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Australian proprietary company limited by shares

Company details
ACN: 120627385ABN: 88120627385
Status: Deregistered
Date of Deregistration: 11/12/2022

Date of First Registration: 10/07/2006

Suburb: SYDNEY
State: New South Wales
Post code: 2000

Former names:

Documents lodged with ASIC
ASIC advises of an intention to deregister this company in two months from today's date.11/10/2022
Lodges notification of a change to company details13/10/2017
Notifies of a correction to a previously lodged document that has been fully processed by ASIC11/07/2017
Lodges notification of a change to company details14/12/2016
Lodges notification of a change to company details21/11/2016
Lodges notification of a change to company details20/08/2015
Lodges notification of a change to company details01/06/2015
Lodges notification of a change to company details07/04/2015
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    Insolvency Appointments and Other Events
    ASIC is notified of the appointment or cessation of a deed administrator04/05/2020Anthony Cant
    ASIC is notified of the appointment or cessation of an administrator to the company23/12/2019Renee Di Carlo
    Capital Gains Tax Status
    We understand this company was deregistered and ceased to exist as of today's date. Capital Gains Tax event C2 happens upon cancellation of shares in a company. If you were a shareholder in this company, it is therefore possible you have a capital loss on worthless shares, depending on when you acquired the shares, how they were held and the nature and amount of distributions, if any, made in the course of the winding up. It is also possible that any distribution you received (or is as yet unclaimed) is deemed to be a dividend. Also note that small business CGT concessions may be available.11/12/2022
    We understand this company was deregistered and ceased to exist as of today's date. Capital Gains Tax event C2 happens upon cancellation of shares in a company. If you were a shareholder in this company, it is therefore possible you have a capital loss on worthless shares, depending on when you acquired the shares, how they were held and the nature and amount of distributions, if any, made in the course of the winding up. It is also possible that any distribution you received (or is as yet unclaimed) is deemed to be a dividend. Also note that small business CGT concessions may be available.11/12/2022