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(2 out of 5)


Computershare Melbourne
Yarra Falls, 452 Johnston Street, Abbotsford VIC 3067
Tel : +61 (0)3 9415 4000 or 1300 850 505 (within Australia)
Fax : +61 3 9473 2500
RegistryWebsite RegistryEmail

Company details
Address: 2/1-7 Amsterdam Street, Richmond, VIC
Tel:  +61 3 9415 4055

Date first listed: 01/08/2018

Sector: Real Estate
Activities: Listed Investment Trust, investment in real estate

Delisted at entity's request per Listing Rule 17.11


we understand Macquarie Agricultural Funds Management No. 2 Pty Limited as trustee of M2 Acquisition Trust acquired all of the fully paid units in VTH by way of a trust scheme for the consideration of $1.305 per unit (being $1.33 per unit less the full year distribution of 2.5 cents per unit) less any applicable withholding


VTH RE is pleased to announce that the acquisition by Macquarie Agricultural Funds Management No. 2 Pty Limited as trustee of M2 Acquisition Trust of all of the fully paid units in VTH by way of trust scheme has been implemented today. Unitholders on the register at the Scheme Record Date of 5 July 2021 have today been paid the scheme consideration of $1.305 per unit (being $1.33 per unit less the full year distribution of 2.5 cents per unit) less any applicable withholding. Unitholders on the register at the distribution record date of 1 July 2021 have been paid the 2.5 cents per unit full year distribution. VTH RE intends to apply shortly for removal of VTH from the official list of the ASX.


The company releases a notice to set out the relevant fund payment components of the 2.5 cents per unit to be paid by Vitalharvest Freehold Trust on 12 July 2021 for the period to 30 June 2021.


The securities of Vitalharvest Freehold Trust will be suspended from quotation at the close of trading today, Thursday, 1 July 2021, in accordance with Listing Rule 17.2, following lodgement of the Supreme Court of NSW orders with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission approving the scheme of arrangement by which Macquarie Agricultural Funds Management No. 2 Pty Limited as trustee for the M2 Acquisition Trust will acquire all of the issued units in VTH.


listed entity carried for record purposes only

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    Directors' on-market share transactions (last 5)


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    Directors & Executives (current)
    Johanna TurnerChairman11/11/2019
    Liza WhitmoreExecutive Chairman01/08/2018
    Liam LenaghanManaging Director01/08/2018
    Ken GillespieIndependent Director01/08/2018
    Glenn FosterNon Exec Director01/02/2021
    Richard McCarthyDirector18/10/2018
    Simone MosseDirector27/09/2019
    Sylvie Majella DimarcoCompany Secretary
    Gananatha MinithantriCompany Secretary

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.

    Directors & Executives (former)
    Michelene CollopyChairman11/11/2019
    Michael VainauskasDirector27/09/201927/09/2019
    Andrew McIverAlternate Director02/09/201927/09/2019
    Christopher GreenDirector18/10/2018
    Gillian LarkinsAlternate Director18/10/2018

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.