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ACN 601 581 551 PTY LTD

Australian proprietary company limited by shares

Company details
Name: ACN 601 581 551 PTY LTD
ACN: 601581551ABN: 16601581551
Status: External Administration

Date of First Registration: 02/09/2014

State: Victoria
Post code: 3000

Former names:

Documents lodged with ASIC
Lodges report as to affairs27/10/2017
Lodges a copy of a declaration of relevant relationships and/or declaration of indemnities25/10/2017
Lodges a copy of minutes of a meeting of members, creditors, contributories, committee of inspection25/10/2017
Lodges notification of a change to company details25/10/2017
Lodges notification of the appointment or cessation of an external administrator11/10/2017
Notifies ASIC that a resolution has been passed or agreed to09/10/2017
Lodges notification of a change to company details23/12/2015
Lodges notification of a change to company details28/05/2015
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    Insolvency Appointments and Other Events
    ASIC is notified of the passing of a special resolution to wind up the company where it was resolved to terminate the deed of arrangement13/05/2020Malcolm Howell
    ASIC is notified of the appointment or cessation of a deed administrator07/12/2017Malcolm Howell
    ASIC is notified of the appointment or cessation of an administrator to the company09/10/2017Malcolm Howell
    Capital Gains Tax Status
    If you are a shareholder in this company, it is possible you may be able to realise a capital loss on your shareholding for Capital Gains Tax purposes. That would depend on the form of external administration, when you acquired the shares and how they were held, and the nature and amount of any distributions. While crystallising a loss often makes good economic sense, we recommend you seek professional advice before buying or selling securities. See here for further details or enquire to with the name of the company you hold the shares in.21/08/2021