Find any Australian or New Zealand company or fund (dead or alive) by using SEARCH above or go directly to the site:
Australian companies that are in administration feature in the lists below. See also below for an explanation of administration and how to determine if your company is in administration.
COMPANY (a small selection) |
BLUECHIIP LIMITED | BCT | 17 Mar 25 | The company's securities were suspended from quotation due to breach of Listing Rule 12.2, and will remain suspended until ASX determines compliance and reinstates them to quotation. |
BLUECHIIP LIMITED | BCT | 17 Mar 25 | Manuel Hanna of Romanis Cant is appointed Administrator |
JERVOIS GLOBAL LIMITED | JRV | 12 Mar 25 | The company has appointed David Hardy and Gayle Dickerson of KPMG as joint and several voluntary administrators. |
SITE GROUP INTERNATIONAL LIMITED | SIT | 05 Mar 25 | Adam Peter Kersey and David Michael Stimpson of SV Partners are appointed as Joint and Several Administrators. |
CENTREX LIMITED | CXM | 03 Mar 25 | John Park and Joanne Dunn of FTI Consulting are appointed as joint and several voluntary administrators. |
STRANDLINE RESOURCES LIMITED | STA | 21 Feb 25 | Rob Brauer, Linda Smith and Jason Preston were appointed Receivers and Managers of Strandline on 21 February 2025 while Thomas Birch and Jeremy Nipps from Cor Cordis were appointed as voluntary administrators to Strandline on 21 February 2025. |
FIELD SOLUTIONS HOLDINGS LIMITED | FSG | 19 Feb 25 | Rob Smith and Matthew Hutton have been appointed as Receivers and Managers. This appointment coincides with FSG's Board appointing Barry Wight and Daniel Juratowitch as Voluntary Administrators. |
KEYBRIDGE CAPITAL LIMITED | KBC | 10 Feb 25 | Gideon Rathner from Lowe Lippmann Chartered Accountants has been appointed as Voluntary Administrator. |
CHEMX MATERIALS LIMITED | CMX | 02 Jan 25 | Mr Clifford Rocke and Mr Jimmy Trpcevski from WA Insolvency Solutions has been appointed as Joint and Several Voluntary Administrators of the Company and subsidiary HiPurA Pty Ltd on 2 January 2025. |
FREEDOM CARE GROUP HOLDINGS LIMITED | FCG | 05 Dec 24 | Ozem Kassem and Ian Niccol of KPT Restructuring have been appointed as Administrators of the company's 100% owned subsidiary Freedom Care Group Pty Ltd, effective 5 December 2024. |
What can an administrator do?
The administrator is empowered to do anything that the company or any of its officers could do previously. He can carry on the business of the company as well as terminate it, or any part of it. His job is to investigate the company’s activities and report to creditors at meetings. The first has to be held within eight business days of being appointed and the second within five to six weeks of being appointed.
The administrator is supposed to oversee a corporate rescue mechanism that gives the company a better chance of surviving or that results in a better return to creditors. That's the theory. In practice, while the entity and even the business may survive, the shareholders have almost invariably lost their investment.
A voluntary administrator is not required to report to shareholders on the voluntary administration, but a few of the more enlightened administrators do brief shareholders of listed companies via the ASX Announcements platform.
Creditors make the decisions
The second meeting of creditors is the important meeting. Shareholders do not get to vote. But the creditors then vote to either return control to directors, or place the company in liquidation, or execute a Deed of Company Arrangement, commonly called a DOCA. The DOCA may enable the company to continue trading and offers the prospect of a better return to creditors than liquidation. When the terms of the DOCA are effectuated, the company reverts to the control of its existing directors or new directors. Depending on the outcomes, it may also go straight into liquidation.
Administration never augurs well
In Australia, voluntary administration has never augured well for shareholders; they usually lose all or most of their investment. Creditors via an Administrator (rather than large shareholders via the board) control the company.
Sometimes administrators hold out the prospect of value for shareholders in the corporate shell. But usually this involves only small entities (resuscitated by backing into the corporate shell a new business or another business and raising new capital), and existing shareholdings are savagely diluted, such that an average shareholding is of nominal value only.
Voluntary Administration -
what does it mean to you as a shareholder?
Administration is the beginning of the end for shareholders. If your company has been placed in administration, its business has almost certainly failed and your shares are of little, if any, value. The chances of any significant recovery, even if the entity is re-structured and recapitalised, are remote.
Remember who your directors and executives were and resolve to avoid in future any companies they may be involved in.
Finding your company
If your company has been delisted or is suspended from quotation it may well be in administration. You can click on the link above to see a list of all companies in administration or find a specific company that is in administration by:
If you are unable to find your company or the information is incomplete or incomprehensible we recommend you send us a message and we will try to assist.
Insolvency: a guide for shareholders
deListed and InvestoGain are largely the result of voluntary effort. We welcome input and updates from investors, company officers, insolvency practitioners, regulatory bodies, registries and others to
Investigate before you invest again to InvestoGain