been resolved | 05/10/2005 |
lodges preliminary final report | 15/09/2005 |
company provides indicative timetable - it will seek re-quotation of its shares later in 2005 after various matters (including a possible capital raising) have been attended to | 12/09/2005 |
announces the purchase of the Elms Retirement Village by a wholly owned subsidiary - purchase price $8.5m, settlement 19 December 2005 | 01/09/2005 |
announces intention to purchase the Elms Retirement Village | 21/07/2005 |
company advises that the Notice of Application for wind up dated 30 June 2005 (which the company appears to have neglected to mention) has been withdrawn and that "the matter has been fully resolved" | 08/07/2005 |
company advises it has arranged an initial revolving line of credit of $6m, rising to $10m after meeting certain performance criteria | 10/05/2005 |
company advises that the Heads of Agreement between Viculus Limited and People First Retirement Living Pty Ltd, announced on 20 October 2004, has been terminated by mutual agreement between all parties | 04/04/2005 |
company advises of the appointment of Pinnacle Equities as Lead Manager and Corporate Adviser for it's "upcoming capital raising and proposed re-instatement to official quotation" | 21/03/2005 |
board announces the appointment of Messes M. Cottee and C. Colosimo as new Directors effective immediately - further the resignation of Messes B. Landeryou and B. McDonald are also advised effective immediately | 02/03/2005 |
petition by Colliers Group to wind up the company withdrawn today in the Supreme Court | 02/02/2005 |
why nothing further to its announcement of 20/10/2004 (see below)?? | 25/01/2005 |
Registered Office of the Company (VCL) has been changed from Level 25, 58 Pitt Street Sydney to Level 5, 99 William Street Melbourne Victoria 3000 | 17/11/2004 |
advises that it has signed a Heads of Agreement with People First Retirement Living Pty Ltd - under the terms of the Agreement, VCL expects to purchase retirement village properties at Beachmere, Queensland; Moe, Victoria; and Monash in the Eastern Suburbs of Melbourne | 20/10/2004 |
two directors resign within days of each other | 20/10/2004 |
calls EGM for 27 October 2004 to consider the disposal of encumbered property assets it had previously acquired and to cancel a large number of shares previously issued | 23/09/2004 |
company has agreed to sell its subsidiary Viculus Trustee Services Pty Ltd ("VTS") and the two trusts that VTS is trustee of the, Viculus Mt Gilead Unit Trust and the Viculus Heidelberg Unit Trust to Lusk Properties Pty Ltd - the transaction will reduce the Companies secured and unsecured debt by approximately $22 million - as part of the transaction, a total of 8.7 million shares issued to the former shareholders of Warratah Life Pty Ltd will be cancelled - a shareholders meeting will be called shortly to ratify this transaction | 08/09/2004 |
issues 8.25m shares and appoints two new directors | 09/08/2004 |
announcement that the company has purchased the property at Gilead as foreshadowed in the recently issued Notice of Meeting | 23/06/2004 |
advises all resolutions proposed at today's general meeting were approved by shareholders | 07/05/2004 |
calls annual general meeting for 7 May | 08/04/2004 |
signs a deed of nomination over a property in the south-west of Sydney that has development potential | 12/03/2004 |
we understand that on or about this date the company consolidated its shares 1 for 2 | 15/12/2003 |
the reorganisation of capital (which is subject to shareholder approval) is by way of consolidating every two fully paid shares into one - normal T+3 trading on ASX is scheduled to recommence on 31 December 2003 | 12/12/2003 |
calls AGM for 12 Dec 03 | 12/11/2003 |
company lodges preliminary final report and annual financial report | 07/11/2003 |
company responds to ASX questions relating to 2817 convertible notes issued with a face value of $1000 a note | 07/10/2003 |
we hear that directors will be approaching shareholders over the next few months seeking approval for a recapitalisation and with a view to relisting on ASX | 30/09/2003 |
name changed from Global Business Solutions Limited | 21/07/2003 |
see Global Business Solutions Limited for background details | 21/07/2003 |
shares suspended from quotation | 16/09/2002 |
the company failed to lodge its half yearly financial statements on time and ASIC has taken action to prevent the company from using the limited disclosure regime when raising money | 17/07/2002 |
Your browser may reflect a date of printing in American format.
I hold shares in this company and yet have received NO information/statements for years (since 2003). | 07/03/2015 17:25:38 |
upon48 | 01/09/2014 11:53:58 |
Emily D'Cruz | Managing Director | 11/06/2013 |
Alex Cowie | Non Exec Director | 23/05/2014 |
Alison Coutts | Non Exec Director | 23/05/2014 |
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
Derek Lo | Non Exec Director, Company Secretary | 04/03/2014 | 25/08/2014 |
T.S. de Silva | Executive Director | 10/01/2014 | 23/05/2014 |
John Darling | Director | 11/05/2011 | 19/02/2014 |
Robert Parton | Director | 24/02/2012 | 10/01/2014 |
Sam Armytage | Director | 24/02/2012 | 10/01/2014 |
Alan Mathieson | Director | 25/06/2010 | 24/02/2012 |
Ian Mathieson | Director | 25/06/2010 | 24/02/2012 |
Shane Douglas | Director | 02/08/2010 | 18/07/2011 |
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
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