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28 March 2025
Date of Delisting: | 30 June 2003 | ||||||
Former Names: |
Stock Exchange Status:
This entity was delisted from the Australian Securities Exchange on 30 June 2003.Legal Status:
ACN: 003 190 421ABN: 35 003 190 421
Registration Date: 05 November 1986
Capital Gains Tax (CGT) Status:
To our knowledge this entity was delisted for reasons unrelated to either the takeover of its shares or the redemption of its securities. If you are seeking to crystallise a capital loss for tax purposes that process can be easily and quickly initiated at our online Worthless Shares facility here: Any other enquiries relating to your securities should be followed up via our online form here:
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Getting advice: Information provided in this section is of a general nature and applicable only to Australian tax residents who hold their investments on capital account (ie for long-term investment purposes). It has been prepared without taking into account your financial needs or tax situation. Before acting on the information, deListed suggests that you consider whether it is appropriate for your circumstances and recommends that you seek independent legal, financial, or taxation advice.
Disclaimer: The information provided above is to the best of our knowledge accurate as of today. But you should bear in mind that it is of a general nature and does not constitute financial or tax advice. Investogain Pty Limited accepts no liability for any loss arising from reliance on this information, including reliance on information that is no longer current.
Company | FROM | TO |
VITA LIFE SCIENCES LIMITED (2) | 11/02/2000 | |
company's shares are re-quoted today on ASX under Code VSC - see separate record under that Code | 23/08/2007 |
the company has issued a prospectus offering 34m shares at 20 cents a share to raise $6.8m - if successful this will facilitate the re-quotation of the company's shares | 26/07/2007 |
all 8 resolutions considered at the company's AGM today were approved - one of the resolutions dealt with the consolidation of shares on a one for four basis | 31/05/2007 |
an AGM is to be held at Level 1, St Kilda Road Towers, 1 Queens Road, Melbourne Victoria, 3004, Australia at 11.00am Melbourne time on Thursday, 31 May 2007 - among other resolutions to be considered is a proposal for the consolidation of capital on a one for four basis and a proposal to issue 34,000,000 fully paid ordinary shares in the capital of the Company at an issue price of not less than $0.20 per share, including up to 6,000,000 rights to those shares to existing option holders at the Record Date, and otherwise on the terms set out in the prospectus to be issued by the Company | 22/05/2007 |
company provides notice of a general meeting to be held at Boardroom 1, Level 1, St Kilda Road Towers, 1 Queens Road, Melbourne on 12 April 2006 at 11:30am - the main purpose of the meeting is to consider proposals to discharge the company's obligations to noteholders which amounts to $19.2m - the notes are due for repayment on 14 April 2006 | 16/03/2006 |
the annual accounts to Dec 04 will reveal a loss of $2m and results should be available by mid April with an AGM to be held mid May - management still believe the company will survive - if all goes according to plan the company intends to begin the process of seeking a relisting at some time over the next 12 months | 11/03/2005 |
ASIC refuses to get involved in facilitating remedies against Seng Meng Pang | 03/11/2004 |
company advises that the High Court of Singapore has found in its favour over the action against former MD Mr Seng Meng Pang - it has called on ASIC to prosecute and ASX to fast-track its relisting | 06/08/2004 |
litigation is underway in Singapore - this is likely to be a drawn out process | 30/03/2004 |
seeking update since 10 mar 04 | 26/03/2004 |
company advises that the recall of Pan-manufactured products has cost shareholders in excess of $10 million - the future of VLS remains troubled and challenging | 16/02/2004 |
advises that the company's case against former MD Pang Seng Meng is set down to commence on 1 March 2004 | 11/11/2003 |
directors and management advise that a total of $12.86 million of notes were issued - of this amount $6.65 million represented conversions of existing shareholder and third party loans - a further $2.64 million was used to retire existing shareholder and third party debt with a net amount of $3.57 million available for the company's use | 22/08/2003 |
company advises it is important the holding locks remain on Mr Pang's shares and that while it will seek a relisting on ASX it may be a year or so before that can be achieved | 28/07/2003 |
the company failed to lodge its half yearly financial statements on time and ASIC has taken action to prevent the company from using the limited disclosure regime when raising money | 17/07/2003 |
delisted following failure by the company to rectify a breach of Listing Rule 8.10 | 30/06/2003 |
the company says that to comply with Listing Rule 8.10, it would need to "obtain a court order which provides legal justification for retaining the holding locks on the shares of the former managing director of Vita Life" - on 14 May 2003 it said it was considering the options, seeking further legal advice and would announce its future course of action with regards to this matter in due course | 30/06/2003 |
name changed from Macarthur National Limited | 11/02/2000 |
company's shares are re-quoted today on ASX under Code VSC - see separate record under that Code | 23/08/2007 |
the company has issued a prospectus offering 34m shares at 20 cents a share to raise $6.8m - if successful this will facilitate the re-quotation of the company's shares | 26/07/2007 |
all 8 resolutions considered at the company's AGM today were approved - one of the resolutions dealt with the consolidation of shares on a one for four basis | 31/05/2007 |
an AGM is to be held at Level 1, St Kilda Road Towers, 1 Queens Road, Melbourne Victoria, 3004, Australia at 11.00am Melbourne time on Thursday, 31 May 2007 - among other resolutions to be considered is a proposal for the consolidation of capital on a one for four basis and a proposal to issue 34,000,000 fully paid ordinary shares in the capital of the Company at an issue price of not less than $0.20 per share, including up to 6,000,000 rights to those shares to existing option holders at the Record Date, and otherwise on the terms set out in the prospectus to be issued by the Company | 22/05/2007 |
company provides notice of a general meeting to be held at Boardroom 1, Level 1, St Kilda Road Towers, 1 Queens Road, Melbourne on 12 April 2006 at 11:30am - the main purpose of the meeting is to consider proposals to discharge the company's obligations to noteholders which amounts to $19.2m - the notes are due for repayment on 14 April 2006 | 16/03/2006 |
the annual accounts to Dec 04 will reveal a loss of $2m and results should be available by mid April with an AGM to be held mid May - management still believe the company will survive - if all goes according to plan the company intends to begin the process of seeking a relisting at some time over the next 12 months | 11/03/2005 |
ASIC refuses to get involved in facilitating remedies against Seng Meng Pang | 03/11/2004 |
company advises that the High Court of Singapore has found in its favour over the action against former MD Mr Seng Meng Pang - it has called on ASIC to prosecute and ASX to fast-track its relisting | 06/08/2004 |
litigation is underway in Singapore - this is likely to be a drawn out process | 30/03/2004 |
seeking update since 10 mar 04 | 26/03/2004 |
company advises that the recall of Pan-manufactured products has cost shareholders in excess of $10 million - the future of VLS remains troubled and challenging | 16/02/2004 |
advises that the company's case against former MD Pang Seng Meng is set down to commence on 1 March 2004 | 11/11/2003 |
directors and management advise that a total of $12.86 million of notes were issued - of this amount $6.65 million represented conversions of existing shareholder and third party loans - a further $2.64 million was used to retire existing shareholder and third party debt with a net amount of $3.57 million available for the company's use | 22/08/2003 |
company advises it is important the holding locks remain on Mr Pang's shares and that while it will seek a relisting on ASX it may be a year or so before that can be achieved | 28/07/2003 |
the company failed to lodge its half yearly financial statements on time and ASIC has taken action to prevent the company from using the limited disclosure regime when raising money | 17/07/2003 |
delisted following failure by the company to rectify a breach of Listing Rule 8.10 | 30/06/2003 |
the company says that to comply with Listing Rule 8.10, it would need to "obtain a court order which provides legal justification for retaining the holding locks on the shares of the former managing director of Vita Life" - on 14 May 2003 it said it was considering the options, seeking further legal advice and would announce its future course of action with regards to this matter in due course | 30/06/2003 |
name changed from Macarthur National Limited | 11/02/2000 |
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Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
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